Tranxending Vision

Chapter 88: Teach unique skills


In the Liang family, an old man and two young men were dressed in clothes and eating.

On the table were a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, a plate of twice-cooked pork, a plate of fish-flavored eggplant, and a plate of vegetarian fried lettuce slices. These dishes were all fried by Xia Lei. This was also his celebration of acquiring the land. It was simple but substantial.

"Master, you eat a piece of pork ribs." Xia Lei picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it into Liang Zhengchun's bowl.

Liang Zhengchun beamed, "Eat, eat, you eat too, you don't have to pick up the food for me."

"Dad, just eat what Lei Zi brings you." Liang Siyao said with a smile, "Lei Zi told me more than once that he is his father."

"He can say this, but you can't say it casually." Liang Zhengchun smiled brightly and mysteriously, and there seemed to be something else in his words.

Liang Siyao's cheeks turned slightly red and she buried herself in eating.

Xia Lei was also a little embarrassed and lowered his head to eat.

Liang Zhengchun had no intention of letting Liang Siyao go. He hit Liang Siyao on the head with his chopsticks and said scolding: "Look at Lei Zi, a grown man who is so good at cooking, but you, a girl, only make instant noodles. Are you ashamed? Learn from Lei Zi. When you get married, you can't feed your husband and children instant noodles every day, right?"

"Dad..." Liang Siyao's face turned redder.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about you anymore, let's eat and eat." Liang Zhengchun stopped talking, but he couldn't hide the joy on his brows. Xia Lei could acquire land worth hundreds of millions for one million, which made him feel even more proud as a master.

After eating, Liang Siyao took the initiative to wash the dishes. Liang Zhengchun also called Xia Lei into his study.

This was actually the first time Xia Lei came to Liang Zhengchun's home, and he was surprised by the collection of books in Liang Zhengchun's study. In his sight, several rows of bookshelves were filled with books. Not only martial arts, but also natural sciences, literary masterpieces, etc., very comprehensive.

Xia Lei said: "Master, you love reading so much, I will bring you some good books next time."

Liang Zhengchun smiled and said, "Okay. When I'm not practicing martial arts, I just read, write and draw. Reading is good, but you should also read more books. Books can teach people knowledge and how to behave. reason."

Xia Lei said: "I remember."

Liang Zhengchun patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, "Master didn't call you here to teach you these principles. I think it's time to teach you something."

Xia Lei suddenly became excited. He knew that Liang Zhengchun was going to teach him the unique skills of Wing Chun.

Every Chinese man seems to have a Kung Fu dream, but there are very few people who have seen real Kung Fu, let alone learned it. With such an opportunity right in front of him, how could Xia Lei not be excited? He felt as if he had returned to his childhood. He had just watched "Hero" starring Jet Li and was looking forward to becoming a martial arts master. This martial arts master appeared in front of him and gave him guidance.

This feeling is really great!

"Leizi, how do you understand the concept of Dantian?" Liang Zhengchun did not teach boxing, but he asked such a strange question.

Xia Lei thought for a moment and touched his forehead awkwardly, "Master, I have only seen descriptions of Dantian in martial arts novels. Is it the place where internal energy is stored?"

Liang Zhengchun shook his head, then stretched out a finger and tapped Xia Lei's eyebrows, heart, and belly button respectively, and finally said: "What I pointed at is the Dantian, the upper Dantian is the upper Dantian, and the middle Dantian is the middle Dantian. The lower part is the lower Dantian. What you see in martial arts novels mostly refers to the lower Dantian behind the navel.”

Xia Lei nodded, it was not difficult to understand.

Liang Zhengchun went on to say: "Dantian is not a fictitious concept, but a real organ. "Huangting Scenery Sutra - The Upper Part Sutra" says: The vitality of breathing will be in the Dantian. Those who are in the Dantian are the yin and yang households three inches below the navel. The common people say To give birth to a son, a Taoist gives birth to a body. Do you understand what this means?"

Xia Lei silently understood these words, but in the end he shook his head. He knew very little about martial arts.

Liang Zhengchun smiled and said, "Actually, it's very simple. Dantian is an organ for people to practice qi and maintain health. If you practice it, it will make you strong and knowledgeable. If you ignore it, it will be like the atrophy of human muscles. It will wither. The masters of Taoist health care can live to be one hundred forty-four or fifty years old and still walk as fast as flying and have quick thinking, which is the embodiment of this truth."

Xia Lei seemed to understand, but he seemed to understand something, but if he was asked to say it, he couldn't say a word.

Liang Zhengchun added: "Inhale the air to store the field, refine the air to transform into the spirit. God is spirit and energy."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said, "Master, this knowledge is too profound for me to understand."

Liang Zhengchun said: "It's very simple. Practicing martial arts is to practice your energy and spirit, followed by your body. Master the rhythm and mystery of breathing, and be consistent with your own spirit, and you can gain more powerful power, which is the internal power in martial arts novels. .”

This time Xia Lei seemed to understand a little more, but his head was still a mess.

"Watch." Liang Zhengchun walked under a wall and made no prepared moves. He just took a breath and suddenly punched the wall.

boom! There was a muffled sound, and there was a shallow fist mark on the wall!

Xia Lei was stunned because what Liang Zhengchun hit was not a mud wall, but a load-bearing wall made of concrete!

At first, Xia Lei used his clairvoyance ability to spy on Liang Zhengchun's secret to exerting force, and he thought he had learned Wing Chun's unique skills. But now that Liang Zhengchun showed his skills, he realized that he was really a frog in the well at that time!

"Master, you are so strong!" After being stunned for a while, Xia Lei came back to his senses, his eyes filled with admiration.

Liang Zhengchun said: "As long as you work hard, you will become so strong."

"How should I practice?" Xia Lei was eager to try.

Liang Zhengchun walked to the desk and picked up a piece of rice paper, which was densely written with calligraphy. He handed the rice paper to Xia Lei, "Take a look, remember what's on it and tell me, and I'll teach you how to get started."

Xia Lei glanced at it and said, "Master, I remember it."

"Ah?" Liang Zhengchun said in surprise: "So fast?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, I'll recite it to you." He cleared his throat and recited it word by word, "Inhalation should be like a whale sucking water, exhalation should be like wind blowing sand..."

As expected, Xia Lei recited it word for word. Liang Zhengchun looked pleased and said, "It is indeed a good idea. Okay, I will teach you how to get started now. Don't go back tonight. You can go find Si Si later." Yao, let her practice with you, she can guide you."

Xia Lei nodded, "Well, I won't go back."

Xia Xue went to Kyoto to study, and there was no one at home. It made no difference whether Xia Lei went back or not.

Liang Zhengchun taught Xia Lei the unique skills of Wing Chun in his study. These are secrets passed down from generation to generation by Yan Yongchun's family. They have a history of hundreds of years and the hard work of ten generations. Now, Xia Lei has become the eleventh generation...

An hour later, Xia Lei left Liang Zhengchun's study and found Liang Siyao.

Liang Siyao was preparing the guest room for Xia Lei. Xia Lei saw the women's pajamas on the bed and the women's slippers under the bed. He was immediately speechless, "Siyao, this is..."

Liang Siyao said openly, "Mine."

"Yours?" Xia Lei couldn't believe the way he was sleeping on Liang Siyao's pajamas.

Liang Siyao smiled and said, "My dad never wears pajamas, and he doesn't have extra slippers. You can just wear them for one night. If I don't tell, and you don't tell, no one else will know."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and nodded. He doesn't mind a woman, but if he behaves coquettishly as a man, that would be inappropriate. Big deal, just don't wear pajamas. Just put on slippers, that doesn't matter.

"My dad is very strict, right?" Liang Siyao said.

Xia Lei said: "No, Master is very kind and careful."

Liang Siyao frowned immediately, "Eccentricity, when he taught me before, he beat me a lot. He was more ferocious than a tiger."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "That's because Master loves you. By the way, Master asked me to ask you for advice. Are you free?"

"Okay, I'll practice with you. If you don't understand anything, just ask me." Liang Siyao agreed readily.

The two started practicing in the guest room.

Xia Rezama, inhale and make a fist, exhale and punch, in a measured and orderly manner. Through the rhythm of his breathing, he felt that his fist was stronger than before, with such strength and hardness.

Liang Siyao was on hand to give pointers and correct any mistakes.

"There's something wrong here, you exhale too fast." Liang Siyao stood next to Xia Lei, holding his forearm with one hand and pressing his navel with the other, "You are doing this once."

Her hands were soft and warm, and the part she was pressing was close to a sensitive area. Xia Lei's nerves suddenly became tense.

Liang Siyao didn't notice Xia Lei's change. She gently pressed Xia Lei's abdomen with her little hand and urged: "Breathe in, breathe in, what are you doing?"

Xia Lei quickly inhaled, then exhaled and punched. But all he could think about was Liang Siyao's beautiful face, proud peaks and curves of her hips. He closed his eyes nervously, afraid that his left eye would do something wrong.

Liang Siyao walked around to the front of him again, changed her hand and gently pressed his lower abdomen, "Do it again."

Xia Lei's reaction became sluggish and his movements became stiff.

As if she noticed something, Liang Siyao's eyes suddenly fell slightly lower. Her face suddenly turned red, and she walked around behind Xia Lei, pretending to be calm and said: "Well, um... just do what you just said. Just do it again."

Xia Lei was very embarrassed, but she couldn't control it. Who let her touch his belly

There is a man and a woman, both of whom are single. If they learn martial arts in the same room, some embarrassing things will inevitably happen. However, Liang Siyao was very patient. Sometimes it was obviously embarrassing, but she could still overcome it and guide Xia Lei carefully.

This practice lasted until very late.

"Okay, that's it for today. We'll practice again tomorrow." Liang Siyao was also sweating from exhaustion. The thin T-shirt stuck to her skin. The size of her chest was even more majestic, and the curves of her legs were also more slender. Yurun.

"Good night." Xia Lei didn't dare to look at her body.

After Liang Siyao left, Xia Lei grabbed the pajamas that Liang Siyao had placed on his chest, smelling a faint fragrance. That was Liang Siyao's body fragrance. He had smelled it from her body just now. It was the same smell.

"I can't practice with her like this next time. She may be okay, but I feel bad." Xia Lei glanced at his pants with some depression.

ps: Thanks to Brother Ba Jianxiong and Zimu Shuanghua for the reward!