Travelling Frog

Chapter 19


Hojo Natsuki didn't know that his inner thoughts had been exposed by the wish list. When he saw [[Kintoshi] Favorability -2], he thought that it was the hooligan remarks of touching the belly and paws that made Xiaogua unhappy, so he didn't take it to heart.

Anyway, being barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. The favorability level is already negative by dozens, so these two points don’t matter at all.

While Qinwa was wasting time in the room, Hojo Natsuki opened the mall and prepared to arrange swimming lessons for Qinwa.

He has always been generous with his money, and he fell in love with the most expensive [Olympic Champion-level Luxury Swimming Pool] at first sight.

[Will you build an [Olympic champion-level luxury swimming pool] for [Qinwa]? [Y/N]]

[Price: 200,000 clover]

[Introduction: [Olympic champion-level luxury swimming pool] is equipped with the latest swimming training auxiliary technology, infrared camera accurately captures swimming posture, AI famous teachers come to give guidance, one-on-one targeted coaching, and swimming level improves rapidly. Whether you want to get started in swimming or win the Olympic championship, this is your best choice! Build a luxury swimming pool and let your quack win at the starting line! ]

The same motivational speech template as that used in the simulated shooting range worked again on Hojo Natsuki without any suspense.

Although his goal was just to teach the frog to swim, what if the frog was actually a swimming genius and wanted to compete in the Olympics? Anyway, it was always a good idea to buy it first.

Thinking of this, Hojo Natsuki paid out another 200,000 clovers without blinking, completely forgetting that he was a "stupid person who spent so much money in this game" and became a sucker.

He bought the luxury swimming pool and found that the icon of this thing appeared under the simulated shooting range, with several more adjustable settings. The luxury swimming pool can appear together with the simulated shooting range, and one can be hidden to prevent the frog from touching it. Of course, the time ratio of the two can also be set. Hojo Natsuki studied the usage for a few minutes and adjusted it so that the frog must learn to swim for one hour every day before entering the simulated shooting range, for a period of 7 days.

"It's definitely going to lose favorability again." Hojo Natsuki thought, "But even if it doesn't want to, there's nothing we can do. What's the point of a little frog not being able to swim?"

Since the frog didn't want to go into the water, just pick it up and go in.

I've already bought it. Could it be that the 200,000 clover leaves were blown by the wind? This unlucky little quack must use it.

This player is just so cold.jpg.

After Hojo Natsuki finished setting up the swimming pool, he wanted to call Qinwa to come and see the new toys he had bought for him, but he found that Xiaogua was taking a bath and was probably preparing to go straight to bed.

Yes, it was already very late in the game. It had rushed to Yokohama today and walked a long way around Yokohama, so it must be tired.

So he decided not to tell the frog and wait for it to discover it on its own - this was another unexpected joy!

Hojo Natsuki switched back to the business simulation and continued to read the system prompt that was interrupted by the Qinwabo message just now.

System: [Please set a virtual image for yourself. It cannot be easily changed after setting. Please choose carefully.]

A puppy with white stripes appears in the picture.

The selectable parts are: [Headgear], [Clothing], [Shoes].

Isn't this completely giving people no choice! It's forcing people to be like dogs! Is this game sick

Shouldn't there be a bunch of little animals to choose from and dress up as you like? Is this really polite

[Headset]: Panda head, Tuzki head, duck head, lion head (?)…

[Clothing]: Panda jumpsuit, Tuzki jumpsuit, duck jumpsuit, lion jumpsuit...

[Shoes]: Panda paws, rabbit paws, duck paws, lion paws...

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

This means that his puppy image cannot be changed, but he can dress up as other animals.


Hojo Natsuki picked and chose, and really felt that none of these were to his liking, but then he changed his mind and thought that now that he was the boss of the Frog Organization, he should choose some relevant elements to facilitate his integration into the organization.

It's you! Sad frog headgear!

Sad frog headgear puppy, confirmed.

[Natsuki, you are the leader of the [Frog Organization]. Your organization is mysterious and powerful.

The roots are deep and deep, and many people have bad intentions towards you and are eyeing your head covetously.

[The Frog Organization] does not have a clear hierarchy and is divided into an action group, an intelligence group, and a logistics group.]

[Senior members of the [Frog Organization] are uniformly issued wine code names, and each has an action team. Aside from you, the highest-ranking member is [Rumquat]]

[I repeat, many people are eyeing your head, please remain mysterious, contact your members through email, and reduce the number of offline meetings as much as possible; the organization members call you Boss, Mr. That, or Mr. N]

Hojo Natsuki deeply agrees with the idea of "reducing the number of offline meetings". After all, what if the frogs find out that their boss is a puppy and think that he is not of the same race and must have different hearts, and wants to usurp the throne

Next, a bunch of guidance about the organization's current development direction and gameplay popped up. Hojo Natsuki quickly skipped over it and came to the last step of the novice guide.

[Dear [Frog Organization] Boss, please send the first email to your members! ]

[A. Hello, I am the boss of the Frog Organization. I just inherited the organization from Old Crow. Now I am going to develop new industries and completely unify the other world. So I need some money now. As long as you transfer 50,000,000 yen to help me become the new king of the other world, I will give you a code name for the wine after the success.]

[B.Haha, my sons, your dad is here! ]

[C. Take office! Frog Factory! I am the boss! The boss is here, and the Frog Factory is peaceful! The boss is here, and there will be a clear sky!]


None of them are serious!

Hojo Natsuki was silent, and finally chose the last option: [Keep a low profile, and only send the scheduled email that [Karasuma] had previously stored in the draft box to the code name members]

The notification email that Karasuma had already edited was quite standard—

[My successor is N. From now on, the Frog Organization will be handed over to him.]

That’s right, don’t do anything fancy, it will lower the Boss’s status.

After he chose to confirm, the email was sent.

Half a second later, several little frogs on the Green Grass Pond interface took out their mobile phones, probably because they received an email.

Bubbles began to form above their heads.

[Prank email?]

[It is that gentleman’s email address]

[You must be kidding]

[Blue, frog... ? ]

It seems that you can’t accept the new boss for a while

Hojo Natsuki wanted to see how they would criticize their future boss, but at this moment, the red dots next to the frog's head began to flash again.

The purpose of the simulated business operation was just for fun; raising the frog was the main point, so he cut it back without any reluctance.

Qin Frog stood in front of the swimming pool with an expressionless face and asked: [Where is the shooting range? ]

As for the favorability? Go ahead, go ahead, it doesn't matter.

He waited for a long time, but the system message about deducting favorability did not come.

—The frog was stunned for a moment, then it actually tied up its hair and went into the water to learn how to swim!

Hojo Natsuki widened his eyes: "!!!"

Oh my god!

It turns out that his relationship with Qinwa has improved, and it’s not just his illusion!

[[Qinwa] wants to practice shooting, but you confiscated the shooting range, favorability -1]

[[Lin Frog] cannot swim, but it believes that swimming is a necessary skill for survival and is willing to learn. Favorability 1]

Two consecutive system messages, one plus and one minus, conveyed Qinwa's inner thoughts just now.

As expected of a pragmatic kid! Hojo Natsuki praised him generously, but the confident guess that his relationship with Kotowa had improved was still lingering in his mind.

In this way, the frog accepted the swimming training very cooperatively.

It learns very quickly. After three days in the game, the frog can already swim full marks in the [Novice] level - the system originally expected it to take twenty-one days to enter the [Advanced Learning] stage.

On the eighth day, the seven-day restriction on swimming pools had expired.

Hojo Natsuki logged into the game at noon, but saw a pop-up message on the system saying [[Kinako] is practicing swimming in the [Olympic champion-level luxury swimming pool]].

Xia Shu: “!!!”

I am so touched! Xiaogua has grown up! He can actually swim on his own initiative!

Does the frog really want to become an Olympic champion

Hojo Natsuki showed a satisfied smile on her face and opened the luxury swimming pool interface.

Then, he was embarrassed: “… … … ”

Because of the frog, in freestyle.

A frog


It’s really weird…

So weird, I took another look, it’s too weird, so I turned it off.

Hojo Natsuki repeated this action several times and couldn't calm down for a long time.

However, Xia Shu is a gangster who has seen a lot of storms. No matter how strange the situation is, he can calm down quickly. After a few days, he has accepted the fact that the frog can swim freely.

The frog stayed in the small hotel in Yokohama for about ten days, and suddenly packed up and set out in the middle of the night with its small bag on its back. It strolled to the port pier, talked with the lizard on the boat for a while, put on its small bag again, and walked back slowly.

—What are you doing

The system seemed to have heard the player's doubts and explained the situation in a timely manner: [[Kotowa] was being hunted by [Kisiya Group] and [Izumi-kai] and was preparing to sneak out of the country through Yokohama Port]]

[[Lycanthus Frog] and [Lizard Crew] have reached an agreement and will depart at 2 a.m. tomorrow.]

Hojo Natsuki recalled the mule's scream of "How dare you kill my horse!" and realized that Kotowa Frog went from Tokyo to Yokohama not to travel, but to escape. He saw the news that "Kotowa Frog thought that the matter would be exposed sooner or later, so he avoided the limelight" but did not take it seriously. It turned out to be true.

He thought with a bit of amusement: "Do they match?"

This man became a cadre of the Port Mafia at the age of fifteen. He is not arrogant, and except when talking about issues related to the interests of the Hong Kong mafia, he is gentle and harmless most of the time, just like a smiling high school boy. He is indeed in high school now.

But the arrogance of the mafia is ingrained in their bones, and they can tear off that young and shiny exterior at any time and show their sharp claws to people.

The frog was walking along the shoreline, apparently wanting to return to the hotel.

Hojo Natsuki poked it, and it turned around and gave him a rather impatient look.

At the coast at night, the humidity hits you in the face, diluting the saltiness into every air molecule.

Kurosawa Jin felt someone lightly touch his arm.

He turned around and glared at the other person, and then his phone began to vibrate.

[Natsuki]:Don’t leave Japan

[Natsuki]: They were chasing you and you just ran away. Don't you want revenge

He lowered his eyelashes and replied expressionlessly: [You want me to die? ]

Natsuki's message came quickly: [If you need money, I'll give it to you. If you need weapons, I'll buy them for you. Just fight back.]

Kurosawa Jin was stunned for a moment.

He had to admit that the offer was quite tempting and he was swayed.

[Natsuki]: Trust me.

[Natsuki]: If you don't want to escape, I won't let you lose

Kurosawa Jin was silent for a moment.

He asked the question again: [What do you want?]

This time, Natsuki's answer was—

[Of course, you'd better do it].

The night wind pushes the waves, singing back in this winter night, like a song descending from the sky.

Kurosawa Jin had a stern face, his fingertips were cold, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and he held his breath waiting for the other party to make an offer.

[Natsuki]:Have you used the camera function on your new phone? There is a rotation button in the upper left corner. Click it and try it.

Kurosawa Jin did as he was told and switched to the front camera. He saw his own face on the screen.

He frowned, not knowing why, but had a bad feeling - just like every time before...

Then, as expected, it came true immediately.

[Natsuki]:Got it? Send me a selfie =w=

Kurosawa Jin: “… … …”

(End of this chapter)