Travelling Frog

Chapter 75


Then, they talked for a while about another possibility: "The fusion of the worlds is the instruction of a higher dimension." They talked very seriously, and before they knew it, more than half an hour had passed. If this conversation was eavesdropped by someone, the eavesdropper would obviously think that these were two psychopaths with a very worrying mental state.

They were actually talking seriously about topics like world fusion, the advent of higher dimensions, etc.

However, it was obviously impossible for Hojo Natsuki's phone to be tapped. He hung up happily, went upstairs to the corner of the living room, and began to daydream in front of the holographic cabin.

He needs to try and explore more.

So he sent a message to Dazai: [I entered the game, but didn't come out after three days, so something went wrong.]

The implication is, remember to rescue them.

Dazai Osamu was always a mean person, and he quickly replied: [Rest in peace [candle][candle][candle][put your hands together][put your hands together]]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”


He sat in the game cabin, put on his helmet, and started the device.

[Do you want to start the game? [Y/N]]


When I opened my eyes again, Hojo Natsuki appeared in the back seat of the Porsche.

He was a little confused, and couldn't understand why he logged in here; then he thought again, he suddenly went offline in the car last time, so this could be considered a complete beginning and an end.

"Brother, Bourbon said..."

Vodka was reporting something to Kurosawa Jin. Just as he started, his tone suddenly rose, "... Bo, Boss?!"

Hojo Natsuki's first reaction was to hide his true face, but he immediately felt a weight on his shoulders... Well, the ugly frog mask was automatically put on again, which was also a protective measure.

"Yeah." He replied calmly, "Don't worry about me."

Vodka replied timidly, "Okay," and looked at Kurosawa Jin.

Kurosawa raised his head, stared at the figure reflected in the rearview mirror, and said casually: "Go on."

So Vodka took a few seconds to recall where he had reported to and then continued the conversation.

Hojo Natsuki didn't quite understand at first. He was a qualified hands-off boss who could only give orders to his subordinates like a domineering boss. He never tried to understand how the members of the organization carried out their tasks. Even if he wanted to understand, he could only see the little animals playing games and it was difficult to guess what they were doing specifically.

After a few minutes, he realized that the organization was a mafia with a more low-key style and simpler internal structure.

Hojo Natsuki found that he had no interest in going back to his old job.

He used the hood as a cover and quietly observed the Kurosawa formation.

For a real game geek, the transformation of a paper man into a real person is a very discouraging thing; but Hojo Natsuki doesn't treat people as human beings most of the time, so the transformation into a human is not a big deal...

But Gin Frog is really much cuter than Gin.

Green coffin face and impatient triangular eyes.

The elastic belly, short legs, and hardworking thin paws.

With this appearance, no matter what she does, people will think she is extremely cute, even when she is angry.

Take another look at the real Gin.

The silver-haired killer was taller than him, and no matter if he was angry or not, he could not be associated with the word "cute".

As he watched, he wanted to sigh.

Alas. Little Frog.

In one afternoon, Hojo Natsuki followed Kurosawa Jin to two places and finally returned to the other's residence.

"When are you leaving?" he asked.

He asked with such restraint that Hojo Natsuki, who was running around the room, didn't understand the implication and answered casually, "I should be able to stay for a day or two."

There are still more than ten hours before work starts tomorrow.

Hojo Natsuki rummaged through Kurosawa's storage room and finally found an extremely sharp short knife. The knife, like its owner Gin, flashed a cold aura when it was unsheathed.

He rolled up his sleeves, pointed the knife at his arm, and lightly scratched it.

A long knife wound appeared on the inside of the forearm, and blood rushed out, running down the arm, in sharp contrast with the fair skin.

It seemed that the blade was sharper than he had imagined. He raised his palm to cover the wound.

"… What are you doing."

A clear voice came from behind him, with a hint of impending storm.

Hojo Natsuki turned around, met his cold green eyes, and explained: "Ah, I..."

I found that I couldn't find a reasonable excuse for the time being.

During the few seconds of his silence, the other party raised his hand to take the gauze and bandage, squatted down, and ordered: "Hold it out."

Bandages easily make people think of some unpleasant guys.

Hojo Natsuki said with disdain: "I..."

—No bandages! No bandages!

Things have changed. Just like when he was rubbing Gintoku's frog, he completely disrespected Gin's opinion. It is useless to try to reject Gintoku now.

Seeing that he was really hesitating, Kurosawa simply grabbed his wrist and started dealing with him without any explanation.

As he moved, the man's fingertips caressed the skin on the inside of his arm, causing a tingling sensation.

His fingers curled unconsciously.

Hojo Natsuki calmed down, looked away, calmed down for a few seconds, then turned back and looked at his forearm.

After a while, he suddenly laughed: "Do I look like a non-mainstream middle school student who hurts himself after a breakup?"

Kurosawa Jin: “…”

The silver-haired killer, who had no entertainment life, naturally couldn't understand why he was so inexplicably happy. He fixed the bandage expressionlessly, put away the dagger, picked up the man's collar, and threw him out of the storage room without mercy.

Hojo Natsuki was not convinced, but his goal had been achieved, so he walked into the bathroom alone and locked the door.

[Do you want to exit the game? [Y/N]]


In the holographic cabin, he took off his helmet and observed the place where his arm was scratched.

There was a very shallow, thin and long scar, which had obviously healed long ago. However, it was too thin and narrow and was difficult to see without facing the light.

There are two possibilities.

1. The timeline of the other world is in the past. He went back to the past, was really injured, and it took a long time to recover.

2. Descend from the high-dimensional world, with a healing buff plug-in

He was not yet sure whether the two worlds would merge or coexist in some other way; but intuitively, the former was more likely.

After observing, Hojo Natsuki put on his helmet again, returned to the game, and walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

The time in the upper right corner is December 31st.

Xia Shu thought: "…Tomorrow is New Year's Day?"

Kurosawa Jin: “It seems so.”

"Then let's go to the supermarket and buy some food for New Year's Eve." He suggested naturally, "How about it?"

Kurosawa: “Oh.”

In such boring matters, the other party was always willing to accommodate him. He stood up and took a coat from the hanger, while Hojo Natsuki squatted at the door to change his shoes.

Kurosawa Jin looked him up and down and asked, "Where's your coat?"

The last time he logged in, it was still autumn, and a windbreaker, sweater and shirt were enough to keep him warm. When he appeared again, he was still wearing the free 'newbie suit'.

He had been in the car with the heater on the entire afternoon, and he got out of the car and went upstairs very quickly, so he didn't feel any cold air. Hojo Natsuki had no idea about the change of seasons.

However, it is night now and the temperature has dropped sharply.

"What else do you want..."

Hojo Natsuki pushed the door open and spoke very frankly - but as soon as the door opened, a gust of winter wind blew in from the small window opposite him, which was strong enough to freeze a person into a ball of ice. He shuddered and immediately closed the door with his backhand.

“… A coat, of course,” he said firmly.

Then open the system mall.

He sorted the winter clothes in the mall and clicked [Confirm Purchase] on each one.

[Failed purchase!]

[Failed purchase!]

[Purchase successful!]

A red scarf suddenly appeared and fell into his hand.

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Universe frog sublimation.jpg

Hojo Natsuki pursed his lips and looked at Kurosawa Jin.

Under the other party's teasing eyes, he said embarrassedly: "I didn't bring winter clothes, lend me a coat."

Kurosawa Jin didn't comment, took a long step and turned back to the room. When he came back, he threw him a black coat... It was the familiar windbreaker style, no different from the regular clothes in spring and autumn.

He put it on quickly, wrapped his scarf around his waist, and followed Kurosawa Jin downstairs.

When I got out of the door, I realized that the clothes were too loose. Even with the belt tied tightly, there was still a slight sense of air leaking out.

"call out-"

The sound of fireworks breaking through the sky could be heard in the distance.

Looking up, the dim street lights are nearby, and the bright flowers blooming in the night sky are reflected in the distance.

Staring at the fireworks, Hojo Natsuki stood there for a few seconds, then quickly caught up with the silver-haired man.

He stepped on the long shadow of Kurosawa Zhen dragged by the street lamp, took two steps at a time, and trotted to his side: "Wait for me. Where are you going?"

Kurosawa Jin: "Supermarket."

Hojo Natsuki suddenly realized: "... Yes, I suggested going."

Kurosawa Jin glanced at him, the disdain in his eyes was self-evident.

Hojo Natsuki cursed quietly in his heart and put his hands in his pockets to keep warm. Suddenly, he touched a small rectangular box that was roughly made.

He took it out and looked at it: "Hmm... Is it a matchbox?"

I remembered.

Since he often played pranks on the lighter, such as having a clover pop out when lighting it... Kurosawa Jin, who had been fooled many times, gave up the flip lighter and used a matchbox instead.

This is obviously a wiser choice. Although you lose the feel of the lighter, there is a risk of fingerprints being extracted if it is accidentally lost, while a matchbox is much safer.

Hojo Natsuki took it out, struck one and blew it out.

A freezing winter, a matchbox, and a snowy night, and all the elements of a fairy tale are complete.

He thought for a moment, stopped Kurosawa, and raised his hand to strike another match. The red scarf warmed his skin, making it look a little pink.

The other party didn't understand what was going on, and calmly lowered his eyes, his green eyes as cold as the cold night. The light from above his head outlined his deep and straight features, making the angle of his jaw look even sharper.

"A magic match that can make wishes come true." Hojo Natsuki said nonsense seriously, raised his hand to pass the faint orange flame over, and smiled, "Make a wish, and then blow it out."

Kurosawa Jin stared at him for a moment, his lips straight, obviously not ready to buy it.

Despite being protected by the palm of the hand, the small flame continued to grow weaker and weaker in the biting winter wind. In an instant, only a thin layer of fire attached to the match head remained.

Just as Xia Shu was about to extinguish it and throw it away—

Kurosawa Jin bent down and blew out the fire that was so weak that it was almost invisible in the light.

Hojo Natsuki was slightly surprised: "..."

He was stunned for a few seconds, looked up, and asked, "What about the wish?"

The silver-haired killer, who had just been willing to play boring tricks with him, silently pulled up the collar of his windbreaker, continued walking forward, and refused to answer the question.

Hojo Natsuki insisted, "What?"

Natsuki: "What exactly is your wish?"

Xia Shu: "If you keep it to yourself, no one will know. It will only work if you speak it out."

Xia Shu: "Hey-"

Kurosawa Jin spoke coldly, scolding: "Such a noise."

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

He continued to curse in his heart, and walked side by side with the other person with a pretentious expression. He observed the street scenes around him, his head full of messy ideas, all of which he was eager to try. He was full of desire to explore this different world - so he didn't notice that Kurosawa Jin lowered his eyes from time to time, looking at the whorl of hair on his head, his soft cheeks, and his earlobes blown red by the wind.

There was another burst of distant fireworks sound, coming from afar on the cold wind.

“Swoosh”, “Bang”

Gradually weakening.

Kurosawa Jin looked away as if nothing had happened.

It has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)