Travelling Frog

Chapter 95


After confirming his pulse, the other party quickly withdrew his hand, stood up and left.

Hojo Natsuki breathed a sigh of relief.

He can accurately simulate the breathing frequency of a deep sleeper, and his rhythm will not be disrupted even if he is suddenly disturbed, but his heart rate is difficult to control artificially. If Kurosawa Zhen stops for a few minutes longer, he will find that his pulse has become significantly faster, and his pretending to be asleep will be exposed.

Not long after, Kurosawa Jin came back and covered him with a thin blanket.

Hojo Natsuki, who was about to wake up, said: "…"

Once the blanket fell, he had to sleep for a while longer, otherwise it would be inappropriate, just like the funeral was over but the protagonist was not dead yet, which seemed a bit impolite.

So Hojo Natsuki continued to take a nap with his eyes closed. With the sound of the rain, he fell asleep fairly easily. After resting for another half an hour, he sat up slowly and lifted the blanket.

"I'm hungry." He suggested naturally, "Let's go out for dinner. What shall we have for dinner?"

Kurosawa Jin: “No time.”

Hojo Natsuki responded listlessly: "Oh."

Suddenly I’m not hungry anymore, so I can put it off a little longer.

There is no game console in Kurosawa's house, and even the TV only has a few default free channels - the owner doesn't usually turn it on, it's just a decoration for the empty living room, and before Hojo Natsuki came, even the power supply at the back was not connected.

For Kurosawa, a house is just a place to stay to protect him from the wind and rain. He changes it regularly and can even throw it away every day or every week if necessary. With such a high-intensity move, he naturally cannot keep useless things around him.

So, there is nothing interesting here to kill time.

Hojo Natsuki was in a daze for a while and started playing with his cell phone.

The only thing that can make him feel difficult at the moment is the plague chicken, which appears with its own "Bad Luck" BGM. After a few brief confrontations, it just exists and does not do anything bad, but it can cause strange cases.

Due to the protagonist's attributes, Hojo Natsuki's frog head and disguise are also ineffective against it.

What cannot be ignored is that Shinichiji has a very high intelligence value, which is mainly reflected in the comprehensive detective attribute. He is a hexagonal warrior with great potential.

It takes some thought to cover your vest in front of Shinichiji.

Beware of the chicken playing detective card.jpg

So, from Shinichiji's perspective, there are three main suspicious points in the toy factory bombing incident.

1. Who defused the eighth bomb in advance

2. Why did the neighbor [Hojo Natsuki] suddenly appear on the rooftop

3. Who was the sniper who killed the bomber, and why did he seem to hate him so much

There are not many doubts, and they can be linked together, so it is easier to deal with. Hojo Natsuki instantly thought of a revenge script.

There was a poor man whose relatives died in a terrorist attack planned by the bomber. He hated the bomber so much that he tracked the criminal for a long time and got a thorough understanding of his whereabouts and habits. Finally, he seized this opportunity and planned to go beyond the law to try the murderer.

He found the eighth bomb in advance and dismantled it, blocking the signal near the toy factory. Mobile phones could not connect to the Internet or make calls, and the prisoners could not remotely control the bomb, so they were forced to go to the rooftop to set the bomb manually.

In the distance, the sniper he hired had been waiting for a long time. Seeing the opportunity come, he followed his instructions and fired at the prisoner again and again to vent his anger.

The innocent [Hojo Natsuki] was the scapegoat who was lured to the rooftop by his trap. When the criminal found that the bomb was ineffective, he would definitely lock his eyes on [Hojo Natsuki] who stayed at the scene and vent his anger on him, while the real avenger was perfectly invisible.

That's pretty much it for the framework, the details still need to be filled in.

Hojo Natsuki thought about it and felt that his expression at the time was quite appropriate, except that he left in a hurry at the end... But it didn't matter, he could patch it up after the police came to his door, he could always patch it up.

The difficulty of patching lies not in the completeness of the script itself, nor in the casting of the scapegoat who is "the poor man who lost everything and planned revenge", but in how to make Kudo Shinichi believe it.

Smart people like this all have the arrogance of smart people - they only believe what they have dug with their own hands and seen with their own eyes.

the truth.

Therefore, you cannot throw the script in his face right from the start. You have to cover it up and guide him to discover it slowly.

"He will believe it." Hojo Natsuki thought casually.

At present, junior high school student Kudo Shinichiji knows nothing about the organization. Even if he is as smart as Sherlock Holmes, the amount of information he can get is not enough to support him to deduce everything behind the script. Therefore, despite some hesitation in his heart, he will choose to believe the script.

As for when the new chicken grows up... we'll talk about it later, let's just deal with it for the next two or three years first.

Hojo Natsuki yawned.

After deciding how to deal with this not-so-small matter, he wanted to have some fun.

There is still a month and a half before the start of the school year at Tokyo University. Let’s let the cats and dogs relax for a while. If you tease them too intensely, they will definitely become suspicious and you will resort to continuous persecution.

So, what should we do in this month and a half

"What do you think about me opening a store?" Hojo Natsuki suddenly had an idea and suggested, "Let's open it in Beika-cho, a chain store of twisting cars, number 005, and I'll be the store manager... or deputy store manager. I was sent here by the toy factory because of my good work performance."

At that time, you can ask Shinichiji, Mao Lilan and Yuanzi to come to work!

No, Shinichiji still needs to consider it.

Kurosawa Jin said calmly: "It's up to you."

Hojo Natsuki made the decision: "It's decided then."

After he finished speaking, he started looking for shop locations.

Strangely enough, the rents for shops in Beika-cho are very cheap, many of which are lower than the average in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

When you open the quotation catalog of the store where you are looking for business, the prices seem to have gone back five years in an instant, and they are so cheap that people can't help but be wary.

A closer look revealed that 80% of the shops for rent had been the site of murders.

Although there were only 10 shops for rent that met Hojo Natsuki's screening criteria, 8 out of the 10 shops had people died in the past five years. This ratio is too shocking to reflect the overall situation.

He thought: "Maybe it's a coincidence? Let's see."

Readjust the filtering conditions, widen the sample range, and select all shops located in Beika-cho.

Yes, the proportion has been reduced a lot.

But is a 60% store murder rate low? !

Hojo Natsuki was shocked.

Universe frog sublimation.jpg

This outrageous data made him wonder if he had wrongly blamed Kudo Shinichi Chicken - was there a possibility that it was not Shinichi Chicken that was plagued, but the entire Beika Town

However, no matter what the reason for the rent reduction, it is a good thing to save money.

After a brief shock, Hojo Natsuki picked the one with the best location and the largest storefront and immediately signed a lease contract for three years.

[[Shop lease contract] signed successfully! ]

[[Decoration Agreement] Signed Successfully! ]

[The [decoration team] is preparing to start work without stopping... ]

[[Little Pond Toy Factory] is preparing for a new store... ]

[Earliest opening date: May 5]

Still have to wait three months.

Hojo Natsuki frowned slowly.

So, what else can he do for the store now

The first law for workers is that when the boss thinks, the employees will be in trouble.

He thought for three minutes and came up with a way to torture his employees: to build momentum for the new store, he would create a new model of spin car, and when it opened, he would display it in the display cabinet of the new store to attract passers-by and spin fans to come and support it.

He found the avatar of the design team leader, which was an owl.

[N]: I think our products should be upgraded.

[Design Director Owl]: Ah, this.

[Design Director Owl]: I would like to hear more details. Please go ahead.

[N]: A twisty car, but how about self-driving

[Design Director Owl]: Very creative.

[Design Director Owl]: However, I think, perhaps in practice...

The other party tried to raise the issue in a gentle tone.

As soon as he started to express his opinion, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Hojo Natsuki.

"I am the boss," he thought grimly, "You, the paid party, should just shut up and do your job."

[N]: I have thought about it. I will use different names to distinguish the two product lines. The driverless tricycle will be the high-end product, while the ordinary tricycle will still be the affordable product.

[Design Director Owl]: …Okay, so what’s the name of the product line

[N]:Let’s call it Vodka if it’s driverless.

[N]: The regular model is called Porsche

[Design Director Owl]: … …

[Design Director Owl]: Director, this is an infringement, Porsche will send a lawyer’s letter

[N]:Then I'll just change it a little bit. It's up to you.

[N]: Developing a driverless tricycle within two months, no problem, right

[Design Director Owl]: Uh, I’m sorry, we can’t guarantee it. We face great technical difficulties, and we can only say that the entire design team will do their best…

Hojo Natsuki read the sadness of a designer from these words. Thinking about the design team who would curse the boss as an idiot while drinking coffee at work, and then continue to work with tears because of the salary and bonuses, his mood suddenly became better.

—Build a pure diamond twist car! And inlay a precious gem on the front of the car!

It is difficult to realize unmanned driving of toy cars in the short term, but it is much easier to just give away money.

Hojo Natsuki opened the auction system in the [Simulation Management] section and sorted by price. He found that among the current auctions, there was a green gem with a starting price that was too expensive. Its quality was indeed amazing. The surface was bright and transparent light green, which slowly settled into a rich dark green from top to bottom. It was set off by the velvet and reflected a dazzling light.

It was just a short video clip, just a dozen seconds, but the charm of this gem was enough to capture many people.

Experienced gem collectors will be even more impressed by it.

Hojo Natsuki read it twice and thought it was good: "It looks good and is very suitable for sticking on the diamond twister. Just put it in the middle of the frog's forehead, like the headlight of Ultraman's chest."

So he selected [Join the auction].

The starting price is 1 billion.

At the auction table, the Pelican auctioneer in a suit struck the hammer, ending the bidding for the previous item.

[Pelican Auctioneer]: The next item is the Heart of Mungolaiteli! This item originated from Belgium and was once... Well, without further ado, let's get into the bidding - starting price, 1 billion yen!

[1.1 billion!]

[1.2 billion!]

[1.25 billion!]

Slowly, the number called out reached [12 billion], and no one in the audience held up signs anymore, and the scene fell silent.

[Pelican Auctioneer]: 12 billion! Any more

[Pelican Auctioneer]: 12 billion, once...

Hojo Natsuki propped his chin up and took a look at his account balance: hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions... The sinful organization had brought him enormous wealth, and at the current rate of wealth growth, he would not be able to spend all the money in 100 lifetimes.

He doesn't even know how to withdraw the money now. No matter how much money he has, it's just a virtual deposit in the virtual account on his mobile phone and has no sense of reality.

[Pelican Auctioneer]: 12 billion, twice...

Hojo Natsuki randomly typed a string of numbers: [50 billion]

The whole audience was in an uproar.

The little animals in suits and ties were all standing with their fur standing on end and their tails wagging.

The Pelican auctioneer shouted at the top of his lungs, with the exclamation mark almost bursting through the bubble frame: [50 billion!! Mr. N bid 50 billion! Any more? ]

[50 billion, once!]

[50 billion, deal!]

With a sound of hammer, Hojo Natsuki took the gem without any suspense.

He is currently lying on the sofa in Kurosawa Jin's house playing with his phone, so the game is over.

The process is transformed into real logic: a mysterious person spent 50 billion to buy the gem [Heart of Mongolite] in the name of a toy factory.

System: [Auction completed! ]

System: [Your lavish spending shocked everyone. The celebrities present were amazed at the toy factory's financial resources! The toy factory's reputation has increased!]

Yes, while buying the gems, Hojo Natsuki also picked up an unexpected surprise - the organization's popularity increased by 20 points! (≈4 sci zone 1 articles)

Subsequently, the project will be advertised in newspapers and hyped up around the auction price, which will cause a lot of discussion and subsequently earn considerable points.

System: [As the owner of the gem, you have the right to rename [Heart of Mongoliteli], do you want to rename it? [Y/N]]

Hojo Natsuki decisively [Yes].

System: [Please rename your gem]


The original name of the gem was long and difficult to pronounce. It was a strange foreign name that was not easy to pronounce or remember.

It only took Hojo Natsuki half a second to think of a name that matched the tone of the tricycle and decisively entered: [Frog Heart]

Frog organization, frog car, frog heart.

The whole family should be together!

System: [[Frog Heart] is being delivered, expected to arrive within three days...]


Seeing the big red reminder words suddenly pop up, Hojo Natsuki got a little nervous.

Is it possible that the 50 billion that he hasn’t received yet is going to disappear

System: [The second generation [Kaito Jide] has sent you a warning letter in advance! [Click to view]]

The first half of the notice is a mess of non-mainstream sentences, as if someone had copied down a minor's signature from a social media platform. The meaning is unclear, and it makes people frown.

Hojo Natsuki glanced through it casually and only saw the last sentence.

[…I will come to take away your most precious treasure.]

Signed: [Kaito Jide]

Hojo Natsuki: “?!”

He instantly became alert, sat up, threw off the blanket, rushed to Kurosawa Jin in slippers, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Kurosawa Jin faced the laptop with his brows slightly furrowed, not even glancing at him.

Hojo Natsuki stared at him and warned him seriously: "You are in danger now. Someone is targeting you and he may kidnap you."

Kurosawa: “Oh.”

Natsuki: “Really.”

Kurosawa: "There's delivery nearby, order it yourself. Don't drink coffee."

Xia Shu emphasized: "No kidding!"

Kurosawa: “Yeah.”

Seeing the other party's cold attitude, Hojo Natsuki snorted in dissatisfaction and continued to swipe the system message that popped up on the screen.

System: [[The Phantom Thief Ji De] is stealing valuable treasures. The whereabouts of the first Ji De are unknown. The second Ji De is looking for his father...]

He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that he only steals things and not people.


However, since its name is Ji De, is it also a detective

As for the "precious treasures", does it mean...

"No one is targeting you. I just misunderstood." Hojo Natsuki pushed Kurosawa Jin's forearm and muttered a complaint, "But it is targeting my things."

Kurosawa seemed to sigh silently.

After a few seconds, he spoke, his tone steady and cold: "What is it?"

"yes… "

Hojo Natsuki thought about it.

Taking another look, the descriptions in both the system and Ji De’s notice letter were “treasures” rather than “gems”.

The measure of treasure is, of course, the price of the item.

Therefore, Hojo Natsuki naturally thought that Ji De wanted to steal his diamond tricycle inlaid with the frog's heart.

The gemstone is made entirely of diamonds and is worth 50 billion, which is super expensive!

Hojo Natsuki continued to complain: "This is too much

, it's trying to steal my car, you have to catch it."

Kurosawa: "... Where do you have a car?"

Xia Shu: "I just bought a new car! It's made of pure diamonds, very expensive."

Kurosawa: “Got it.”

Although his tone was quite perfunctory, so perfunctory that people felt that he didn't hear what he said at all and was just answering casually, but Xia Shu knew that Kurosawa Jin always kept his word and never broke his promise - he could always trust Ter!

Hojo Natsuki began to think about what to do with the strange thief chicken after arresting it. He arranged it in the clover plantation, but he was a little worried because he was afraid that it would steal the clover.

Good! Another new employee!

(End of this chapter)