Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure

Chapter 62


On the day of the celebration, the weather was sunny and sunny, and the tribes who came from all directions also came to the scene one after another.

Including your caravan from the Western Continent and the Green Python Tribe, a total of nine teams have arrived, which is very rare for a newly established tribe like the Starfire Tribe.

In addition to coming for the Red Salt of the Green Python Tribe, there are also tribes who had been friends with the Black Hunter before and heard the news and came to the Starfire Tribe for various reasons.

This time, both the scale and the process of the celebration are more grand and orderly than before. I already have experience before. Although the scale is larger and there are more outsiders this time, I can handle it with ease.

The leaders of each tribal team all stand on the large platform in front of the temple, and there are special chairs for everyone to sit down, which is the best viewing area.

Yang Yi is a special existence, so his position is above everyone else. There is a place dedicated to him at the top, and a parasol is supported by veils. There are two beautiful girls standing beside him. side.

The whole shape is very similar to the Chinese emperors in ancient times. This is the arrangement that the logistics department is responsible for the etiquette team and Jiao strongly requested.

They have seen some cartoons with ancient backgrounds, which have such a shape, and they think it is very stylish.

Divine envoys are special and cannot be the same as ordinary people.

Although Yang Yi felt a little weird, he accepted it, but he always felt a little overwhelmed.

He has always been an ordinary person. Although his family is richer than most, he grew up in an environment like a village in the city.

Most of the people in the village are rich and don't reveal it. Those fun young people, he hasn't been with them since he was a child.

So I have never felt that I am a local tyrant since I was a child, and I am different from others.

Usually he doesn't perform well, neither stands out nor lags behind. It is rare to have such a high-profile time, so it is inevitable to feel a little awkward.

But this is not the first time, apart from being a bit weird at first, I got used to it very quickly.

The temple building surrounded nearly half of the square, so the steps on one side were also used as stools, and other people sat there to watch the event together.

The process is similar to the previous celebrations, except that this time there are not only more types of things on display, but also more quantities. After each team introduces the parade, they will stay in the center of the square.

Just like this, everyone watched all kinds of vegetables, fruits, grains, products, etc., piled up on special shelves, and walked in front of them.

Just one tomato, there are red, yellow, purple, etc., which is dazzling.

This time the goose king's team was even more powerful. The poultry had grown very big now, especially the ostrich, which could run around like a half-grown child.

These are just appetizers. For visitors, they will envy the wealth of the Xinghuo tribe, but they will not be dumbfounded.

Waiting for those weird tools to come on the stage, they refreshed everyone's cognition over and over again.

Especially when introducing it, it will also compare the gap between labor and machine efficiency, so that people can only understand the role of tools.

Then there is the display of weapons, which is even more eye-catching.

As soon as they entered the Xinghuo Tribe, it was clear that the Xinghuo Tribe possessed formidable iron weapons, but when those weapons were brought up, they realized that this was far from the case.

"This is really surprising!" Jin Huan praised, "You didn't have these things last time, but luckily I'm here this time."

The chain ballista that was transported just now is different from other exhibits. The explanation of the weapons is obviously much simpler, but this does not prevent everyone from feeling their power.

"This is just the beginning." The corners of Black Hunter's mouth curled up slightly, and his hands rested on the armrests of the wooden chair specially made for him.

This wooden chair is carefully designed and carved, the pattern is extremely beautiful, placed there high, with a domineering style that is different from Yang Yi's more gentle style.

Hei Lie was already very imposing, and in addition to occupying the unique C position of the chair, behind him was Yang Yi who was dressed in white and seemed to be glowing with holy light, which made him look even more different.

"I think we can have a good talk between us."

Jin Huan's winking eyes were like silk, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, enchanting and seductive, beautiful beyond compare.

She is now holding the cosmetics that Yang Yi gave her, and she has used them with ease, and uses flowers as raw materials to decorate herself.

Although there are many flowers in the forest, they are completely different from the large area specially planted now, and they grow brighter and more beautiful under careful care.

These flowers are not only used by them to decorate their houses and themselves, but also used them to make paints to dress themselves and make the whole tribe more beautiful.

Now the entire green python tribe is surrounded by flower forests, so that there are more bees around, so that they have more honey.

Hei Lie smiled, but was not dazzled by her beauty.

"Our two tribes are the best partners, and we will try our best to meet your needs."

While maintaining a distance, the attitude will not make people feel too indifferent.

Li, the chief of the Dayuan tribe on the other side, also poked his head over: "Hei Lie, we've known each other for so long, you can't forget me, I'm here just for you!"

"Of course I won't forget you." Hei Lie stretched out his fist, "As long as people come here with kindness, they will get what they want."

Li raised his eyebrows: "So, I want your iron tools the most, can I get them too?"

Black Hunter smiled generously: "Yes, as long as you can pay the same price."

Those who have been paying attention to the situation here all pricked up their ears. Among all the things displayed by the Starfire Tribe, the most eye-catching thing is those iron tools.

Not only can it become a sharp weapon for guarding the homeland and obtaining more prey, but it can also be used to cook more and better food.

For those who have already tasted the food of the Starfire Tribe, those delicacies are really mouth-watering.

They have never seen their cooking methods before, and they never knew that there is stir-frying. They only know how to grill and cook.

This method requires the use of an iron pot, and even if they know how to do it, there is no way to do it.

"What kind of equal price?"

"You can exchange iron ore and coal."

Black Hunter took out the iron ore and coal: "Thirty baskets of iron ore or fifty baskets of coal can be exchanged for such a large pig iron."

Pig iron is smaller than half a brick.

Iron ore and coal did not hide it on purpose. These two things will make a lot of noise, and you can't hide it if you want to.

As for whether they can smelt iron ore, whether coal can create greater value than exchanging pig iron, it is largely impossible.

Even if they could, they would not be able to achieve the technology brought by Yang Yi. Whether it was Black Hunter or Yang Yi, they still had confidence in this.

Especially when Yang Yi saw the bronze wares brought by the caravan from the Western Continent, he was even more sure of this.

Their tribe's manpower is still too small, and they can use another way to exchange for more raw materials and use more labor.

Li stared: "Your baskets can hold a small mountain of things, but you can only exchange such a little iron, which is too unfair!"

"I'm already bleeding heavily. If it weren't for the fact that you are willing to make friends with our newly established tribe, you would have at least doubled the number. Not only do we have iron tools that are regarded as treasures in the western continent, but also very Pure, the weapons you use are incomparable to others!"

Black Hunter is full of confidence. When these people first came, they tried to use iron.

During the confrontation, no matter whether it was stone tools or bronze tools, they were all cut off.

Even the lowest-grade ironware is only a little blunt, and it quickly returns to its previous sharpness after being sharpened.

Even the specially treated steel brought by Yang Yi, which is still relatively rough technology, is still not inferior.

"Hei Lie, you are really getting more and more difficult!" Li was indignant.

Black Hunter was unmoved: "Otherwise, you can ask En and Qiao from the Western Continent how precious ironware is."

Joe and En just smiled and said nothing.

They are also buyers, so of course they cannot speak for Black Hunter.

But what Hei Lie said was the truth, and it was not easy to refute it.

This chief with a strong force value seems to have insight into everything.

Moreover, there was that envoy who couldn't figure out the depth, which made them dare not treat these people as fools.

"These stones are not worth anything to you, but it is more troublesome to transport them. But such a large pig iron can be made into a spear that can pierce animal skulls."

Hei Lie squeezed the pig iron in his hand, his face became unsightly:

"To be honest, you think it's unfair, and I'm not willing to exchange it! This is iron that is more precious than bronze. Bronze is an item that Western Continent caravans are unwilling to exchange, and our iron is even less willing to take it out.

It is the honorable envoy who said that you are the first to show kindness to us, and we should reciprocate. "

"You don't want better, our tribe doesn't have enough!"

Li suddenly became anxious: "Whoever said no, you just said it, you must not go back on it!"

Others also agreed one after another, and they didn't want to lose such an exchange opportunity.

Although everyone didn't know where to find these iron ores and what kind of coal, it was better to deal with this matter first than to find it later, and the Starfire tribe was unwilling to exchange pig iron.

Everyone knows very well that the significance of iron cannot be replaced by anything.

After all the exhibits were entered, the square was already filled with various items.

"So many things, how should we exchange them?"

I want everything, but how to change it has become a problem.

With so many kinds of things, what should I exchange for them? How much should be exchanged

Here is the exchange of things. There were not so many types in the past, so it was easier to exchange.

In the exchange, you can bring as much as you want to exchange, and negotiate directly in person.

Now that there are so many types and things, it has become a hassle to talk about the same thing, and the Starfire Tribe doesn't accept everything.

Black Hunter is still very calm, and they have already thought of countermeasures for this.

"You can take the items used for exchange to the commercial and trade group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for evaluation, and then you will get a voucher to record their value.

The value of these items is marked with numbers on the side. If you don’t know how to read, you can ask our guide to introduce it. If you want, you can report the number, and the guide will calculate it for you.

Until the number of vouchers in your hands is reduced to zero, you cannot continue to buy. If there are any leftovers, you can return the items of the same value you brought to you. "