Travelling Frog

Chapter 57


As a horap expert, FBI Akai Shuichi undoubtedly has a handsome face. In Japan, he is called a blue-eyed man, but in South Korea, he is called a face genius. Most young women, if they meet such a tall, long-legged, extremely handsome, and melancholy handsome guy on the street, will secretly take a second look.

Shuichi Akai is handsome and self-aware. He knows which angle he looks best from and what expressions can make the opposite sex fall in love with him. Although his current target of seduction is the same sex, there is always something in common. After all, beauty knows no gender.

Therefore, during the audition, while reciting his lines and moving around, he subtly raised his eyebrows towards the room with one-way glass - the female stage manager who was sitting in the same direction and was used to seeing handsome guys in the entertainment industry shyly looked away.

Unfortunately, when this action was included in the game screen, it became an extremely eye-catching scene: the dead fish winking.

Hojo Natsuki frowned as he watched the salted fish dance. Before he had time to comfort his poor eyes, Qinwa's indiscriminate questioning followed.

[Gin]: Does it look good

How could anyone think this kind of thing is beautiful?!

Hojo Natsuki relied on the mask on his dog's head to skillfully excuse himself and continued to tell free nonsense.

[Natsuki]: It’s so unfair. How could I even look at him

[Natsuki]: He is not even one percent as pretty as you, so I won’t watch him.

The frog glanced at him with disdain, and its cold expression conveyed the meaning of "Who will believe your nonsense?"

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Help, this is so unfair!!

To think that he likes to look at dried salted fish is not just aesthetic bullying, it is an insult to his personality!

He repeatedly compared the lyre frog and the Akai fish, and could not find any commonality between their appearances, except for the eye color - the lyre frog's eyes were a dark green slightly darker than the skin, and the Akai fish was a cute mermaid with green eyes. Other than that, the only thing they had in common was that they both liked sniping and were amphibious creatures.

I can’t figure it out. I absolutely can’t figure it out.

Akai Yuyu's eye-catching performance soon ended, and the next person to come on stage was Ling Cat.

The little green cat walked with graceful steps, stood in the middle of the camera, raised its head neither humbly nor arrogantly, and began to meow.

[Zero Meow]: Hello, teachers. The role I am auditioning for is the male lead...

Its sound suddenly became a little weaker, mainly because the color of the outer frame of the bubble above its head became significantly lighter.

When Rei-nyan mentioned the word 'male protagonist', Hojo Natsuki had already guessed the second half of the sentence: the name of the male protagonist.

At that time, the director team gave Hojo Natsuki a lot of normal and catchy alternative names for the protagonist for him to choose from, but after looking at them one by one, he felt that none of them were acceptable.

[N]: This is not straightforward enough.

[N]: This is not easy to remember.

[N]: This doesn’t fit the tone of our advertisement... None of these will work.

Hojo Natsuki thought about it and decided that since it was a commercial about a hero saving a beautiful girl, the hero should represent justice, like O-O-Man and Fake O-Knight. Then, all of a sudden, a brilliant idea flashed through his mind like a meteor.

He decided: [The male protagonist should be called Frog Man.]

The humble Party B naturally dares not contradict the big boss, even if the big boss's aesthetic taste is a mystery.

Director: …

[Director]: Okay.

So, the bright green kitten Ling Miao, who was auditioning for the male lead, shamelessly completed the second half of the sentence in front of the directors: […It’s the male lead, Frogman.]

Hojo Natsuki sat up with a somersault, and the puppy Boss in the picture also sat up straight, swinging his tail behind him, very excited.

Qin Frog said coldly: [Your old friend? ]

The white puppy suddenly wilted and turned into a furry ball that dared not bark loudly.

Hojo Natsuki once again defended himself: [I am not familiar with Amuro, please stop talking nonsense]

[Gin]: Oh

Then, Xia Shu confessed the reason for his reaction.

I angrily typed: [I have already chosen you as the male lead, how dare it audition for the male lead! ]

—Zero, you don’t know how to read people’s eyes, how dare you! The only real male protagonist is Koto-no-Prince!


[Gin]: I don’t act.

Hojo Natsuki thought happily, this is not up to you.

Outside the one-way glass, Zero Cat began its performance.

Perhaps it is the buff of its identity as a 'Japanese Public Security'. Just by standing there with its back straight, it exudes an aura of righteousness and looks like a serious police cat.

System: [[Zero Meow] consulted the professional teacher and studied acting skills for three days and three nights. He is determined to win the role of the male lead! ]

System: [[Zero Meow] is determined to obtain the wine code by appearing in the commercial, and then steal internal intelligence...]

Compared with Akai Yu Yu, Zero Cat's efforts are much more serious. It seems that the local police are more ethical than the imported FBI.

The system seemed to have heard what Hojo Natsuki was saying, and slapped him in the face the next second: [[Zero Cat] also considered seducing the Boss, but after comparing its appearance with that of the frog, it decided that the species were different and could not be forcibly integrated, so it decided to take legitimate and serious measures.]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”


The police are also quite generous.

When Zero Cat performed, he completely lost the shame of saying the name of "Frogman". He used his paws to chop at the air with a laser sword, and then performed a chic performance of picking up the princess without props. He jumped onto the tricycle, turned around casually, gave the camera a cat-like smile, and then left the stage in a chic manner.

As expected of the working emperor, he can even do something like shooting commercials perfectly. Even Hojo Natsuki, who looks at cats with tinted glasses, has to admit that he is indeed more suitable for the role of the male lead than Kototo Frog.

But what's the use of that? Hojo Natsuki sneered. Things like internal appointments are not something that can be easily influenced by the efforts of a little green cat...

Qinwa tilted his head, looked at the puppy Boss, then raised his chin towards Ling Miao who was talking to the director, and spoke indifferently.

[Gin]:How long have you known him

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Why is there this tone of voice again

[Natsuki]: Not long. I said we were not familiar with each other. I’m not lying to you.


[Natsuki]: Really!

The frog opened the cigarette box again, took out the cigarette wrapper chocolate candy, and ate it bit by bit with a crunch. The way it ate was quite cute, and it licked its claws after finishing, but it had an inexplicable and dangerous temperament, as if it was a big boss ready to settle accounts with someone.

[Gin]: More than ten years.

[Gin]: Ten years is not a long time.

Hojo Natsuki: “?!”

How did it know this? Did the bastard system give it a spoiler

However, he clearly drew Zero Cat shortly after drawing Frog, and only 9 years had passed in the game, not more than ten years. "More than ten years" is simply nonsense!

He said stubbornly: [You slandered me, I am unhappy]

The frog's reaction was to sneer, holding its paws without answering, with an air of "I'm very unhappy" hanging over its body, and it didn't believe his explanation at all.


Hojo Natsuki suddenly recalled something and was startled. He felt something strange at the time: the game time in the development interface of Frog and Reiwa was not the same, and the gap was quite large.

The time of Qinwa was BK14; the time of Lingmao was BK20.

In other words, according to the BK calendar in the game, he knew Frog 6 years later than he knew Rei-nyan.

—The accusation from Gua’s son is not without reason.

But Hojo Natsuki never reflects on himself. He is a player, he can never do anything wrong; the frog is so cute, it can't be wrong either, so the game officials are fully responsible for this embarrassing accident.

He got a little angry and immediately opened the customer service interface and asked: [Why did you leak the players' card draw information to Frog? Are you sick

Want to add fuel to the fire? Give me your money back!]

AI Customer Service: [Hello, I’m here, Xiaome is here to serve you]

AI Customer Service: [Dear, this game’s exclusive communication APP has many functions and many surprises waiting for you to explore~]

Hojo Natsuki flipped through the function description of [This Game's Exclusive Communication APP] and found that there was indeed such a similar introduction. Perhaps it knew that its asking price of 880,000 was too outrageous, so it subsidized some more painful functions to make it seem very useful.

The AI customer service's ridicule continued: [Article 3 of the game agreement recommends that you be devoted to your Guagua. You can have multiple virtual pets. If the pets fight each other due to jealousy and cause various adverse consequences, the game will not be responsible. Cherish life, don't be a sea king~]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

are you crazy!!

After a few seconds, the AI customer service that was dealing with the players went offline and automatically switched to manual customer service.

Just like the food delivery software that gives users free vouchers when they are unsure of what to do, the solution provided by manual customer service is to give players compensation benefits - perhaps, this is the VIP treatment for big-spending players.

Manual customer service: [Dear, we are very sorry for giving you an unpleasant gaming experience. We have sent you a [information] as compensation. Please check your private mailbox in [Simulation Business]. ]

Hojo Natsuki casually opened his private mailbox and found a new email with the word [Information] written on it and marked with a star-shaped flag, indicating that the information was very important.


[BK means Before Konan.]

[Five years and four days later, in the first year of Konan, Konan was killed by the Top Killer of the Frog Organization.]

[From now on, it will transform into a silver bullet and join forces with its righteous partners to crush the shadow of the black organization! ]

K stands for Konan, which is a person's name.


"Conan" was harmed by the Qin frog, and then he took revenge on the organization

Hojo Natsuki wanted to ponder the meaning of this information word by word, but the loyalty reminders that kept popping up forced him to turn his attention back to Qinwa.

[[Qinwa] believes that you don’t speak a single truth]

[[Frog] Loyalty -1]

[[Qinwa] wants to leave, but thinks you are a moron who could die at any time, so I have to stay here to protect you]

[[Qin Frog] Loyalty 1]

[[Qinwa] hates people who tell lies]

[[Frog] Loyalty -1]

[[Kinto Frog] hates [Akai Fish] and [Zero Cat], and hates all beings that take away too much of your attention]

[[Lin frog]…]

There is no "favorability" value in the simulation business. The loyalty of the frog is like its ever-fluctuating favorability, rippling like water, up and down, jumping back and forth between 93-97.

It stared straight ahead with a stern face, looking extremely grim, like a cold little robotic frog. I never expected that it could be so rich inside.

Hojo Natsuki found it very funny and smiled. He always liked to tease the frog, so he poked it - yes, as he poked, the dog's paw tried to touch the frog's paw, but it dodged quickly.

[Natsuki]: Don't be angry, don't be angry, I was wrong

[Natsuki]: I will agree to whatever you want

—The straight man appeared to coax people into speaking!

Obviously, it's useless. As soon as this sentence was uttered, loyalty dropped by another 2 points.

The frog didn't say anything. Hojo Natsuki controlled the puppy Boss to harass it repeatedly, and it repeatedly and ruthlessly slapped it away.

This happened many times, leaving light red marks on the back of the dog's paws.

Hojo Natsuki felt a dull pain on the back of his hand. It was like seeing the main character in a TV show holding his breath and then he himself quietly held his breath as well - he thought it must be an illusion.

This time, before patting its paw, it looked down at the back of Boss's palm.

The frog saw the

Red seal, not moving.

—Like a cat that had done something wrong and was scolded by its owner, it suddenly froze in place.

It was silent for a while.

[Gin]:Anything is fine

Hojo Natsuki nodded: [Anything is fine! ]

[Gin]: I won’t act in this commercial.

Hojo Natsuki felt heartbroken.

Damn it, the character of the male protagonist 'Frog Man' was tailor-made for the Qin Frog!

But he had already promised Gua Gua, and it was not easy to change his mind, so he could only grit his teeth and agree: [Okay, I'll listen to you, then let Amuro play the role]

—Zero Meow, you made a fortune!

Qinwa didn't comment and snorted coldly, but the feeling of "I'm annoyed" surrounding him still didn't disappear.

Hojo Natsuki took advantage of the victory and continued to express his true feelings: [I never lie to you, don't always think I'm lying. There are some things I can't say because I am restricted by the rules.]

—Put the blame on the game, what about Zero Cat, it’s all the officials’ fault!

[Natsuki]: The organization is left to you. I can give you everything. I have nothing to hide from you.

However, for some reason, the frog looked even more unhappy.

[Gin]:Is that so

[Gin]: Then, take off the hood.

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

[Natsuki]:Didn’t we pick it last time

Although Hojo Natsuki felt confused, after his son's suggestion, he still opened the puppy's image interface and prepared to cancel the frog headgear effect.

Then he found a clue in the instructions on the hood.

[Sad Frog Headgear [Original Leather]] [Wearing]

[Introduction: Dear Boss of the Frog Organization, this sad frog headgear can help you perfectly integrate into the Frog Organization~]

[Privacy protection mechanism: When others take off your headgear, they cannot see your face; only when you take the headgear away will your true face be revealed to others]

[Cancel wearing? [Y/N]]

Hojo Natsuki: “!”

So that's what's going on. Last time, it was he who asked Qinwa to take off the mask, rather than him taking it off on his own initiative. So due to the privacy protection mechanism, Qinwa did not see the true appearance of the puppy Boss!

The last time the frog was so angry, it wasn’t because it was furious when it found out its daddy was a dog. So what did it see

Are you angry because you saw the beagle

I can't figure it out.

Hojo Natsuki chooses [Cancel wearing].

The white puppy in the picture raised its paw to take off the sad frog mask, and then used its not-so-flexible paw to make a careless "yeah" gesture.

A few small stars appeared around it, which was the "transformation effect" added by the game.

The arrogant boy Guagua who was standing next to him just looked up casually, but when he saw the puppy itself, he froze in place.

The frog stopped all movements, even its breathing seemed to stop, staring at it intently without blinking.

At the same time, Hojo Natsuki suddenly felt something was wrong.

A chill crept up his spine, irritating his nerves, and he shivered slightly.

Years of being in the underworld have given him a unique intuition and sense of crisis, as well as a keen sense of other people's eyes. Hojo Natsuki turned around and looked around alertly - it seemed like someone was looking at him.

That kind of cold, sharp like a scalpel, and with a hint of stickiness... a gaze.

who is it

(End of this chapter)