Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 42: Spiritual land


“It’s really a spiritual place!”

"There is actually a sacred place hidden in the Cenji Mountains of Beiqi! Could it be that it is close to the strange fog?"

"This matter is of great importance. If the spiritual land continues to exist, we will have to move some of the family's elite to practice here!"

After Su He and the other person arrived on the island, they each practiced some breathing techniques on the island, and soon they started screaming.

The reason why the fourth realm is called the lower realm is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is originally thin, mixed and impure.

This also made the seven major families feel helpless.

Rich and pure spiritual energy is an indispensable resource for all sects and is also the fundamental condition for establishing a sect.

In the entire Fourth Realm, there is no other place with such pure spiritual energy as this island in the middle of the lake.

The shattered world where they live is vaster than the territory of Beiqi and its spiritual energy is relatively richer.

But the spiritual energy in those places is mixed with all kinds of impurities and filth, and they must wash and purify it after swallowing it.

They were determined to send their children to the upper realm because they knew that sects like Red Mountain, Galaxy Alliance, and Blood Moon were all built in spiritual places with rich and pure spiritual energy.

Practicing in such a place will be twice as effective with half the effort, and your realm will be improved much faster than in the lower realm.

Who would have thought that in the desolate and deserted mountains, so close to the northern boundary, there would be a sacred place

Seeing them coming one by one, as if they had discovered a new continent, Pang Jian couldn't help but wonder: "What is a spiritual land?"

"The practitioners in the upper world divide some of the strange places in the world into spiritual places, forbidden places and divine places."

Luo Hongyan saw Pang Jian's doubts and explained, "Spiritual lands are like this small island under your feet. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is pure, and exotic flowers and plants can grow there. There is a certain probability that pure spiritual stones will be formed. In addition, the beasts living in spiritual lands are also likely to transform into spiritual beasts and awaken extraordinary wisdom and spirituality."

“Forbidden areas are different.”

"The forbidden area is filled with filthy alien forces, which are often much denser than spiritual energy. In such a place, if ordinary practitioners practice spiritual energy, it will be counterproductive. Most of their time and energy will be spent on washing away the filth, and they won't be able to gather much spiritual energy at all."

"Practicing in a forbidden area can easily lead to insanity, and it carries huge risks."

"Similarly, the plants and beasts that live in the forbidden area are also extremely dangerous and full of bloodthirsty characteristics."

"As for the divine land..."

When she talked about this, the people from the Su family and the He family also looked at her in surprise.

Luo Hongyan's attitude suddenly turned cold, and she said, "There are very few places like this, and it's hard for ordinary people to come across them, so I won't talk about it."

Su Mengqi said: "Sister Ning, we have all heard of spiritual places and forbidden places, but we have never heard of divine places."

He Rong and Su Yuntian exchanged glances.

It was also the first time they heard that in addition to spiritual places and forbidden places, there were also so-called paradises and divine places in the world.

Luo Hongyan looked up at the dim sky, her sight seemed to want to penetrate the layers of clouds and projected to the upper realm of the upper realm. She said faintly: "When you are lucky enough to go to the second realm to practice, someone should tell you what the divine land is."

"The second realm?"

Su Meng stuck out her tongue and said with longing, "I've heard of the second realm, but I may not have such an opportunity. Being able to practice in the third realm is my dream goal."

“It’s good to have a dream.”

Luo Hongyan smiled and said to Pang Jian again: "You don't know how to pick the exotic flowers and herbs here, so don't touch them for now. After we finish exploring this island, if we can still survive, I can teach you how to pick them and exchange them for spirit stones."

After these words came out, Su Meng noticed the flowers and plants everywhere and asked in surprise, "Can these flowers and plants be exchanged for spirit stones?"

Upon hearing this, Su Yuntian and He Rong immediately told their subordinates who had come to the island not to touch the flowers and plants easily, and then they began to observe them carefully.

The two men's eyes soon lit up.

This was also their first time visiting such a spiritual place. They had only known before that there were rare and exotic flowers and plants in the spiritual place. This was the first time they had seen them. After some searching, they indeed saw many rare things.

"There should be someone controlling the place where the Tianling Tower fell."

Luo Hongyan ignored them and kept looking at the low mountain in the center of the island. She frowned and said, "No matter where he was before, if he found that the Tianling Tower had suddenly fallen, he would rush over to take a look."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone who was immersed in the joy of discovering the spiritual land suddenly woke up.

A person who can control the "Tianling Tower" to search souls on the island is definitely a tricky character and must be treated with caution.

"Most of the monks of Yinling Temple died at the southernmost end of Cenji Mountain Range, while Tianling Pagoda is at the northernmost end." Pang Jian frowned and did not pick the beautiful flowers and plants. He held the dragon-patterned spear and slowly moved forward: "The two places are so far apart."

"Before we came in, the Tianling Pagoda should have been leading the Yinling Temple's people to roar around the Cenji Mountains. With the speed of this kind of instrument, it wouldn't take long to travel around the Cenji Mountains." Luo Hongyan, who had followed him, interrupted and said as they walked:

"The Tianling Tower may have flown into the canyon, or near the canyon. Someone on the tower came down to look for something and died there accidentally. The array of rocks in the canyon is already strange, and it must have attracted the Tianling Tower."

Pang Jian said: "There is such a possibility."

As they were talking, they headed towards the low hill, without paying any attention to the Su and He families.

Flowers and plants could be seen everywhere on the road. The branches and leaves of the big trees were green, and the air was full of fresh vitality, which made Pang Jian's mind extremely peaceful and he felt a strange sense of tranquility.

Living and practicing in such a place, even without a single spirit stone, is much more efficient than practicing hard in other places.

No wonder the talented practitioners from the seven great families all yearn to be chosen by the sects in the upper realm so that they can be led to the third realm for practice.

Pang Jian thought secretly.

On the way up the mountain, they did not meet anyone, nor did they see any corpses or wild animals.

This small island in the lake is beautiful and harmonious everywhere, but Pang Jian always remains cautious.

He believed that since there were giant snakes in the Black Water Pond and huge beehives in the Insect Valley, then this island in the middle of the lake, which was listed as a restricted area by his father, must also have its terrifying side.

No matter how beautiful it looks now, Pang Jian feels that it is hiding danger, which has not yet been revealed.

Behind them was Su Meng, who had left the family team. The little girl was quite brave and followed the two of them silently, despite her father's attempts to stop her.

After a moment.

On a low hill on the island in the middle of the lake, among a cluster of dense flowers, Pang Jian saw the white tower anchored in the distance.

The "Tianling Pagoda" was very sturdy. Although it fell suddenly, there were no obvious signs of damage.

Only after observing closely did Pang Jian discover that this "Tianling Tower" from the Yinling Temple was actually very tall. From a long distance he could sense a chilling aura that was continuously dissipating from the "Tianling Tower".

That breath was actually the "Xuanyin Power" that he was familiar with, only it was even stronger.

The "Tianling Tower" seems to be made of the bones of some giant creature. In addition to the cold and gloomy "Xuanyin Power", there is also a strong evil spirit lingering around it.

When looking at this "Tianling Tower", Pang Jian could faintly hear the sounds of countless people fighting with weapons and the wailing of wandering ghosts.

"Don't come any closer."

Luo Hongyan suddenly spoke up. She looked at the "Tianling Tower" and her expression became extremely cold. She said:

"Fortunately, this thing didn't fly up, otherwise it would have reached our heads and pulled our souls out. The so-called Heavenly Spirit Tower actually means pulling out the soul from someone's head."

As soon as these words were spoken, the people who were approaching from behind hurriedly stopped.

Su Yuntian, concerned about his daughter, gave up the idea of searching outside the island and reluctantly followed over to grab Su Meng.

"We didn't see the four people who went to the island first." He Rong said softly at this moment.

"Strange, why is there no one next to the Tianling Tower? Shouldn't the guy who controls the Tianling Tower come to investigate when he saw that it has fallen?" Su Meng couldn't help but say.

"I'll go around and take a look."

Pang Jian, who knew that the "Tianling Tower" was strange, clenched the dragon-patterned spear, circled around, and went to the back end of the white tower.

That place happens to be the highest point of the hill.

When he reached a place with a wide view, he could overlook the island from the low hill and see the situation of the entire island clearly.

He looked at the other end of the island, the place closest to the mountains behind Wulan Lake, and found someone dressed in silk, sitting blankly beside a huge well, as if silently waiting for something.

"Shangguan Qin."

After squinting his eyes and taking a closer look, Pang Jian was surprised. He didn't expect that it was the woman from the Shangguan family.

When he was in the Black Water Pond, he stayed underwater most of the time and had no idea of the situation outside.

Later it was learned that Shangguan Qin was rescued by the monster named Ouyang Duanhai and also escaped from the pursuit of the dark ghost.

The Shangguan Qin in front of him strangely appeared on this island in the middle of the lake, guarding a well.

"She is not the owner of the Tianling Pagoda. She has no ability to control this white pagoda."

While Pang Jian was surprised, Luo Hongyan, who was approaching silently, also looked at Shangguan Qin at the foot of the mountain and said, "That's not the real well, but... the point where the fourth phoenix bone landed."

Pang Jian looked carefully again and found that the well that Shangguan Qin was guarding had indeed no bricks or stones.

It must be a phoenix bone that fell from the sky and sank to the bottom of the island in the middle of the lake, creating a huge hole that looked like a well from a distance.

Suddenly, he began to wonder whether Shangguan Qin had also obtained a drop of phoenix marrow.


Shangguan Qin, who was at the foot of the mountain, finally saw the two of them at this moment. She was like a frightened bird. She hurriedly wrapped her body tightly with clothes and then waved to the two of them.

When the two looked at her, she kept making gestures, as if asking them to leave quickly.

Her eyes were filled with fear and she didn't even dare to make a sound. She just used gestures to urge the two to leave quickly.

The two were confused.

Seeing that they didn't move, Shangguan Qin became more and more anxious and made gestures again and again.

But she never dared to make a sound.

"There must be something beside her, and she was afraid that if she made a sound, it would alarm that thing."

Luo Hongyan calmly determined the reason and said softly, "She doesn't dare to come over. She seems to know that she can't go far. She has always been afraid of a certain existence."

"That thing should be under the pit!" Pang Jian said.

"You mean, someone is diving down now, looking for the phoenix marrow?"


The two of them talked in low voices, trying to guess what the current situation was.

"That woman hates you because you are favored by the Blood Moon Brand Eye. She won't be so kind to remind you. The Ning family and their Shangguan family have always had a bad relationship. She definitely won't like me either."

Luo Hongyan's eyes were cold as she analyzed: "Logically speaking, she should want both of us to die."

"She kept urging us to leave because she felt we were no match for that thing. It's also possible that she felt that if we were killed, that thing would become stronger."

"Also, she asked us to leave, probably hoping that we could find someone stronger to come over."

Today's update is complete, please vote and collect~

(End of this chapter)