Travelling Frog

Chapter 56


When he woke up, his fever had gone down, and the chosen worker, Hojo cadre, could work diligently for Port Mafia again.

The first thing, of course, is to take a hot bath.

While taking a shower, Hojo Natsuki struggled to recall what he had done yesterday in order to sort out today's work. He vaguely remembered that he had a dream and seemed to have seen a silver-haired man, but other than that, he had no memory of what happened, and it was completely fragmented.

However, it is not an unpleasant thing.

He was somewhat concerned and intuitively felt that this was some kind of sign that must be paid attention to, so he went to the Port Mafia headquarters in advance and had a full body check for residual supernatural energy.

This machine is similar to a CT scan. You lie on the bed and are sent in. After a while, you are sent out. It is a new invention of the technical department in the past two years. The functions are useless, but it cannot be said to be completely useless.

The female employee pointed to the analysis report on the screen and gave a firm conclusion: "You don't have any special abilities."

Hojo Natsuki was lost in thought, and suddenly had a rather strange idea. He took out his cell phone, opened "Travel Frog", and put the phone on the table: "-Where is it?"

The female employee followed his request and checked the phone again with the instrument.

Still nothing.

This result is not unexpected.

But Hojo Natsuki always had a sense of uneasiness hanging in the air, not knowing whether it was because he had eaten something bad or because his brain was damaged by the fever. He was vaguely worried.

He smiled and felt that he had been under a lot of mental stress recently, so he was always thinking about things. He even suspected that the little frog in the game would break through the dimensional wall... To be honest, if it was true, it would be too weird, right

He packed up all the messy speculations and devoted himself to the boring but necessary trivial work, and soon forgot the "intuition" at that moment.

When he got off work, Hojo Natsuki recalled the outrageous guesses that popped up in his mind that morning, and found his own paranoia a little funny.

"I'm just too idle." He thought, "If Qin Frog came to reality, um... he would probably beat me up, right?"

Hojo Natsuki has a clear understanding of how annoying he is.

However, the reason why he dares to act so recklessly in the game is because he knows clearly that these little guys have no chance of resistance. He can bully cats and dogs however he wants; today he is the boss of the transnational criminal group Frog Organization, and tomorrow he can reverse his position and become the boss of the Paw Patrol.

The game is weak and painful, but you can rise to the top by spending money. There is nothing that can't be done by those who spend money!

Hojo Natsuki is online happily.

As usual, several system messages popped up first, telling him what Gua Gua had done during the time the player was offline.

[[Qin Frog] decided not to care about your teasing of it anymore]

[[Qin Frog] Favorability 25]

[[Qin Frog] Current Favorability -8]

[[Lin Frog] Killed...]

[[Lin Frog] Killed...]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

What's that on the kill report? Is it a reminder of the change in favorability

It really is a reminder of favorability, and it’s increasing!

It rose 25 points in one breath!

Hojo Natsuki couldn't believe it, just like the shock of a commoner who saw green all day long and suddenly found that everything was red. It was not the first time that Qinwa's favorability had increased inexplicably, but the increase was less than the loss. It was a sin for the players to even breathe, and its mere existence made it unhappy.

What happened this time? Something must be wrong.

Did it suddenly develop a conscience and decide to put aside species discrimination and open its heart to accept its daddy

Hojo Natsuki convinced himself with his imagination and was deeply moved. He used [Stoka] to see that the frog was performing a mission, but did not disturb it rashly. Instead, he switched to the [Simulation Business] section and prepared to develop the twist car factory.

As a result, he discovered that during the time when he did not open the simulated management, the toy factory was quite exciting.

[Internal strife in the [Twist-and-turn car design team], two designers think you are a stupid employer,

So I resigned.

[Strawberry Beer] recruited ten top engineers to join the team]

[[Twist-and-turn car design team] was renamed [Twist-and-turn car R&D team]]

[The entire [Twist-car R&D team] thinks your request is unreasonable, but you're offering too much, so they're working overtime to push the R&D process forward]

[Obtained bronze achievement: Black-hearted capitalist]

[If it weren't for the little salary, who would want to work for this crazy boss? ! ]

[Significant progress has been made in research and development!]

[[Twist-and-turn car R&D team] has sent you the floating twist-and-turn car Unit-01 X1. Do you want to check it out? [Y/N]]

Unit-01? Where can I find Unit-01

Select Yes.

A demonstration animation appeared on the screen.

The owl director, who had dark circles under his eyes, flapped his wings and got on the tricycle, paddling normally for a while; then, he pressed a button next to the steering wheel, and air spurted out from the bottom of the car, slowly lifting the entire car into the air.

The twisting car drove a full circle in the air, quite steadily and very cool. Although it was a children's toy, it had a certain indescribable sense of science fiction, like a suspended rail car in the cyberpunk world.

"How cool," Hojo Natsuki thought. "If I had seen a toy like this on the street as a kid, I would have been unable to walk."

Now that the twister car Unit-01 is in place, it's time to put the promotional video on the agenda.

After deciding to shoot a commercial for the toy factory to increase its popularity that day, Hojo Natsuki had his subordinates contact a famous director and also gave instructions to Vermouth.

Vermouth looked embarrassed and replied tactfully: [Boss, of course I am willing to act, but if my identity is exposed, it will surely cause trouble. Why don’t I simply disguise myself and then…]

[[Belmode] cherishes her feathers and does not want to appear in your commercials as a female star]

Of course Hojo Natsuki disagreed.

He shot this ad just to take advantage of Vermouth's popularity! How could the female lead be the first to go offline

So he skillfully used his status as the boss to put pressure on the female star (speech guidance: Chief Mori). Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Vermouth was forced to obey reluctantly.

[[Vermouth] Loyalty -1]

[Friendly Reminder] [Dear Frog Organization Boss, the status of the employees will be reflected in their appearance. Please check the information panel for details~]

Hojo Natsuki had discovered this before. The more loyal the employees are, the more they will look like a quack (turn green). When the loyalty reaches 80, they will directly turn into a frog.

There are two exceptions among them, one is the frog and the other is the Vermouth Qua.

The former is because it is a quack, and as for the latter, maybe it is because... it has undergone frog body experiments

Vermouth, a beautiful girl with blonde hair, a plastic frog shell, and a clockwork body.

After its loyalty was deducted by 1 point, a subtle change, not big but not small, occurred: the material of its spring changed from stainless steel to white plastic.

That is, it’s more plastic.

Hojo Natsuki found it very interesting, so he scrolled to the bottom of the member list in descending order of loyalty and observed the appearance of the traitors.

They have no loyalty to the organization and may not notice anything changing... Wait why is Zero Cat even greener!

It used to be a rich, dark green like an inland lake, but now it is a vibrant green with a brightness so high that it is a bit dazzling.

[[Zero Meow] I have to dye the thing on my body green so that I can blend in with this glowing green frog organization! ]

It seems that its determination is quite strong and it has made some progress.

Hojo Natsuki curled the corner of his mouth and clicked on another employee's panel.

[Akai Fish]

Its changes are more obvious. Originally, it was a dried salted fish with arms and legs growing out of it. However, due to [Akai Fish] needing to completely transform into a pond fish species in order to integrate into the frog organization of this pond-born and pond-raised frog!], Akai Fish's arms and legs have degenerated a little and become

It is shorter, and the 'hand' is closer to the fish fin.

In time, perhaps its two matchstick-like "feet" will completely degenerate into scales.

But if that's the case, how will Akai Yuyu walk

Hojo Natsuki was shocked by his own unreliable guess and couldn't help but shudder.

Two more lines of instructions appeared on the information panel.

[Akai Yuyu is a ruthless fish. He will do anything to win the battle between the two factions and find his father’s whereabouts.]

[[Akai Fish] has an idea for you!]

Hojo Natsuki: “?!”

Targeting the puppy boss? What does this stinky fish want to do

Hojo Natsuki couldn't help but get nervous for a second. Akai Yuyu is a real old Union Jack FBI, and his parents are both MI6 agents. It can be said that he has a championship-level pedigree (? ), and is not in the same league as those low-level monsters. What is he going to do

No, you have to pull it up under your nose and keep an eye on it.

He made up his mind and began to look through the advertising script provided by the director, planning to have Akai Yuyu play a minion so that he could monitor its movements in real time.

The more Hojo Natsuki read, the more he felt that the script was not good.

[N]: What’s going on? Why does the script always emphasize the tricycle itself

The director was a pale yellow fox, who replied in confusion: [What suggestions do you have for revisions? ]

Hojo Natsuki's revision suggestion is of course: [Focus on the male protagonist! ]


[N]: I've thought about it. Just change it like this. The hero appears on the stage riding a tricycle, defeats the villain, rescues the kidnapped heroine, and then takes the heroine to the sky. The hero, the heroine, and the tricycle, the family of three, live a happy and fulfilling fairy-tale life from then on. Do you understand

Director: […]

The other party was shocked, but the reason why this fox became a famous director was his magical skill of being able to flexibly revise the manuscripts according to the needs of different SB clients. Not long after, a high-level advertising film was changed into a cheesy children's cult.

Although there was nothing artistic about it, Hojo Natsuki was very satisfied with it.

—A quack should act like a quack. Isn’t this script so childish

Next, it is time to put actors other than the male and female protagonists in place, such as the Boss and the Boss’s younger brothers.

Hojo Natsuki really wanted to let Zero Cat and Akai Fish take up the post directly, but he had to pretend that he had no intention of targeting them in particular to avoid alerting the enemy and scaring away the two hard-working but suspicious employees. It would be best if he could let them take the initiative to participate.

So he came up with a genius bait: code names for the wines!

Hojo Natsuki found Rumquat: [Pass it on, the toy factory wants to shoot a promotional film, the actors will be selected from within the organization, and those who are selected will be directly given a code name. This is a simplified version of the script [script.doc]]


Every time Rum thought he couldn't be more surprised, the development of things always made him more desperate.

But he gradually got used to these occasional frights and the mud trucks that came to injure people from time to time.


So, the organization members, confused as they were, tentatively sent out registration emails.

Emails poured into Boss's mailbox like snowflakes, including Akai Yuyu and Rei.

In order to show that the casting was a fair competition, Hojo Natsuki pretended to organize an open audition and invited employees who passed the open audition to come for an interview.

Three days later, he showed up at the audition site on time, controlling his puppy Boss.

Following behind is the Qin frog.

[Natsuki]: I told you not to come along, I already have someone to choose from, I can do it myself

Qinwa replied expressionlessly: [Oh, you are afraid that no one will assassinate you? ]

The system provided an explanation: [Your beloved Top Killer thought you were a mentally handicapped person who needed protection, and he was worried about you, so he gave up the mission...]

Hojo Natsuki was shocked: "!?"

My son is caring about his daddy! I am so touched!

He was so moved that he couldn't help but tell everyone the surprise news.

[Natsuki]: I’m very good!

[Natsuki]: You have already been chosen as the male lead, don't worry


Qinwa's calm expression suddenly disappeared, and he skillfully put on a frowning face and began to utter cold words.

[Gin]: No

[Natsuki]:Don’t be shy


Guagua's indifferent attitude obviously could not easily shake Hojo Natsuki's decision, and it made him even happier.

He controlled the puppy to enter the observation room that had been prepared in advance. Qinwa was angry, but with a red number on his head, he followed closely behind with an unhappy look on his face. He carefully checked the room and confirmed that there were no eavesdropping devices or pinhole cameras, and then sat down next to the puppy Boss.

The frog sits in a very arrogant posture, but if you look closely at its expression, you can see that it never relaxes for a moment.

The observation room is equipped with one-way glass, so you can clearly see the animal actors taking turns to audition in the center of the set.

Hojo Natsuki was not interested in this and was ready to talk nonsense.

[Natsuki]: You need to take it more seriously. It's just a role as a leading actor. If you can't even overcome such a small difficulty, how can I hand over the organization to you in the future

The frog was unmoved, without blinking: [I don't want it.]

It turns out that the prince really doesn't love the country or the family property!

This won’t work. We must instill ideas into it.

[Natsuki]: How can you say such a thing

[Natsuki]: You are the only heir!

Qinwa didn't believe it and replied coldly: [Why did you pass it to me? ]

[Natsuki]:? Because you are the prince


The frog's face showed that crazy look again. It took out a cigarette box from its pocket, opened it, and smoked a cigarette... and found that it was a chocolate candy.

It got even angrier.

The atmosphere was silent.

A frog and a dog sat side by side, but they were speechless.

Hojo Natsuki tried to harass Quack. His actions were projected onto the puppy Boss in another form.

If he pokes the frog on the screen, the puppy will raise his hand to touch the quack next to it.

However, the frog reacted faster and moved to the side, causing the dog's paw that was trying to reach its arm to miss.

Hojo Natsuki doesn't give up.

The puppy quickly raised its paw and tried to stick to it.

The frog slapped it away indifferently.

He raised his paw again, but it was slapped away again.

Raise your paw again...

The cycle of "raising paw—being slapped away" repeated many times. Under the hood, the puppy's expression had turned into pitiful poached egg eyes, but the frog was still so cold and even cursed.

[Gin]: Are you annoying

[Gin]: Stop

Seeing that it was really annoyed, Hojo Natsuki had no choice but to do as it was told and obediently withdrew his hand from poking the screen.

The dog and the frog fell into a brief period of peace, and they both looked at the animal actors who were auditioning outside the glass.

After watching for a few rounds, probably because it was too bored, the frog actually spoke on its own initiative.

It asks: [How did you get organized?]

Old crow

The leaves fell, the old crow died, and was licked... But he certainly couldn't tell Gua Gua the truth directly, so he decided to keep it simple.

[Natsuki]: The previous leader died, and I inherited the organization

Qin frog nodded: [Oh. ]

— by murdering the previous leader.

Of course, Hojo Natsuki had no idea that his summary could be interpreted in this way. He felt very happy that his son took the initiative to ask him about his affairs.

Just when he was about to say a few more words, the next actor who came up for audition made him suddenly forget his lines.

It's Akai Fish.

Akai Fish's legs are really gone! !

[Akai Yuyu]: The role I interviewed for was the villain Boss

It was wearing a long black trench coat, which was similar in style to the one that the lyre frog usually wore. It had lost its matchstick legs, and its walking style had changed from upright walking to... standing on the tip of its tail and then paddling in the air.

Akai Yuyu struggled and twisted his body, came to the center of the venue, and began his performance.

[The less Akai Fish behaves like a human, the closer its form will be to a real fish]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

I can see it.

This FBI has changed from a salted fish with strange development to a crucian carp struggling to avoid the knife on the chopping board... This twist has twisted the entire summer, and it can be said to be a dodging fish.

Then, Akai Yuyu, who was trying hard to paddle, suddenly looked towards the observation room and raised his eyebrows slightly.

[[Akai Yuyu] winked at you! ]

But since it has no eyebrows, it can't perform such advanced movements as raising eyebrows, so the so-called seductive eyes are just the black bean-like eyeballs trembling in the round fish eyes that are still open. ... It has the effect of adding the finishing touch to the fish, and the weirdness is directly maximized.

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Help, help!

It seems like his eyes are about to go blind!

[[Akai Fish] Start executing your plan! ]

[[Akai Fish] decides to seduce you with sex, and steals information by becoming your lover! It is four points similar to the qin frog, as the saying goes, red is like qin... ]

Hojo Natsuki: “… … …”

What the hell are they similar to?! How can a fish be similar to a frog?!

He looked at the crucian carp dancing on its tail tip, and then looked at Qin who was sitting next to him...

—Wait, why does the frog look so angry

The frog tilted its head slightly, its eyes were extremely cold, and it looked like it was ready to settle the score later.

[Gin]: Does it look good

Hojo Natsuki: “???”

(End of this chapter)