Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 2: Heaven on heaven


The third realm.

High in the sky, a blue divine bird spreads its wings and flies, as graceful as a fairy.

Although Pang Lin's body was wrapped in divine light within the divine bird's crown, he was still terrified by the Green Eagle's terrifying speed.

Sun Bin and Yin Shan and Yin Hai sat on the neck of the divine bird, looking down at their feet.

As the Green Eagle flew higher and higher, under the surging clouds, the land of Beiqi where Pang Jian was located shrank rapidly and gradually turned into a larger floating stone.

There are many broken lands like Beiqi in the fourth realm below, and they are widely distributed.

Compared with the fragmented areas ruled by the seven major families, Beiqi is nothing special.

Furthermore, because it is close to the boundary barrier in the north, there is a risk of being covered by "strange fog", and few practitioners of high levels set foot there.

Sun Bin's original intention of this trip was to see whether the quiet mountains of Beiqi would be infected by the "strange fog" in a short period of time.

However, when he just arrived in Beiqi and had no time to survey the Cenji Mountains, he noticed that the sky above Pang Lin was covered with lightning, as if it was strongly attracted by some kind of magnetic field.

After some inspection, Sun Bin realized that there was a natural lightning vortex in Pang Lin's dantian, which could spontaneously absorb thunder on severe thunderstorms.

Also, because Pang Lin had not yet practiced, he did not know how to guide the lightning, which caused it to gather more and more.

If Sun Bin had not used the Green Eagle Divine Light to isolate the girl, and the weather continued to deteriorate, causing the thunder and lightning to linger for a long time, the girl would be in danger of her life.

Meeting Pang Lin was purely accidental.

"Master Sun, why did you give him a spiritual cultivation technique?"

Guard Yin Hai didn't understand what was going on, and couldn't help asking, "That kid doesn't have any talent, and it's extremely difficult for him to climb to the upper realm. Why waste the spiritual skills? When the little girl breaks through to the Dongxuan realm, even if the wild boy doesn't die unexpectedly, he will probably die of old age."

"After all, the lifespan of creatures in the lower world is limited. He can't survive a hundred years, and he won't be able to wait for Pang Lin to return and extradite him."

Among ordinary people in the lower world, very few can live past seventy. Only those who know how to practice cultivation can hope to live to be over a hundred.

In Yin Hai's opinion, since Pang Jian has limited talent, even with the spiritual cultivation technique bestowed by Sun Bin, it would be difficult for him to advance to the Marrow Cleansing Realm, and he would die of old age before Pang Lin's return.

“What if Pang Lin is favored by the sect and is cultivated at all costs, and is expected to be promoted to Dongxuan within a hundred years? What if that kid survives the time and can wait for Pang Lin’s return?” Sun Bin said coldly.

After saying that, he turned his head and glanced at the petite figure in the divine bird's feather crown, and then said: "Just these two chances are worth it for me to give a spell, which can be regarded as a good relationship. Also, the spell I accidentally obtained only contains the cultivation techniques of the first six realms."

After listening to this, Yin Shan and Yin Hai nodded slightly, with an expression of humility and willingness to learn.

The divine bird continued to fly and gradually crossed the third realm.

Below them, the mountains and lakes on the two continents, the hidden sects and families, and the ancient yet magnificent city slowly unfolded under the moonlight like a painting.

There are no violent storms or rainstorms in this world.

As the divine bird Green Vulture soared high in the sky and continued to fly upwards, strong beings on the two intact lands below noticed it. They looked up from the top of the magnificent city and watched them silently in the ancient temple.

Sun Bin smiled and said, "The sects in the third world have developed quite well in recent years. There are actually quite a few guys who have noticed us. It seems that I underestimated them."

"The candidate for the leader of the third realm power will not be judged and decided by the great figures of the higher world?" Yin Hai said arrogantly.

“Many giants in our world also fought their way up from the world below, step by step,” Sun Bin said solemnly.

Several towering figures suddenly emerged in Yin Hai's mind, and the arrogance in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, in a forbidden area near the "strange fog" in the third realm, there was suddenly lightning, thunder and strong winds.

Sun Bin was shocked and quickly focused his eyes to stare.

He noticed that in that broken little world, countless huge rocks exploded and fell off like dragon scales and tortoise shells, quickly revealing a giant skeleton in the shape of a phoenix!

Under the moonlight, the phoenix skeleton, which was many times larger than the green eagle the men were riding on, emitted a crystal-clear glow like white jade.

Suddenly, many mysterious runes whizzed out from the skeleton, like vast diamond stars with independent consciousness, flying around the huge phoenix skeleton.

"call out!"

In the forbidden area that was undergoing drastic changes, a piece of white bone shot out like lightning, and in the blink of an eye it crossed the void and headed straight for the Qingjiu under Sun Bin.

The green eagle seemed to know the horror of the white bones. It first raised its head high and cried in fear, then its broad wings trembled and shook, and then thousands of feathers suddenly burst into colorful and brilliant divine light, and it soared into the sky with all its might.

"The Fallen Phoenix!"

Sun Bin was horrified and flew to Pang Lin decisively.

He stretched out his large hand that was tucked into his sleeve, with dazzling lightning flashing between his fingers. He caught Pang Lin like a giant net and shouted, “Go!”

He knew very well that the target of Tianfeng's lost divine bones was Qingjiu, and as long as he and Qingjiu were together, they would be affected, so he left regardless of Qingjiu's cries and wails.

"The Phoenix appears again!"

"The skeleton of the fallen divine phoenix has appeared!"

In the third realm, at the top of the strongest sects and in the depths of the ancient holy temples, shocking roars broke out one after another.

Several practitioners who had reached the state of concentration either put down everything they were doing or came out of their retreat and rushed desperately towards the forbidden area where the bones were revealed.

The fourth realm, Beiqi.

The young boy Pang Jian watched the divine bird leave, looking up at the sky with fascination and made up his mind secretly.

But just when he was about to lose sight of the movement of the divine bird, he suddenly noticed that Sun Bin's face changed color, and he took Pang Lin with him at lightning speed and flew away from the crown of the divine bird in an instant.

The next moment, a huge white bone with divine fire runes burning on it came like a world-destroying spear and suddenly pierced the divine bird.

The divine bird flapped its wings miserably, and its wings and body, which were as strong as copper and gold, were burning in the doomsday flames.

In a very short time, the divine bird that had been suffocated by its overwhelming power was reduced to ashes in the flames. The two guards who had no time to escape were also reduced to ashes.

Pang Jian was stunned and his whole body was cold.

Such an extraordinary and magical bird, however, alarmed some ferocious creature not long after it flew out of the third realm, and ended up with a tragic end of being burned to ashes.

The world above is so terrifying and dangerous.

After an unknown amount of time, the rainstorm gradually stopped.

The sky of the fourth realm is gray and deep, which is the eternal theme.

And above the thick leaden clouds, there lies another higher world, which has always been the eternal desire of the people in the lower world.

Going up is the dream of countless people in the Fourth Realm, including Pang Jian at this moment.

Looking up, the young man stared at the dark clouds in the sky, lost in thought.

Before the storm subsided, the remaining power of lightning in his eyes had been exhausted. Now he could only see many small pieces of heaven and earth in the sky, suspended motionlessly like bricks and stones.

He could no longer see the two complete continents which were extremely far away from him and located in the deepest part of the clouds.

However, he already knew about the existence of the two continents and their names.

—Qiantian, mysterious and profound.

These two continents in the third realm above are well-known in the lower realm, and everyone knows about them.

"Xiao Lin, the bright moon, the numerous stars, and the heaven and earth at a higher level."

After a long time, Pang Jian, with a stiff neck, finally lowered his head while muttering to himself.

He didn't know whether Sun Bin and his sister Pang Lin could escape after flying away from the divine bird, nor did he know whether the terrifying white bone that killed the divine bird would continue to attack Sun Bin.

The young man was worried about his sister's safety, and stared at the dark sky for a while, but in the end, he still found nothing.

During this time, the scene of the divine bird flying into the sky but being suddenly shot dead kept appearing in his mind, shocking him deeply.

"Qi cultivator, practitioner."

The young man knew very well that a powerful figure like Sun Bin was addressed like this by the ordinary people in this world.

The numerous fragmented worlds scattered throughout the fourth realm are divided into seven major areas, all of which are firmly controlled by the Qi Refiner families.

This is true in the lower world where he is, and it is also true in the upper world.

Qi Refiners are high and mighty, and it is difficult for ordinary people like him to get a glimpse of them. Moreover, the threshold for cultivation is high, and Pang Jian has never had the opportunity to come into contact with them before.

Therefore, he regarded the cultivation techniques left by Sun Bin as a treasure and as the key to reuniting with his sister in the future.

"The Art of Nourishing Qi in the Pot Heaven."

Pang Jian pushed aside the oil paper, took out the tattered ancient book left by Sun Bin, and stared at the tiny words on it.

Before his father disappeared in the Cenji Mountains, he would teach him and Pang Lin to read and write in his spare time, so Pang Jian could recognize the contents of the books.

In the following time, apart from daily eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, Pang Jian devoted all his energy to studying and pondering the "Hutian Yangqi Jue", and he gradually gained some insights from it.

This practice method aims to visualize a world inside a pot in the Dantian, guide external spiritual energy into the body, and gather it in the pot for cleansing and refining.

The young man, who was determined by Sun Bin to have poor aptitude, did not believe that his fate was predetermined by heaven. He spent all day studying the "Hutian Yangqi Jue" in an attempt to visualize a "Spirit Pot" and thus step into the ranks of so-called Qi-refiners.

"Everything in the world needs Qi to exist. When Qi gathers, life comes; when Qi dies, death comes. When you first learn the Hutian Qi-nourishing Technique, you must first calm your mind and feel the existence of Qi."

He chanted the scriptures many times, but just the initial period of calming his mind and feeling the existence of qi was enough to make Pang Jian feel irritated.

A few days later, Pang Jian realized that the so-called calming the mind and feeling the existence of Qi is divided into three steps: concentration, relaxation and awakening.

Concentration means keeping your consciousness in the present moment, not letting your mind wander, and waiting to completely relax yourself.

Once you are truly relaxed, your mind will be clear and you will be able to gain insight into the subtleties of your body.

Finally, you will be awakened and truly feel the existence of Qi.

It sounds simple, but when it comes to actually implementing it, Pang Jian realizes how difficult it is.

When he sat cross-legged, breathing slowly through his abdomen and trying to focus his consciousness, his mind was always wandering.

In his mind, thoughts and ideas jumped around like ghost lights.

Sometimes he wondered where his sister was, sometimes he wondered whether his father was dead or alive, or who Sun Bin was and what he should do next.

Many distracting thoughts come one after another, out of my control.

"If the mind is not at peace, the spirit will be scattered."

As long as the mind cannot stay focused, the key first step of "Hutian Yangqi Jue" cannot be achieved and it cannot be officially started.

Pang Jian was not discouraged when he encountered difficulties for the first time. Instead, he practiced repeatedly. Whenever distracting thoughts arose in his mind, he would immediately refocus his attention and silently recite the word "Hu Tian" in his heart to bring his thoughts back.

It wouldn't be long before the distracting thoughts reappeared and his consciousness became scattered again. Pang Jian would then silently recite "Hu Tian" to calm them down.

After doing this for many days, Pang Jian was gradually able to gather his scattered consciousness and calm his mind to stay in the present.

When his wild thoughts no longer influenced his mood and he was able to control his own fantasies, Pang Jian, who was meditating, finally felt truly relaxed.

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(End of this chapter)