Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 1006: New Heaven and Earth (Complete Book)


The fog in the strange fog sea is disappearing at an extremely fast speed in an incomprehensible way.

The "Mountain of Origin", which symbolizes the will of the sea of fog, is also shrinking rapidly.

As it was trapped in the sea of fog, its spiritual consciousness was annihilated and it continued to shrink like the "Spear of Creation".

Pang Jian sensed its weakness, while the brilliant galaxy in the sea of fog was expanding wildly.

His will has gradually extended to the end of the deep sea, and he saw that the boundaries and prohibitions of the major "prison" worlds were all shattered.

The fog dissipated, allowing this world to begin to border the world above.

From then on, heaven and earth were no longer divided into the sea of fog and the sky beyond.

"Pang Jian, please keep going."

In the "Mountain of Origin", that tired voice is still conveying the divine sound.

"You are willing to give up everything, you, you!"

In the world within the spear, in the depths of the "Sea of Creation" which had already shrunk tens of millions of times, a fierce wave of emotions from beyond the heavens emerged.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

The silvery radiances disappeared one by one, and its traces of Dao gradually vanished like rain of light.

It was extremely unwilling, but helpless.

As it swallowed up and annexed the realm of the Great Dao it controlled, Pang Jian's mind began to dawn on him.

Pang Jian felt as if he was wandering in the past, and saw the Supreme Will from outer space, with the assistance of the "Source of Soul" and the "Source of Life", creating all living beings in the real material world.

The emergence of a large number of living beings inevitably made it contaminated by the seven emotions and six desires.

At first, it was also full of rich and complex emotions.

It will also have compassion for the people created by it, and will not want to see them compete for resources through fighting, or gain breakthroughs in their bloodline and realm through the death of others.

It also once had a compassionate heart, loved all living things, and formulated perfect moral laws to restrain all living beings.

But the effect is not ideal.

When everyone starts to be kind, live in harmony with one another, and lose their sense of competition, all living beings created by it gradually stop growing.

The advancement and transformation of bloodline and life came to a standstill.

The peaceful and prosperous times made the stars in the sky calm and peaceful, without any brilliant and powerful people emerging.

Its path to prosperity was forced to come to a halt.

So it began to seek change.

It constantly creates chaos, lays out new competition systems, and secretly stirs up waves of war.

It was surprised to find that in the process of fighting among all living beings, both the improvement of their bloodlines and their understanding of the laws of the universe immediately made incredible breakthroughs.

It eventually realized that the path of natural selection was the correct approach and was most conducive to its continued growth.

But seeing many young and tender creatures die in battles, seeing brilliant civilizations of divine dynasties destroyed, and the stars, sun and moon collapsing, it will also be affected by all kinds of bad emotions.

Those emotions check and balance it, limit its strength, and keep it in a sad mood all the time.

Finally, it chooses to strip away these emotions that are tainted from the seven emotions and six desires of all living beings.

Good, bad, all emotions are eliminated by it.

It successfully transformed itself into a pure cold will, no longer tainted by the slightest emotion, which allowed it to calmly watch the extinction of all living beings born because of it.

Its transformation and advancement path achieved rapid breakthroughs in this process.

From then on, the battles in the outer galaxy never subsided, and strong people who continued to break the limits of their realms and bloodlines emerged like stars.

Until a master appeared in the world, and by chance refined the first Tao Source, helping it to implement another round of mutation.

So it went further and further down this road.

Later, when the gods became gods, it used rules to create an alternative path to godhood.

It uses its unique divine attributes to restrain the gods outside the sky and make them as indifferent to emotions as it is.

In the end, the more powerful the gods are, the closer they are to it.

One after another, the masters and even the God-Kings who could perfectly bear its power and will appeared in the galaxy and the world it created, helping it to capture the source of Tao scattered everywhere.

In this way, it could have reached its ideal ultimate destination.

One day, it suddenly discovered a strange sea of fog that suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

There exists a will in the sea of fog, with rich emotions, and it governs the laws of order just like it.

Moreover, it also learned to create the world in the sea of fog and tried to give birth to living beings.

It explored the sea of fog and eventually realized that it was the part of itself that had been stripped away.

It can't really erase it, nor does it dare pull it back into itself, for fear that after integrating that part of itself, it will return to its original state.

It tried to start a war, using the alien gods it created to launch one killing war after another.

In this way it weakens the influence of that person.

It allows that to exist, but does not allow that to grow to the point where it threatens it.

Every disaster and every conquest ended with its great victory.

It obtains more and more Tao sources, and the number of extraterrestrial gods that exist because of its system is dozens of times more than the number of gods in the fog sea.

It sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, remaining calm and composed.

This is because, although the other one is hiding in the depths of the strange foggy sea, it is also creating the world in its own way, completely following its original trajectory.

When the common people are strengthening themselves, they still use the path to godhood paved by it and the system of becoming a god built by it.

This kind of gods are eager to escape from the strange fog sea, break through the boundaries of the "prison" world, and soar into the vast starry sky.

Those who break through the cage can easily be infected and assimilated by its power, and become gods under its full control.

It defines the gods that are not under its control as... evil gods and aliens, and they are surrounded and hunted by the orthodox gods it controls, which makes it always invincible.

Under this situation, it could never lose, and it once believed that this situation could continue indefinitely.

It was not until the underworld was created that the Purgatory human race came into being.

These two new ethnic groups are not any ethnic groups created by it in the outer space and galaxy; they are completely new existences.

It is another "it", the crystallization of wisdom accumulated over a long period of time and summed up through repeated failures.

They are constantly strengthening themselves with a brand-new system, and are growing stronger without relying on bloodline.

It gradually developed a sense of crisis, so it launched a more fierce war of conquest.

The four "prison"-shaped worlds were shattered one by one, and the gods who rushed out of the strange fog sea would be wiped out by the gods of the Pantheon at its instruction if they could not be tamed and enslaved.

The true gods of the human race behaved quite docilely at first, causing it to mistakenly believe that they were controllable objects.

But the previous temple of the gods was shattered because of this.

The true gods of the human race were soon slaughtered and gradually disappeared in the galaxy outside the sky, leaving only a few remnant gods lingering on.

The God of the Underworld, who was regarded as an evil god, did not cause any waves and always hid in the depths of the sea of fog, causing no substantial harm to it.

Suddenly, an endless pain surged in Pang Jian's heart.

He suddenly woke up, and immediately saw that the strange deep sea in the "Spear of Creation" had completely disappeared.

The spear that represented the embodiment of the will from outer space also turned into nothingness in his palm.

More new stars, land, broken land, and all kinds of wonders were created in a world without the strange fog.

Below, the originally majestic “Mountain of Origin” has become as small as a grain of rice.

The numerous stars and silver rays connecting the mountain no longer existed.

The extremely intense pain seemed to originate from the "Mountain of Origin" that was as small as a grain of rice. Only this tiny mark of the fog sea's will remained.

What is piled up and accumulated in the light spot is endless pain and helplessness.

This person has always known that the two have a symbiotic relationship and knows his own origins.

It is full of affection for all living beings.

No matter whether it is the creatures in the sea of fog, or the beings and gods outside the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, earth and sky, it knows that they are all material worlds created by the two of them.

It mourned as the stars shattered and the sun and moon collapsed.

It is even more sad when common people die in fighting and war.

This grief has lasted for billions of years and cannot be erased, it will remain forever.

It wants to preserve its own spiritual existence, and has been fighting against the other itself outside the sky.

But after trying countless methods, it discovered that the other path of natural selection it had laid out was actually... correct!

Only by promoting competition in this way can the creatures in the sea of fog be qualified to compete with the gods from outer space, and only then can all living beings continue to survive in the sea of fog.

It can only strengthen itself and maintain the integrity of its spiritual intelligence in this way.

But that person is not tainted by emotions, and can face the destruction and silence of stars and living beings with absolute indifference and ruthlessness.

That person can, but it cannot.

It passively endured all of this and could not find any way to change the status quo. It always existed under the shadow of that person, and was in excruciating pain because of the destruction of all living things and the stars.

Such pain has tormented it for countless years and left it overwhelmed.

It was tired and exhausted, and it had reached the limit of what it could bear.

It also knows deeply that it and the other are one and the same; if it is indestructible, the other will never be truly annihilated.

Now, it has chosen its own destruction.


The last bit of its existence, as small as a grain of rice, completely dissipated.

There is no longer any strange fog sea between heaven and earth.

Its divine breath and will, and all its traces covering this world, disappeared without a trace.

It is like the "Spear of Creation" and the "Sea of Creation".

The brand new galaxy and world thus bordered the world above, and were forever mixed together.

As the embodiment of the laws of order of heaven and earth, both of them and their spiritual consciousness disappeared, and the laws of the great way that they both controlled converged on Pang Jian.

Countless information about the laws and the mysteries of the Tao were surging in Pang Jian's body like the sea and the tide.

Life, soul, light, darkness, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder and storm, the law of extreme cold, poison, destruction, death, all the truth of order in the world, have become things that Pang Jian can control.

He can trace back all the past and find the lost marks in the long river of disappearing time.

Luo Hongyan, father, mother...

As long as there are traces of all people and things that have ever existed in the world, they can be found. With his current level of attainments, he can make his deceased relatives and friends reappear easily.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

Pang Jian's eyes narrowed.

At the bottom of the foggy world, there is a world filled with infinite supernatural powers.

In that world, there is no sun, moon, or stars, no land, no living beings, only endless and diverse energies.

It is vast and unexplored.

Staring at it, Pang Jian felt as if he was staring at himself, feeling that he was the embodiment of the energy and will of the world below.

The strange sea of fog has always covered it, separating the starry sky above its head from another one controlled by it through a vast sea of fog.

"I… "

Pang Jian was confused and disappeared among the stars in an instant.

He sank down below and entered an alternative world filled with endless supernatural powers.

The myriad orders of great principles and the deepest mysteries of laws gathered in his body allow him to freely create all the material wonders he wants in this new energy world.

The stars, the sun, the moon, the broken pieces of land, and pieces of forbidden holy places containing the mysteries of the source of Tao began to form in this world.

This is where he originated.

This new and strange world contains vast and powerful supernatural powers. It lacks even the most basic laws of order, but it can become the cornerstone of the existence of all the material world.

The supreme will in the sea of fog must have come into contact with this world by accident.

It covered this new world in the form of a strange sea of fog to prevent it from being discovered and invaded by the one outside the universe.

It is protecting this world that is in pure energy form and is not generated by any law of order.

"How did I show up?"

“Could it be that the will in the sea of fog has endowed me with spiritual wisdom, allowing me to be born in purgatory in the form of flesh and blood?”

Pang Jian couldn't find the answer.

But he felt that he was the awakening consciousness of all energy in the world below.

And now, he is back.

Now, he is the embodiment of the laws of order and possesses the magical powers to create the world.

"First create the world, then create life."

His will extends infinitely.

The new and strange world of pure energy suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes. Endless energy shrank and gathered, transforming into the starry world of his ideal.

"New world!"

"A brand new, unfamiliar world filled with mighty supernatural powers!"

"Pang Jian is breaking new ground again!"

The common people of the twelve "Prison" worlds noticed the magnificent new world below them in the galaxy where the fog was dissipating, and they rushed towards it.

"It turns out that there is a small world that has been carefully protected by it."

"My brother seems to belong to the world below. He is the awakened energy will of that world."

Pang Lin whispered in the sky.


A faint light suddenly appeared where Luo Hongyan died.

The light spot kept expanding and growing, and the soul, breath, and blood were slowly refined, eventually forming the image of Luo Hongyan.

In the shattered void temple, a dazed figure appeared, surrounded by the mysterious laws and electricity.

"Xiao Jian."

Punch shouted softly.

In an instant, he escaped from the space crack and appeared in the real world.

Suddenly, he felt that in a corner of the underworld, a familiar breath was growing stronger by the second.


"You were also found by Xiao Jian!"

Punch's eyes filled with tears.

(Final chapter, the end of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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