Travelling Frog

Chapter 45


Shuichi Akai, 23 years old, a young and outstanding FBI agent.

His parents were both British and MI6 agents.

So why would a young man from Great Britain, born and raised under the Union Jack, turn to the FBI

This story begins ten years ago.

Shuichi Akai's father, Mutake Akai, was entrusted to go to the United States to investigate a suspicious case. He happened to uncover the secret of a transnational criminal group and was hunted down by the organization. Since then, there has been no news of him and his life or death is unknown.

Therefore, the eldest son Shuichi Akai went to the United States to study in order to investigate his father's whereabouts, and successfully joined the FBI with his outstanding performance.

During his five years at the FBI, Shuichi Akai's outstanding performance was witnessed by the entire department. Everyone agreed that this young agent had a bright future, and as long as he was promoted step by step, he would definitely become a big shot with a say in the FBI.

However, Shuichi Akai took the initiative to propose to the head of the secret department that he was willing to go to Japan to go undercover in the unknown transnational criminal group that had hunted down his father and collect their information and evidence of their crimes.

"That organization has strict internal audits and never shows mercy to traitors. This is a job that will cost you your life if you take it lightly." The person in charge said calmly, "Mr. Akai, are you sure you have thought it through?"

Akai's answer was equally firm: "Whether I live or die, all consequences will be borne by me personally."

"Okay." The person in charge showed approval, "Then from now on, you should abandon the name 'Akai Shuichi'."

He threw a prepared identity file to Akai: "Your new identity is 'Zhu Xing Dai', a British-Japanese hybrid, who became a freelance mercenary at the age of nineteen. Because he was being hunted down..."

—In this way, Shuichi Akai, using the alias "Dai Moroboshi", began his thrilling undercover journey.

The cheapest and fastest way to infiltrate an organization is to first get to know a member of the organization and be introduced by him. With the organization member's resume as a backing, after infiltrating, Akai will be subject to less stringent internal scrutiny.

Unfortunately, the FBI has limited intelligence on the organization, and higher-level members are basically only known by code names, and it is even difficult to match the code names with their faces.

Fortunately, there are many grassroots members in the organization, and their personal information and whereabouts are relatively easy to obtain.

Shuichi Akai picked and chose from the member introduction forms that met the requirements, and finally chose a gentle and soft young woman.

When facing the opposite sex, Shuichi Akai has a unique advantage: his face; he knows this very well, and in order to achieve his goal, he does not hesitate to exude his charm to the opposite sex.

The lucky person chosen this time is called Miyano Akemi.

In her resume, the column for parents reads "deceased" - in order to protect the precious SSR, Hojo Natsuki set the confidentiality level of Shirley, Miyano Elena, and Miyano Atsushi to top secret.

Miyano Akemi is a marginal member of the organization. The missions she handles are not very important. She has never killed anyone. She regularly donates to a children's charity foundation - this is why Akai Shuichi chose her. She is a soft-hearted woman, and being soft-hearted means being easily breached.

After the candidates are determined, the targeted plans are also clear.

He approached Miyano Akemi, causing her to fall in love with him, and then naturally joined the organization as Miyano Akemi's lover.

So, Shuichi Akai skillfully hit Miyano Akemi's car and went to the hospital with minor injuries that were manageable. Miyano Akemi had a high sense of morality and felt extremely guilty, so she offered to compensate him. However, after just a few seconds of looking into his green eyes, her face turned slightly red and her speech became stammering...

Then Miyano Akemi went out to answer a phone call.

Shuichi Akai didn't think there was anything wrong because the way she answered the phone was so natural.

After going out, Miyano Akemi quickly walked to the empty fire exit, pressed the connect button, and whispered, "Boss."

"Mingmei." Boss said, "Did you hit anyone with your car today?"

Miyano Akemi's heart skipped a beat: "...Yes."

"That person..." Boss's electronic voice seemed to float in the air, light and gentle,

If he wants to join the organization through your introduction, agree to it."

Miyano Akemi suddenly realized something, and the affection she had just developed for the handsome man was immediately shattered by the Boss's words.


Subconsciously, she wanted to ask for the reason.

But Miyano Akemi paused and didn't ask the question, because "obeying the boss's orders" is much more important than "asking why you should do this." Although sometimes the tasks are bizarre and a little ridiculous when you think about it, the boss has never asked her to hurt others and has always protected her and her family... This is enough.

"I understand." said Miyano Akemi.

Hojo Natsuki could never have imagined that the meaning of [Recruitment] actually meant that Akai Yuyu would take the initiative to deliver the goods to his door.

[Are you sure you want to recruit [Akai Yuyu]? [Y/N]]

[New employee [Akai Yuyu] is delivering... ]

[[Akai Yuyu] decided to seduce [Miyano Akemi] and infiltrate the [Frog Organization] through her introduction! ]

Hojo Natsuki: “???”

Then, the system very considerately inserted a CG clip of a scam that left people speechless.

Akai Fish (fishman version) is very tall and walks upright, standing out among the short animals. For some reason, the little butterflies, rabbits and other female animals on the roadside are all looking at it and whispering about it.

The soft light belonging to the male protagonist, shining on Akai Yu Yu's... I don't know how to describe it... crucian carp-like profile and simple fish eyes, makes its comma-like black hair seem less ugly.

Ming Meigua was driving the car and turning left.

In a flash, Akai Yuyu tensed up and rushed towards the car at the speed of a swordfish, then was hit and fell to the ground...

Ming Meigua got out of the car, looking extremely nervous: [Sorry! Are you okay? I'll take you to...]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Wait, isn't it just joining the organization and starting working part-time? Is this how the story is supposed to develop

The foreign aquatic nobles really like to add drama to themselves. Such a casual-looking fishman actually wants to be the male lead in an idol drama! Too much! At least use the mermaid body...

Forget it, it's almost the same. Since Akai Yuyu is planning to sneak in without anyone noticing, the tolerant Boss can cooperate. After all, he is just a tutor for Qinwa and one of the future Clover employees...

System: [[Akai Yuyu] infiltrated the organization to investigate the whereabouts of his father [Akai Takeyu]]

The latter name seemed familiar to Hojo Natsuki, and he remembered it in a few seconds.

[Akai Takeo] is the only mermaid, so I left a deep impression on her.

So that’s how it is, the story line can be connected!

"If the frog is not satisfied with the tutor, it's a good opportunity for them to reunite in the green clover plantation." Hojo Natsuki thought as a matter of course, "How can there be a leader as kind as me?"

More than a month has passed in the game, and Akai Yuyu has officially joined the organization through Mingmei Gua.

In order to test its ability, Hojo Natsuki assigned it several difficult tasks that required sniping skills, and Akai Yuyu completed them all successfully.

As an undercover agent, Akai Fish, like other traitors, works much harder than the real frogs. It rushes to do tasks of all sizes, with high efficiency and speed, and the speed at which it earns contribution points is almost comparable to that of Qin Frog when he entered the organization.

The probation period was nearly two months, and Akai Yuyu never failed for a moment.

That’s right, it shows that this prince-to-be’s tutor is capable and not a fraud based on panel attributes.

Hojo Natsuki officially made the decision and told his son the good news: [I found it for you



[Natsuki]:It's OK to be a friend or run errands

[Gin]: I have a driver

[Natsuki]: Driving is one thing, but this new guy is here to play with you!

[Natsuki]: He is also in the organization, let him join your action team

In the past two years, Qinwa naturally had doubts about his identity.

Qinwa asked questions like "Why do you know so much about the organization?", "What is your relationship with the Boss?", "Why are you able to interfere..."

Hojo Natsuki's uniform response was: "I can't say."

—Actually, he didn’t want to say it.

Wouldn’t it be more interesting to wait for the frog to discover it itself

Qinwa understood this "can't" to mean something like "restricted by rules and unable to tell the truth", so he didn't ask any further questions.

Guagua has his own scale in his heart and probably has some vague, rudimentary guesses about him, but he never asks.

As the frog grew older, its expressions became less and less. It basically no longer cursed with a twisted green face. Most of the time, it faced everything with an expressionless coffin face.

[Gin]: No

[Gin]:Are you free

The frog is still the same, always young and always speaking in a unpleasant way.

[Natsuki]: He is a talent that I carefully selected. He is also a very good sniper, and...

Just after typing a line of words, Hojo Natsuki choked.

He recalled the eye-catching image of the fishman in his mind, and couldn't make up any nonsense to praise Akai Fish, so he had to start with the original appearance of the mermaid and started talking nonsense: [He... He looks a lot like you... His eyes are also green! ]

Very similar, meaning they are both amphibians, can go into the water and live on the shore; moreover, they are both good at sniping.

When it comes to making friends, Hojo Natsuki's personal experience is that birds of a feather flock together (specially mentioning Dazai Osamu), and he has never imagined the possibility that like repels like.

So he concluded: [I think you will become good friends]

—This way the frog won’t be bored when it’s alone!

It can also find mermen... It's much healthier to stick with mermen than playing CS.

[Natsuki]:But if you don’t like him, that’s fine. I don’t force you to play with him.

Hojo Natsuki was prepared to be rejected again, after all, his personality was just so aloof.

However, the frog on the screen looked at the phone, and his already bad expression became even gloomier.

[Gin]: Oh, he is a sniper

[Gin]: Did you also prepare a shooting range for him

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Wait, this is asking "Do you keep other frogs outside?"

He immediately proved his innocence: [I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I only bought you a shooting range]

[Gin]: His gun

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Here we go! The feeling of being discovered by your cat at a cat cafe.

An inexplicable feeling of tension lingered around him, and he suddenly felt a little guilty.

[Natsuki]: He bought it himself, I didn't know! Don't accuse me

Daddy only has you, little quack! I only spent money on you!

—No, I can’t say that. It’s a lie. In fact, the Frog Organization has a group of croaks…


What to do? How to explain

I don’t have any Akai fish, but I made the same mistake that every player would make, and I have a group of frog employees outside

Help! Even a frog would be so angry that it would run away from home, right

[Natsuki]:I am not familiar with him.

[Gin]: Oh

Hojo Natsuki couldn't tell from the frog's cold little poker face whether it believed it or not, but its unhappiness at the moment was almost solidified.

[Gin]: So, what is his name

(End of this chapter)