Travelling Frog

Chapter 59


[Natsuki]: Why are you so late

After Hojo Natsuki asked this question, the little croak on the screen suddenly froze, as if it was about to solidify into a completely still image.

He shuddered suddenly, and the tingling feeling of being stared at by a dangerous person came over him again, but this time it only lasted for a second or two.

Frog put the can of coffee on the table and pushed it towards Boss the puppy.

[Gin]: Buy coffee.

Contrary to usual practice, it explained it again.

[[Qinwa] bought [Canned Latte (Iced)] for you]

[[Qinwa] I originally wanted to buy hot coffee, but considering that you are an iced American coffee lover, I changed my mind~]

Hojo Natsuki: “!”

Was it bought for him?! Qinwa actually remembered his dad’s taste!

He was so touched that he controlled the dog Boss to pick up the canned drink, took off the pull ring, and gulped it down. Then he gave a thumbs up and praised it mindlessly: [It tastes so good, Gin-chan, you are really good at buying! ]

However, the puppy Boss also had his own ideas. Its round eyes drooped into half-moon eyes, and the naturally upturned corners of its mouth also fell. Its face was full of a helpless and painful expression, like a poor puppy being forced to drink pot water, and there were two drops of sweat on its forehead - 'That's enough.'

This level of poor disguise obviously cannot escape the eyes of Top Killer.


[Gin]:…Don’t force yourself.

Hojo Natsuki continued to lie with his eyes open: [No, I don't force myself. I love drinking this the most.]

The puppy Boss raised his hand tremblingly, raised the corner of his mouth reluctantly, and gave a thumbs up.

Qinwa was speechless for a while, too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and asked directly: [So, what do you want to show me? ]

Hojo Natsuki is getting excited.

[Natsuki]: Let me show you my new headgear!


He began to control the puppy Boss to change his clothes.

I have to say, the LV print looks even more expensive than GUCCI’s. It has been upgraded to the classic old flower sad frog. It will always maintain its value and there will always be young people rushing to buy it (?); the angry frog headgear is more unique because it looks... really angry, almost smoking.

The frog stood there and watched the puppy Boss change his headgear one by one.

After Hojo Natsuki finished his demonstration, it asked calmly: [Is that what you are talking about?]

Natsuki: Yeah.

[Gin]: I’m leaving.

[Natsuki]: Wait, please at least give your review!

The frog gave a kind evaluation: [Boring.]

It left with a little annoyance and without looking back.

"It seems that you don't like the existing styles." Hojo Natsuki naturally attributed the reason to the appearance of the headgear.

In his understanding, the Sad Frog headgear itself is a disguise face that allows the puppy Boss to dress up as a little frog and blend perfectly into the small pond. Different headgear styles are like different clothes, and the act of changing the headgear itself is changing clothes. He originally thought that if Qin Frog liked the style of headgear, he could give it the same one. To round it off, he and Gua Gua wore father and son outfits.

Not surprisingly, it was rejected.

Hojo Natsuki put away the panel in disappointment, feeling very sorry that he could not share the joy of the miracle frog's online dress-up with his son.

Then, the icon with the handset logo began to vibrate.

It means that Puppy Boss's phone is ringing.

[Caller: Rumquat]

[Do you want to answer the call? [Y/N]]

If it is not an important matter, Rumgua will usually report it by email rather than calling the boss directly.

System: [Dear Frog Organization Boss, please be careful, your phone is being tapped! ]

Hojo Natsuki: “?!”

Who is so bold as to eavesdrop on his phone calls


[Akagi Yuyu] has installed a micro-eavesdropper under the windowsill of your lounge, hidden in the leaves of the ivy. Once discovered, it will consider passing the buck to [Zero Meow]]

[[Zero Meow] installed a pinhole camera in the keyhole of the door handle, disguising it as the work of an unscrupulous porn photographer who secretly filmed a live OO video in the hotel. To prevent a rollover, [Zero Meow] specially ordered his men to register an account on a porn website]

[Due to the small size of the device, the listening ability of the eavesdropper is limited and it can only record the voice of you in the room]

Xia Shu: “…”

There is actually more than one.

Qinwa stood at the door for a while and was then angered and ran away without even coming in, thus giving the cunning FBI and Japanese police an opportunity to take advantage of them.

He hesitated for a while between "exposing the tricks of the cat and the fish and scaring them" and "pretending not to know and going out to answer the phone", and thought of a third way - why not let Akai Yuyu and Ling Miao hear some specious conversation content, so as to attract the forces behind the scenes to send more people to undercover the organization to investigate the 'Clover Plantation'...

Then he will have more diligent and conscientious hard-working employees!

No matter whether it’s a black cat or a white cat, a mermaid or a fish-man, as long as he can work for the organization, he is a good frog!

Hojo Natsuki made up his mind and pressed the call button as if nothing had happened.

[Rumquaw]: Boss, good afternoon. I have something important to report to you.

Hojo Natsuki replied: [Hmm]

[Rumquat]: We are very sorry. Due to poor supervision, several people escaped from the plantation. We have launched a manhunt for them.

He deliberately repeated: [Someone escaped from the plantation? Who?]

[Rumquat]:They are…

Rumquat called out a few names, and Hojo Natsuki responded indifferently, but in fact he couldn't match the names with the animals themselves.

After all, the organization's undercover agents come from all corners of the world, and they are numerous and diverse, and they work very diligently. He usually turns a blind eye and lets this traitor continue to work. If he secretly fakes his death and gets a profit, he will forgive him for his hard work. However, any traitor who has a tendency to slack off must be sent to the clover plantation to work as a laborer.

Rumquat generally called out six names when announcing the dishes. Currently, there were less than 30 free employees in the Clover Plantation, and these six names were equivalent to half of the country... equivalent to 1/5 of the country. Hojo Natsuki's heart, which belonged to the capitalist, began to ache. When he saw the familiar code name "white wine", this heartache immediately turned into a deeper level of crocodile tears.

Baijiu, the panda from the neighboring country, has an S-level talent [Farming]. In terms of clover production, it can be twice as good as two mermaids. One panda can be as good as two mermaids. It is truly a gold medal farmer.

The next code name reported: Sake.


Look familiar? Who is it


Hojo Natsuki remembered that "Sake" was an undercover police officer, the beagle with the expression of a man picking his toes.

Previously, Zero Cat was planning to take advantage of the Beagle's momentum and join the organization as an intelligence dealer. However, on the eve of the plan, Sake was arrested and sent to work on a plantation by the Boss. The poor little cat was forced to change his strategy and became a screwdriver.

[N]: Catch it, you know how to deal with it

Of course, they should be locked up in the plantation and made to work overtime!

[Rumquat]: Understood

Rum answered quickly but did not hang up immediately.

After a moment, it couldn't hold back its doubts and asked.

[Rumquaw]: Boss, why don't you just kill them

Hojo Natsuki sneered.

[N]: Rum, do you know what could be more painful than death

—Of course I’m going to work! And I’m working without any salary! I want to die twice as badly!


Not long after, it actually replied in a strong and resounding voice, "I understand what you mean."

Hojo Natsuki thought it might be wrong, but if you think about it carefully, isn't going to work a kind of "inability to survive, and no way to die"? So Rumquat's description is not wrong at all.

He hung up the phone, not feeling like a capitalist who deserved to be hung on the street lamp. After all, this word can only be used to describe the abominable leaders who are stingy in reality, such as Mr. Mori Owai, the leader of a Maifa. As for the fact that he runs his own plantation and does not pay the workers, it is natural no matter how you think about it - after all, the benevolent boss has given them jobs, why should they pay them? There is no such good thing in the world!


The elusive boss came back wearing the familiar and eye-catching mask, and flashed into the one-way glass shed specially built for him.

The director came over and seemed to have a few words with the boss, then turned around and said, "Everyone has worked hard. Take a 20-minute break to adjust your state, and then continue shooting in 20 minutes."

Furukaya Rei breathed a sigh of relief and took off his green eye mask. He happened to meet the eyes of Akai Shuichi (Morohashi Dai), and they both turned away at the same time.

Before infiltrating the organization, Furuya Rei knew that as an undercover agent, in order to gain the trust of the organization, he would sometimes have to do things that violated his principles and his oath of office. He made many psychological preparations, assumptions and plans for this, but he never thought... uh...

To play Frogman.

Then, he dressed up as Frogman and filmed a children's commercial.

Fūya Rei was in extreme pain. This pain was an indescribable mental torture, a completely new kind of soft knife torture.

Every time the protagonist recites lines like “Give the princess back to me, Aka Fish!”, “Are you okay, Princess? I, Frog Man, am late!”, it is like an invisible arrow piercing his heart, shooting towards that very strong diamond heart that is loaded with mission and society, causing it to tremble slightly.

The only consolation is that Frogman's half-face mask is enough to cover most of his face, leaving only his lips, eyeballs and a little bit of the tip of his chin. Unless it is someone who is quite familiar with him, such as his parents and good friends, other old classmates who are not very familiar with him will most likely not recognize him. This makes Furukaya Rei feel a little better.

Furutani Rei returned to his chair to rest. There was no one in the main actor's lounge for the time being. He put on the micro headset very quickly and stealthily, then glanced at the screen of his spare mobile phone.

—The camera and the eavesdropping device captured the human voice!

Now there was no time to watch the captured content, so Jyoutani quickly selected the short segment with the sound fluctuations and played it at double speed, and the sound came from the headset.

It was the boss's voice. He should be communicating with his subordinates.

"Someone escaped from the plantation? Who?"


"Catch him back, you know how to deal with him."

"… Rum, do you know what could be more painful than death?"

The other party only said these few words, but Fūya Rei's breathing held because of the huge amount of information revealed in these four sentences.

Plantation? What is it growing

Could it be illegal drugs? Marijuana, opium poppy? … Is the organization planning to sell drugs in the country

Sake-senpai escaped from the 'plantation'.

Catch them back, you know how to deal with them—a way more painful than death...

Fūya Rei was greatly shocked and filled with grief. However, now, he did not have any extra time to worry about his senior or grieve for him.

He heard footsteps outside the door and immediately calmed down.

When the door opened, Furiya Ling turned around casually and greeted the woman who walked in: "Ms. Winyard."

The blonde beauty smiled at him, charming but with a natural sense of distance.

Chris Wynyard, a famous American actress.

The female lead of this commercial.

Although the boss claimed that Chris Wynyard was hired to boost the popularity of the advertisement, and she is indeed an internationally renowned female star, there is nothing wrong with this statement. However, Rei Furuya always felt that this charming female star might have some connection with the organization.


Following Chris Wynyard is Shuichi Akai, who plays the villain boss.

To this person, Fūya Rei was not so gentle and nodded politely to him.

Akai Shuichi also smiled at him, looking up and down at Furuya Rei's outfit, and calmly mocked him: "Your outfit is very cool."

Furuya Rei: “…”

To be honest, although it was the same shameless children's advertisement, the villain Boss's appearance was much more normal, with the standard children's animation villain makeup. He was wearing a black windbreaker and a big exaggerated black hat with an evil frog pattern printed on it (?).

Compared with Frogman’s “battle robe”, the villain Boss’s appearance can be said to be… a little handsome.

It's a bit like Gin.

After the other person put on this outfit and covered her long hair, just looking at her figure and temperament, her resemblance to Gin was unbelievable.

When Fūya Rei saw the other person's black windbreaker, he immediately became unhappy again.

At the same time, Hojo Natsuki also thought that the appearance of the villain boss was not very good.

In the exclusive viewing studio, the fox director held a notebook and looked at the puppy Boss with a serious expression, as if he was "trying hard to learn."

[Natsuki]: I think it's too monotonous, just a black windbreaker, just a stereotypical bad guy!

[Director]: What do you think

[Natsuki]:How about a green lipstick? It fits the tone of our advertisement better.


Director Fox: The Sublimation of the Cosmic Frog.jpg

Seeing it in a daze, Hojo Natsuki thought about it and felt that although it was possible, it was unnecessary. To be honest, the green-lipped Akai Yuyu was more eye-catching, and he would be the one who got hurt after all.

He still felt itchy.

Turning around, he saw Beretta quietly playing with the frog, and he suddenly realized why.

This commercial was originally created for Qin Wa, but Prince Qin simply gave up on the role!

But it has to feel a bit involved, right

[Natsuki]: How about this

He began to describe the length of Qinwa's windbreaker.

[Natsuki]: The villain boss's look, with a few more elements, the belt of the black windbreaker is longer, and the hem is longer, reaching below the knees.

Hmm, is the leg joint of the harp frog considered the knee

Never mind, let’s leave it to the director.

The frog stopped moving, turned around and stared at him, vaguely unhappy.

[Natsuki]: Then, change your gun to a Beretta and dye your hair silver

—Let Qinwa’s favorite gun and appearance also have a sense of involvement!

Frog: […]

It had a droopy face and a murderous look on its face. The change in its eyes at that moment made the fox director's hair stand up and he revealed an expression of terrified horror.

[[Qinwa] doesn't like your deliberate teasing, loyalty -1]

[[Qinwa] Current loyalty: 96]

System: [Dear Frog Organization Boss, teasing [Kinto Frog] should be done in moderation. Chi Chi is like a qin, but [Kinto Frog] hates [Akagi Fish] the most.]

System: [How can you let [Akai Fish] wear [Frog's] clothes and still use quacks? Although you want to pursue excitement, you must know when to stop and not go too far! ]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

That's weird, what is this talking about

(End of this chapter)