Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 25: Each has his own ghost


By the pond.

Hong Tai's face was heavy. He pulled up slowly, and the silver net that held Ning Yao was

When Ning Yao was getting closer and closer to the water surface and he could see her clearly, he saw that Ning Yao had intact limbs, and he breathed a sigh of relief with some doubt in his heart.

At this time, he, who had been pulling slowly, finally dared to exert force.


When Ning Yao's slender goose neck emerged from the water and she was taking deep breaths, the two Tongmai Realm leaders who had evacuated earlier when they saw the situation was not good came back in a slightly embarrassed manner.

"Mr. Hong."

Xu Rui, the original owner of the silver net, smiled awkwardly, cupped his hands, and said with a guilty look on his face, "I thought the dark anaconda would pounce out to kill people, so I left in a hurry and forgot to say hello to you."

The man wearing the mask just laughed dryly without giving any explanation.

"You two are quite clever."

Hong Tai glanced at the two of them with a forced smile, and his eyes fell on Ning Yao, who was still in shock.

He stroked his chin, thought for a moment, and then said, "Ms. Ning, if you can tell me truthfully what you saw at the bottom of the pool, and once I have confirmed that what you said is true, I will exchange you for me, An Gui, a person imprisoned by your seven major families."

"I can also promise you that you will see your parents again with a clean body."

Everyone's eyes were on Ning Yao.

Ning Yao, who was fished out from the bottom of the pool, had her wet black hair naturally falling down her shoulders. Because she was in a state of extreme rage, the thin blood vessels on her snow-white neck appeared unusually clear.

She was panting heavily in the silver net, and her wet and slender figure looked quite alluring.

The aggressive gazes of several dark ghost monks roamed back and forth on the most attractive parts of her body, making her feel extremely uncomfortable all over.

After hearing Hong Tai's assurance, a hint of hesitation appeared in the depths of her eyes, which still showed some anger.

"You know I will verify it, so please don't lie to me."

Hongtai reminded with a smile.

Ning Yao gritted her teeth and spoke the truth in a trembling voice, "The dark giant anaconda you mentioned was nailed to death by the phoenix bone that pierced the bottom of the pool. Its flesh and blood were eaten away, leaving only bones like the phoenix bone."

"The phoenix bone is still nailed to its head. That weirdo... Ouyang Duanhai is also at the bottom of the pool, waiting for something in front of the phoenix bone."

"Besides him, Pang Jian is also still alive, hiding in the darkness at the bottom of the pool!"

Without hiding anything, Ning Yao told everything she saw.

She knew very well that these people from the Dark Ghost would never give up after risking so much danger to wait until now.

In other words, these people from Dark Ghost will eventually go down and will be able to tell at a glance whether what she said is true or false.

As expected.

After listening to her description, before Hong Tai started to speak, Jin Yang took a deep breath and shouted: "The skeleton of the dark giant anaconda is also an extremely precious spiritual material. If the dark giant anaconda is not the lowest level four, as long as it reaches level five, its huge skeleton is priceless!"

“As for Ouyang Duanhai…” Hong Tai’s eyes gradually brightened, and he nodded with a smile: “No matter how weird he becomes, his original realm is still too low. I should be able to handle him.”

"How about this!" Looking at Xu Rui, Hong Tai instructed: "You are in the Tongmai realm, so you can stay underwater for a longer time."

"You can go down into the pond first. You don't have to sink to the bottom. As long as you can see the situation at the bottom of the pond, if it is really as this girl said, you can come up and tell us."

Xu Rui, who had returned, had a bitter look on his face and sighed, "I'll just arrange a subordinate."

"The pool is too deep. People who have not reached the Tongmai realm will suffocate before they sink to the bottom of the pool." Hong Tai shook his head and insisted on letting him go down.

Jinyang frowned and looked at him gloomily.

Xu Rui, who was secretly complaining, couldn't persuade the two men, so he had to do as they said and sink into the pool, diving slowly.

Bottom of the pool.

Pang Jian, who was clinging to the dark corner of the rock wall and watching the movements above, immediately saw Xu Rui sinking. He found that he was looking around and silently observing the scene below.

The closer the area is to the phoenix bone, the brighter the water is, and vice versa.

Pang Jian, who was hiding in the dark, could see Xu Rui falling next to the phoenix bone, but Xu Rui could not see him.

Moreover, before Xu Rui had completely sunk to the bottom of the pool, he swam back to the surface impatiently.

Pang Jian understood that Xu Rui, who had gone into the water, must have learned about the situation at the bottom of the pool through Ning Yao, so he came here specifically to verify it.

Next, powerful dark ghosts like Jinyang will probably dive into the bottom of the pool.

The Phoenix Bones, the humanoid monster in unknown condition, and the powerful dark ghosts who were about to enter in large numbers disturbed Pang Jian's state of mind, forcing him to think carefully.

Whether to return to Shimen and evacuate the Black Water Pond, or continue to wait and see, became a choice he had to make.

Just as he was hesitating, he saw many tiny specks of white light suddenly emerge from the bones where the phoenix bone was piercing the giant python's head, gathering like fireflies.

The humanoid monster, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly had deep red blood light in its eyes that brightened several degrees, like two blood lamps underwater.

“Here it comes!”

Seeing this situation, Pang Jian, who originally wanted to evacuate, chose to take a risk and decided to stay and see what happens.

He threw the cloth bag that he had pulled off Ning Yao onto the stone path behind the stone gate, and then closed the stone gate a little, leaving only an imperceptible crack in the stone.

After doing all this, he held the dragon-patterned spear and waited at the bottom of the pool for the unexpected change to occur.

He has thought it through.

If the situation became too bad, he would immediately give up his action and sneak over here to escape using the stone path.

On the water.

"That girl didn't lie. It's just as she said. The Dark Anaconda has been stabbed to death by Feng Gu!"

"At the bottom of the pool, there was only Ouyang Duanhai who had undergone a mutation. As for the kid named Pang Jian, I didn't see him. He should be hiding in the dark."

Hong Tai's eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily at Jin Yang, saying, "It's worth our efforts to hold on till now!"

Jinyang didn't smile, but looked at his gloved hand and said, "I hope everything goes well next."

Hong Tai coughed twice and said, "It shouldn't be a big deal. We just need to deal with Ouyang Duanhai and we can get the skeleton of the Dark Anaconda."

"you… "

He looked at the masked man and wanted to call him by his name, but suddenly remembered that Ning Yao was still beside him and he had made a promise, so he said, "Those who are at the Tongmai realm can stay underwater for a longer period of time. Come with me to kill Ouyang Duanhai."

Glancing at the others, he frowned and said, "The rest of you, just patrol outside and keep an eye on the situation inside and outside the valley."

The dark ghost follower in the Qi Refining Realm immediately agreed loudly.

With the sound of "plop", Hong Tai, Jin Yang, the man who was still wearing the mask, Ning Yao who was trapped in the silver net, and the python with black and white patterns, all fell into the black water pool.

In the blink of an eye, only a group of Qi Refining Realm practitioners were left at the edge of the Black Water Pond.

"A giant dark anaconda from the fifth realm was stabbed to death by a piece of Phoenix bone from the Heavenly Phoenix. Obviously, the Phoenix bone that has chosen its target will condense Phoenix marrow with the flesh and blood of the giant dark anaconda."

The mysterious woman, who was hiding in the dark and not even noticed by Hong Tai, looked at the pool and spoke quietly.

"These idiots of the Dark Ghosts, have they ever thought about why a dark giant anaconda would appear in such a remote place?"

"Can't they see that the Dark Anaconda is imprisoned in the Black Water Pond? Have they ever thought about how terrifying it is to be able to capture the Dark Anaconda from the fifth realm of eternal darkness?"

She whispered softly and gave orders in her mind.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

Many of the "spiritual evil spirits" refined by her crept along the bushes, approaching the black water pool unnoticed, and then suddenly pounced on the dark ghost practitioners who remained outside.

None of the dark ghost practitioners in the Qi Refining Realm were spared, and all were possessed by those "evil spirits".

In a very short period of time, the eyes of all the Dark Ghost practitioners in the Qi Refining Realm became empty and dull. They stood by the pond like dead objects and no longer continued their conversation.

The woman, who had disappeared for a long time, her graceful figure surrounded by hazy blood mist, floated gracefully to the part of the phoenix bone that protruded above the water.

She stepped lightly on the phoenix bones, looking down at the pool of water below from a high place, watching the figures of Hong Tai and others gradually fade away.

Even a being as powerful as her could not see the scene at the bottom of the pool clearly. She was not in a hurry to drive those dark ghost monks possessed by "spiritual evil" down, but waited patiently.

She was not afraid of Ouyang Duanhai, whose heart was corroded by the phoenix marrow, nor was she afraid of Hong Tai, who was in the marrow cleansing state, nor was she afraid of the new phoenix marrow that was about to condense.

The reason why she didn't dare to act rashly was because she was not sure whether the real owner who had captured the dark anaconda and "kept" it in the black water pool was still there.

“It’s finally here!”

Pang Jian, who was in the darkness at the bottom of the pool, looked at Xu Rui who had just arrived, Jin Yang, the masked man, and Hong Tai who was chasing Zhou Qingchen, who appeared one by one.

When he saw Hong Tai again, he felt sorry for Zhou Qingchen, thinking that this good-hearted young man of the Zhou family had most likely fallen victim to Hong Tai's murder.

"If I can survive, if I have the chance in the future, I will kill all the Dark Ghost Monks who are involved in this matter."

Just like Zhou Qingchen, Pang Jian also secretly made a vow in the cold pool of water.

He had not had much contact with other people and had been hunting in the mountains over the years, exchanging prey for daily necessities for the survival of his brother and sister.

After the strange incident in the Cenji Mountains, he was "invited" by Ning Yao with a bag of silver coins. Among all the family members he met, no one looked at him straight in the eye, and no one regarded him as an equal... person.

—Only the young master of the Zhou family.

Although Zhou Qingchen also had his own selfish motives, he always treated him with courtesy and extended an olive branch to him early on, stating that he was willing to accept him into the Zhou family. He even insisted on his own opinion when he stated that he was not talented.

For him, Zhou Qingchen was even willing to give up the spiritual materials that might exist in the "Wuding Ferry" to help the gray ape regain his freedom.

Pang Jian, who is clear about gratitude and resentment, only truly recognizes Zhou Qingchen during this exploration in the Cenji Mountains.

He thought that since the young master of the Zhou family had been killed, all he could do was to avenge him in the future.

Now, he doesn't think he has such ability.

While thinking and observing the whereabouts of Pang Jian, he noticed Jin Yang, who was of a very high status. He suddenly looked at the bottom of the phoenix bone, paying attention to the sparkling white light spots inside the bone.

Jinyang seemed to remember something, and his face was suddenly filled with ecstasy and incredible expressions.

Before it sank to the bottom of the pool, Jinyang pointed at the humanoid monster and signaled Hongtai and the other two to help him kill it.

This powerful dark ghost with an extraordinary background seemed to know that the Phoenix Bone would undergo changes, and he also recognized the origin of those mysterious light spots.

Under Jinyang's constant signaling, Hongtai and the two leaders of course also saw Jinyang's intention.

They were a little hesitant, wondering whether to attack Ouyang Duanhai immediately, but they saw Jinyang had already pounced on the lower end of the phoenix bone.

Ouyang Duanhai remained motionless for a long time, waiting for the phoenix marrow to take shape. His blood-red eyes instantly fixed on Jinyang.

He suddenly rushed towards Jinyang.

It seemed that whoever dared to touch the phoenix marrow would be killed immediately.

(End of this chapter)