Travelling Frog

Chapter 60


He didn't understand what strange words the system was saying, but judging from the reaction of the qin frog, it was obviously not willing to wear the same windbreaker and hold the same Beretta as Akai Yuyu, and there were even signs of anger; for some reason, the qin frog was particularly easy to get angry when it came to things related to Akai Yuyu.

Hojo Natsuki sat up straighter and began to think about the reasons behind this, in order to avoid accidentally provoking the frog's anger point in the future.

The system had said more than once that "Akagi fish are similar to Qin frogs" and used phrases like "Akagi resemble Qin frogs". He looked again and again, many times, but still could not find the similarities between a silver salted fish and a green frog.

So, he went to compare it with Akai Yuyu's original form.

Akai mermaid is really pleasing to the eye! Beautiful and cute face, elf ears, long black hair like seaweed, and a silver fish tail that is as long as the galaxy. Look at the anthropomorphic postcard of the tadpole period of the lyre frog, a little one in pajamas, with a vivid cool guy's stinky face... So how are they similar? Except for the green eyes.

In line with the truth-seeking, pragmatic and cautious investigation spirit, Hojo Natsuki compared and scanned back and forth again and again, and came to the conclusion: Gua Gua and Yu Yu have no similarities at all. The system and the characters in the game think so because they have been written in advance with the setting of "firmly believing in Chi Chi Qin".

Director Fox was sweating coldly and spoke to ease the atmosphere: [Um, the long black windbreaker and pistol, I think it's also a stereotype, how about changing it to something else, such as... a sniper rifle or something like that?]

As a result, he accidentally stepped into the wrong track again.

The frog glanced at it as if it were a dead thing, and the fox's tail hairs stood up in fear again. It had no doubt that if there were no outsiders present, it would probably be killed.

In panic, Director Fox started to talk without thinking: [Haha, haha! ... Well, it’s okay not to have a gun. After all, gun control is still too much for children. How about a bow and arrow? Er, a hammer? As for the look, there’s nothing wrong with putting on green lipstick. Green lipstick is so fashionable. It can take advantage of the popularity of the recently popular "Stone O Sea"... ]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

I just flipped the panel and found out why this fox suddenly became so talkative? Who scared it

The fox director said a lot, secretly glanced at the frog's face, and fell silent, as obedient as a fat duck waiting to be slaughtered. The small animals in the game who have the setting of "ordinary people", such as the fox director and the monk black bear before, are scared to death when they meet the frog, as if they have met their natural enemy, as if the "murderous aura" emitted by the frog can really make people avoid it.

Hojo Natsuki decided to ask Kotowa directly: [Don't you want to wear similar clothes to Moroboshi Dai? ]

The frog didn't answer directly, but its impatient, round green face clearly said, "What do you think?"

It seems that he doesn't like it.

He explained sincerely: "I wanted him to take Beauretta, mainly to give you a sense of participation. After all, you were the original male lead."

The director was extremely shocked, his mouth opened wide, and because of the excessive shock, his inner thoughts also appeared in the form of bubbles: [What?! He is the original male lead? How can this guy have the temperament of a messenger of justice? He is a killer, definitely a killer! ! ... So scary! ]

Director Fox's expression was so frightened that he looked like he was screaming.

After hearing this, the frog finally showed some respect and gave the puppy Boss a look. Under normal circumstances, it would have turned around and walked away angrily, but in front of outsiders, the frog would always give Boss some face, so that outsiders would not think that he was a useless leader who could not control his subordinates.

[Gin]:No need.

Hojo Natsuki happily went down the stairs.

[Natsuki]:Okay, that's fine.

[Natsuki]: Director, do you have any ideas about the makeup of the villain boss

Director Fox was in a trance, his mouth spitting out souls: [Ah? ... What? ... Oh... Green lipstick... Okay... Then let's go with green lipstick... ]

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Do you really want green lipstick

Isn’t it too eye-catching

The absent-minded fox director floated away like a ghost, straight to the leading actor's dressing room.

When the director and several leading actors came back, the mouth of Akai Fish had been painted green, making it look like a dead fish that had died of poison. However, the green fish lips suppressed the feeling of an idiot fish, turning it into a strange temperament like an evil mother-in-law.

Behind it followed the calm and composed Vermouth and the apparently evil-minded Zero.

Ling Miao pretended to be very serious, but his eyes would glance at Akai Yuyu from time to time, then his whiskers would tremble, the corners of his mouth would curl up, and he would cough deliberately to cover up his smirk.

[[Akai Yuyu] originally wanted to refuse the green makeup, but after hearing [Director Fox] say that this was your request, she reluctantly agreed]

[[Akai Yuyu] believes that there has never been a uglier moment in her life]

—No, it's so ugly every day after it turned into a fishman, sorry!

Akai Yuyu couldn't stand it anymore, raised his fin, and made a request to the director: [Director, Frogmen all have masks, I suggest that we unify them, I want one too... ]

Ling Miao saw Yu Yu's little trick and immediately interrupted it in a sarcastic tone: [Wearing a mask will affect the effect of your lip makeup. Or does Zhu Xingjun think that this look is not good-looking

Akai Yuyu: [I didn’t mean that.]

Ling Miao continued to output: [You don’t cherish the hard-won opportunity to be on camera?]

Akai Fish: […]

If you want to sow discord between the Japanese Public Security Bureau and the FBI, you don't have to spend the slightest bit of effort. Just put these two natural enemies together and they will start fighting on their own. Hojo Natsuki was watching with great interest, and suddenly another message popped up.

System: [[Qinwa]is watching you]

Hojo Natsuki: “… ?”

He dragged the screen to adjust the viewing angle, and saw that the frog's death gaze was indeed fixed on the puppy Boss.

[[Qinwa] holds a grudge against [Akai Fish]]

[[Kinto Frog] decided to transfer [Akai Fish] to his action team, and when he found its rat tail, he would kill it; if [Akai Fish] was not a rat, he would find a suitable opportunity to kill it]... How violent is Kinto Frog! How obsessed is it with "rats"

Hojo Natsuki was a little puzzled.

But at this point, he doesn't want to force his son to make friends. Maybe he is not naturally sociable. The first friend he introduced to Qinwa, Akai Yuyu, has already become a life-and-death relationship with him. The second mouse-catching teammate, Zero Cat, is only slightly better than Akai Yuyu, and in the final analysis, the two of them dislike each other.

How about the love of the frog

After he thought it through, he stopped worrying about it.

Akai Yu's look has changed, so many shots need to be re-shot. The actors' performances in the morning were not satisfactory, and there were not many shots that met the director's standards, so the workload of reshooting was not very large.

After a morning of training, the two new actors, who learn very quickly, showed significant improvement in their performance, and the number of times the director had to call for a stop was greatly reduced.

Hojo Natsuki felt sleepy and before he knew it his phone ran out of battery and the screen turned off, and he gradually fell asleep.

The plot of the commercial is simple, less than thirty seconds long, so it only took one day to complete the filming of the leading actors, and the rest of the work was the responsibility of the post-production team.

Furutani Rei said goodbye to his colleagues on the set one by one, took a detour to the lounge prepared for the boss, and carefully collected his voyeur equipment.

The next day, he handed the information over to his team in a covert manner and asked them not to miss any information.

Not long after, his subordinate Fengjian called him.

"There is a section of audio and video that cannot be analyzed." Fengjian said straight to the point.

Fūya frowned: "How could this happen? I could hear the content of the subsequent 'phone call' clearly."

"Before that, we could only hear the door being pushed open and the gentleman saying to the person coming in, 'Why are you so late?'

Therefore, the camera in the door lock was facing the white wall and the table in the room, and no effective content was captured afterwards. As for the audio…”

Feng Jian frowned and read the analysis report given by the technicians in a serious manner. "Our technicians speculated that the person who pushed the door open was carrying a device that could interfere with the eavesdropping equipment."

"… But the processing was too clean. There were only audio fluctuations, but no noise at all. This is an abnormal situation. It is difficult for the existing jamming equipment on the market to achieve this level. The technicians have never seen such a situation. It is as if an invisible, divine hand has artificially deleted this part of the content that no one wants to eavesdrop on."

He then spurred his subordinates: "Tell the technicians to work harder. Opportunities like this are rare."

Kazama: “…Yes.”

Furiya Rei is a reliable adult with strong psychological qualities, otherwise he would not have been chosen to carry out such a dangerous and difficult mission.

The shameless children's advertisement only made him suffer for a short day. Not long after, he became a deep-minded traitor again. He no longer thought about how shameful he was when shooting the advertisement. He just hoped that the advertisement would be approved and launched online as soon as possible, and then wait for the boss to fulfill his promise and give him a code name for the wine.

Hojo Natsuki almost forgot that he had promised to go undercover to find out the code name of the wine.

Until the director sent him a sample.

He watched it secretly during the meeting and could hardly hold back his laughter. He almost laughed out loud during the meeting, and the image of a reliable cadre that he had worked so hard to maintain was shattered. The funny thing about the commercial is not its plot, but the appearance of the leading actor.

I laugh every time I see it, I can't help it!

Hojo Natsuki was done having fun, and after get off work he opened the game again, and suddenly remembered: Yes, he also had to give code names to Rei and Akai Yuyu.

He decided to ask the frog for its opinion first.

He even specifically asked his son what he thought about such a small matter, which shows how much he values it!

When I went online, Qinwa was at home, half lying on the bed with the reading light on.

It was quietly turning the pages of a book with its eyes downcast.

The koto frog has always had the habit of reading before going to bed. Hojo Natsuki has encountered it many times. When it reads, it is calm and gentle, without any murderous intent, just like Namo Bo.Leita Bodhisattva who is saving all living beings.

Normally, disturbing a person who is concentrating on reading would cause him to be disgusted, and a glare would be the least of his trouble; perhaps Qinwa was used to being annoyed by him, so he didn't show any particular annoyance, and even rarely gave verbal warnings.

[Natsuki]:What are you looking at

[Gin]: It’s so noisy.

Hojo Natsuki didn't expect it to really answer him, he just wanted to find an excuse to start a conversation.

[Natsuki]: What code names do you think would be good for Toru Amuro and Dai Moroboshi


Qinwa slammed the book shut, turned down the corners of his mouth, and an exclamation mark appeared on his head, symbolizing anger.

[Gin]: Are you going to give them code names

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

What? Can this make you angry

[Natsuki]: Isn't this the reward we agreed on before the casting? The boss can't just say something that goes against his will, right

Qinwa didn't support it and didn't want to show his understanding. He sat there with a stern face for a while before replying coldly: [Whatever. Don't ask me.]

It was not very happy, and Hojo Natsuki's straight male attribute also came online in time.

He was very tired after a day's work, his mind was empty, and he just wanted to have some fun. So he switched the panel and summoned the puppy Boss. Soon, a white puppy wearing a sad frog headgear appeared in Qin Frog's hut.

—There was a loud bang in the sky, and Gougou made a brilliant appearance!


The frog stood up expressionlessly, lifted the dog Boss by the scruff of the neck, and prepared to do the same.

, and threw it out the door again like last time.

Hojo Natsuki was in a panic. He wanted to type and persuade, but also wanted to take direct action to stop the Sad Frog from throwing the dog. As a result, he accidentally touched the [Unwear] button, and the Sad Frog headgear rolled to the ground.

The white-striped puppy turned its head, with a pair of poached eyes, and looked at the frog beggingly, looking very pitiful.

Frog: […]

Suddenly, the frog stopped.

It even slowly loosened its grip and let down the back collar of the dog hook.

The frog stared at the puppy expressionlessly for a while, then hugged his shoulders with his paws and said coldly: [This is my room.]

Puppy sticks out tongue: [:p]

The released Hojo Natsuki began to run around the house. From the perspective of the dog, he could see more details that the player's perspective could not explore carefully, such as the bathroom of the frog!

[Natsuki]: You actually have a comb! You can comb your hair!

[Natsuki]:You actually have a hair band! Can you tie your hair

[Natsuki]: What? Why is there no conditioner? Where is the bottle I bought for you? Don’t you usually use it


The frog was speechless.

It seemed to sigh silently and then walked to the bathroom door.

[Gin]: Get out

[Natsuki]:Give me this, I want this

The white puppy's paw reached out to the only hairband in front of the bathroom mirror.

A very ordinary black color, which suits the personality of the frog.

[Gin]: Buy it yourself.

Qinwa refused coldly and reached out to protect his "rare property" a second in advance.

The tips of its claws touched the furry dog's paws.

As if getting an electric shock, Qinwa suddenly pulled his hand back and looked away.

It said stiffly: "Then it's for you."

Then he turned around quickly, walked away quickly, fell back on the bed, and started reading the closed book again.

It seems that it is so obsessed with reading that it forgets to eat and sleep. Everything else is no longer important. Everything else is inferior. No one can disturb Top Killer's precious reading time.

In fact, how could a killer like Guagua, who is too lazy to even go to college, have the leisure to read before bed

If you observe carefully, you will find that the frog can read this not-so-thick "bedtime reading" for a full six months. I don't know whether it reads it over and over again without getting bored, or it just doesn't take it to heart at all. It has another purpose for reading - only it itself knows the answer.

However, Hojo Natsuki had no intention of investigating or exposing its harmless little lie.

He stared at his fingertips, turning them over and over, confused and puzzled.


The feeling just now...

Did you get a sudden electric shock

Ouch, so weird! What's going on

(End of this chapter)