Tranxending Vision

Chapter 96: The value of land


The morning sun is bright and the construction site of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company is busy. The grassroots team Liang Siyao recruited from the Polytechnic Institute was busy measuring the land and drawing drawings. The Forester Company's freight fleet and engineering team also arrived. Truckloads of new building materials entered the site, and the engineering team also began preliminary preparations.

If nothing unexpected happens, a factory will appear on this land in a month, and the gilded signboard of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company will also be hung on the door of the factory.

Looking at the busy scene, Xia Lei felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart. He said softly: "Xiao An, I really hope you are here to take a look. If you give it a few more days, I will soon avenge you. Huang Yihu is finished. Yes, I promise you."

Ma Xiaoan definitely couldn't hear his voice, but if he heard it, he would be happy.

Liang Siyao walked around the construction site with Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao, and the three of them talked about the details of the drawing design. Liang Siyao didn't know about the beatings of the employees until she came to the construction site. She was angry for a while, but she quickly got into work.

Xia Lei walked towards the three of them, and his conversation fell into his ears.

Guan Lingshan said: "Ms. Liang, I suggest that the company's office building be built on the roadside, so that customers can see our office building when they come."

Yin Hao said: "I suggest building the warehouse on the roadside, so that it is convenient for raw materials to come in and finished products to go out. We can also save some transportation costs."

Liang Siyao said: "What you said makes sense. I have to ask Mr. Xia for his opinion."

Xia Lei happened to walk over and said with a smile, "I have a different idea than you."

Only then did the three of them realize that Xia Lei was coming. Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao both called Mr. Xia politely.

Liang Siyao smiled at Xia Lei, that smile was kind and sweet, "What are your different ideas?"

Xia Lei said: "My idea is that we can't use such a large piece of land for the time being."

Liang Siyao, Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao all looked at Xia Lei with curious eyes, not understanding what he meant.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I have been observing our land this morning. You see, this road goes past a large community with convenient transportation and a large flow of people. Why don't we use the land adjacent to the road? Let’s build a building here, not for offices, but for opening a large supermarket. In this way, we can make a lot of money a year.”

"Open a supermarket?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei in surprise. She couldn't believe that Xia Lei came up with this idea.

Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao were also stunned, unable to believe that Xia Lei would have such an idea.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Why are you looking at me like this? Huang Yihu worked hard to get this land, isn't it just because it has a high value? I won this land, although the government stipulates that I can't transfer it It is sold and rented, but there are no regulations on how I use it. I set aside a piece of land to build a supermarket. The shop is our own. We don’t need to pay rent, and our goods can be sold at a lower price. We are not afraid of losing money. Do people come to our supermarket to buy things? Don’t underestimate the profits of a supermarket. If the daily shipment volume is large, it is not a problem to make hundreds or tens of millions a year. This income is equivalent to picking up for nothing. We Don’t you? It’s also good to use this money to improve employee benefits.”

Building a supermarket in the best location of the land seemed like a random idea, but it was also Xia Lei's helpless choice.

Opening a company is no different than opening a studio. To open a studio, there is no need to buy five insurances and one fund for employees. But after opening a company, every employee must buy five insurances and one fund, which is a huge expense. The company is newly built and has hundreds of employees. It requires a huge amount of expenses every day. If there is a slight cutoff in funds, he, the boss, will be in the embarrassing situation of having nothing to eat. But if you open a large supermarket at the best location at the port, the income from the supermarket can alleviate the pressure in this area, so why not

Liang Siyao suddenly laughed, "I really didn't expect it. This is such a great idea. It would be a waste to use this land to build a factory. It would be really stupid if we don't make use of its value. Okay , I agree to build a supermarket. However, the supermarket can be built with three floors, one underground and two above ground. Our office building is on the third and fourth floors above ground. What do you think?"

Guan Lingshan interjected: "In this case, we can also save a lot of money on building office buildings."

Yin Hao also said excitedly: "Well, we only need to build a dedicated passage. We can go to the third and fourth floors from the factory. We don't need to enter from the supermarket. People from the supermarket cannot enter our office area, and it will not affect the We have an office."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you finish the drawings quickly?"

"Let's go now." Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao said in unison. When they realized that they had said the same thing, they looked at each other and smiled, looking a little embarrassed.

After Guan Lingshan and Yin Hao left, Liang Siyao said, "If you want to open a supermarket, who will manage it?"

Xia Lei said: "I have already found someone, he should be able to do it."

"Who?" Liang Siyao asked.

At this moment, a Yamaha motorcycle came roaring from the road and stopped suddenly on the side of the road. A young man wearing tight leather shorts and a white embroidered T-shirt got out of the car. He had a beautiful face, a well-proportioned figure, and a round butt that was outlined. He was full of demons. This was exactly what Xia Lei wanted to mention just now. Character, Qin Xiang.

When Qin Xiang appeared, many people couldn't help but look at him twice, and some were talking in whispers. Qin Xiang seemed to have long been accustomed to other people's strange looks. He walked towards Xia Lei and Liang Siyao calmly and nonchalantly.

This was the first time Liang Siyao saw Qin Xiang. She couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Who is this? Is this your friend?"

Xia Lei said: "His name is Qin Xiang, he is what I just wanted to tell you, the person who manages the supermarket for us."

"Huh?" Liang Siyao was immediately dumbfounded, looking at Xia Lei a little abnormally.

Xia Lei walked up to him and said in a low voice: "You guy, didn't I ask you to hide for a few days?"

Qin Xiang said: "I've thought about it. Huang Yihu has nothing to threaten me anymore. Why should I avoid him? Besides, he can't find you when he can't find me. He won't catch him without hesitation. He is now It's very dangerous, I have to be with you, and having more people around you will give you more protection."

Xia Lei sighed, "Okay, you're here, just stay. Let me introduce to you, this is my senior sister, Liang Siyao."

A charming smile suddenly appeared on Qin Xiang's face, and she said coquettishly: "Oh, Miss Liang is so beautiful."

Liang Siyao felt strange, but she still squeezed out a smile, and then shook hands with Qin Xiang, "Hello, Mr. Qin Xiao..."

She almost said Miss Qin. Qin Xiang looks too much like a woman, but she is just like a woman, not a real woman.

Qin Xiang said in surprise: "Miss Liang, do you know me?"

Liang Siyao said: "Well, we were talking about you just now. Lei Zi wants to build a large supermarket and let you help him manage it."

Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "What's going on?"

Xia Lei said what he had just thought, and then said: "Isn't your hair salon burned down? You have nowhere to go anyway, so come over and help me."

Qin Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, it would be nice to change the environment. I'll give it a try."

"Miss Liang!" Guan Lingshan called: "Can you come over? There is a place that I need you to confirm."

Liang Siyao said, "I'll go over and take a look. You guys can talk."

Qin Xiang said very gently: "Well, Miss Liang, see you later." After saying that, he waved his hand. His hands are white and tender.

Liang Siyao turned around and left, taking two steps before muttering: "Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore... Isn't Lei Zi that kind of person? No, no, Lei Zi is so sensitive when we practice kung fu, that kind of change It's so obvious, I've seen it several times, he's normal..."

After Liang Siyao left, Xia Lei spoke up and said, "Has the report letter been sent out?"

Qin Xiang said: "I made several copies of the report letter you wrote and sent it to the anti-corruption departments in the province and city. In addition, I also sent it to two media." At this point, he laughed, " Also, I want to tell you that the video you uploaded to the Internet has gone viral, and now has more than 200,000 clicks and thousands of comments. I believe there will be news websites reporting on it soon."

Xia Lei also had a smile on his face, "I'm afraid Huang Yihu is really doomed this time."

Qin Xiang said: "I'm afraid he never dreamed that the safe he imported from Germany would be opened by you all at once, and he never imagined that you turned out to be a powerful thief."

Xia Lei has never been a big thief, but he can open safes that even big thieves cannot. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration at all for Qin Xiang to say that he is a big thief.

At this moment, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to the direction where the road extended. A black Maybach business car stopped on the roadside about 500 meters away. Although separated by such a long distance, he still saw Huang Yihu sitting in the cab.

Huang Yihu finally showed up.

Xia Lei was not surprised at all when Huang Yihu appeared during this time period.

Just when Xia Lei discovered Huang Yihu, five vans drove up from behind the black Maybach business car, not very fast, with seven people sitting in each vehicle. Although separated by the iron sheet of the car body, Xia Lei still saw the situation in the car. Those people were Huang Yihu's men, and they all held weapons such as machetes and baseball bats in their hands.

Xia Lei's eyes were fixed on the last van. There were seven people sitting in the vans in front, but there were only four people sitting in this van. They are all Huang Yihu's personal bodyguards. They all have guns on them!

"Let's go!" Xia Lei looked away and pushed Qin Xiang, "Huang Yihu is here with someone!"

Qin Xiang said in shock: "Where?"

Xia Lei didn't have time to explain to him, he shouted loudly: "Siyao, take our people and leave quickly!"

Only then did Qin Xiang notice the five vans approaching, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Liang Siyao still didn't understand what happened. She asked, "What are you doing? Why are you leaving?"

Xia Lei said anxiously: "Huang Yihu is bringing someone here!"

At this time, five vans stopped, the doors opened, and a group of vicious young men rushed over with machetes and other weapons.