Travelling Frog

Chapter 53


The game screen went silent and everything stopped moving, as if the pause button was suddenly pressed.

[Zero Meow]:…

[Akai Fish]:…

[Zero Meow]: … …

[Akai Fish]: … … … …

Hojo Natsuki took a look and found that the game could not adjust the development speed and there was no pause, so was it stuck

The windows were wide open, and the wind was blowing through the silver hair of the frog, proving that the game was still running.

Akai Yuyu spoke first: [Director, I think it is difficult for two adult men to fit into this car. Why don't Amuro and I take turns to test drive it?]

Ling Miao nodded seriously, agreeing with what Shuichan-kun said.

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Haha, this is too fake. Do you really think that the puppy Boss has never ridden a tricycle

Frog's Porsche twisty car can accommodate three small animals: Transformed Fuqua, Frog and Boss the puppy!

Hojo Natsuki replied as a matter of course: [Gin and I can both, why can't you squeeze in? ]

Are you guys awesome? You guys aren't that different in size, right

However, the fish and the cat were shocked after hearing this.

[Akai Fish]:

[Zero Meow]:? ? ? ! ! !

Akai Yuyu was stunned.

Ling Miao was also stunned.

The two of them seemed to be petrified by Medusa, and turned their heads stiffly to look at the frog that was enjoying the breeze by the window. The frog also turned its head suddenly, its facial features twisted in disgust, and its little green face turned black with anger - if there were no outsiders here, the frog might have already pulled out a gun and aimed at the Boss, ready to kill the king.

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

It's so strange, why are you so angry and don't even tell me the truth

Could it be that Qinwa is a tsundere, afraid that others will know that he can't express his love for tricycles

[Zero]: ...Is that so? I really can't tell.


The frog had a pair of dead fish eyes, and was calm and expressionless, still the emotionless killer Guagua.

Akai Yuyu's lips twitched twice, and then continued: [In that case, then Amuro-kun and I will give it a try. ]

—It has to be Akai Yuyu! So sensible! Boss’s considerate and good Yuyu!

[Zero Meow]:

Zero Meow subconsciously showed his claws, but he held back and hid his claws back on his paw pads.

Akai Yuyu took advantage of the victory and continued: [Then, I will drive, and Amuro-kun will sit at the back of the car with his back to me. This should be enough space for him to sit.]

The FBI came out on top, but Ling Miao cleverly used his height advantage (referring to the fact that he was not as tall as the FBI) as a rebuttal, winning back a point for the Japanese Public Security Bureau.

[Zero Cat]: Zhu Xingjun is taller than me, so it should be difficult for him to move around in the car.

[Zero Meow]: Why don't you sit in the back and I'll drive

[Akai Fish]:…

Akai Yuyu said reluctantly: [I can do anything. ]

Hojo Natsuki watched the weird fight between the cat and the fish with great interest.

As they had agreed, Ling Miaomiao squeezed into the tricycle. It tried very hard, but it was still like a fat cat forced into small-sized cat clothes. Its fur was squeezed outside the door, like green ice cream overflowing from a cone. On the other hand, Akai Yuyu was not much better. It sat on the backrest with its back to Ling Miaomiao. The backrest was too small compared to its body size and could not serve as a fulcrum for its whole body.

Huh? Why is this car so small

The Porsche twistie can clearly accommodate the frog dog, one in front and one in the back, so harmonious!

So that's it. Is this the difference between the Porsche original and the Chinese version? Is the Chinese version smaller? ... But on the screen they look about the same size. Maybe there's a bug in the game

As long as it can be played, I'm too lazy to report this harmless little bug to the customer service - besides, this makes Qinwa's Porsche twist car seem even more unique.

Zero asked politely, placing his cat paws on the steering wheel.

[Zero Meow]: You can

, Mr. Star

[Akai Yuyu]: Yeah.

So Ling Miao stepped on the accelerator, and the tricycle carrying the cat and the fish started to move in the open space of the office. Fortunately, the factory director's office was very large, so spacious that it was unimaginable, and full of the atmosphere of the ultimate capitalist luxury, so it could accommodate an overloaded tricycle.

The overly small twisting car made Ling Miao hesitant and awkward, but it was a more difficult test for Akai Yu Yu.

The backrest cannot support the body of Akai Fish, so it has to use its fins to support the backrest, with its body suspended in the air, and fix itself on the car body.

Hojo Natsuki couldn't help but applaud: "How amazing."

This move of Akai Yuyu seems to be a piece of cake, but it actually tests the arm strength and core strength. If Akai Yuyu were a person, with more practice, could she perform the human flag raising in real life

Ling Miao drove the car and circled the office. During these few tens of seconds, Akagi Yuyu supported his body with his "fish hands" and raised the fish flag diligently on the backrest of the car.

Frog: […]

Fu Gua: […]

The frog was in a mess again.

Fu Gua turned his face away silently, as if trying to hold back a laugh; the large sunglasses on his face served to conceal it.

After going around in a circle, the tricycle returned to the starting point intact. Akai Yuyu and Ling Cat got off the car and stood in front of the puppy Boss again.

Hojo Natsuki was delighted and gave a reward: [Well done, both of you. This month's bonus will be increased by 10,000 yen.]

It's not his money anyway.

[Zero Cat]: Thank you, Director

[Akai Yuyu]: Thank you, Director

Their expressions of thanks seemed quite sincere, perfectly fitting the persona of hard-working employees.

System: [FBI WARNING! Japanese Public Security WARNING! ]

[[Akai Yuyu] and [Zero Cat] are carrying out your request only to extend their time with you and obtain more information about you in order to defeat the [Frog Organization]! Be sure to distinguish right from wrong and don't be deceived by their weak and cute appearance.]

On the left is a cat that is as green as a dead lake, and on the right is a weird fishman looking up at the stars.

To be honest, they have nothing to do with the words "fragile" and "cute". This system really loves to lie.

System: [You have a [1-minute mind-reading card], do you want to use it on [Zero] or [Akagi Yuyu]? [Y/N]]

Oh, it's an item that can be exchanged for clovers.

This game has two major mall systems. One is the [Cultivation] section, where you can buy various necessary props for raising the frog, and the settlement currency is clover; the other is the [Simulation Management] built-in mall, where you can buy props required for simulation management, there are many artifacts, and the settlement currency is "Japanese Yen" - Japanese Yen is the virtual currency that the employees of the Frog Organization work hard to earn for him.

The third largest invisible mall is the clover exchange mall. Plant and pick real clovers in the [Simulation Business] section, and you can exchange them for clovers, the currency needed to cultivate the frog, at a ratio of 10:1. You can also exchange them for other small props, from clover bookmarks to a variety of magic props.

[1min Mind Reading Card] is an expensive item.

The reason why Hojo Natsuki bought it was because he wanted to read the frog's mind, so that he could know what this unfortunate little frog was angry about all day long. However, after buying it, he found out that -

[1min mind reading card]

[Introduction: How far do I have to go to get into your heart? It will be in the next second! This card can be used by 1-N objects. The more objects you use, the lower the accuracy of mind reading.]

[*Invalid for [Linto Frog]]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Scammer! Money-swindling trick!

After the redemption was completed, the patch was applied and it said it was ineffective for Qinwa! !

He doesn't care what the other animals are thinking. Even if they curse the dog boss in their hearts, they have to work for him. He knows that this is enough. As for how annoying the workers are, that is not something the Boss should care about.

At this moment, facing the two traitorous animals pretending to be loyal, the system popped up a reminder to use the [1min Mind Reading Card].

Hojo Natsuki hesitated for a moment and chose Yes.

It's just sitting there anyway, so just use it and see the effect.

When the little animals talk, bubbles appear above their heads, and their Q-version animal watermarks are added to the bubble frames as a distinguishing mark for different dialog boxes. It is worth mentioning that the Q-version animal watermarks on the bubble frames are all printed with their original images. Ling Miao is a little black cat, and Akai Yuyu is a beautiful and cute green-eyed mermaid.

[1min Mind Reading Card] used special effects that flashed by and it worked.

Then, the bullet comments began to roll around Akai Yuyu and Zero Cat, constantly showing their ever-changing thoughts. As the bullet comments rolled around very quickly, Hojo Natsuki couldn't catch them all, and could only see some of them.

Barrage on Zero Meow:

[This "factory manager" is likely to be the boss of the organization]

[Looks very young, can’t be over 25]

[He teased me and the security guard, was he doing it on purpose? ]

[Have I exposed myself in any way, or have I not covered myself up well enough? ]

Then, Ling Miao started thinking strange things.

[“Both Gin and I are fine”, what is he hinting at? Is it possible that Gin and Boss are in that kind of relationship, and he is Boss’s… ]

This inner monologue leaves an ellipsis that inspires imagination.

But the guilty person has his own interpretation.

Hojo Natsuki was shocked: "!!!"

What's going on! Do Japanese police cats have dog noses? They can detect the deep affection between him and his son

The father-son relationship had successfully deceived the entire organization all these years, but was it about to be exposed in front of the police

Will Ling Miao spread rumors? Will he tell his fellow police officers

We must never let the frogs in the organization think that Top Killer is a gigolo who relied on his father to get to the top.

Hojo Natsuki held the phone in one hand, tapped the table slowly with the knuckles of the other hand, and began to think.

—To prevent future troubles, should we just lock Zero Cat up in the clover plantation

The Zero cat in the picture suddenly shuddered, and secretly glanced at the aquatic products next to him, with a look of alertness like a kitten.

Hojo Natsuki followed its gaze and also noticed the barrage of bullets rolling on Akai Yuyu's body.

These two natural enemies have surprisingly consistent ideas.

Akai Fish:

[This "factory manager" must be the boss of the organization]

He is young, very young

[What’s so special about this twisting car?]

[“Both Gin and I are fine”, what is he hinting at? Is it possible that Gin and Boss are in that kind of relationship, and he is Boss’s… ]

Hojo Natsuki: “!”

No way, Akai Yuyu also discovered it? Is it so obvious

The second half of the sentence rolled out: [… Relationship, he is Boss’s lover? ]

Hojo Natsuki: “… ?”


This amazing guess inadvertently saved Zero Cat who was about to be thrown into the Clover Plantation, because all that was left in Hojo Natsuki's mind was "What the hell is this stinky fish thinking about, it must be sick!" - Red team helps Red team, the FBI helps the Japanese public security.

Akai Yuyu's weird ideas continue.

[In that case, it would be a good idea for me to approach Boss as a lover. ]

[Although I don't want to admit it, Gin and I are similar in some ways. ]

Seeing these two comments, Hojo Natsuki was completely speechless: "… "

He manually ended his mind-reading skill and looked at the silver fishman with weird thinking and even weirder appearance.

Akai Yuyu stood in front of the puppy Boss with a stern fish face. It was not wearing a knitted hat today. The few strands of black hair on its head were like twisted question marks and commas, sticking to its dull and lifeless fish face, making it look like a walking ugly fish emoticon package.

Looking at the frog, although it has a cocky expression, its face is round and bouncy.

The appearance is completely different from that of dried salted fish.

—Pu Xin Yu Yu, how ridiculous!

To be honest, Akai Fish is indeed beautiful in its original form, but why is it still so popular with the opposite sex after it transforms into a fishman? Is it because of its "inner beauty"

There are too many flaws in this matter, and Hojo Natsuki couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it too much.

He dismissed the guests casually: [You can go out now and work hard. ]

Upon hearing this, Akai Yuyu and Ling Miao obediently left the office.

Then, Hojo Natsuki controlled the dog Boss and conducted routine interrogations with other employees through the gauze curtains, wondering how the game could be realistic in such an unnecessary way while enjoying interrogating the employees. However, his happiness did not last long, because Qinwa seemed to be so annoyed that he wanted to hit someone, so he had to speed up the process to prevent the angry Croak from attacking other innocent employees.

Soon, the factory director's visit day finally came to an end.

Although Qinwa looked "very annoyed", it also followed the whole process very hard and uncomplainingly, showing its professionalism at the top level.

Hojo Natsuki opened the attribute panel of the Frog and was surprised to find that its loyalty had soared from 60 to 95!

[[Qin Frog] Current loyalty: 95]

[[Qin Frog] is absolutely loyal to you. Although it often thinks you are a retard, [Qin Frog] has never thought of betraying you. As long as you don't give up on it, it will be your most loyal Top Killer. ]

Hojo Natsuki: “???”

What does this mean? A few days ago, it was [Loyalty 60], "Schrödinger's loyalty", "Once the organization is about to collapse, Qinwa will immediately turn against you and run away"... But today it has become "I have never thought of betraying you"! !

This game is too contradictory.

For a moment, Hojo Natsuki was extremely confused.

Soon, he realized something.

—It’s the twisty car factory! He built the twisty car factory!

The frog pretended to be very disgusted, but in fact it was already very impressed by the toy factory. How could it pretend to be so decent? It must have been very happy in its heart. Otherwise, why would its loyalty jump from 60 to 90 overnight

Hojo Natsuki decided to pursue the victory!

Make the Twist Car Factory bigger and stronger, use it to increase its visibility and public welfare value to whitewash the organization, and then gain 100% loyalty of Qinwa.

This plan is perfect for both parties!

At this time, the puppy Boss on the screen was in the elevator car with the Frog, and the elevator was slowly descending.

Hojo Natsuki: [Within three years, I will turn this place into Tokyo’s number one toy factory]

Frog: […]

The frog still had a look of disgust on its face, but it responded reluctantly.


Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Little frog, why is he so arrogant towards Boss

He then thought about how to make the toy factory bigger and stronger.

The goal of the game must be ambitious, that is, to be the first in Tokyo in three years and the first in Japan in five years. With the full support of the entire frog organization, what's so difficult about this

The public welfare value is to do charity and make donations in the name of the organization, which is easy.

In terms of popularity, constant marketing is needed.

Hojo Natsuki blinked and began to recall his list of tool frogs, and suddenly thought of the mysterious plastic frog - [Vermouth Qua].

She is a well-known actress. Wouldn't it be free popularity if she was asked to shoot a commercial for a toy factory

Very well, it is decided.

Advertising cannot be a one-man show. It is better to let other employees participate, such as... Akai Yuyu? Zero Meow

By the way, we can’t forget the one who loves tricycle the most.

Hojo Natsuki typed: [I've made up my mind.]


Hojo Natsuki suggested: [How about you and Vermouth shoot a promotional advertisement for Niuniu? ]


The frog on the screen immediately frowned.

His face was full of the expression "I have never been so speechless in my life".

[Gin]: Not very good

Hojo Natsuki: [Don’t be shy]

[Gin]: … … …

The frog's jaw moved, and a red hash mark appeared on its forehead, indicating anger. It seemed to want to say "get lost", but in front of the boss, it held back... It didn't hold back this time!!

[Gin]: Go away.

Hojo Natsuki: “?!”

Very bad attitude.

Maybe this is the confidence of the top business executives.

It doesn't matter. Hojo Natsuki thought happily. Go and shoot a commercial.

(End of this chapter)