Travelling Frog

Chapter 88


Not long after, Hojo Natsuki's desire to study struck again.

It is obviously biased to describe it as "encouraging learning". He is simply concerned about the value that SCI can bring to the organization's reputation.

"Isn't it good to be a graduate student tutor?" Hojo Natsuki said, "Bourbon and Scotland will call you 'Teacher Gin', listen to your arrangements and work for you. You can also let them delay their graduation. If they haven't graduated in the fifth year of the three-year program..."

He tried to share this joy of dispatching employees at will with Kurosawa Jin, but the other party seemed not to hear what he said. If Kurosawa had not closed his fingers holding his, he would have doubted whether this person did not understand.

However, Hojo Natsuki still treats the other world with a game-like attitude. All his actions are always based on what he finds interesting. When he is in a good mood, he occasionally takes other people's wishes into consideration.

He has already written a new character for Gin: a killer, but a part-time graduate student tutor during the day, and a boss that Bourbon and Scotland don't want to offend.

There are still two months before school starts, so he can take his time to raise funds.

Hojo Natsuki felt that his idea of sending someone to graduate school was simply brilliant.

On the surface, the organization spent a huge amount of money to cultivate talents. By sending large sums of sponsorship to Dongda University through its group, it successfully got the green light. Suitable employees continued to improve their scientific research level in the process of pursuing their degrees, published SCI papers and fed back to the organization's graduate students... The logic is self-consistent, and it seems to be the case.

In fact, Hojo Natsuki doesn't care about the scientific research quality of his employees, nor does he care about the educational background of these little animals.

He specifically looked up the past [reputation] details. SCI Zone 1 journals add 5 points, while Zone 4 only adds 0.1 points. Zone 1 is the top international journal, and only the top in each field can be selected. Even the researchers hired by the Second Research Institute cannot guarantee stable output.

Therefore, Hojo Natsuki forced the undercover agents to study for a master's degree, gave them attractive conditions, and required them to publish first-tier papers. He did not expect them to work hard on their own. Scientific research quality cannot be achieved overnight. Otherwise, there would be so many masters and PhDs around the world who lost their hair and studied hard but still delayed their graduation and shed tears on the spot.

But if it is just to give a title to a high-level paper, it would be much easier - the forces behind the undercover, such as the FBI, MI6, Japanese Public Security Bureau... With such a large team, they have their own ways to find top scholars from various countries.

Hojo Natsuki only wants the paper, and it doesn’t matter who the author is.

The huge sum of money invested in the University of Tokyo will sooner or later be recovered in the form of SCI Zone 1.

School will start in April. Ling Miao and Jing Wang will probably pretend to study for a few months to half a year, publish papers that meet the requirements, and then enter the research institute as interns to do odd jobs.

When I took over from Old Crow, the structure of the institute was already quite complete, somewhat similar to a spy system. Researchers at each level had clear division of labor and were unable to access experiments beyond their level. They only had a general understanding of the organization's research objectives.

Bourbon and Scotland were exiled and placed in the lowest assistant positions. Even if they were extremely capable, they would not be able to steal the secret recipe of the silver bullet (?) under the surveillance of the dragnet.

Hojo Natsuki was a little distressed.

He originally wanted to give Zero to the Miyano couple's team.

When Zero Cat sees his first love and her husband sweetly duoing in the laboratory, he will be saddened, give them a wry smile and rush out of the laboratory in grief. There will be thunder and drizzling rain in the sky, and Zero Cat will be soaked into a solid sesame paste - Bourbon, are you still afraid of heavy rain

Hojo Natsuki couldn't help laughing just by imagining this scene.

But Elenaqua and Housiqua were two SSRs, top researchers, and the leaders of the research institute. He was worried about letting the kittens get close to him, and he was unhappy when he couldn't see Zero Meow break through his defense.

I still need to consider how to allocate Zero Cat, and there is no rush to make a decision now, after all, there are still two months left before school starts.

Hojo Natsuki chatted with Kurosawa Jin while thinking, "Let's talk about it later."

When he talked about his daily life in another world, the other party was always willing to listen, never showing impatience, and even asked for more information. These were not secrets, and Hojo Natsuki was happy to tell them.


"My guardian, Mr. Mori, is also my boss. He is a ruthless lolita lover. His humanoid ability..."

"The most destructive ability, as far as I know, should be my colleague Chuuya-kun, a scary guy who can freely control gravity. When he goes berserk, he can pull up the Tokyo Tower and hit people..."

"… Yes, there are abilities that cancel other abilities, of course. My former colleague, troublemaker, and unlucky friend… Dazai Osamu."

Hei Ze Zhen opened his eyes and looked over suddenly.

Hojo Natsuki smiled and explained, "It's not the author who wrote No Longer Human. It just happens to be the same name."

He interpreted Kurosawa's reaction as surprise at hearing the literary giant's pen name, and he didn't remember it for a while. When he found that he couldn't quit the game and tried to call Dazai Osamu in the Porsche, he also whispered "Dazai".

"Friend." Kurosawa repeated the title and asked calmly, "Are you familiar with him?"

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Here we go again, the same question as when asking Akai Yuyu!

Or is it this tone that appears calm, but is actually questioning the scumbag for cheating (?)!

Gin's sense of oppression is much more powerful than Qinwa's words, but Hojo Natsuki has a clear conscience and does not feel embarrassed at all. He is even a little unhappy. People cannot, at least should not suspect that he has any relationship with Dazai Osamu that crosses the line. This is slander! This is blinding the heart with lard! This is a black tiger digging out the heart! This is a white crane spreading its wings! This is an indiscriminate attack!

So he expressed his attitude openly and generously, and asked back: "Why are you doubting me again? I told you a long time ago, Yu... Moroboshi Dai was specially recruited to accompany you to pass the time. I don't have any objections to his death, right? Dazai is just an ordinary friend, but I have known him for a longer time."

"I've never looked for anyone behind your back. Don't always question me about my attitude towards undercover agents."

As Hojo Natsuki was talking, he suddenly recalled that 'Kinawa thinks you are a bad dog without conscience' and 'you are a liar', and even felt a little wronged, so he repeated what he had said to Gin, "If you do this again, I will be unhappy."

Obviously, sincerity is the greatest killer move, and it also works for Top Killer, who has suspicion of everything engraved in his DNA.

Kurosawa Jin looked away and replied, "... Got it."

That's right.

Hojo Natsuki is a happy puppy who is good at capturing real emotions. After half a minute, the grievance disappeared. He held Kurosawa Jin's hand and recognized the supermarket not far away as the one he had been to before. The sun was about to set completely and the sky was getting dark quickly.

After walking across a zebra crossing, a familiar-looking girl stood under a road sign a hundred meters away.

She was wearing a light beige horn button coat, with her short brown hair pinned behind her head. She looked at the passing traffic with a pair of quiet eyes.

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

It's Shirley.

But why was she here? Why wasn't she working in the lab

He started to panic.

I just said to Kurosawa "I have never looked for anyone else behind your back", and in the blink of an eye, my illegitimate daughter (?) appeared at the intersection ahead. Is this a slap in the face

Moreover, it would not be a good thing if the illegitimate daughter saw him holding hands with the organization’s model worker, right

"Calm down." Hojo Natsuki's face remained unchanged, thinking, "According to Gin-chan's personality, he doesn't have the concept of 'colleague love' at all. He won't take the initiative to greet Shirley. Just walk past her as if nothing happened. Now that I've taken off my mask, Shirley can't recognize me..."

No, Shirley could recognize it.

When he logged into the game for the first time, he went to visit the SSR family in Kurosawa Jin's Porsche, wearing only sunglasses and a mask, and he didn't have the advanced privacy buff of a headgear that made it impossible for others to recognize who he was after taking it off. Shirley stared at him for a moment and recognized the Boss without any pressure.

The doubt blurred by the world's will broke out again.

In the introduction, it is not stated who this fuzzy memory buff is ineffective against, so why would Shirley... ? How many people are interested in the fuzzy memory buff of the hood

Immune to memory effects

They were getting closer and closer to Shirley.

Eighty meters.

Fifty meters.

Twenty meters.

As luck would have it, the brown-haired girl reached out of the bag and pulled up her collar. Her body seemed to be frozen in the cold wind. She tiptoed twice on the spot, turned her head, and looked in the direction they were coming from.

Shirley was stunned.

Shirley widened her eyes and tried hard to blink her dry eyes.

Shirley came back to her senses, her gray-blue eyes filled with confusion: "… "

Hojo Natsuki took in her expression and said: "… "

—This reaction definitely shows recognition!

Fortunately, he has developed a good habit of wearing sunglasses when going out, although it seems to be of no use in front of people who are immune to the headgear buff.

The remaining few dozen steps were extremely painful for Hojo Natsuki.

I had already exposed my good relationship with SSR in front of Kurosawa Jin before, and now pretending to ignore it would only make it more obvious; if I stopped to say hello to Shirley, I didn't know if that would anger her...

Forget it, I'm here now.jpg

Walking up to her, Hojo Natsuki stopped and asked naturally, "Why are you here?"

"...Ah. I'm taking a break today, and I came out with my sister." Shirley was stunned for a second, and then answered fluently, "She suddenly had something to do, so she left first. I'll wait for the driver here..."

So, he felt relieved and casually replied: "It must be cold waiting here, are you going back alone?"

Shirley's eyes wandered between them, and then quickly retracted. She didn't dare to look at the two people's clasped hands any longer. She looked at Hojo Natsuki through her sunglasses.

"Yes. A person..." Shirley explained slowly, "The driver will be here soon."

She was in a very uncomfortable state, like a junior high school student meeting the dean of studies, scared and distant, something she had never experienced before.

So, it is obvious that this awe-inspiring attitude of seeing a ghost is due to seeing Gin.

Eighty percent of the organization members are afraid of him, which is normal. But Hojo Natsuki feels guilty about having his illegitimate daughter discovered, so he can't help but think about it - did Kurosawa Jin warn her privately? Will he scare the SSR away from loyalty? …

"I want to drink that." Hojo Natsuki looked at the chain milk tea shop on the street and asked, "Do you want some?"

Shirley shook her head, and Kurosawa Jin had a blank expression on his face.

So, Hojo Natsuki left the two men behind and walked towards the milk tea shop without hesitation. The shop was deserted, and the taste was probably not very good, but his original intention was not to buy drinks.

After placing the order, he pretended to be bored while waiting to check Twitter, opened his phone, and rushed into the game interface.

Why is Shirley immune to the hood buff? Is this a good thing or a bad thing

The game is very humorous and always likes to hide things. When he finds something bad, he will squeeze out a little bit of the truth sealed in the plastic tube like squeezing toothpaste, which helps a lot overall.

He enjoys so many conveniences, and as the price of cheating, it is reasonable for his senses to be selectively blurred.

But who knows when this game will give a "surprise" that will cause your heart and lungs to stop

Hojo Natsuki first checked the attributes of the headgear, and below the original introduction and attribute column, a [Weakness] appeared.

[Sad Frog Headgear [Original Leather] [Wearable]

[Privacy Protection Mechanism·Exception]: You cannot hide your appearance and behavior characteristics in front of the [Chicken Coffin Carrying Team] and the [Piano Frog]!

I see. The hood’s buff does have an exception, and its immune targets are preferably only these two.

He only knew that Kudo Shinichi was immune to disguise, so he approached the other party with his real face, but it was a mistake.

I made the right decision by accident... I must avoid encountering the Sad Frog Boss and Shinichi Chicken in the future.

However, this possibility itself is very small. Even for code-name employees, there are many who may not see the boss for three years.

Wait, I seem to be missing something.

[Chicken coffin team]

Hojo Natsuki: “????”

What is this

He was shocked.

The name [Chicken Coffin Carrying Team] can be selected, and a CG pop-up window will appear after clicking it.

I don't know where he came from, but he actually got the same treatment as the undercover agent in the animation. He might be the future rival of the Frog Organization...

Five fluffy chicks, which are actually young pigeons, raised their wings, carried a beautiful Hello Kitty printed coffin, and came out to the beat of drums.

Hojo Natsuki recognized the gray Kudo Shinichi chicken, which was standing in the center, with a look on its face saying "Oh my God, why am I here?" and a droopy face, moving forward reluctantly.

On its left side is a beautiful pigeon with light brown feathers.

The BGM suddenly changed, and after a burst of smoke effects, the beautiful pigeon turned into a cool little frog.

Shirley said with an indifferent look:…

Shirley spread her paws, turned around and ran towards the small pond of Hojo Natsuki.

The chicks shouted behind it: [Graybara!] [Ai!] [Don't go!]

Shirley jumped onto the lotus leaf in the pond without turning her head to look back.

it's over.

This confusing performance made Hojo Natsuki seem to understand something.

He cuts to Shirley Qua's information panel.

At the very bottom, there is a gray area representing the disabled ones - including "[Feature] [Batman's Blessing]".

Shirley Quah's two [Red Team Special Attack] characteristics still exist. The first is that the undercover Red Team can easily gain trust, and the second is that by changing her name to [Haihara Ai], the undercover success rate will automatically increase.

System: [Ding Dong! Congratulations on unlocking [Original Main Story]! ]

System: [Please check your mailbox~]

—Open the mailbox decisively.

[Original main storyline]

[The [Kudo Shinichi Chicken] who was fed medicine by the [Kinto Frog] and became smaller, changed his identity and disguised himself as an elementary school student.

[Sulliqua], whose parents are full 2 minus 2, is deeply persecuted by the organization. She swallowed drugs with the intention of committing suicide, but accidentally turned into a child and escaped from the organization. She also enrolled in Teitan Elementary School and happened to be in the same class as [Kudo Shinichi Chicken]. They formed the [Chicken Coffin Carrying Team] with three other innocent and cute chickens...]

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

Falling into thought.jpg

All the chickens we have seen so far are detectives. Maybe the correct answer to “Chicken Coffin Carrying Team” is something like “Elementary School Detective Team”

"Your milk tea is ready." The waiter handed over the paper bag with a smile.

Hojo Natsuki's train of thought was interrupted. He took the paper bag and smiled at her gently.

He turned and walked down the stairs, towards Kurosawa Jin and Shirley who were waiting for him under the street sign, and he also became aware of the situation.

In other words, Shirley Quah would have originally defected from the organization, but because the original plot line was interfered with and changed by his behavior, she became a scientist who was extremely loyal to the organization and would no longer join that damn chicken coffin-carrying team.

However, the buff of [Red Team Special Attack] was retained for Shirley when she turned from red to black, like some kind of souvenir.

Very good, wonderful.

Although Shirley and Kurosawa Jin said no, he still bought three cups.

He walked slowly towards the two of them, gave Shirley a glass first, and then handed the other to Kurosawa.

The other party frowned and took it reluctantly. The sudden interruption and waiting made him on the verge of anger.

However, when Hojo Natsuki inserted the straw and naturally and obediently held his hand again, the subtle unhappiness instantly disappeared from his sharp brows.

Hojo Natsuki lowered his voice and patiently said, "Shirley, there is something important that I need you to do. Only you can do it."


He nodded subconsciously, and after a few seconds, he said cautiously: "... I think it will take some time to win the Nobel Prize."

Hojo Natsuki: “…”

No, it feels so funny.

He cleared his throat and explained, "That's not it. I need you to hide your identity, go to Teitan High School, and monitor someone."

Hei Ze Zhen lowered his eyes and glanced at him calmly.

Seems a little helpless.

The fifteen-year-old genius scientist had quickly taught herself the high school curriculum many years ago, and should have never had the experience of "going to high school" in this life. Moreover, she was originally scheduled to go to California Institute of Technology for further studies in a few months.

So, Shirley was stunned and uttered syllables that symbolized doubt: "...Huh?"

"From now on, your public name will be Huiyuan Ai." Hojo Natsuki made the decision happily. "In short, go undercover."

The Frog Organization has recruited so many undercover agents, it's time to export them to the outside world!

(End of this chapter)