Travelling Frog

Chapter 21


The final step in Kurosawa Jin's revenge plan is to kill the boss of Izumi-kai.

Over the past six months, Kurosawa has simulated this scene countless times.

The right time is coming. He wiped his beloved gun and eyepiece, but still could not suppress his bloodthirsty excitement. Hojo Natsuki was also looking forward to it, because -

[Natsuki]:Take a selfie for me! Take a selfie for me!

[Natsuki]:When will you take a selfie for me? I want three. We agreed on that!


Kurosawa Jin was silent.

First of all, he hated having his picture taken.

Secondly, he hates taking selfies even more.

Kurosawa had seen those selfie photos of men and women posing in coquettish poses on social networking sites. This didn't look difficult, but it would be better to just stab him than to ask him to do something like that.

What I didn’t expect was that half a year later, Natsuki was still thinking about the selfie - I thought that as long as I put it off for a while, given the speed at which her interests would shift, she would soon forget about it.

Kurosawa Jin tried to negotiate the terms, but of course, his tone was still commanding.

[Gin]:I can’t take selfies, try another one

[Natsuki]:Okay, your Beretta is gone

Kurosawa: “…”

Hit the bullseye.

[Natsuki]: I want to see the selfie by tomorrow at the latest, okay

Very nice and gentle.

But this guy is particularly good at using a seemingly gentle tone to say things that are completely non-negotiable.

Kurosawa Jin accepted his fate.

It’s just a photo anyway, so give it a try.

After threatening Xiaogua, Hojo Natsuki was in a good mood.

Want to negotiate with him? Impossible.

Mr. Frog, you don't want your Beretta to be gone, right? (That tone

He casually opened the [Simulated Business], and the capitalist boss began to check whether the employees were lazy.

Hojo Natsuki was playing this board carelessly, but he noticed a few slightly strange things.

First of all, most of the code members are frogs, but there are also other small animals.

Of course, this is not Xia Shu being species discriminatory or anything like that. After all, his virtual image is not a frog, but a dog.

It has been half a year (in the game) since he inherited the organization. To be cautious, none of these quacks have seen 'N's true face, and the only way to communicate with him is through emails and voice communication after voice change. They definitely can't guess that the boss of the frog organization is actually a white puppy.

Since the bosses are not frogs, it is normal to have other species in the organization, but why do some members mutate

It was originally a frog, but after a while, it suddenly turned into a squirrel; it was originally a silver fox, but after a while, it suddenly turned into a frog. Such strange changes made Hojo Natsuki confused, and he suspected several times that his memory had deteriorated and he had entered the Alzheimer's mode early.

In order to prove that he did not have Alzheimer's disease, he specifically targeted several small animals as observation samples and wrote down the 'species' on their panels.

Then, a butterfly turned into a frog three months later, and the "species" on the attribute panel also changed.

Hojo Natsuki boldly speculated that this might be a manifestation of loyalty. Small animals with high enough loyalty would evolve into frogs. As for why there were other species among the code members, this was not yet fully understood, but that was not important.

It doesn't matter whether they are frogs or monkeys, alive or dead. The tolerant capitalist only requires them to work for him and make money.

Among the frogs, Hojo Natsuki always couldn't help but look at Vermouth.

Its occupation attribute reads "famous actress". From the frog's perspective, Vermouth is indeed a beautiful girl. There are two numbers in the age column. It is said that she reversed her age by taking drugs developed by the organization. This is not important either.

The strange thing about Vermouth is that although it is a frog, it is not a normal frog that grows naturally.

Frog, it's a clockwork frog.

It is the kind that has a plastic shell and a metal spring. You have to manually wind the spring a few times before it jumps. It looks like a frog but is actually a plastic toy frog!

Every time Hojo Natsuki saw her, he felt she was weird, so he would occasionally chat with her.

Then, he felt that the quack seemed to be trying to flirt with him

If you want to see me, I can come anytime.

[Vermouth Quacker]: Of course I have no second thoughts about you. How do you want me to prove it

Haha, too naive, Vermouth.

She pretended to seduce him, but in fact she just wanted to see his true face under the sad frog mask!

Unless necessary, he would never meet these members in his real form (referring to the puppy in the sad frog mask).

Hojo Natsuki was very cautious, fighting wits and courage with the air, and then found that everyone was accepting the fact that the boss did not show up at all, because the previous Mr. Karasuma did the same.

Karasuma seems to only show up during important missions, events, or when a member is given a code name for a drink.

Then he would do the same thing. As long as he showed up less and spoke less, he would definitely not make any mistakes.

It was the end of the month, and Hojo Natsuki reviewed the performance reports of various code-named members. Among them, the one who did the most neat and error-free work was Rumquat. This old Quago was able to become the second-in-command of the Frog Organization, which showed that he had some skills.

[The development progress of APTX series is as follows…]

[7865 series development progress...]

[… Regarding imports, the results of negotiations with the customs of our country are reported as follows… ]

[Organizational preparations...]

1. Good progress in drug development

2. The organization is trying to make money

3. We have recently expanded our capacity and are short of manpower. We are planning to recruit and train a group of high-quality newcomers. I hope the boss will approve some funds.

Hojo Natsuki was too lazy to think about it, so he approved the documents with his eyes closed and let them do their respective duties.

Cutting back, we saw the frog sitting in the courtyard, taking a selfie with its phone!

This is really something new.

Qinwa was seen to be extremely conflicted. He raised the phone up and down, but felt something was not right no matter how he looked at it. After a few seconds, he turned off the camera in anger.

A system message popped up, with a very funny commentary for this scene: [[Qinwa] wants to take a selfie, but he is a straight man, and he feels uncomfortable when taking a selfie]

Hojo Natsuki smiled with satisfaction and thought to himself, "Great, I just like seeing it in this awkward state, but having to operate."

Seeing that Gua was so worried that he was lying there, he took the initiative to send it a message: [How is the selfie going? ]

Then he said hypocritically: [It doesn’t matter, you’ll look cute no matter how you take the photo, just take any photo and send it to me, I just want to… ]


[Natsuki]:How was the selfie

[Natsuki]: It’s okay, you’ll look cute in any photo you take. Just send any photo to me. I just want to save a photo of you. I like you so much, you’ll be willing to fulfill such a small request of mine, right

Kurosawa Jin closed his eyes in pain.

He prepared himself mentally for a moment, took out his phone again, clicked the flip button, and took a picture at a speed that the camera had almost no time to react.

Then open the app, scroll to the left of the chat interface, and select [Send a postcard]

[Write the postcard yourself] or [generate automatically and send it with one click]

Kurosawa Jin knew the key to pressing the issue. Although the other party asked for three selfies, he could fool them with just one photo and some random stuff. So he clicked twice on [Auto-generate, send with one click], and it showed that two postcards were successfully sent.

But for that selfie, he had to choose [Writing a postcard himself]

[Text: [Written by myself]/[System text]]

[picture:[ ]]


Kurosawa Jin's photo

After uploading it, I decisively selected [System Text] and pressed [Send].

Then, eager to destroy all evidence, he went back to his photo album, quickly deleted the photos, and emptied the 30-day recycling bin. He didn't even glance at his own selfie.

After successfully deleting the selfie, Kurosawa Jin finally felt a little relieved and clicked on [Natsuki's Wish List]

Hanging at the top is still [Gin likes me].

His gaze lingered for a few seconds, and he couldn't tell what he felt. Although it felt a bit stupid, it wasn't as annoying as it was at the beginning.

In the second line, the original word "going to jail" was replaced by [I want to receive a selfie from Gin].

By the time the other person checks their inbox, this wish will probably have been crossed out.

The third line: [Let Gin go to school and take the college entrance examination]

Kurosawa Jin frowned. Of course he didn't want to go to school.

Continue reading below.

The fourth line is familiar... [I want Gin to go to jail, wear striped clothes, and not go anywhere, haha! ]

Kurosawa Jin: “…”

This person is really a thief with evil intentions.

No, Kurosawa thought grimly. There was no way he was going to jail.



Hojo Natsuki, who was in a meeting, glanced at the screen of his mobile phone.

[Travel Frog]

Gua Gua has sent you a postcard, please check your mailbox!

He opened his eyes wide, and unlocked the app as if nothing had happened, listening to Mori Ogai's eloquent narration. He frowned and opened the communication app with Qinwa with a serious face, as if it was some important message from a partner - pretending to be serious while slacking off is a basic quality of a corporate slave.

Qinwa sent three postcards. The first two were landscapes, and the last one was…


Not surprisingly, it was a selfie taken from the bottom up at a fatal angle!

Guagua has a bit of a double chin and looks down at the camera with impatience that is about to overflow the screen.

Help!! This is so funny!

The caption is…

[Dear Natsuki]

[The photo is of me, are you not satisfied? ]

Hojo Natsuki endured it again and again, and after a few seconds: "...Pfft."

What a greasy caption! Haha! Even funnier! !

(End of this chapter)