Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure

Chapter 64


At night, the temple is still brightly lit, and many people are still busy with their duties after the celebration.

There was the sound of crackling abacus in a room, and Yang Yizheng led a group of people here to calculate and record, with booklets and abacus placed in front of everyone.

One hand is doing calculations, and the other hand is constantly recording and writing.

There are also people who cooperate in pairs, one person is responsible for recording, and the other is responsible for dialing the abacus and counting.

When Hei Lie walked in, everyone didn't pay attention, and they all worked hard.

"Take a break."

Hei Lie walked behind Yang Yi and massaged his shoulders and neck, clearly feeling his stiffness and exhaustion.

Yang Yi and Hei Lie felt each other, so even though Hei Lie came in quietly, he sensed it immediately.

"what time is it now?"

Yang Yi closed his eyes and enjoyed Hei Lie's massage. He had given Hei Lie some books about acupuncture points in the human body before, and wanted him to study whether it matched the body constitution here.

There is still a big difference between the earth and here, and there are many differences between people.

If it can be determined that the difference is not far away, then these books are also conducive to understanding oneself, and can be used for medical skills and fighting.

Hei Lie is still in the groping stage. Before making a decision, he learned to give Yang Yi acupoint massage, which Yang Yi enjoyed very much.

This is also conducive to Black Hunter's control of strength, which can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

"It's almost 12 o'clock. If there is no urgent matter to deal with, let everyone go to rest."

Yang Yi stared wide-eyed, looking at the watch on his wrist, it was almost twelve o'clock.

"It's so late? I thought it was only past ten o'clock."

Since coming to this world, Yang Yi seldom rested so late. He didn't feel sleepy, so he didn't realize that it was already midnight.

"Everyone stop first, and the rest of the work will come back tomorrow."

"Envoy, we are not sleepy yet."

"It only took a little bit of time and we had all the data sorted."

Everyone still didn't stop their hands, just raised their heads, and continued to work.

"Stop as soon as the envoy tells you to, tidy up within ten minutes, and then all go back."

Hei Lie ordered directly in a deep voice, and the people in the room immediately stopped what they were doing, tidied up for a while and then dispersed quickly.

"Look at you scaring them." Yang Yi laughed.

"This is to let everyone better understand that your orders are not allowed to be disobeyed."

The Xinghuo Tribe respects Yang Yi very much, but after all, he looks and behaves relatively mildly, so although the people around him will also be in awe, sometimes they are still the same as before.

Yang Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with it, as this kind of situation was usually a minor matter. If he really gave an order, no one would disobey him.

But Black Hunter does not allow such a thing to happen, saying that one is one, a special military style.

"It doesn't need to be so strict."

Black Hunter insisted: "You are different."

Yang Yi also knew it was for his own good, so he didn't say anything more.

"According to the calculation results just now, this transaction will go very smoothly. We can exchange more things than the previous exchange method, at least one-third more."

Yang Yi also guessed that this method would exchange more things than the original method. After all, they are the pricing party and have absolute control. They will only make money and not lose.

However, because it was the first time such a transaction was conducted, they still strived to be fair in order to build a good reputation.

But the final result is still much more than the previous method, which makes Yang Yi a little worried that other tribes will suffer.

"It's the same with other tribes. They all told me just now that they need to exchange more things than before. They all hope that they can continue to do this in the future."

"It appears that the trade fair has indeed been a success."

Yang Yi was completely at ease. It seems that regulating the market is still very effective.

Sometimes it's not that some tribes are too black-hearted, but also because there is no unified standard, which leads to confusion in the market.

The people here have a general and carefree personality, and it is easy to lose their minds when exchanging, and they are not so sensitive to numbers. The result is obvious.

Even today, if it weren't for the corrections made by the Xinghuo people, many people would make mistakes in their purchases.

Many people's calculations can be described as a mess. When trading a little bit, they will be completely in chaos, and it is very easy to make mistakes.

If you meet someone with an unscrupulous heart again, it's too common to be fooled.

"The trade fair after the harvest will be held in our tribe. I believe that more and more tribes will join in the future. As you imagined, our tribe will become the center of the trade."

The trading center has greatly promoted the development of a tribe, not to mention other things, just to save the tribe from having to send people thousands of miles to transport the goods, which is already a very large cost.

And if it has been carried out in the form of transactions, that is, based on their pricing, it means that they can directly control the entire market, and they can carry out macro-control according to their own needs.

Not to mention, if you come here, it will also stimulate consumption.

This time, because it was a celebration, these people came here and their tribe contracted their food and drink.

But if it was an ordinary transaction, their tribe would naturally not have such a generous board and lodging.

If you want to enjoy such treatment, you have to pay the corresponding price.

For the Spark Tribe, this is also one of the ways to obtain income.

In addition to these, many benefits will be obtained, and the tribe's right to speak will be increased.

But at the same time, it also brings many risks.

Opportunities and risks always exist together.

"We are a new tribe, will those tribes feel relieved?"

One of the reasons why I chose that trading place before was not to get close to any tribe, so as not to be bullied.

Their tribe is too new to generate enough trust.

Those who come to participate in the transaction now are all powerful and have dealt with Black Hunter to some extent.

This is also the result of the promotion of the Green Python tribe, otherwise no one would be willing to take risks.

For a tribe, enlarging a large number of people into the tribe is a dangerous thing; but for the tribe that enters, it is also worried that there will be an ambush after entering.

"When a large amount of goods are pouring into our tribe, they have no choice. Besides, as long as we have enough sincerity, it is only a matter of time."

Black Hunter is very confident about this, and it is not that no tribe has become a place for trading in the past.

If it wasn't for the green python tribe's rejection of foreign tribes, the trading place here would probably be established there.

Since they didn't care about this opportunity, they took it unceremoniously.

And in order to prevent the Green Python tribe from intervening in the future and making them lose their initiative, it was more suitable for the current situation to use salt as the benchmark for pricing.

It is more convenient for them to replace it directly with vouchers, and at the same time, it is also laying a good foundation for their own trading area, so as not to be picked by people from other tribes after such a system is established in the future.

"It's good to have less tribes to trust at the beginning." Black Hunt analyzed, "Our tribe is still not strong enough, and the number of people is too small, which is very dangerous."

Yang Yi nodded. Although they are now cultivating elites, if the number is too small, it will still be very disadvantageous.

The difference in strength between fighters of different levels here is a gap.

Although technology and weapons can be used to make up for it, if the opponent has a large number of powerful fighters, the process of resisting will become extremely tragic.

Moreover, the manufacture of weapons also requires a large number of people.

They have to collect coal mines, iron ore and smelt them, etc. Besides making weapons, there are many other things that need to be done, and there are simply not enough manpower.

This time, for the celebration, a large number of people were arranged here, resulting in a serious shortage of people in other places. Many people worked overtime, and their sleep time was greatly reduced every day.

Although no one complained about it, they were used to such oppression.

But Yang Yi didn't want to sacrifice everyone's health to complete the construction in his heart, which would be contrary to the original intention.

"I have already arranged everything, the time for night fire training will be compressed, and the rest of the projects will continue after he comes back.

He would first lead a small group of people to find coal, and then go directly with the other group to bring those tribes who were willing to defect. "

Hei Lie hesitated again and again, and still felt that although the matter was urgent, Ye Huo must first understand the tribe before he could complete this important matter.

He wants to bring back people from other tribes, and his words will affect the impression those tribes have of their tribe. If he doesn't understand the tribe and conveys wrong confidence, it will also cause a lot of trouble.

They are short of people, but they also have their own rules.

Yang Yi nodded: "This matter is very important, who will you lead the team then?"

"I plan to send thorns."

Yang Yi was surprised: "Jing?"

Jing has now been replaced with a prosthetic limb made of meteorite. He is the oldest member of the tribe and a very brave warrior.

He used to be one of the most capable warriors under Black Hunter, otherwise Black Hunter would not have placed heavy responsibilities on his shoulders when traveling.

Although he didn't do it well at that time, now he has been reborn after being tempered.

His combat effectiveness was not greatly affected by his disability, and now he was more and more compatible with the prosthesis, as if he existed naturally, and became his big killer.

Especially now that the conditions in all aspects are better than before, and the combat power is still higher than at the peak of the past. Black Hunter predicts that he may also break through to become a fourth-level fighter.

"He is brave and friendly. In this case, disability will be the best point of persuasion."

Even a person without a leg can become the leader of a team and become stronger and stronger. What else can this tribe not tolerate

"He's really suitable, but Rong is already pregnant, and he doesn't know how long he will be away. I'm afraid it's not suitable?"

Rong and Jing have been together for a while, but there is no movement for a long time, which makes them very anxious.

Although the people here don't have the idea of passing on the family line, they are still very eager for children by nature.

Especially couples who are combined like this want to have children belonging to both of them more, and their family values will be stronger than those who are not combined.

It's just that although soldiers can give birth to strong children, God may deliberately limit the number of soldiers. It is more difficult for soldiers to conceive than ordinary people.

Some soldiers may not be able to have children in their entire lives, although this has a lot to do with the fact that they always face more danger and have a shorter life span.

But generally speaking, the probability of soldiers having children is always half lower than that of ordinary people.

Regardless of whether male or female soldiers have at most three children in their lifetime, if it is a union between soldiers, the number will be even fewer.

And they are all older before they can have their first child.

If an ordinary female is combined with an ordinary person, it is easy to hold two in three years, but the survival rate will be relatively low.

Ordinary people are with ordinary people, the productivity is high but the survival rate is low, and the warrior is with the warrior, the productivity is low and the survival rate is high.

But generally speaking, the total proportion of children combined with ordinary people is still higher than that of fighters.

Moreover, the combination of ordinary people can also produce strong fighters.

Black Hunter was puzzled: "What does that matter?"

Yang Yi looked contemptuous: "They are looking forward to this child so much. It would be a pity for Jing if they couldn't see the birth of the child. Besides, when a woman is pregnant, she also hopes that her partner will be by her side."

"Besides, is the journey so far away? No one knows what's going on. What should Rong and the child do if something happens to Jing?"

"You've thought so much!" Hei Lie's eyes widened. "I think Rong is very happy that Jing can accept this task. Besides, life and death are inevitable, and other people also have the same risk."

Yang Yi was silent, and he forgot that the situation here is different.

Rong is a strong fighter. After she was pregnant, she still did what she should do, and she didn't feel that she was special.

Children bred by soldiers are particularly strong, and usually nothing will happen.

Yang Yi also proposed to let Rong join the guard team. The tribe is generally relatively safe, and in the tribe, if there is any problem, there will be medical staff to deal with it in time.

Rong didn't agree, and felt that he was still a very good hunter in his current state.

But reproduction is a big deal, whether it is for themselves or the future of the tribe.

Therefore, Rong finally agreed to go back to the tribe's border guards. Compared with the guards, the border guards could have something to do. This was her last compromise.

Although they are all armed forces, there are still big differences between the three major teams.

At present, the weakest force is the guard team, and many of them are composed of strong ordinary people, and their equipment is inferior to that of the border guards and hunting teams.

The combat effectiveness of the border guards and hunting teams is similar, and personnel are often exchanged.

However, this does not mean that the guard team is the place where the people eliminated by the two stay. If the guard team wants to maintain law and order, it must have a very clear understanding of the rules of the tribe.

Only in this way can the primary processing be carried out quickly and accurately in the case of disputes.

People with not very good minds can't get into the guards yet.

Therefore, there is currently no chain of discrimination between the three armed forces, and everyone respects each other.

If anyone wants to switch, as long as they pass the assessment, they can go to the place they want, and no one will make things difficult for them.

More experience is also a good way for everyone to improve. If you don't want to move and just want to do your job well, it is also worthy of appreciation.

That's why Rong compromised, and wanted to see what it would be like to be in the border guards.

She has no problems physically, and she is never dependent on her mentally.

Rong is a fighter and has always been a protector, and she also enjoys this feeling.

She didn't feel like she would be taken care of, even when she was pregnant, and she didn't want to be special because of it.

Even if she wasn't a fighter, some of the women here felt the same way, that they could stand alone.

You know, there are still a small number of women like Rong who have a partner, and most of them don't have a fixed partner.

Some women don't even know who the father of the child is, and they take responsibility for the upbringing alone.

However, most of the men who had a relationship with her before would give her something when she conceived, even if the child was probably not her own.

And if you are sure that it is your own, you will make more efforts.

But in general, women here rarely feel that they have to be responsible with others when they have children, and they are relatively independent.

"I think men in the tribe still need to share the responsibility of raising children, and women should pay more attention to themselves during pregnancy. This has a lot to do with her own survival rate and the tribe's survival rate."

Yang Yi doesn't think that the habitual way here is necessarily correct, even though the physique of the people here is very different from that on earth.

He still firmly believes that giving birth to a woman still has great changes to a woman's body. If she does not take good care of it, it will bring bad consequences to both herself and the child.

Subsequent upbringing work cannot be completely handed over to women, and the tribe should give greater support.

Whether they want to raise their own children or not, the tribe will help them solve the problems that follow, and will not let them have to completely change their lives because of childbirth.

This is also a way to encourage childbearing. Although Yang Yi is a man, under the impact of information in the past, he also knows why many outstanding women are unwilling to marry and have children.

No one wants to be forced to change their way of life and make themselves live harder than before, even if the other party is their own child.

But they have to be responsible for their own children, so many people simply choose to be single or dink, which is one of the important reasons for the decline in population rate.

Therefore, what Yang Yi has to do is to improve welfare. He cannot force anyone to have children or not to have children. This is personal freedom.

But we can start from other aspects, so that women who want to have children can be guaranteed, so that they can accept the arrival of their children with full expectation and no worries.

But this is only one aspect of it. As the child's father, since he has sowed the seeds, he can't just let it go.

This is a responsibility.

"I'm not targeting this incident, I just thought of this because of this incident."

Yang Yi explained that he didn't insist on what Jing and Rong should do, after all, this was their own freedom.

If both the couple think it's okay, and he deliberately asks for something, that's going against the original intention.

Hei Lie smiled: "I understand what you think, the tribe has more people now, and there are indeed some people who are not doing well enough in these areas, and we are also lacking in this regard."

"This is a big problem. There are more and more people, and some habits may still have to be broken."

Yang Yi pinched the bridge of his nose. In addition to infrastructure construction, personnel management is also very important, which caused Yang Yi the most headache.

This problem is just an appearance, behind it involves the marriage system, welfare system and so on.

They currently follow the general conditions here to formulate the system, but when it develops, those systems and habits will not be in line with it.

"This matter has to be discussed in the long run." Black Hunter comforted, "I will choose Jing, and there are other reasons."

Yang Yi turned to look at him.

"Jing is a very good leader. Although he was not dealt with well in the Blackstone tribe before, which led to such a result, he cannot be denied because of this."

Yang Yi also nodded: "He is very calm, without the impatience of others, he learns things quickly, and he is very fair and diligent."

"The previous incident still hit him a lot. Although he seems to be getting better and better now, he can manage a team well. In fact, he still has a lot of influence and has not played his true level. He needs to regain his confidence."

Yang Yi really didn't observe as carefully as Black Lie, and didn't realize this. After all, Jing is also holding a very important position now.

But he believed that Hei Lie was very sure that he would say such a thing to him. This is why Yang Yi felt that he was not suitable to manage people directly. He was always slow to deal with these things.

"Rong also realizes it?"

"Although Velvet usually looks rough, she is very careful about her partner."

Black Hunter felt that Jing was the best candidate from the very beginning, but he didn't directly announce it, but asked everyone to recommend themselves first.

Rong found Black Hunter at that time, hoping to let Jing take charge of this matter.

Going out is always the most dangerous, and no one knows whether they will be able to return.

Rong knew this very well in her heart, but she was also more aware of Jing's state at this time.

As a partner, Rong hopes that Jing can return to her true self and regain her self-confidence.

Jing is very good, he can do more and better than now, and he can take on more responsibilities.

Rong felt that Jing needed such an opportunity.

"Rong is a great woman."

Yang Yi admired Hei Lie's explanation.

"What's Jing's attitude?"

"He is a great fighter. Although he is a little timid after being affected, he is still willing to accept the challenge."

On the second day after the celebration and transaction ended, all the tribes and the Western Continent caravan left with the exchanged goods.

After seven days of training, Yehuo left the tribe with two teams.

Ten days later, the surveying and transporting coal mine team returned.