Travelling Frog

Chapter 77


Hojo Natsuki stared at the two little animal portraits for a moment and took a sip of soda water.

"By the way." He asked Kurosawa, "What was I like before?"

Before the true form of the puppy Boss appeared, was it also a small animal that Kurosawa Jin saw on his phone

For example, a white striped puppy

It's not very likely, because the frog knows nothing about the player's life, and all the information it can get about him comes from Hojo Natsuki's nonsense.

Kurosawa answered with a cold expression: He's a psycho.

Hojo Natsuki leaned forward again, raised his chin, pointed at the phone that was upside down on the table, and asked, "Can you show me? Just look at the app we use to send messages."

The other party didn't speak.

Hojo Natsuki reached out his hand tentatively and touched the back of the phone.

But Kurosawa Zhen didn't stop it.

That means tacit consent.

He picked up the phone without any worries. For Top Killer, this thing was just a communication tool, and its entertainment function was close to zero. Therefore, apart from the necessary software and the system applications that came with the machine, the interface was completely empty. Hojo Natsuki locked the communication APP at a glance without any effort.

The logo is the cursive font [Natsuki].

The interface is quite simple. Apart from the chat interface, there are only [Send Postcard], [Send Photo], [Mall], and [Natsuki's Wish List].

I see. There was no option to send special products. He had wronged Qinwa.

But this guy basically doesn’t send postcards!

The number of products in the [mall] is pitifully small, with only about 70 or 80 items, and the currency for purchase is Japanese yen; while the [mall] in Hojo Natsuki's phone has dozens of categories, ranging from nuclear bombs to millet porridge. In comparison, the former is too simple to be called a "supermarket" or "mall", and is more like a menu of a fast food restaurant.

[Natsuki's Wish List]

[Fulfilling Natsuki's wish will help improve your relationship]

[Natsuki has a lot of material resources, so most of his wishes are spiritual. Please try your best to fulfill them~]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

So his [Mall] has so many things, is this just a scam

The contents of the wishes, as they go down line by line, become increasingly faint, which should mean that the intensity of the wishes decreases one by one.

[Gin sent me a postcard]

[Gin likes me]


The first thing he did was three consecutive Frog attacks.

It's very appropriate, and Hojo Natsuki himself couldn't refute it. He played the game just to raise frogs. As for the organization, it was a pure gift.

Half a page of wishes were all about trivia about Qinwa, and there was even one that [I want Gin to go to jail, wear striped clothes, and not go anywhere, haha! ], Hojo Natsuki was shocked for a while, and really didn't understand how this idea that he had briefly considered a few times before was discovered by the will of the world.

Then pull down.

The font size became smaller and the font color gradually changed from black to gray.

[To make the toy factory bigger and stronger, the goal! Japan's No. 1 toy factory! ]

[Just monitor [XXX]'s movements and recruit [OOO]. It would be best if [XXX] could work for me together with her.]

[What a good employee, what a pity, is there any chance to pry him from the Metropolitan Police Department? ]

[XXX]=Kudo Shinichi Chicken.

[OOO]=Hairy chestnut orchid.

The corner of the Metropolitan Police Department = Matsuda Maki and Hagiwara Maji.

How could this be captured and put on the wish list!

However, what was shown to Kurosawa Jin were all Hojo Natsuki's inner thoughts about the game, and he was not given any spoilers about the other world, so it was not too much.

Moreover, according to Gin's personality, she probably has no interest in actively clicking on it, and the frequency of visiting the wish list is definitely no more than once a month.

Hojo Natsuki

When you're done, put your phone back where it was.

He was a little surprised and said, "You can't see my face on your phone, but you can recognize me so quickly."

Kurosawa Jin finally gave him a look and commented coldly: "Full of flaws."

Hojo Natsuki: “?”

Hojo Natsuki retorted: "Maybe a little, but at least my disguise is perfect."

After saying this, he was stunned.

For a long time, the concept that "frog headgear equals disguise" has been rooted in his mind. Xia Shu believes that when he puts on a frog headgear, he has completely disguised himself as another person, and different styles of frog headgear are like changing into different clothes, such as Gucci frog and LV frog; as for the different expressions, that is the attitude of the puppy Boss on that day, and the angry frog is the boss with a stern face and very angry.

This idea came to him so naturally that after he discovered that this world was most likely a real low-dimensional world, he did not notice anything wrong.

I was influenced unconsciously.

When I logged in for the first time, I went out wearing the mask, and passers-by were all surprised, as if they were seeing some performance artist...

"No way?" Hojo Natsuki twitched his lips. "So, what they saw was really a 'me' wearing a sad frog mask?"

When he realized this, he didn't even need to ask Kurosawa Jin for confirmation. Many clues automatically surfaced, such as Akai Yuyu's pupils shaking when he saw the puppy Boss, Ling Miao's fur standing on end in shock, and the employees who were equally shocked...

Hojo Natsuki: Sublimation of the Space Frog.jpg

No wonder the system has to emphasize again and again that [Qinwa thinks you are mentally retarded] and [Qinwa is very worried about you].

Anyone who sees a person wearing a sad frog mask going out will think he is mentally retarded! !

After a brief surprise, Hojo Natsuki easily accepted this fact.

What does it matter? The hood has played a crucial role in concealing the true appearance, and that’s enough.

He doesn't care how his employees view him. After all, who in the world doesn't think their boss is an idiot? It doesn't matter how they think, but their bodies must work like a slave.

The upper left corner of the game interface also begins the New Year countdown.




The numbers of year, month and day changed at the same time, and the time came to BK3.

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers in the distance also reached its peak at this time. Even if the windows were closed tightly, the rising and falling waves of sound could still be heard.

"Today is my birthday." Hojo Natsuki held his coat and lazily lay on the sofa, "Do you have any gift for me?"

Kurosawa Jin raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

Xia Shu propped up his head and explained casually before the other party could speak: "Actually, I don't know what day I was born. My guardian doesn't know either. He thinks New Year's Day is an auspicious day, so he always gave birth on January 1st..."

Kurosawa Jin interrupted, his tone casual: "No."

Hojo Natsuki asked in confusion: "…What is not?"

He didn't understand and asked a few more questions, but the other party refused to give any further explanation.

It’s really hard to guess what Top Killer is thinking.

Since it is the New Year, employees should be given some benefits appropriately to encourage them to continue working hard in the new year.

Hojo Natsuki opened [Simulated Management] and distributed red envelopes with one click. There were more code members and fewer ordinary members, and ordinary employees with high contributions received gifts separately.

He casually checked the toy factory's panel, focusing on the three most important values for camp determination.

[Public Favorability: 544]

[Popularity: 598]

[Public Welfare Value: 287]

To reverse the faction, [Public Favorability] and [Popularity] must be at least 1000.

The toy factory's marketing was overwhelming, and after adopting the lottery purchase right method, the profit was also

Gradually, it was brought up. At present, the frog twist car has become a well-known ugly and cute fashion item.

However, after the initial rapid growth period, the [public favorability] and [brand awareness] have become increasingly sluggish, and no amount of advertising will help; too much marketing may even make some consumers rebellious, and they will get annoyed when they see the brand, causing their favorability to decrease instead of increase.

It is not as easy as you think to increase the value.

Hojo Natsuki thought about it, and suddenly realized: "The energy of the toy factory is limited, but I also have a research institute."

Yes, his second research institute which was developing rapidly.

The Researcher List SR meeting is here, and all the elites are gathered! There are also three amazing SSRs!

[Reputation] Based on comprehensive calculation of multiple dimensions, the toy factory brings popularity to the organization among the general public. Then the Second Research Institute can completely rely on its own efforts to attract the attention of the scientific research and pharmaceutical research communities!

Hojo Natsuki began to set KPIs for his employees. He didn’t write them anyway, so he set them as he pleased: publish XX papers in SCE, publish XX papers in NATURE…

In the list of institute employees, three golden SSRs are hung at the top.

[Miyano Elena][SSR]

[Miyano Atsushi][SSR]

[Sulliqua] [SSR]

For SSR, just publishing journals is definitely not enough. Since we are SSR, we should set bigger goals.

So he took out the Miyano family's KPI and modified it to [Win the Nobel Prize within five years].

System: [Dear Frog Organization Boss, please arrange tasks for employees reasonably]

Hojo Natsuki: “???”

Isn't it just a Nobel Prize? Why is it unreasonable

When he was not a human being, he was always quite thorough.

If employees find it difficult to do their job, that is their own problem and they should work hard to overcome it.

System: [[Sulliqua] is not yet an adult, according to the Law on the Protection of Minors...]

I see. It’s okay to win the Nobel Prize, but we can’t over-exploit Shirley Gua.

Hojo Natsuki fell into thought: "But when I was a minor, I was already working for Port Mafia."

Shirley Gua is fifteen years old this year. She has graduated from graduate school and is preparing to study for a doctorate in the United States. She is so outstanding that she can definitely study for a doctorate while being obsessed with drug research, right? SSR should act like an SSR.

He wasn't going to make any changes anyway.

After making clear arrangements for the research staff at the institute, Hojo Natsuki turned his attention to the code members.

The overall cultural level of the codenamed members of the organization is not low. After all, those external undercover agents are all graduates of regular schools, screened and specially trained by intelligence agencies, and then placed within the organization.

For example, Ling Miao and Jing Wang, they both graduated from the top ten universities in the country; Akai Yuyu, who has left the organization, also has an Ivy League background.

"Zero and Jing are still undergraduates, but with their persistence and hard work, I believe they are fully capable of publishing in SCI, and should be able to easily get first-author status in Area 1." Hojo Natsuki continued to think, and realized something, "… Oh, right! And Gin-chan! He is a student at the University of Tokyo."

Then, he selected all the code members who had graduated from undergraduate programs and assigned them the task of [Publishing in SCI]. However, considering that today was New Year's Day, he set a timer to send it to them after the annual leave.

After doing all this, Hojo Natsuki switched back to the development interface with satisfaction.

Just now, Kurosawa Jin saw [Natsuki's Wish List] on his phone. Apart from the time he bought Beauletta for Frog, he thought that he hadn't opened [Gin's Wish List] for a long time, so he opened it and took a look -

Compared to his long and scattered list, Kurosawa Jin's wish interface only has a short line.

[Gin's Wish List]



Hojo Natsuki suspected that the game was stuck and returned.

Then re-enter the interface.

[Gin's Wish List]


Nothing has changed at all.

Gin's wish is [Natsuki].

Quit the game, restart it, and try again.

[Gin's Wish List]


Hojo Natsuki: “… … …”

Hojo Natsuki: “????”


It was just a simple line of words with a large blank space below. However, the hidden meaning in it made him stiffen. He stared at the words for a long time, as if he could no longer read and his brain could no longer think.

Hojo Natsuki couldn't understand and didn't dare to think about it too deeply.

Because of his unique looks, he has received endless advances from both the same and opposite sex since he was fifteen, but those people's stumbling confessions of love, panic eyes, and bold and explicit petitions could not cause him to have any unnecessary emotional fluctuations; but when he found that his name was written into Kurosawa Jin's wish, he could hardly recognize his own name, and then it started to rain, tsunamis, and tornadoes roared through... The unimaginable disaster began from this moment.

His first reaction was to escape.

"I have something to do. I have to go back first." Hojo Natsuki said stiffly, "See you next time."

After saying that, he deliberately avoided Kurosawa Jin's gaze, and before the other party could speak, he quickly selected [Exit Game].

I took off my helmet and sat in the game cabin for a full ten minutes, feeling dazed, before my thoughts slowly returned to reality.

What should I do


After thinking for a long time, I still feel confused.

It felt like there was a breath stuck in my throat, unable to go up or down.

He had some hope: maybe it was a bug in the game, maybe it was a joke from the world... But when he thought about the hand that Kurosawa Jin handed over, and the natural look on his face when he drank his drink with the same straw... There were too many awkward actions.

They happened between two adult men, and describing them as "loyalty" and "friendship", or "conjugated father-son love" seems appropriate, yet also a bit shallow.

If there was an additional annotation after this name, such as "Natsuki's importance" or "Natsuki's preference", Hojo Natsuki would not have such wild thoughts as he does now.

The name becomes the shortest spell. It is so short, yet so meaningful.

Hojo Natsuki put on his slippers and performed the movements engraved into his muscle memory: taking a shower, brushing his teeth, changing clothes, going to bed, and covering himself with a blanket...

But there was no way to continue this process and fall asleep normally.

Insomnia did not let him go.

He tossed and turned for several hours, but he still couldn't fall asleep at all and was extremely awake.

But the most intense emotional moment slowly passed, and Xia Shu was able to comfort and enlighten himself fluently again: Maybe it's a game bug, don't think too much about it.

In [Natsuki's Wish List], the names of Kudo Shinichi and Mao Li Ran were also mosaiced. The system has a certain privacy protection mechanism, and it may be deliberately misleading in order to make him misunderstand Qin Frog. The system has done this kind of immoral things, such as the real sad frog headgear. If you think too much about it and become self-indulgent, it will only make you laugh.

At worst, just go and ask... Just ask

Even more inappropriate, so narcissistic...

Hojo Natsuki was very conflicted.

The last time he suffered from insomnia was because he drank five cups of iced American coffee in one day. The caffeine whipped his nerves wildly and made him restless.

One o'clock.

It seems like I can hear the wind.

Two o'clock in the morning.

The wind grew louder.

Three o'clock in the morning.

It's too quiet.

It seemed as if all of Yokohama was asleep, with only one poor cranky person who had to stay awake until this hour for his vulgar and annoying speculation. In another twenty minutes it would be four in the morning, and even the crabapple flowers would be asleep, right

Unable to sleep, he decided to find someone to share this matter with him.

Hojo Natsuki

I took a screenshot of the wish list interface, cropped it and sent it to Dazai Osamu.

[Xia Shu]: What do you think this means

[Xia Shu]:[screenshot.jpg]

As for this kind of suspected gossip information, the wicked Dazai always responded quickly, and almost immediately, "The other party is typing." No one knew why he was still awake at this point - the next second, this person's reply appeared like lightning.

[Dazai Osamu]: Isn’t this obvious

[Dazai Osamu]: He wants you

Hojo Natsuki's eyes widened and he instantly became furious.

[Natsuki]: You bastard Dazai, what are you talking about! ! Don’t talk nonsense! ! !

[Xia Shu]: Do you think it is appropriate to misinterpret two lines of text in a strange way

[Xia Shu]: Our feelings are very pure!

[Xia Shu]: Don’t look at people through tinted glasses

[Xia Shu]: You have such a dirty mind. You never think of good things all day long.

He typed rapidly.

[Xia Shu]: And, first of all, I am not gay

[Dazai Osamu]:[picture.jpg]

The other party simply photoshopped the picture, changing the line "Gin's Wish List" to "Death Note", and sent it back, so the picture became -

[Death Note]


[Dazai Osamu]: He wants you to die. Since there is no written method of death, you will die of a heart attack in the next 40 seconds. Alas, poor Natsuki-kun

Hojo Natsuki: “… … …”

He is sick.


[Dazai Osamu]:

[Dazai Osamu]: I see, you are not gay. Then why are you so excited

(End of this chapter)