Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure

Chapter 27


One night when the wood was fumigated, probably because the sawdust was compacted enough, there was no open flame.

Tested with a wood moisture content meter, it was found that it was dried by several coefficients, and the effect was very obvious.

"At present, everything is developing in a good direction. Now you only pay attention to regular observation every day and record the data."

Yang Yi is very satisfied with the result, at least for now it feels simpler and smoother than expected.

Now patiently waiting for the result, there is only so much he can do.

"Envoy of God, don't worry, I will definitely keep an eye on it."

Ming's expression was very serious, and his eyes were slightly blue.

He was very nervous last night, afraid that something would happen, he stared at it all night without sleep, wishing to stick his eyeballs here.

"You don't need to stare at it all the time, you have to schedule reasonable breaks."

"Envoy, I'm not tired!"

Yang Yi shook his head: "In the future, a lot of wood will be dried at the same time. You can't keep an eye on all of them, and it's impossible to send so many people. Now you have to learn how to ensure that they go according to their own ideas within a certain period of time, instead of Always think about emergencies.”

Ming blinked, trying to understand Yang Yi's words.

"Don't stare at one prey, what you want to see is the whole forest." Hei Lie said.

Ming suddenly realized: "Envoy, chief, I understand!"

Yang Yi: "..."

After working so hard to say such a long paragraph, it is not as good as someone else's short metaphor

Yang Yi felt that he had to practice his expressive ability well.

When he left the wood-drying land, Yang Yi left two clockwork alarm clocks for Ming, so that he could watch regularly.

Before, Yang Yi also gave each team two or more mechanical watches, usually for the captain and documents, so that they could make more reasonable arrangements.

The journey from the wood drying land to the pottery making land is not too far away, but Hei Lie is still willing to serve as a means of transportation, otherwise, according to Yang Yi's speed, it will become far away.

But this time Yang Yi was not carried by Hei Lie, but someone made a back chair out of golden nanmu planks and safety ropes.

In this way, it not only avoids the embarrassment of Yang Yi being close to the body, but also allows Black Hunter to release his hands to deal with some emergencies.

There is no real safe place in the wild. It looks calm and you need to be careful all the time.

"What are you thinking?" Yang Yi keenly felt that Hei Lie was in distress, and he was very silent.

When marching in a hurry, although everyone didn't talk much, and all their senses were focused on vigilance of the surroundings, there was still a difference from Black Hunter now.

Even with their backs facing each other, Yang Yi still clearly sensed the strange emotion of Black Hunter, which is probably the effect of the symbiotic contract.

"I'm thinking, if there is no clock in the future, how will I know the exact time?"

They used to only know the approximate time, such as morning, noon, evening, etc., but they have never been so precise, and they can be accurate to an instant.

"This problem can be solved, but it is not as convenient as a clock that is always carried."

Yang Yi is not too worried about this, he has many books on how to make clocks.

Complicated ones are not easy to make, but standard watches and missing engravings are not difficult, especially if they have clocks and watches, they will become simpler.

The standard is to use shadows, which are not very useful on cloudy days. Leak engraving uses water droplets, so it is not affected by sunny or rainy days.

Only then did Hei Lie feel relieved, not as preoccupied as before.

"I'm glad to see you're willing to think about this."

"This is what it should be, isn't it?" Hei Lie said naturally, "You said that you have to plan for a rainy day when you do everything."

He is the chief, bearing the trust of thousands of people.

What he has to consider is not only the present, but also the future. He doesn't want to see the tribe lose its vitality because of 'lost', and he doesn't want to lose the convenience of having the present because of worrying about 'lost'.

What he has to do is balance, so that he can use what he has now to build the tribe without making everyone overly dependent.

That's why he and Yang Yi convinced everyone that this was a gift from God to tide them over temporarily.

One day, God will make them disappear.

Only if it is God, everyone is willing to believe and accept this, because no one can fight against God.

Otherwise, all kinds of negative emotions will be generated because it is difficult to bear the convenience in the past, which is very dangerous for a tribe.

Black Hunter understands from Chief Blackstone that the human heart is very important to a tribe, not weaker than having a strong force.

"That's the truth, not everyone can do it."

Yang Yi admired it, because he couldn't do it.

It's one thing to say it, but it's often another thing to do it. His mobility is very poor.

In particular, his family background is good, and he will not do anything all his life and worry about food and drink, which makes him lazy and does not have the ideals and ambitions that many people have.

That is to say, here, there is really nothing to do, so I have to move.

"We just want to survive."

Yang Yi's heart tightened, and he sighed deeply, being able to be lazy actually shows that life is still passable.

Black Hunt and all other members of the Starfire tribe, they are very mobile, and procrastination does not exist in them at all.

If they have nothing to do, they will start to panic instead, worrying that they will be eliminated.

This kind of elimination is to experience death directly, rather than starve to death in imagination.

In the place where Yang Yi lived in the past, it is true that he did not live well, but there is no possibility of not being able to survive. To put it to the extreme, the leftovers in the trash cans on the side of the road are enough to feed many people.

Survival is tough, filling these people with even more strength.

It took only half an hour for the group to arrive at the pottery production site.

From a long distance, smoke was seen floating in the distance, and this group of people had already started firing pottery.

The pottery team also found them early by using the watchtower, and raised a conspicuous red flag and waved it.

Hei Hunter and his group approached, and Hui, who was in charge of the pottery group, came over to greet him with mud still in his hands, smiling cheerfully, not seeing the decadence and decay at all.

Hui's age is considered very old in the tribe, about the same as Jiao's.

He is an old soldier with ordinary strength, and his combat effectiveness is not as good as that of ordinary people when he is old.

After being expelled, he followed the big guy all the way to the Black Forest.

He was not seriously injured, but his health also became unwell due to the bumps along the way, and he gradually improved after he took care of him.

At first, he thought he was a drag, working diligently every day, and he gave up struggling and waited for death in his heart. Until Yang Yi taught them how to make pottery, he found that he could find other things he could do on it besides hunting!

Hui became energetic all of a sudden, and he didn't look as old as before, as if he was several years younger, and his whole body was radiant.

In fact, he was a middle-aged man with a strong body at his age on Earth, not to mention that he had the physique of a warrior.

It's just that you can't see your own value, self-denial and can't find your own position, which leads to the decline of your body.

There are still many such people, and almost all the abandoned people have changed a lot from before.

Hei Lie clenched his fist and thumped it lightly: "It seems that we will wait for good news today."

Hui wanted to return the gift, but when he saw his hand was put down again, his eyes and tone couldn't hide the excitement in his heart:

"Envoy, chief, a new batch of pottery has just been fired! It is much stronger than the ones we made before, and it is more beautiful, smooth, and beautiful black!"

Hei Lie and Yang Yi also became interested when they heard this, and went to check directly without talking nonsense.

When trying to make pottery here before to see if it was suitable, Yang Yi knew that the quality of the clay here was better than those near the tribe.

However, because the news is not easy to communicate with each other, more information is not known.

When Yang Yi saw Hui Jin showing off the bottled pottery that had been fired, he was stunned.

Hei Tao! This is black pottery!

Its color is as black as lacquer, and its surface is very smooth, very similar to porcelain. You can even see the reflection of a person when you hold it in your hand.

The appearance is deep and full of texture, it is not like a daily utensil, but more like a work of art.

"How did you make it?"

Yang Yi was simply in admiration, how long it took to make black pottery!

Black pottery appeared on the earth in the Neolithic period, and it is a very good type of pottery. It is known as "the art of earth and fire, the crystallization of power and beauty".

Nowadays, black pottery is also made into handicrafts by some skilled people, which are very beautiful and stylish.

The formation of black pottery is made by carburizing during the firing process, and has high requirements for clay.

The soil should be fine, sand-free, highly viscous, and rich in various mineral elements, so that it can produce pure black and uniform texture during firing.

Taking a closer look at Hei Tao in front of him, there are actually many flaws, but it has already made leaps and bounds.

Yang Yi originally only thought that as long as the current tasks of the pottery group can meet the daily needs, it can also be exchanged.

Unexpectedly, these people have far exceeded his expectations.

"The clay here is better. You can use a drawing machine to pull the mud thinner and more evenly without washing it. But it is too thin, and I am worried that it is not strong enough and easy to break, and it is not smooth enough, so I searched for it. It is made by pressing a stone continuously."

Yang Yi frowned slightly: "It can't be burned into black like this, there should be a process of carburizing."

Hui looked puzzled, not understanding what carburizing technology is.

"Did you add water from the top of the kiln in the later stage?"

"Yes, yes! The envoy is indeed an envoy, and knows everything."

Hui said as he touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Actually, this is because once we didn't control the fire and time well, we just wanted to extinguish the fire little by little, but we didn't expect to get out such a beautiful black pottery by mistake. In fact, we didn't do it well the first time. The one you have now is the eighth batch."

Hui is a person who dares to try. He thinks this black is too beautiful and wants to make it.

So carefully study which step will lead to such a result, and how to improve it to make it better.

When firing the second time, it was obviously more successful than the first time.

The pottery made by using the new method will be more beautiful. It is only after practicing time after time and summarizing experience and improving technology again and again that the present results are achieved.

Hui didn't know that it was because the charcoal was extinguished to produce thick smoke, which smoked the pottery and completed the carbon infiltration process, making the pottery naturally black.

He just touched the key point by accident, and found a way to improve it through exploration and practice.

The brilliant civilization enjoyed by future generations is the result of the exploration and practice of these predecessors with their own wisdom.

"You are a very good and hardworking person, and God will bless you."

Yang Yi stretched out his hand, Hui Hui lowered his body and knelt down in front of him excitedly.

Yang Yi originally didn't want to accept this kind of kneeling, as a modern person, it's hard to get used to it.

But Hei Lie said that he represented God, and he tried to accept it because everyone wanted to express their piety.

Facts have shown that these people eat this trick.

Yang Yi felt that he was becoming more and more like a big fool.

Putting his hands on top of Hui's head, he hummed a Chinese song with the meaning of blessing, and the ceremony was considered complete.

However, Yang Yi prefers practical rewards. What he gave was still an outdoor multifunctional saber.

Everyone was very excited. Although they were far away from the tribe, they had already heard the news and knew that this was a symbol of glory!

"It's too close to the kiln, will it be too smoked?"

Yang Yi watched a group of people pull the mud in the shed, and there was a kiln not far away. There was a strong smell of smoke, and the air was a bit turbid.

"Envoy, we like to stay here, and we feel happy when we look at the fire. It's also warmer, and our fingers are more sensitive, so that we can make better blanks."

Hui said disapprovingly, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all.

When they go to sleep at night, they are unwilling to leave here, and they all lie near the kiln, and warm water is provided at any time.

Don't worry about the cold, don't worry about food, and the things you do every day are so easy, I never thought about such a day before.

They can still chat leisurely while working, and the most they say is that they hope to continue like this.

Sometimes, they even feel that they are too laid back. Compared with other groups, I always feel that I have taken advantage of it.

In order to reassure themselves, and not to be easily replaced, everyone racked their brains to make pottery better.

It is not only practical but also beautiful, so that we can get more things in the transaction.

Even the primitive people struggling on the line of food and clothing have pursuit of beauty.

Yang Yi shook his head in disapproval: "The air here is not good, and it will affect the body after a long time. When the weather is warmer, try to stay away as much as possible."

Seeing that Yang Yi was serious about what he said, although he still didn't care about it in his heart, he still agreed and would carry it out.

The drawing machine used by everyone is to cut a large piece of wood into a disc, drill a hole under the disc and put a stick into it as a vertical shaft, the lower end of the vertical shaft is buried in the soil, and a hub is made on the top to facilitate the rotation of the disc.

When pulling the billet, turn the round wheel to make it rotate smoothly, and use the rotating force of the disc to pull the mud into the desired shape with both hands.

The casting machine they made is not much different from the ones on the earth, except that it needs human power to rotate, and the current ones on the earth are basically electric.

With the drawing machine, the speed is much more uniform than that of slowly kneading with clay strips before, and the fired pottery is more beautiful, with uniform thickness and fineness, and it is not easy to be burned.

There were a total of 30 people pulling the mud, most of whom were the old and the weak who were abandoned at the earliest.

When the pottery group was established, they took the initiative to apply to make pottery.

It is always safer and more comfortable to be outside than not to be in the tribe. Once something happens, the people in the tribe will not be able to rush to the rescue.

They still came here without hesitation, because they understood the importance of pottery, wanted to do something for the tribe, and didn't want to be taken care of.

The production speed of these people is not fast, but they are very careful and patient.

They didn't study for a long time, but they all did well.

Yang Yi looked at the pottery embryos being dried in the shade, and the skill had obviously improved, which was about the same level as what Yang Yi had seen on Earth, so this was the only way to produce high-quality black pottery.

"You guys actually made your own blower."

When Yang Yi walked near the kiln, he saw a person using a clay blower to increase the firepower.

If you want to burn high-quality porcelain, the temperature is very critical. When the temperature is sufficient, you can still burn porcelain.

One of the materials Yang Yi gave to the pottery team was a hand blower. At that time, thinking that everything was just beginning, he didn't tell them to think about how to make it themselves.

Unexpectedly, they made it very consciously.

Hui smiled brightly, revealing a mouthful of ground teeth:

"We felt that the structure of the blower was not very complicated, and there were drawings of various parts. We tried to knead similar shapes out of mud, and asked the logging transport team to help find hard wood to make boards. Unexpectedly, it was really It's done!"

Yang Yi gave him a thumbs up: "You guys are really amazing."

Hui was also very happy to be praised: "We are still thinking about how to change it so that two people can turn it together. It's like chopping a tree and pulling a saw, the effect will be better if two people work together!"

"You will succeed." Yang Yi affirmed.

Now the pottery group has only built three kilns, each of which is bigger than the other. This is all slowly groping for experience step by step, and they continue to enlarge the kiln when they feel that they can start firing in large quantities.

"If this firing is successful, we can build more kilns, which can fire thousands of pottery bowls at a time." Hui said a little excitedly.

Hui was also an auditor before, and he studied well. Now I am leading the pottery group to study together, and everyone can count and do some simple addition and subtraction now.

"What is the success rate?"

"This time, I think the number of broken hands in a thousand will not exceed two palms." Hui Hui was very confident.

Not only Yang Yi, but Hei Lie was also amazed: "So tall?"

The gray waist is more upright than before, very proud:

"The opening of the kiln this time allows everyone in the tribe to have their own bowl! And it's black, unique!"

This should be the expectation of every Xinghuo tribe member. A lot of their food now needs to be served in bowls, and if there are not enough bowls, it will become a problem.

Either a few people grab it together, or you have to wait in line.

It was almost torturous that their tribe's food was so good.

So everyone is very happy to hear this news, which will bring great changes to the life of the tribe.

"In the future, we can also fire other pottery, which is convenient for everyone to use in daily life, but we have encountered a very big problem now."

Hei Lie understood as soon as he heard it: "Not enough firewood for the fire?"

"Yes, according to our current speed of making pottery embryos, it is absolutely possible to fire more than three kilns at the same time, but then there is not enough firewood."

The wood of the logging transport team is used to build houses, and their pottery team has a special logging team, and only five people are assigned.

"I will send more people here, not only those who cut the wood, but also those who pull the billets and defend it." Hei Hunter said.

Yang Yi glanced at Hei Lie: "You are going to do something big."

So much pottery is obviously not just for exchanging the needs of life.

"A lot of things can be bought back in exchange, including population."

Yang Yi understood that this was to buy slaves.

Many tribes already had slaves, most of whom were plundered in wars, and these slaves were not regarded as human beings.

In some tribes who are not taboo about meat and vegetables, they are also used as food reserves.

This is undoubtedly the fastest way to increase the population. Although Yang Yi felt uncomfortable, he didn't say anything.

This world is different from before, what he can do is to make those slaves live like ordinary people.

"Does the Western Continent Caravan have such beautiful pottery?"

"No." After Black Hunter finished speaking, he shook his head again: "Accurately speaking, he did not show us. He is a cunning person, and he did not exchange real good things with us."

"Then how do you know he'll have something better?"

"He once wanted to bribe me, and brought out better pottery and fine wine." Black Hunter was a little resentful at first, but then he was a little proud.

"But those pottery are far inferior to our black pottery! I guess their best pottery should not be much better than ours."

Yang Yi is also very confident about this, at least their black pottery will not be bad.

Black pottery can still be a work of art on the present earth and will not be replaced by the brilliance of porcelain. It has its own special beauty.

According to his situation on the Western Continent, it can be inferred that they live a relatively prosperous life and already have a privileged class, so they have higher requirements for the items they use than ordinary people.

Their black pottery does exactly that!

Once the transaction is established, the people of their Eastern Continent can also obtain more things from the Western Continent.

There are many things in Yang Yi's space, but no livestock.

People in the Western Continent had tamed horses and probably other domestic animals as well.

Of course, there is no transaction yet, everything is just guesswork, and they are not in a hurry to realize it, and their skills still need to be improved.

Ever since Yang Yi learned that a rough pottery can be exchanged for a lot of furs in the Western Continent, he felt a burst of angina.

That kind of pottery was very rough, not much better than what he made by hand, but with some patterns on it.

According to their current craftsmanship, even if they can't reach a deal with the Western Continent caravan, it is still easy to reach a deal with the Eastern Continent tribe. They can be much more generous than the Western Continent caravan.

"If that's the case, protection here is very important."

Black Hunter: "I will order everyone not to disclose the news of the pottery team, and will send more people. The defense here must also be re-planned."

Yang Yi nodded: "The most important thing is to protect the people here."

The production of black pottery requires technology. These people were able to master the method so quickly, because of the information he provided and the reasons for coincidences, and it was not so easy to achieve.

As long as people are still there, it's easy to say.

"Envoy, don't worry, as long as anyone dares to come, I will smash his brains out!"

A hearty and familiar voice penetrated everyone's eardrums, and they knew it was Rong without turning around.