Travelling Frog

Chapter 6


Xiongdao is a young monk who has been ordained for only two years.

The reason why he became a monk was simple: he didn't want to get involved in social work.

His family had always urged him to integrate into society, date girls, and start a family when the time was right. The female relatives in Xiongdao's family were very strong, which made him have no expectations for love and marriage, and he was even quite afraid of communicating with the opposite sex.

When a socially phobic person who is afraid of marriage is forced to work and go on blind dates, he will become a abnormal person over time.

Xiongdao tried to negotiate with his parents, resisted, and even broke down, but he couldn't change their minds.

So, one day, when he heard that the nearby Pinghe Temple was recruiting monks, he gritted his teeth and became a monk.

To be fair, the treatment in the temple is quite good. There are many kinds of vegetarian food and they are free. The monthly living allowance is not much, but it is enough because I don’t have any high consumption in my daily life. Every time I go out to perform funeral rituals, I can get an extra bonus.

That day, the abbot told Kumamoto: "There is a client who wants to ask someone to perform a ritual for him. Please go."

Kumamoto was happy to take this kind of side income. Not only would he receive an extra red envelope, but he could also take the opportunity to have a snack before returning to the temple. He felt very happy inside, and agreed calmly on the surface, and asked about the agreed meeting place.

The abbot said, "Tomorrow, you will be waiting for me at the hexagonal pavilion at the foot of the mountain."

The implication is that he doesn't have to take the initiative to go to the door, the client will come to pick him up.

Kumamoto suddenly felt more refreshed. The next day, I arrived at the Rokkaku-tei at the foot of the mountain ten minutes early.

A few pilgrims walked up the stone path, and the sound of birds chirping could be heard. A young man sat in the pavilion, his face covered by a mask and baseball cap, leaving only a pair of cold green eyes exposed to the air.

The green-eyed boy looked up at him.

He should be only fourteen or fifteen years old, but his eyes look like a very sophisticated adult.

Kumamoto had never seen such a young client before, and thought it couldn't be him. However, as soon as he sat down, the client confessed his identity: "I have an appointment for an exorcism."

Kumamoto: “…Okay, Master.”

Where are the adults in his family? Do they have to take the tram to his house with the minors

Kurosawa Jin stood up, his figure straight and neat. Kumamoto also stood up and looked down the mountain, hoping to see the parents of this young master. Suddenly, within half a second, he felt a pain in the back of his neck and lost consciousness immediately.

When he woke up again, he was dizzy and confused, and found himself lying on the ground, facing the ceiling of the house. There must have been a water leak in the corner, and there were long vertical light yellow stains on the white wall.

The silver-haired, green-eyed boy looked down at him, as coldly and calmly as if he was looking at a tiny insect.

Kumamoto's heart was filled with alarm and he sat up quickly. He was extremely panicked, but he didn't dare to question the other party directly because this was obviously the other party's territory. If he resisted rashly, who knows what terrible ambush and revenge were waiting for him.

"Did you bring me here?" Kumamoto's ability to know the situation immediately came online. He didn't say anything extra, and tried to use a normal tone to ask, "What do you need me to do?"

Kurosawa Jin said simply: "Exorcism. Right here."

Xiong Ben took a quick look around the single room, which was less than 25 square meters, and was rather old, with almost no decorations, which reflected that the owner had little affinity with the term "joy of life". His bag was placed beside him, containing some items needed for the ritual.

Kurosawa: "What should we do?"

Xiong Ben asked: "The client wants to exorcise the spirit, what is the specific situation?"

Kurosawa pondered and said simply: "There is a ghost that is targeting me and will conjure up a lot of food on the table."

Kumamoto: “For example?”

Kurosawa Jin: "Desserts, bento, fruits, drinks, any kind."

Kumamoto: “Uh… then what?”

Kurosawa: "We touched each other a few times. He had body temperature, like an invisible human."

Kumamoto: "Did you have a nightmare? How's your fortune lately?"

Kurosawa thought for a moment and said, "No, it's okay."

Kumamoto looked at him and was speechless: "..."

Kumamoto thought this was definitely not a supernatural event.

Being possessed by a spirit will cause nightmares, bad luck, and you may almost get hit by a car if you lose focus while walking. But when it came to this indifferent young man, it turned into a snail girl and gave him food and drink. How could such a thing be possible in the world

Either the other person is hallucinating due to excessive self-awareness, or this person is playing a prank.

Kurosawa Jin received his gaze and responded with a slightly frowned expression. This subtle change in his expression made Kumamoto feel very uneasy, and he decisively decided not to expose him. It would not matter if he played a play with the middle school boy anyway.

Xiong Ben said: "Sir, please draw the curtains and turn off the lights."

Kurosawa Jin did as he was told.

Kumamoto placed everything on the table, followed the usual exorcism procedures, and then knelt on the mat and chanted.

As for the supernatural, if you believe in it, it exists, if you don’t, it doesn’t exist. Kumamoto doesn’t believe in the theory of spirits. He thinks that the so-called exorcism work is mostly just to give some psychological comfort to those who have been unlucky recently, so that they can feel a little better.

Kumamoto was kneeling and chanting, and Kurosawa behind him gave him a great sense of oppression, as if a sharp knife was pressing against his back, and he dared not slack off at all.

While I was distracted by reciting the scriptures, I reviewed what happened today and found that I couldn't think about it too much. If I did, I felt that I would die soon.

Kurosawa Jin also realized that this monk was most likely a waste. Even the way he chanted the sutras looked like he was performing a ridiculous play. He was considering how to deal with him.

There are many things to do after killing someone, and it is very troublesome. He knocked the monk unconscious and brought him back, and then sent him back in the same way. The monk was just a good-for-nothing, and there was no way to know his address and real name, so he was not enough to cause trouble, so it was more cost-effective than killing him directly.

Suddenly, as if a gust of cold wind blew, the candle flame seemed to be cut in half and went out.

The blackout curtains were thick, and the entire room was plunged into darkness.

Kurosawa Jin: “…”

Kurosawa Jin was not surprised at all, whether it was the person who suddenly caused trouble or the lazy monk who revealed his true colors.

He calmly took a few steps back, and with his good night vision and intuition, he accurately pressed the switch next to the door.

The room was light again.

The monk was still in shock, and Kurosawa walked up behind him and with a sharp knife, he made him sleep like a baby again.

He completely gave up the idea of killing. Such a useless monk probably wouldn't become an evil spirit after his death, and could only be a wandering ghost at the entrance of a rat hole. The fact that the temple sent him out to exorcise spirits showed that most of the monks were of this kind.

Since this approach didn't work, Kurosawa Jin decided to try another method.

Hojo Natsuki watched with great interest.

Compared to the frightened little black bear, the frog was much calmer, and its poker face did not change at all.

It immediately went to turn on the light, then came back and knocked the little black bear down with one punch.

[[Qin Frog] was very dissatisfied and knocked out [Monk Black Bear]]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Is this combat system serious? Did stealing the cassock make the bear weaker? Why on earth could a bear be knocked unconscious by a frog

Qinwa pulled out a sack from under the bed, put the unconscious little black bear in it, then threw the sack over his shoulder and walked out of the house carrying the sack containing the bear.

[[Qinwa] is out]

Hojo Natsuki: “… ?”

So confusing! Really so confusing!

As if the system had eavesdropped on his inner thoughts, a line of words popped up on the interface: [Please don't worry, the theme of this game is green and healthy, [Qinwa] will properly deal with [Monk Black Bear]]

Because it was so strange, Hojo Natsuki decided to wait and see what would happen next.

He switched to the [Courtyard] interface. His mailbox was filled with gifts that had not been received in time, including lottery tickets, food, and clovers, which were mostly small rewards given out during the game.

The top, and most recent, one is quite special, in the shape of a secret letter.

[Hello, we have prepared a [story] for you. You need to watch a 30-second advertisement.

Receive. [Receive/Abandon]]

Hojo Natsuki immediately clicked [Receive].

The small warehouse interface has several columns, such as [Album], [Postcard], [Guagua Notes], [Stories], and [Picture Book]. Logically, Guagua would write a diary from time to time, send photos and postcards, and the specialties and gifts would be included in the picture book. But Qinwa left nothing for him except the back of him running away with a black bear on his back.

The twenty-second advertisement ended quickly, and a four-frame cartoon was added to the [Story] column.

First frame: The frog is sitting in a coffee shop, and other animals are talking next to it.

Second frame: Qin frog is making a phone call, with a little ghost drawn in the bubble beside him

The third frame: At the temple gate, a camel in a monk's robe answers the phone

After seeing this, Hojo Natsuki roughly understood: he was mistaken for a ghost by the golden frog, and the little black bear was not a companion, but a real monk invited to exorcise evil spirits.

But the frog didn't look like it was afraid of ghosts at all. Instead, the little black bear was scared to death.

It's just a little kid, but it has to go to school, travel, and can knock down a bear with one punch. Where does it come from

[The Frog is back]

Qinwa quickly turned around and sat back at the table.

I don't know how it dealt with the black bear, and only about 10 minutes passed in the game.

It spread out a piece of paper and wrote quickly. Hojo Natsuki used up the second [One-time Universal Translation Card] for it.

Qin Frog: [Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? ]

It put down the pen and pushed it to the other side of the table, as if wanting Hojo Natsuki to use it.

Hojo Natsuki can only communicate with him by buying props, so he opened the mall and bought a [disposable message board]. When he returned, he found that Qinwa had given him plan B. He relit two candles and placed them on both sides of his body, one on the left and one on the right.

Qin Frog: [I ask, you answer.]

Frog: [Affirmation on the left, denial on the right.]

What a clever quack.

Hojo Natsuki is still alive, so of course he has no unfulfilled wishes; but considering the behavior of the koto frog inviting the monk, if you think about it carefully, it must have asked this out of the mentality of "why not help this guy fulfill his wish and send him away", trying to save the country in a roundabout way.

So he extinguished the candle on the left.

Qinwa held the pen in his claws and wrote quickly.

Hojo Natsuki twirled the ends of her hair with her fingers, waiting for it to reveal the surface of the paper.

She must want to ask him what his wish is, whether she should embarrass Gua Gua a little bit

Qinwa: [I won't help you, find someone else, get out of here immediately.]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

(End of this chapter)