Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure

Chapter 15


Black Hunter—Yang Yi is no stranger to this name. In the Xinghuo tribe, everyone can always hear this man mentioned.

He has a very high prestige in the hearts of the Xinghuo tribe.

The man was a brave warrior and a respected leader, many people had been blessed by him.

Back then, this group of old, weak, sick and disabled were able to come here across such a long distance, and it had a great relationship with this man.

Otherwise, there would not be a group of warriors who would dare to disobey the chief's order and escort them.

If not, few of them would have come here without food, clothing and weapons.

Now the hunting team can cooperate so tacitly, especially those ordinary people who joined later, they can adapt quickly, which is also the result of this man's training.

Otherwise, relying solely on weapons and without tactics, it would be difficult to catch so many prey in a short period of time.

From the words of everyone, Yang Yi also had some vague ideas about the image of this man.

The thought of this man is beyond the law of the jungle that prevails in this world, and he believes and can play the role of the weak. This is a very rare quality and ability.

Yang Yi can make everyone do their best, but it is only based on the foundation of the predecessors, whether it is the consciousness of "I am born with usefulness", or various items and knowledge beyond the civilization here.

Yang Yi admires such a strong man, but at the same time, he also has his own worries and worries.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

He is now the leader of the Starfire Tribe, what impact will the arrival of that man have on him

What is the purpose of his coming

To bring this group of people back to the Blackstone Tribe, or do they have other plans

No matter which one it is, it is a challenge for Yang Yi.

Yang Yi has no idea in his heart, but now at this juncture, he can only face it positively.

"Envoy, it's really Black Hunter! It's really him!"

Mao rushed to Yang Yi's side, his face showing excitement as he jumped and jumped.

Yang Yi touched his shaved round head: "Very happy?"

"Of course! Black Hunter is the greatest warrior in the world!"

Mao's eyes were full of admiration, which was a kind of yearning for the strong, which was different from the admiration he looked at Yang Yi.

Jiao also couldn't hide his excitement, his eyes were full of expectation: "With him in our tribe, we will be stronger."

Recently, the life of the tribe has been going well because of Yang Yi's arrival, but everyone knows very well in their hearts that they are still too weak and are still in danger.

Jiao has always felt sorry for using the precious fine salt every day, and wanted to exchange it for more coarse salt, but he didn't dare to have such an idea at all.

Because although they have good weapons, their strength is too weak and their number is too small. Holding such precious items will only become fat in the eyes of others.

It is very likely that not only did you not get what you wanted, but you also lost fine salt and even your life.

"What if he brought you back to the former tribe?" Yang Yi asked.

Jiao froze.

"I don't want to go back to the Blackstone Tribe, we are the Spark Tribe!" Mao's tender voice was firm.

Jiao immediately realized: "Yes, yes, we are the Xinghuo tribe, and we will never leave our tribe."

This is their home, and even Black Hunt cannot make them leave this place.

They once imagined that they could return to the Blackstone Tribe one day, but after experiencing so much, they were already disappointed in the place that could not accommodate them.

Now everything starts again, this is their tribe and their home.

Yang Yi was very comforted when he heard this sentence.

This is also his tribe, and no one wants the people in his tribe to turn their backs and leave.

On the other side, the large army headed by Black Hunt finally rushed to the Black Forest and found traces of the abandoned people.

They came after them, and the warriors with excellent eyesight saw a human gathering place in the distance.

"What is that?! It turned out to be transparent!" the little monkey yelled in disbelief.

The soldiers who saw it were all surprised. Was this really built by humans? Isn't it a miracle

Hei Lie's eyesight is better than others' to see the appearance of the strange house, and all the materials are not seen before.

There is also a thatched house nearby, and the construction method is different from what they know, it is more spacious and more sheltered from wind and rain.

"Be alert!" Black Hunter narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and ordered loudly.

This is by no means something Jing and the group of people can do. Whether those people are enemies or friends is still unknown!

To be able to build such a miracle, the strength is definitely not weak.

Everyone moved quickly and put up a defensive position in an orderly manner.

The team of nearly a thousand people, including the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, all acted uniformly and were full of momentum.

At this moment, they are not just individual numbers, but a powerful team with a combat power much stronger than the sum of individual soldiers.

"Black Hunter! It's me!"

A person ran from a distance, moving quickly and briskly.

"What do I think of that portrait?" The little monkey rubbed his eyes, no matter how familiar he looked.

Chi immediately denied: "How is it possible, Feng broke a leg, it is impossible to run so fast."

Every time I think of this incident, everyone regrets it.

Feng is a very young second-level fighter who will soon break through, and everyone is very optimistic about him.

Unfortunately, in a hunt, he lost a leg.

Although he survived tenaciously, he was like a useless person, unable to hunt anymore.

Hei Lie opened his eyes wide, saw the person coming from a distance, and said with an incredulous expression, "It's Feng! It's that guy."

"How is this possible?" Everyone was shocked and rushed over.

Really rich!

He is not missing a leg, how can he still run

Wait, his leg... what's that

"Hei Lie, you are finally here! I knew you would come!"

Excitedly, Feng rushed to Hei Lie, and punched the position above Hei Lie's heart with his fist.

This is the way men greet each other, and Black Hunter also returned the past: "I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Feng, you have a new leg? Oh, my God, what is this?" The monkey squatted down to observe, and even touched it with its hand.

Everyone stared at Feng's new legs with incredulous eyes.

This is metal? Looks like very strong and sharp metal!

Feng grinned, proudly showing off his new metal legs: "This is my new leg, I am no longer a damn broken leg, I am still a terrifying warrior!"

A group of people who voluntarily separated from the Blackstone tribe always thought that the former deportees were now living a miserable life, and even prepared for them all to die.

Some people even deliberately left their rations, thinking that if they saw them then, they could give them some.

Never thought that when they met, it was completely different from what they imagined!

They all had smiles on their faces, were in good health and showed no sign of starvation. A disabled person like Feng has a new life.

After leaving the Blackstone Tribe, their lives were not miserable, and even better than before.

Especially when I saw the residences they built, I felt this deeply.

Everything looks so neat and orderly, and the houses that have never been seen before seem to be sheltered from wind and rain. The surrounding land has been overturned and separated into a square shape.

Although I don't understand why they did this, it seems to be full of human breath, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

The soldiers noticed the tall house. Although they saw such a building for the first time, they quickly saw what it was for.

On such a plain, with such a tower, one can see far away! Be able to know the beasts and enemies in advance.

The most important thing is that the various tools in their hands are all very hard metal.

Such a precious metal, they actually used it to dig the ground? !

The soldiers really didn't know what to say, they felt as if they were in a dream.

A group of people who should have been impoverished were enviably rich.

Everyone looked shocked. They prepared for the worst, never expecting to see this scene.

And all of this comes from one person.

"This is the envoy of God! He was sent by God to help us!" Feng excitedly brought Black Lie and his party to Yang Yi.

Hei Lie could see from a distance the man who had been touted by Feng and others as an envoy of God. He stood out among the crowd, making him easy to see.

His clothes and his appearance are very different.

Different from the luxurious and cumbersome clothes of the leader of the caravan in the Western Continent, the man in front of him is dressed in complex and precious fabrics, but the style is extremely simple and practical, which is very suitable for survival in the wild.

The appearance is more delicate than that of a woman, and the body is not strong enough, but it is full of mystery, which makes people not look down upon.

He doesn't belong here.

This is Hei Lie's first impression of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi felt as if he was being stared at by a ferocious beast, its eyes were sharp and stern, as if it would pounce on him at any moment and bite his neck open.

The man I heard for a long time was indeed as everyone said, strong, tough and very sharp, walking step by step like a god of war descending into the world.

He is not as tall and burly as a rock, but the aura around him crushes everyone. It is extremely deterrent and brings an invisible sense of oppression.

This man is not easy to mess with.

This is Yang Yi's first impression of Black Hunt.

"Thank you for everything you have done." Black Hunter took the initiative to speak.

The man's voice was low and gentle, not as aggressive as his surrounding aura.

Yang Yi suppressed all kinds of emotions in his heart: "You are welcome, I am also for myself."

The two looked at each other, trying to see something in each other's eyes.

"Black Hunter, Black Hunter! Are you here to take us away this time, or are you staying here?"

Mao couldn't bear to lean over to ask, breaking the frozen atmosphere.

Jiao also looked over: "What does Chief Blackstone mean?"

She has seen that something is wrong with the Black Hunt team, but she still wants to know the exact answer.

"Our group has already left the Blackstone tribe." Black Hunter's tone was calm, as if this was not something worth caring about.

"From now on, we are all the same and have nothing to do with the Blackstone tribe."

Everyone in the Starfire Tribe cheered. They didn't want to go back to the Blackstone Tribe. Even though there were many dangers, they still didn't want to go back to the place that wanted to sell them as meat.

Mao asked excitedly: "Then can you be with us in the future? We now have a new tribe! It's called the Xinghuo tribe, isn't it a great name!"

All eyes were on Black Hunter. Although they used to belong to a tribe, Black Hunter came here to find members of Xinghuo tribe.

But now that the Starfire Tribe has been established and has become an independent existence, things are not that simple.

Hei Lie didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at Yang Yi.

"what are you thinking?"