Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure

Chapter 60


"It seems that this deal is still expected to be concluded." Yang Yi could see that En was very excited.

At present, poultry alone in the tribe cannot satisfy everyone's demand for meat. People here have more demand for meat than the earth, especially warriors.

Staple food and vegetables and fruits can only fill their stomachs, but cannot provide enough energy.

Therefore, some other succulent livestock must be raised, such as pigs, sheep and so on.

Cattle, donkeys, horses and other livestock that can share farm work are also very critical, which can greatly improve labor efficiency.

And there are other needs, which can only be obtained through transactions for the time being.

"As long as they have brains, they can't refuse such a temptation. Even if they are not willing, there will always be caravans willing to exchange."

Black Hunter has a firm attitude and never worries about the possibility of being rejected.

These Western Continent businessmen are more interested in profit. Seeing such a big temptation in front of you, it is impossible for them not to be attracted and bewitched.

Yang Yi laughed, deeply feeling the confidence brought by advancement.

"I hope they can bring more surprises, but it is not easy for us to expand the tribe without buying slaves."

Yang Yi sighed deeply, feeling extremely conflicted in his heart.

While adhering to the principle, it is inevitable to have other ideas on the other side. After all, he is not a saint, and his ideological awareness is not that high.

With the rapid development of the tribe, crises will follow. The number of tribes is still too small to resist a large number of foreign enemies, and many things cannot be implemented.

He is not too demanding. In his opinion, the goal of 1 million is impossible to achieve, but with a population of 20,000 to 30,000, he still hopes to achieve it.

"That's not necessarily true." Black Hunter didn't think so.

"The growth of a tribe is not only plunder and occupation, but also attachment and cooperation. Our tribe is attractive enough."

Many tribes are fused together in this way, and some small tribes have adopted the method of attachment in order to survive.

As long as the tribe is strong enough and has an excellent reputation, such a thing is not difficult.

Although Black Hunter used to come from the feared and feared Blackstone tribe, he used to have a reputation of being not only tough but also kind.

Although he broke away from the tribe later, some people who didn't know the truth felt that this kind of behavior was undesirable, but there were also many people who knew what was going on and admired his behavior.

This is also one of the reasons that attract people from these tribes to come to participate in the celebration. Complete strangers will not attract so many tribes to come from thousands of miles, even if their real purpose is to exchange salt with the Green Python tribe.

The welfare of their tribe is so good. Black Hunter has never heard of such a tribe. As long as everything is true, Black Hunter is convinced that they are attractive enough.

In particular, their tribe not only has people from the Blackstone tribe, but also other tribes. The personnel are relatively mixed, which means that it is easier to gain trust.

Black Hunter is full of confidence in this, even if it doesn't go well at the beginning, after a few years of development, the tribe will naturally realize it.

What's more, some tribes can't survive, and seeking refuge is their only hope for survival.

"Knock knock—"

At this time the door was knocked.

Yang Yi not only agreed to summon the caravan from the Western Continent, but people from other tribes also received the same treatment.

"An envoy, a chief."

A beautiful face appeared at the door, and Qing Tian walked in with a shy smile, glanced at Yang Yi, and quickly pulled back, with his head down and his ears red.

"Sunny day?" Yang Yi saw the figure behind, and immediately understood, "I heard that your clansman came here, are they behind?"

Qing Tian nodded: "Yes, my brother is here too, he wants to see you, is it convenient for you?"

"Ask him to come in."

Yehuo was led into the reception room. Even though he had been baptized countless times today, he still couldn't come to his senses for a long time when he came to this place like daytime.

It wasn't until the sunny day pulled the corner of the clothes that he realized that he was very embarrassed at first, but seeing Yang Yi's faint smile, he relaxed physically and mentally.

Just like what Qingtian said, the envoy is very gentle, making people feel that although he is far away, he is very close.

His presence made the oppressive Black Hunter on the side less aggressive, and it wouldn't make people feel a little out of breath just getting close.

"Respected envoy, envoy, chief, I am Yehuo, the chief of the Banshan tribe. I am very happy to meet you."

"You are welcome, don't be so nervous, just sit down." Yang Yi smiled.

Yehuo sat down on the bench in response, the comfortable feeling made his heart sway, and there was a faint fragrance in the room, and the whole person relaxed.

Ye Huo was thinking about how to open his mouth, when Sunny Tian put aside his shyness and asked:

"God envoy, chief, does our tribe still accept outsiders?"

Hei Lie took a look at Ye Huo: "We welcome people with good intentions to join us, no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they are willing to abide by the rules of our tribe, we welcome them with open arms."

"Will we get the same treatment as others when we join in?" Ye Huo asked.

"There will be a difference." Hei Lie paused.

Yehuo's heart skipped a beat, but he still didn't doubt what his sister said before.

"Our tribe advocates fairness, but it is relatively fair rather than absolutely fair." Black Hunter's voice hit Yehuo's heart word by word.

"Our tribe mainly distributes according to work. The original people of the tribe have devoted a lot of effort to the construction of the tribe, and they deserve to be treated accordingly for their labor. The newcomers don't contribute much, so they will naturally get something. It’s different. After you gradually integrate, you’ll get the same treatment as other members.”

"What will it be like at the beginning?" Yehuo felt that his attitude was not very good after speaking, and quickly explained: "Sorry, I'm just... just a little worried. It's not that I don't trust you, but..."

Ye Huo faltered and didn't know what to say, and Qing Tian wanted to open his mouth to explain, so Yang Yi spoke at this time.

"Your worries are normal. A qualified leader should think more rationally."

Yang Yi didn't feel offended by this, and if it was him, he would have the same attitude. At most, it is more tactful, and the core is the same.

He not only represents himself, but also many clansmen behind him.

"However, I don't think this is necessary. What your sister experienced in the tribe can already prove everything."

Black Hunter also said: "Trust is the basis for true integration."

"Brother, the envoy of God and the chief of the Black Hunt, are very trustworthy."

"Can we really join? We lose everything."

Yang Yi laughed: "No matter how poor you are, you will not be as miserable as your sister and the others when they first came to the tribe."

"Yeah, brother, our group of people is still ordinary people, and few people have shown talent. The tribe still accepts us, and accepts us instead of treating us as slaves."

Yehuo stood up from the chair and knelt down in front of Yang Yi:

"God's envoy, chief, I, Yehuo, lead the Banshan people, please accept us!"

Yang Yi and Hei Lie looked at each other, and they just asked if someone would take refuge, but no, someone came.

Although there are not many people in this tribe, it is also a good phenomenon.

"Get up, if you have good intentions, this will be your home, and you will be one of us." Yang Yi said.

"We are sincere. From now on, we will be Xinghuo people. We will put the interests of Xinghuo tribe first, and we will always be loyal to you and the chief."

"Be sure to remember today's words." Heimian said slowly, with a serious expression on his face, "We welcome you, but whether you can join or not has to pass the assessment."

"Assessment?" Yehuo was puzzled.

"You have to go through training and observation first, and only those who meet the standards can stay. Our tribe is short of people, but we don't accept everyone."

Heihun's eyes froze, and there was a threat in his eyes.

When Ye Huo heard this, he immediately became nervous.

Qing Tian laughed, he didn't think the assessment was as scary as Black Hunt showed, he thought he was scaring people.

"Brother, training is very interesting. As long as you are serious, there will be no problems. After training, you will be different."

The current training system is more complete than before. The time is one month, and it will be carried out separately according to different physical conditions, which is more reasonable and scientific.

Training and assessment are not only to observe whether they can join the tribe, but also to send newcomers to appropriate positions based on their respective performances.

For Sunny and most people, the intensity of the training was not high. Although some things were unclear at first, looking back, it was a very pleasant and interesting time.

After the training, although she was still timid, she was not like before. She didn't know what she was living for, at least she regained her belief in living.

Ye Huo who has never experienced it does not feel so relaxed, but this does not mean that he will give up.

After all, this is reasonable. After all, they are dependents, and it is already very polite to be treated like this.

The weak are always discriminated against, and Yehuo knows this truth very well.

Unable to find a place suitable for survival, they have nowhere to go, and they can only obey the orders of the strong.

If you want to survive, you have to compromise.

In fact, it made him feel more at ease.

Although Yehuo has seen the friendliness of the Xinghuo tribe from his sister's experience, his previous experience still makes him unable to believe that there is such a friendly tribe in the world.

The unconditional acceptance without any barrier at all is too miraculous and unbelievable no matter how you listen to it.

The test made him feel that this tribe is not blindly kind, but has its own prudence and screening, so that it can truly form a powerful tribe.

Excessive kindness is sometimes not a good thing, and it may drag down the entire tribe.

"An envoy, chief, I have made a major discovery, which may be helpful to the development of the tribe."

Yehuo sat back on the chair again and told the second reason for coming here today.

Originally, he wanted to use this discovery to exchange his younger sister Qingtian, but now he decided to stay in this tribe. Although he hadn't passed the assessment yet, he wanted to express his sincerity, so he took this as a meeting gift.

Yang Yi and Hei Lie looked at him, but Ye Huo didn't let it go, and took out a black stone.

"This is the black stone I picked up on the road. This magical black stone is like firewood and can burn!"

Yang Yi took a look, isn't this coal!