Travelling Frog

Chapter 41


Qinwa is smoking again! A bad guy who never changes his ways.

Hojo Natsuki originally wanted to scold it as usual, but suddenly realized that the age column of the frog clearly said 19. According to human standards, it was already an adult.

As long as adult frogs don't smoke in public, no one has the right to point fingers at them.

"… But am I someone else?!" Xia Shu thought as a matter of course, "I am its father."

So he used Stoka angrily, found the little quack that was hanging outside, and rubbed its head hard.

[Natsuki]: Gin-chan, you promised me not to smoke, and you broke your promise!

The frog's hat was rubbed off by his random fingering, and its long, smooth silver hair was also messy. It was simply annoyed by Xia Shu, and its expression was depressed, with a look on its face that said "Why is this psychopath here again?" It was probably performing a squatting mission and didn't want to alarm the ordinary people around it, so it didn't curse immediately when it was harassed.

Qinwa smoothed his hair, picked up the black hat, and put it back on his back, as naturally as putting a ceramic lid on a mug.

Hojo Natsuki laughed: "Pfft."

My son really likes this top hat.

After doing all this, Qinwa quietly took out his cell phone and replied to his message.

[Gin]: I never promised

It didn't. But Hojo Natsuki was good at making trouble.

[Natsuki]: I remember


[Natsuki]: You clearly said it yourself, why are you asking me for evidence

[Natsuk]: You should prove that you didn't promise me

Qinwa knew that he was talking nonsense, and replied coldly with a period: [. ].

Hojo Natsuki thought that since talking therapy didn't work, he would use practical actions to help it quit smoking. After all, he was a player, with great authority, and the frog was just a small croak in front of him.

Then, Vodka discovered that more and more strange things were happening to his eldest brother.

He had been the errand boy for his big brother for nearly three years. Kurosawa Jin didn't need to ask about his past as a freelance mercenary. When he was bored while driving, he would take the initiative to pour out all the vodka.

In contrast, Vodka still knows nothing about his elder brother's past. Vodka is a bit of a chatterbox and not very smart, but he knows a lot about important things and knows that "the more you know, the faster you die", so he doesn't have excessive curiosity - this is his philosophy of survival after years of wandering in the underworld.

Kurosawa Jin did ask: "What does the person who hired you look like?"

But Vodka had never met the employer, so he could only answer honestly: "We were all in touch online. I don't know his information, only a coded digital ID."

After listening to this, Kurosawa Jin said "hmm" lightly, without making any comment, allowing him to concentrate on the road.

It seemed like just a casual question, with no expectation of an answer.

The sense of distance and mystery is the basis of the emotion of "worship".

Kurosawa Jin is naturally aloof and doesn't like to talk much, so he seems particularly reliable and steady at a young age; and it is also because of these two cold attributes that are like "factory settings" that some unreasonable things that happen to him make Vodka feel that "it shouldn't be like this, but this is how the big brother should be."

For example, the mobile phone you use.

This year, the mainstream mobile phone market is still dominated by flip and sliding models.

But the mobile phone my brother uses is very advanced. It has no buttons and a sensitive touch screen. Many operations can be completed by pressing the screen a few times.

Vodka thought to himself: "As expected of the big brother, even his cell phone is more advanced than others."

For example, cigarettes.

Kurosawa Jin took a cigarette out of the box, and Vodka was quick to light it naturally. The other party frowned, noticed something strange, and expressionlessly removed the white paper wrapping the cigarette core - revealing a stick of chocolate inside.

Vodka took back the lighter as if nothing had happened, thinking: "As expected of the big brother, so humorous... Does the big brother like chocolate?"

Another example is a lighter.

Kurosawa Jin asked Vodka to get out of the car and buy a new pack of cigarettes. Vodka went happily and came back soon, gave the cigarettes to the other party and continued driving.

The car was on the highway, and he couldn't free his hands to light the fire for his brother, but Kurosawa Jin calmly took out the silver lighter, flipped the lid with his thumb, and lit it... A three-leaf clover jumped out where the fire should have come out.

Although there was no wind in the car, the clover was swaying from side to side in a shameless manner, as if it was very proud of itself.

Kurosawa Jin: “…”

Vodka didn't dare to speak, and then thought: "As expected of you, Big Brother... Help, who is playing this prank? Big Brother, please don't take your anger out on me. I'm not laughing."

The prayer seemed to be heard by God. Despite the anxiety caused by vodka, Kurosawa Jin did not get angry. He pulled out the grass, lowered the car window and threw it away.

He put away the cigarette box and lighter as if nothing had happened - after being tormented for so long, he was too lazy to even lose his temper.

In the evening, Hojo Natsuki, who had just got off work, received a lecture from Xiao Gua.

[Gin]: Are you annoying

Xia Shu: “?”

[Natsuki]: Huh

[Gin]:Don’t act stupid

what happened again

He was really confused, because he had done so many things that made him tease others that he couldn't remember them all at once. Just as a certain blond vampire wouldn't remember the bread he had eaten, Hojo Natsuki wouldn't deliberately remember the bad things he had done.

Natsuki: I don’t have any.


Qin Frog ignored him again.

It doesn’t matter, he still has the postcard sent by Qinwa.

If a postcard has not been appreciated five, six, seven or eight times, it is incomplete and relatively a failure, and I will never agree with that.

Apart from the two system rewards, [Kugu Frog·Memories of the Old Port] and [Kugu Frog·Dim Lights], this is the third postcard sent by Kugu Frog. Unlike the previous ones with bright and cheerful tones, this one has an overall dark tone, but because Gua Gua itself is too cute, it does not look dull at all.

It squatted on the edge of the rooftop, smoking and thinking about its life. The lights of the tall buildings in the distance blurred into a whole piece of crystal light. Because it was photographed from the side, the top hat on the frog's back was so big that it seemed to be able to swallow it in one bite.

Look at the bouncy frog legs, the plump cheeks, the lollipop-like cigarette, the cool expression of a guy chopping electric wires with a kitchen knife and sparks and lightning all the way—

Oh my god, how can there be such a cute little frog

Xia Shu began to speculate again: "Who took the photo of the frog? Was it croaking? How long did it take to pose? Did it take hundreds of photos before choosing the one it was satisfied with?..."

The truth is, it can be generated with just one click and the text is provided by the system.

Qinwa Bengua had no idea what would be written on the postcard handed to him.

However, ignorance is bliss. Hojo Natsuki admired the card with satisfaction and turned his attention back to the text.


[Two mice were killed today.]

Xia Shu was slightly confused: "What rat?"

His first reaction was to understand it in a physical sense, but when he thought about it carefully, if it was just sniping, Qinwa would not have specially written a postcard to tell him, so there must be a deeper meaning.

Mouse? Hamster? Silver Fox Hamster? Tom and Jerry? Shukebeta

Little white mouse

A closer look reveals that Qinwa chose chemical engineering as his major after being divided into different majors at the University of Tokyo.

Could it be that it is actually a little quack with a dream of scientific research? But, I can't tell at all

Hojo Natsuki: Sublimation of the Space Frog.jpg

It is better to be prepared than to be caught unprepared. Regardless of whether Qinwa wants to do scientific research or not, he should first put the third research institute on the agenda. It is time for his three SSRs to shine. With this in mind, he opened the [Simulation Business] that had been gathering dust for a long time.

[[Sheryl Qua], [Miyano Elena Qua] and [Future Research Institute Incubation Center] Professor [Ino Qua] had an argument]

[Should mediation be conducted? [Y/



How could such a good kid like Shirley Qua and such a dedicated employee like Miyano Elena actually come into conflict with the professor

Out of curiosity, Hojo Natsuki selected [Yes].

On the screen, Miyano Elena Qua was holding Shirley Qua's hand, and the latter was leaning against her mother, as if trying to hide herself.

System: [[Sheryl Qua] is making rapid progress in her studies. [Ino Qua] suggests sending her to study abroad.]

[Miyano Elena]: I don't agree, Shirley is still so young

[Miyano Elena]: At least wait until she is ten years old

[Ino Qua]: As you know, she was first code member Shirley, and then Miyano Shiho

[Miyano Elena Qua]:…

Regarding the academic problems of her youngest daughter Miyano Shiho, Miyano Elena had several discussions with Professor Ino, but each discussion ended in a bad mood.

The code name was fine, and it was not something she could control, but as a mother, she was really worried about her seven-year-old daughter traveling across the ocean to study abroad.

"—what are you talking about?"

The confrontation between the two adults was interrupted by a sudden interruption.

Shirley was the first to react. She whispered, "Boss, good afternoon."

"Boss." Professor Ino cleared his throat, took the lead in speaking, and explained seriously, "Shirley is very good and has completed her high school courses. I suggest sending her to Caltech..."

The old professor spoke in a tone of advice that it was for Shirley's own good and for the future of the organization's research institute, and made it seem like it was natural for Shirley to study abroad. This made Miyano Elena, who was not good at speaking, speechless.

The situation and interests are clear, and her selfishness cannot constitute a legitimate reason to make a wake-up call.

After hearing this, Boss did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Shirley who was hiding behind her mother: "What do you think, Shirley? ... Do you want to stay with your mother or go abroad to study?"

"I..." Shirley pinched the corner of Miyano Elena's clothes and answered timidly but seriously, "I don't want to go abroad."

The subtext is—

"I don't want to leave my mother."

Hojo Natsuki was very moved outside the screen, and inexplicably and without any reason, he empathized with her - so that's why, Qinwa agreed to have excellent grades, why didn't he go abroad to study in college? He must be reluctant to leave him!

Guagua won’t say it, but Guagua loves you.

He understands now.

So Xia Shu immediately said to Inoqua: [Did you hear that? She doesn't want to go. Arrange for her to go to a university in China.]

[Ino Qua]: ...Yes.


On the contrary, Elena Qua and Shirley Qua were very surprised.

[Miyano Elena Qua]: Thank you very much for your tolerance and understanding...

[Sulligua]: Thank you, Boss! I will work hard

The short-haired kid on the screen smiled shyly.

Hojo Natsuki thought, why couldn't a little of Koto Frog's coldness be given to Shirley, and a little of Shirley's cuteness and obedience be given to Koto Frog

As expected, other people’s children are the best behaved.

He called: [Sulli, you are a code member, you have the right to reject him directly.]

Shirley nodded seriously: [I understand.]

The system pops up reminders at the right time—

[[Miyano Elena] Loyalty 10]

[Sulliquah] Loyalty 3]

Hojo Natsuki controlled the puppies to say goodbye to them, immediately put this insignificant episode behind him, and went back to harass the frog.

The busy Qinwa master has finished a whole day's work and is sitting in the car. The deformed Fu Gua, who is flashing at the keyhole, is driving the tricycle to take it home at lightning speed.

Natsuki poked it and started popping up messages.

[Natsuki]: You don’t want to go to college abroad because you can’t bear to leave me

[Natsuki]: Admit it, Gin-chan! I saw through your little trick again.

The frog twitched its mouth and didn't reply.

But its round green face clearly expressed with its dead fish eyes: "What is this person doing?"

Hojo Natsuki understood. This was something that he was embarrassed to admit. This was how a tsundere frog was.

It doesn’t matter, then he asked something else, something that happened recently.

[Natsuki]: Why did you suddenly send me a postcard

When Qinwa saw this message, he suddenly put away his disgusted expression of "you are the only crazy person in the world" and looked a little embarrassed.

The frog turned its head to look at the scenery on the other side.

Its silver hair was blown by the wind, stretching out like willow branches. After several minutes, it still refused to reply to the message.

Hojo Natsuki continued to make small talk: [Since you have sent me a postcard, I will continue to tell you a revenge story in the style of Bingmei. Do you want to hear it? ]

[Gin]: I don’t listen

Of course Xia Shu ignored him. He had received the postcard, so the deal was established, with one hand exchanging the postcard and the other hand exchanging the revenge story.

He flipped through the chat history and typed: [Last time, I talked about how the iced Americano was locked in the refrigerator, and the cellmate Vanilla Latte taught it... I forgot about the middle... Anyway, after a great adventure, the iced Americano escaped from the refrigerator, and all the way down, it encountered ice cubes in the freezer.]

[Natsuki]:The first meeting between Ice American and Ice Cube was truly earth-shattering! They fell in love at first sight, and they felt like old friends. One was like summer, and the other was like winter... Then Ice American and Ice Cube decided to become happy friends and live together forever.

The frog couldn't stand it anymore.


[Gin]: What are you talking about

Hojo Natsuki smiled and shook his head, then continued typing with a hypocritical tone.

[Natsuki]: Yes, why? I also find it strange. Ice cubes are cold, hard and stubborn. Why would people choose ice cubes for iced Americano

[Natsuki]: It’s so weird, really so weird. Do you have any ideas

[Natsuki]:I have a guess, I don’t know if it’s right

[Natsuki]: Does the ice cube actually care about it

Qinwa didn't know whether he was annoyed by him or shy. Anyway, after a barrage of messages, he finally stopped being silent and opened his phone to reply -


(End of this chapter)