Travelling Frog

Chapter 73


Fūya Rei felt that the back figure looked familiar, but he did not associate it with the boss at first.

Part of the reason is that there is glass blocking the view, and the angle is not good. With just a quick glance, you can't get much useful information.

Another reason is that Rei Furuya cannot remember the characteristics of the Boss.

The Boss always wears a ridiculous sad frog mask, with the shoulders and above completely covered by a green frog head, making his real face a mystery. However, a person's gait, figure, and body language are often fixed, so even if he changes his face, it is easy to expose his true identity - of course there are exceptions, such as a witch like Vermouth who is good at disguise and has superb acting skills.

That gentleman is also an exception, but his situation is different from that of Vermouth.

Furutani Rei had met him three times: the first time they met at the toy factory, when they were filming a commercial and when they came to supervise him, and when he was given a code name. He concealed his true intentions and did not dare to look at him all the time, but took the opportunity to observe him secretly.

Logically speaking, three close contacts are enough for an undercover police officer with excellent professional skills to remember the other party's characteristics and make a character profile.

But Ling Jiangu found that he could not remember anything.

"Weird frog head", "young male", "calm and scheming" - these few casual labels were all he could remember.

He once suspected that there was something wrong with his brain, but he was still very quick and accurate in profiling others, so he contacted the gentleman for the second and third time, but still got nothing. He thought that the boss had done something, such as spraying special potions on the hood; or maybe the other party was a psychological master, and his actions and words gave him psychological hints, making him forget about himself.

The other party is the boss of an all-powerful organization. He must have the capital to show off if he dares to wear this kind of headgear outside.

Furuya still considered the possibility that "the boss and the boy are the same person", but Gin's private life was not the direction of his investigation after all, so after a brief shock, he fell into a truly frustrating vortex again - his good friend from the same period who discovered his work content (?), Aunt Elena, whom he had not seen for many years...

While keeping the secret, he must do his best to distance himself from them.

When Furiya Rei was shocked by what he saw, Hojo Natsuki was also in a state of being unable to think.

He was stunned for a second, and gradually, he became so nervous that his heart beat faster and he seemed to hear the sound of blood rushing to his heart.

In order to get rid of this strange state, when he came to his senses, he immediately tried to create a safe distance between himself and the other person - but he couldn't break free.

"I understand." Hojo Natsuki said, "... let me go."

Kurosawa Jin slowly loosened his grip.

Hojo Natsuki was able to get away and then looked at the ice cream and the other person's clothes. All that was left of the cone was a flat waffle base filled with strawberry-flavored ice cream. The torturous taste was barely sensible. Although it was unpalatable, it did not stain the clothes.

Kurosawa asked, "Go to the toy factory?"

Xia Shu nodded: "... Yeah."

He had not yet fully recovered from his previous state. He was chewing on a waffle cone while following the other person, his thoughts in a mess.

Very strange.

When he meets other people, whether they are good-looking or not, look scary or kind, Hojo Natsuki does not think that these people are any different from the animals in the mobile phone. His classification standards are quite clear: employees, not employees; these two major categories can be further subdivided.

He will not have any extra emotions towards his employees, nor does he care about their true camp affiliation. The only difference is whether they are useful or not, and whether they are obedient or not.

This does not change when the virtual animals transform into humans; even if they are not virtual characters but real people, there will be no difference.

Are real people noble? Do real people not need to work? Who cares if they are dead or living a life worse than death? - Their entire significance is to indirectly provide emotional value to Hojo Natsuki.

After all, it's just entertainment to relieve the boredom of life.

But when he saw Kurosawa Jin, he had an extremely real feeling.

This sharp sensory contrast is impossible to ignore, like the only bright color in the black and white world.

"Did the gaming helmet affect my emotions?" Hojo Natsuki thought to himself, "Or do I only care about him?"

The moment the thought came to his mind, he felt a pain in his teeth.

Of course, this statement is appropriate and extremely fitting when applied to the frog.

The purpose of playing [Business Simulation] is to create an organization for Qin Frog to rely on, and to kill time by messing with the little animals, so as to vent the pain of corporate life. If one day he has to choose between Qin Frog and the entire organization, he will not hesitate for a second.

This unique emphasis, transferred to a real holographic state, seems to explain Hojo Natsuki's "abnormality".

But... if the protagonist changes from a cute little frog to a human, it's a bit weird no matter how you think about it, and it's hard to digest it for a while.

He put the ice cream into his mouth without tasting it, followed Kurosawa Jin downstairs, and sat in the back seat of the Porsche again.

System: [Please download patch 2.7.1. Fixed known bugs: unable to exit the game, unable to...]

[Automatically downloading for you...]

[Version patch 2.7.1 has been installed]

[Do you want to exit the game? [Y/N]]

Hojo Natsuki immediately selected [Yes].

He felt dizzy and had a strong sense of weightlessness. Five seconds later, he opened his eyes again.

The sight is blocked by the eyepiece of the helmet, take off the helmet -

It is the interior of the holographic cabin.

Hojo Natsuki had not yet completely gotten rid of the top-heavy feeling brought by the holographic device. He stumbled out of the holographic cabin, and only felt relieved when he saw the familiar living room again.

Almost a day has passed in the game, but in reality it is only seven or eight hours, and it is currently morning.

The light penetrates the thin gauze curtains, casting a half-bright, half-dark color on the living room.

He poured himself a glass of water and didn't feel thirsty, hungry or tired at all, as if he had actually slept and eaten in the game.

Hojo Natsuki opened the game on her phone.

[You left without saying goodbye, [Qinwa]'s favorability -5]

[[Qin Frog] Current Favorability 65]

This is too fast.

He immediately sent a message to remedy the situation.

[Natsuki]: I’m sorry.

[Natsuki]: Something urgent happened to me, so I'll leave first and come back to see you later.


The other party responded coldly, and there was no sign of his favorability rising. However, Hojo Natsuki never cared about this value, and was lucky that it didn't continue to drop.

He turned off the game and looked towards the holopod thoughtfully.

Even though it was only a few hours, the terrible experience of being trapped in the game and almost unable to get out still made Hojo Natsuki very wary of it.

He first sent the item to Port Mafia's technical department. A week later, the technical director of Port Mafia said that he could not find any abnormal power fluctuations, and it was just a holographic game cabin with superior technology. Then, Hojo Natsuki found the sorcerer.

He had only a vague understanding of the world of sorcery and cursed spirits, and always felt that this power system, which was closer to ghost stories than supernatural powers, was too metaphysical, but he still managed to invite the strongest sorcerer, Gojo Satoru.

Another half month passed, and the most busy sorcerer finally made time and rushed to the Hojo residence in Yokohama.

The other person took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of blue eyes that seemed to be filled with bright stars.

He walked around the game cabin carefully and concluded, "There is not even a trace of cursed power. Don't worry."

Gojo Satoru even complained: "For something so obvious, do we still need the strongest person to take action? It must be tiring to come all the way here."

Finally, Hojo Natsuki prepared to send it to Italy, the Vongola family's technical department.

The Vongola Technical Department has the real

Black technology in the true sense, such as the bazooka that can exchange a person with himself ten years later (originating from the Bovino family), if the Vongola technical department also says that it is not abnormal...

"Then we still have to open the 'book' and take a look." Hojo Natsuki felt unhappy about this thought.

The process of flipping through the "book" will inevitably lead to spoilers about the future, which is too torturous.

The twenty days that passed in reality were very ordinary, but in the game they were extended to three times that time, and it was the last month of BK4.

There are only three years left until the first year of Konan.

A lot of things happened in the two months in the game.

Neither Ling Miao nor Akai Yuyu could contact Elena Qua again. The former had no way to contact her at all, while the latter could contact Aunt Elena through her mother, but Akai Yuyu didn't want to cause trouble, so she remained silent.

Jing Wang performed well and was given the code name [Scotland], the code name of the Frog Organization Member 1, and the undercover code name Member 1.

Of course, Hojo Natsuki also sent an undercover agent to the Metropolitan Police Department, who was a rat with a loyalty level of around 70.

Because the frog didn't like mice, he simply sent it out. Unexpectedly, when the guy stole the information, his identity was exposed, and the organizers and the police started to hunt him down at the same time.

The dual-identity Zero Cat was undoubtedly at the forefront. As it represented the police in catching mice, Zero Cat also had an independent transformation animation, starting with a spell -

[Zero Cat]: It’s not Toru Amuro, it’s the public security police officer Furuya Rei!

The green color on the kitten's body also faded away, turning back into its original dark and opaque black fur.

With the background music "Catching Shrimp", the cat and mouse chase each other fiercely, and then enter the single-player chase stage.

Ling Miao pulled out his gun and shot at the mouse's legs, hoping to make it lose its ability to escape; but he never expected that the mouse suddenly fell down, and the bullet originally aimed at its knee shot at its... ear.

The mouse's right ear was injured and bleeding, and it became an ear.

Hojo Natsuki frowned thoughtfully.

The black cat shot the mouse's ear off...

I don't know why, but this scene gives me a strange sense of déjà vu. It might be an illusion. Ling Miao didn't get promoted to sheriff just because he knocked off the mouse ears. He is still the diligent working cat.

Anyway, this mouse was of no use to the organization and knew nothing about the organization's internal information, so he generously handed it over to the police.

Shortly after Jing Wang got the code name, perhaps as a result of the mysterious law of conservation of working energy, Hojo Natsuki lost a code name employee in tears.

[[Kinto Frog] challenges [Akai Fish]! ]

[Akai Fish] refused to give in and vowed to capture Gin alive! ]

Thus, the duel between the frog and the fish is about to begin.

In the picture, the silver-haired Guagua and the salted fish wearing a hat are standing on both sides of the screen, with serious expressions and ready for battle.

It was a dark and windy night with sand blowing everywhere as the two big guys fought for the top spot of amphibians.

Next, both sides will draw their guns and do American Iai-

Two game consoles suddenly fell from the sky.

They lifted their skirts and started playing Tetris.

Hojo Natsuki: “???”

In the game, Akai Yuyu and Qinwa played Tetris for at least two days, because they were playing when Hojo Natsuki got up; when he opened the game after get off work, they were still competing against each other without sleep and forgetting to eat, and the points on the screens of both game consoles rose to a terrifying height...

When I woke up the next day, the winner of this high-intensity children's game showdown was finally decided.

[[Akai Fish] failed! ]

[Akai Yuyu] is not convinced. It thinks that the frog has some Russian bloodline and has a unique bloodline advantage in Tetris. This is unfair! ]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

[[Akai Yuyu] FBI undercover identity exposed, faked death and left the organization]

Akai Yu Yu just withdrew from the organization like this.

As an underwater noble with its own opening animation, it of course also has an exit animation.

Bright bubbles appeared from under the fish-man's feet,

The fish is wrapped up like a little mermaid in a fairy tale, returning the borrowed happiness to the sea... It turns back into a cute, soft little mermaid! Yay!

But the story doesn't seem to be over yet.

[[Akai Yuyu] has since changed his name to [Okiya Yuyu], and is still at the forefront of tracking down the organization's movements! ]

Akai Yu Yu is only handsome for three seconds before he turns back into an eye-catching fishman.

Hojo Natsuki received a favorable review of its appearance.

But in this case, Akai Yuyu would no longer be his employee, but a pure enemy from the opposing camp.

He felt very sorry for the loss of such an excellent worker.

[Gin]: Dai Moroboshi is a traitor.

[Gin]: He is dead.

Hojo Natsuki felt sorry in his heart, but he flattered her as usual: [You are so awesome, Gin-chan. I don’t know what I would do without you. ]


[Natsuki]: You’re so reliable!


It seemed that it was not very satisfied with his false flattery, but the fact that Akai Yuyu was kicked out of the Frog Organization obviously made Frog happy physically and mentally, so it generously did not care about the player.

There was silence between the two sides.

The frog seemed to have something to say, but couldn't quite bring itself to say it.

The feeling of irritability was very obvious in Gua. It lowered its head, as if concentrating on cleaning the gun, but a ball of yarn was spinning on top of its head. Because of this scene that betrayed Gua's mood, Qinwa was much easier to understand than the moody Kurosawa Jin.

After a long time, it spoke.

The question was asked very coldly, as if the silver-haired killer stood in front of Hojo Natsuki again.

It is almost impossible for such a person to express his true thoughts clearly; he sews all his thoughts into an airtight pocket, and only a little specious meaning leaks out from the gap.

A few drops of rain dripped between his fingers, and behind him was the rolling river and sea.

[Gin]: When are we going to the toy factory

—Come see me sometime.

(End of this chapter)