Travelling Frog

Chapter 26


After Miyano Atsushi introduced himself, the scene fell into a strange silence.

At this moment, the three people were thinking the same thing: It’s so hard to hold back laughter → Why is this frog head the Boss? → It’s so hard to hold back laughter → What’s the meaning of the Boss wearing a frog head? → It’s so hard to hold back laughter → He doesn’t want them to see his face? → It’s so hard to hold back laughter → This crazy headgear actually has a voice-changing function…

"I'm Miyano Elena." Elena nervously broke the silence, her eyes timid, "Hello."

"Please find a seat." The Boss put the red wine glass on the conference table and leaned back leisurely. "Don't be too nervous. I just came to see you today and chat with you."

Elena sat down next to her husband. She quickly glanced at the frog mask again. In order to prevent herself from losing composure, she no longer dared to look directly at the Boss.

As the second-in-command of the organization, Rum has withstood decades of ups and downs. He has an extremely strong mental quality and a willpower as strong as if he had quit drugs. No matter how funny something is, he will not laugh.

Seeing the frog mask on Boss's head, the creepy black eyes that looked like burnt pancakes (even with highlights), and the lips that looked like sausages, it was hard not to think that Boss was a psychopath. But when he thought about it carefully, he thought that with Boss's cunning, he probably dressed up like this on purpose to make them lower their guard.

It can't be that the Boss wears an ugly frog mask and names the organization the Frog Organization because he likes frogs, right

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Rum was looking at the casual and exaggerated facial features of the Sad Frog headgear (it only had eyes and a mouth, so it was actually two features). He looked into the big watery eyes sewn on the headgear, adjusted his attitude, and took the lead in making a recent report: "The key projects of the Second Research Institute in the near future are still the Silver Bullet and the K68 series... You have given a very sufficient budget for the funds, and I have asked my subordinates..."

After more than ten minutes, Rum finished speaking.

Miyano Atsushi knew that his wife was not good at speaking, so he took the initiative to continue the conversation: "Elena and I will be in charge of the silver bullets, we..."

While the two were reporting, Boss leaned back in his chair, his face covered by an elegant sad frog mask, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking from his expression.

Elena quietly stared at his hands on the table - as a typical INTP, introverted researcher, Elena didn't like talking to strangers, but she was very careful and good at observation.

Elena had a strange feeling in her heart. She thought that the Boss probably didn't care much about what they said. He didn't even care that much about the progress of the Silver Bullet.

Boss's slender white fingers tapped the table from time to time, in an undisguised and casual manner.

If there were anyone from the Port Mafia here now, they would find that the "Boss"'s posture at this moment was exactly the same as Hojo Natsuki's nonchalant state when he was listening to his subordinates' reports. Apart from that, their body shapes were similar, and even the faint blue veins on the back of their hands were exactly the same - provided that you ignore his overly eye-catching green hood.

In short, he listened attentively, and then said lazily: "I see, you did a good job."

Miyano Atsushi and Elena exchanged glances.

"Silver Bullet, Mr. Karasuma's lifelong wish, I have always been paying attention to it."

Boss took out two sealed reagents from his pocket, placed them on the table, and gently pushed with his fingertips, and the reagent tubes rolled towards them.

The golden liquid in the transparent tube flows slowly, with a mercury-like texture.

"Drink it, Rum." He said calmly in his processed voice, "Mr. Karasuma's second-generation silver bullet. I improved it a little bit."

Rum picked up the test tube that rolled in front of him, his expression solemn, and the movement of pulling out the stopper of the test tube slowed down for several seconds.

He obviously didn't want to drink it, and even wanted to pour it on the leather cover of the frog-head.

Just now, Rum tried to prepare himself mentally, constantly wavering between "Boss knows everything, is unfathomable, and has a long-term vision" and "Why on earth does he wear such a stupid headgear?" He even considered usurping the throne for a few seconds, but before he could form the idea, he was interrupted by a few words from Boss.


'Mr. Karasuma' and 'Second Generation Silver Bullet' reminded him of some past events.

Finally, Rum closed his eyes and swallowed the drink in one gulp with the determination of a strong frog cutting off its own arm.

The drug reaction caused by the unknown liquid took effect quickly. Within a few minutes, Rum had difficulty breathing and his whole body felt like it was being crushed by a group of Thai elephants. The elephants' feet broke his bones, and the bones struggled to reconnect themselves... Due to the extreme pain, he couldn't even support himself to sit, and sat down weakly on the ground.

Atsushi Miyano and Elena were stunned, and seemed to want to lend a helping hand. However, when they looked at the Sad Frog Mask Boss who still had a calm attitude, they didn't know whether to advance or retreat, and were like two stupid bullfrogs waiting to be slaughtered.

Three minutes later, Rum finally got rid of the pain and sat up from the ground.

He spread his hands in disbelief and looked again and again, while Miyano Atsushi and Miyano Elena beside him also noticed his change -

It was as if organic fertilizer was sprinkled on Rum's bald head, and the barren head suddenly came back to life with a spring breeze, although this life was only a thin crop of black hair roots, which cleverly bypassed the Mediterranean area on the top of the head and only grew on the sides of the head.

"I..." Rum looked at his reflection in the window and said in shock, "I've become younger?"

Miyano Atsushi stammered, "...Yes!"

After the age of 30, the aging process accelerates, and basically one or two years later one will change one's appearance. Rum is 53 years old this year, but when he looks at himself in the mirror, he feels at least 6 or 7 years younger, from the wrinkles on his skin, the bags under his eyes... and some of his hair follicles that have been regenerated.

And such changes are even more intuitive in the eyes of the Miyano couple.

Elena shuddered.

The goal of the 'Silver Bullet' series of experiments is to reverse aging, rejuvenate, and ultimately bring the dead back to life; and the organization's most successful human test subject, Vermouth, has been tortured for several years to become what she is today.

As scientists, she and her husband naturally have endless curiosity about this topic, but they are also worried that if the "silver bullet" is really developed by them, the organization will use it to make huge profits and continue to cause harm to everyone.

Originally, she and her husband wanted to negotiate with Mr. Karasuma. If the research and development was successful, the use of the "Silver Bullet" must be strictly limited, and it must not be used as a weapon to hurt others. However, Mr. Karasuma suddenly passed away, and the new boss looked so strange... He seemed to have bad intentions and was unfathomable.

She looked at the tube of reagent and felt like a huge weight was pressing down on her heart.

"I'll give you the other one." Boss said to the Miyano couple without commenting, "Analyze the ingredients, replicate it, and strive for mass production. Next time I come over, I hope you can tell me good news."

Boss turned his chair around. The back of the main seat was high enough to cover his frog mask. He raised his hand and pushed the table, leveraging the force and being sent to the wide-open window by the rollers underneath.

Rum said: "Boss, I..."

He was startled and fell silent immediately.

The swivel chair seemed to have heard his unspoken question and turned back empty-handedly in response.

The chair was empty except for a shallow dent on the leather cushion that had not yet rebounded.

Elena Miyano was stunned and couldn't believe it. In just a few seconds, the boss disappeared right under her nose

"Go back to your posts," Rum said calmly. As for whether he was really calm, only he knew, "Follow the boss's request well."

So, Elena Miyano returned to the laboratory in a daze, constantly recalling every scene when she met the Boss just now, and almost made a low-level operational mistake.

“I’m sorry,” she told her assistant. “I’m not feeling well.”

The assistant nodded sympathetically: "Please take care of yourself."

Elena forced a smile.

As a researcher, her curiosity tormented her all the time, but she couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she tried. The more she thought about it, the scarier it became. She couldn't think too deeply about this matter, otherwise it would be too terrifying.

Not surprisingly, Miyano Elena couldn't sleep that night.

She closed her eyes and prepared to sleep—


Brain: Are you ready for bed

Elena: Yes, I have been doing experiments for a day and I am very sleepy.

Brain: Big lips sad frog holding red wine.jpg

Brain: He is the boss, he is the boss…

Elena opened her bloodshot eyes: "..."

[Congratulations on completing [visiting the guidance institute and interviewing at least one researcher]]

[[Miyano Elena] and [Miyano Atsushi] think you are unfathomable]

[Rum] Loyalty 5

[Reward: Japanese Yen*128888…]

Hojo Natsuki breathed a sigh of relief.

He only met three quacks just to test whether he could blend into the frog group by wearing the sad frog mask.

If Rumquat finds out and wants to rebel, he will be killed and a new second-in-command will be promoted. He will never have to see Frog in his true form (referring to the white puppy) again. As for the two researchers, they will be locked up in the research institute and made to work day and night.

However, judging from the completion report, the progress of the "Disguise Frog" mission was relatively smooth.

The two bottles of rejuvenating potion were magic items that Hojo Natsuki had spent a huge amount of money to buy at the mall: [The Frog Witch's Secret Art of Rejuvenation]

[The Frog Witch's Secret Art of Retaining Youth]

[Introduction: All the gifts from fate have been secretly marked with a price. If you want to regain your youth, what can you pay? ]

[Effect: When a character drinks [Frog Witch's Secret Art of Retaining Youth], the player will gain [Strong Control] over that character, causing them to be injured or killed, for a duration of 7500 days]

7500 days, that is 20 years! That’s a lot of money! … Although 20 years in the game went by very quickly.

Hojo Natsuki bought it happily. The money he spent was earned by the Frog Organization. He bought two bottles of this stuff. He fed one bottle to Rumquat, holding the old man's life in his hands; and gave the other bottle to the Miyano couple. If they could replicate it one-to-one and mass-produce it, it would be great.

It's really like Qin Shi Huang dipped in sesame sauce, and he won!

He suddenly remembered that he still had something to hold Rumquat accountable for, so he made another call.

Rum suddenly received a call from Boss at 3 a.m. The phone felt like it was burning. He switched it from his left hand to his right hand, picked it up with both hands, put it down with both hands, and finally answered the call with a nervous look on his face: "Boss."

"Rum." He heard Boss calling his name lightly, "Do you think the name of our organization is hard to pronounce?"

Rum: “…”


I can’t say it!

Rum remained calm and said, "How could that be? I am loyal to the organization and you. Since you have made your decision, how could I disobey you?"

His tone was so matter-of-fact that Hojo Natsuki was slightly shaken. He wondered if he had misunderstood this old man, and that Qinwa was unwilling to tell him the name of the organization? ... Yes, this guess was very likely.

Hojo Natsuki casually replied "I know" and switched back to the development mode.

The time of [Simulated Business] is synchronized with that of Qinwa, both are three o'clock in the middle of the night. Apparently, Yewazi has not gone to bed yet and is playing CS in the simulated shooting range without sleep or food.

He poked it, and the frog turned its head calmly. It was obviously used to being touched by him (?). It was useless to resist anyway, so it simply gave up.

[Natsuki]:Have you had dinner

[Gin]: No

So Hojo Natsuki opened the mall and bought a set meal that Kotowa liked the most. The set meal included a bento with quite a lot of meat dishes, eight tuna gunkan, tea and cream waffles. The set meal was 80% off, which was more than 100 yuan cheaper than the single-serve meal.

The frog sat cross-legged on the ground, with its back against the wall, and opened its lunch box to inhale the gust of air.

It was Hojo Natsuki who discovered that it liked to eat this, because the harp frog never took the initiative to confess its preferences, it would just eat it up quickly.

Erjing, I am indifferent to those who are disgusted.

For example, it wouldn’t even touch the cream waffles in the set meal.

Hojo Natsuki stared at it eating, wanting to laugh and sigh at the same time.

The little frog was willing to tell him that he had joined the organization, but he refused to reveal the name of the organization; he wanted to be independent in all aspects, but accidentally fell into his trap for the second time.

Oh, what an unlucky little thing.

Should I tell it that I am the boss of the Frog Organization

Rarely, Natsuki did not harass him in any way while he was eating, allowing him to finish his bento, sushi and tea in peace, leaving only the cream waffles in their original packaging.

In the past, I would usually leave a message like "I have something to do, so take your time eating"; if the other person didn't leave a message like that, I would usually send him a message or touch him for no apparent reason...

It was the first time that things were so normal that Kurosawa Jin was even a little uncomfortable.

He was in a state of hesitation, should he ask

He asked, as if to show that he cared about the other person very much.

He really didn't know how to start the conversation, and he wasn't prepared to be the one to speak first.

Kurosawa Jin stared at the cream waffle, picked it up as if possessed, tore open the package, and took a bite.

The aroma of cream and waffles enters your mouth directly.

It's too sweet, too greasy, and too unpalatable. I won't eat it anymore. He doesn't like sweets.

never mind.

Eat another bite and you won’t die.

Kurosawa Jin frowned and took another bite.

But Natsuki still didn't speak.

I don’t know how long it was before my phone vibrated twice and I received a message from the other party.


[Natsuki]: I am struggling with one thing, I don’t know whether I should say it or not

Kurosawa Jin responded quickly: [Then don’t say it]

[Natsuki]: Okay

Kurosawa: “?”

The other party seemed to really not want to talk about it, and brought up another topic: [Registration for this year's college entrance examination has begun, do you want to apply for one? Anyway, go and experience it.]

Kurosawa Jin maintained his usual indifferent and perfunctory response style.

[Gin]: Oh

[Natsuki]:Then I will register for you.

[Gin]: Got it

[Natsuki]:I just picked a random pseudonym

[Gin]: Oh

[College Entrance Examination Registration Form]




[Registration location]:…

After helping Qinwa fill out all the application information and pressing the [Submit] button, Hojo Natsuki was actually a little nervous.

What if I fail the college entrance examination and lose my mentality

I play CS every day, so I won't become a gloomy and useless otaku in the future, right? !

What if Guagua performs exceptionally well in the exam and accidentally gets admitted to Tokyo University? It is true that heroes emerge young (frog) since ancient times. Then the problem and pressure will come to him!

What should I buy him as a reward? A car? A new house

He thought again, that's not right, as a candidate, Qinwa must be more nervous than me!

"That's right... So I can't put pressure on it." Hojo Natsuki learned the mentality of a loving father without any guidance.

He started browsing the mall, wanting to buy some academic blessing amulets or inspirational greeting cards to make Qinwa less nervous. However, as he was browsing, he suddenly found a good thing.

[College Entrance Examination Support Package]

[Introduction: Birthday-level support gift packages for top idols! Big screens, airships, banners, drones, subway screens... Let your Guagua become the most beautiful frog on the day after the college entrance examination! Guagua was so moved that he cried when he received it! [Sad frog wipes tears.jpg]]

(crossed out) [Price: 150,000 clover] (/crossed out)

[Limited time special

Price: 99999 clover]

Hojo Natsuki nodded.

Well, this is it, and it’s on sale.

The frog would definitely be touched, right

(End of this chapter)