Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 72: Soft persimmon


The heart of Bagua City.

Surrounding the City Lord's Mansion, nearly a hundred practitioners were engaged in a brutal battle, and the roar was earth-shaking.

Dazzling beams of light like rainbow lightning, accompanied by blood spurting everywhere, and one tall body after another fell heavily into a pool of blood.

A strong smell of blood filled the air around the City Lord's Mansion, and the white jade-like stone floor was stained with blood.

The bodies and clothes of those who died first were slowly melting away.

Everyone seemed to know that those who died would eventually be swallowed up by Bagua City, but no one cared.

Pang Jian, standing on the edge, looked around with a cold expression, turning the battlefield into a three-dimensional picture, which was deeply imprinted in his mind.

There are a total of eight streets leading to this place. On his left, across the street from the intersection, stands the girl in white.

The girl stood there like them, her eyes calm and composed, as if she knew that the darkness in the street behind her would not flow into the square.

Pang Jian immediately looked to the right.

The first street intersection on his right was empty, and even the second street intersection seemed empty as well.

However, when Pang Jian looked at the second street intersection on the right, he suddenly felt a sense of palpitations and uneasiness.

He looked carefully and found that the darkness at the second intersection was different from the darkness at the other intersections.

The darkness at other intersections was still, but at the second intersection on his right, the darkness that did not flow into the square was actually still surging.

It was as if there was something in the darkness, or some living creature, hidden in it and constantly moving.

That thing seemed to have completely placed itself in darkness, watching the fighting in the City Lord's Mansion at the street corner.

"There's something over there."

Pang Jian pointed to the right to remind everyone.

Zhou Qingchen and others followed his gaze and found that the darkness at that street corner was obviously different from elsewhere.

Jiang Li, who had lost half of her arm and had an elegant temperament, was frightened when she came here. At this moment, she saw the surging darkness, and she was even more panicked and frightened.

"Little girl."

But at this moment, she waved to the girl in white and asked in a friendly manner: "Are you alone? Do you want to join us?"

The veiled girl shook her head indifferently.

"It's across the street from you. There's something unusual in the dark. Be careful if you're alone."

Zhou Qingchen didn't care when he saw that Jiang Li's well-intentioned invitation was rejected, and shouted at the girl.

Hearing this, the girl in white looked alert.

The City Lord's Mansion was in the center of the square, occupying a large space. The intersection where she was standing and the intersection where there was movement in the darkness were separated by the City Lord's Mansion.

She was facing the street intersection, but in the center stood a city lord's mansion.

She could see Pang Jian and his group, but her sight could not go beyond the City Lord's Mansion and could not see the unusual darkness on the opposite side.

The girl, who had been reminded, pondered for a moment, then moved to the left along the wall, avoiding Pang Jian and others to observe from the other end.

"Senior Sister Jiang, you are still too kind."

Zhou Qingchen looked at Jiang Li with heartache in his eyes. He sighed without a trace of blame, "She dares to be alone without a trace of panic in her eyes. How could she not have some confidence?"

"Look at Su Meng, who is the same age as her..."

Jiang Li turned her head and saw Su Mengru staring at the cruel battlefield as if she was scared silly, with no time to pay attention to her surroundings.

"Why? Why are they fighting each other?"

Hearing her name being mentioned, Su Meng shrank her head and looked at everyone in confusion.

"The Bagua City needs to eat people. Before it is full, the mirror tunnel to leave will not open, and the barrier that wraps the City Lord's Mansion's rare treasure will not open."

Li Jie appeared from the right hand side of the crowd and walked towards them calmly.

The reed hanging in his mouth was inserted into the glass bottle, and he seemed to be drinking green juice forever.

When he came to the dark street corner on the right side of the crowd, he suddenly stopped.

He stood at the street corner and looked at the surging darkness.

The surging darkness was only a thin line away from him. Under his inquiring gaze, the surging darkness actually subsided quietly.

Li Jie chuckled and stopped staring at the darkness. Instead, he came to the first street intersection on the right side of Pang Jian and others and took out a bamboo woven lounge chair from his storage ring.

He lay down comfortably, took out dried meat and dried fruits from the storage ring, and drank his green juice.

"I was in front of the City Lord's Mansion before, and there happened to be a City Lord's Mansion between you and me."

He talked to himself and said with a smile: "You came too late and missed that wonderful scene."

"At first, everyone was quiet for a while, but after learning that a blood sacrifice was required to leave Bagua City, the mirror tunnel and the treasures inside would appear, a bloody battle naturally broke out."

He likes to watch the fun, so he clapped his legs and shouted, "That's really exciting!"

"The teams that had old grudges against each other immediately started fighting. The battle quickly affected everyone, and everyone gradually became bloodthirsty."

"The strongest ones have already arrived at the City Lord's Mansion and are waiting on the high platform next to the pool."

"The fighting outside is still going on. If the number of people who died in Bagua City does not reach a certain level, the wonders in the City Lord's Mansion will not be fully revealed."

"So, we can only keep killing like this until we have enough people."

Li Jie, who was watching the show with admiration, eating dried meat and drinking juice, lay on a chair and danced with his hands and feet to answer questions for everyone.

"This kid is really annoying."

Han Duping snorted.

"I'll go check it out."

Pang Jian suddenly spoke, and without waiting for others to stop him, he walked towards the direction of the girl in white on the left.

He also walked along the wall and carefully looked at several street corners on the left and the city lord's mansion.

Soon, he saw the girl in white appearing in the direction of the main gate of the City Lord's Mansion, which was where Li Jie was previously.

Seeing him coming, the girl's eyes suddenly turned cold and stern.

Pang Jian did not move any closer, but just looked at the area in front of the city gate where the fighting was the most brutal.

After a moment, Pang Jian nodded at her as indifferently as she did, and returned the same way.

"The City Lord's Mansion has a front gate and a back gate. The street where we came out is facing the back gate, but it is closed. The front gate is always open, but no one enters."

When Pang Jian came back, he explained the results of his investigation.

"You can just ask me, there's no need to make a special trip." Li Jie interrupted and said with a smile: "Those who can enter the main gate have either proven themselves outside the city or have super strong personal combat capabilities."

"Or maybe it's because their status is there, and others are afraid when they see them. Now, the reason why everyone dares not go in is that they know they are far inferior to the people inside. They kill outside because they think that no matter how bloody and cruel the battlefield outside is, it is better than going inside to face those guys."

"Anyway, as long as they keep killing people outside the City Lord's Mansion and enough people die, the wonders inside the City Lord's Mansion will be completely revealed. By then, the guys inside won't bother to pay attention to them, and they can go in and take a look."

Li Jie gave a very logical analysis.


A short but strong cultivator, covered in blood, rushed out from a pile of corpses.

His ferocious and murderous eyes suddenly fell on Pang Jian and others, and he grinned and said, "Anyway, as long as a certain number of people die, it will be fine. As for me, I hope to end this bloody disaster as soon as possible, so... I can kill you!"

He had been fighting with his opponents for a long time outside the City Lord's Mansion and was now covered in wounds.

If the battle continues, he will most likely be the first to die and will be one of the many corpses under his feet.

He knew clearly that only a strange manifestation inside the City Lord's Mansion could stop this horrific and bloody battle.

And he might survive.

"Yes, he is right!"

On the battlefield, several people who knew they could not hold on any longer regained some sanity because of his words.

Someone glanced at Li Jie, who was lying on a chair and drinking green juice leisurely, and his face was suddenly filled with fear, and he gave up the idea almost instantly.

Apparently, someone had suffered a great loss at the hands of Li Jie, so they didn't dare to provoke him.

"We must kill that person on the spot in the quickest and most brutal way possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Luo Hongyan, who had been silent at this time, suddenly reminded everyone quietly: "As long as we show signs of fatigue and exhaustion, we will be treated as soft persimmons, and then more people will want to kill us so that the death toll can be reached as soon as possible."

Several people suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Pang Jian, Zhou Qingchen, and Han Duping all had murderous intent in their eyes, and they could no longer conceal the heavy murderous intent in their bodies.

They knew Luo Hongyan was right.

Only if the cultivator of unknown origin died quickly and miserably enough could he shock the rest of the people outside the City Lord's Mansion.

"Zhou boy, don't hold back this time, don't hold back!"

Han Duping shouted solemnly.

Zhou Qingchen nodded heavily.

Jiang Li gritted her teeth and wanted to go out like Zhou Qingchen to participate in this battle.

"Senior Sister Jiang, please stay! Your left hand was badly injured and you haven't adapted to the new fighting style yet. Don't cause trouble for us!"

Zhou Qingchen shouted solemnly. This was the first time he treated Jiang Li with a displeased look.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and stepped out with a cold iron sword in hand!

As he walked forward, he left the breastplate on his chest exposed, and even wore a black iron glove covered with hideous iron spikes on his left hand that was not holding the knife.

"Just listen to him."

When Jiang Li wanted to speak, Luo Hongyan held her shoulders and forced her to stay where she was. Luo Hongyan said softly, "He's not bad. At least in your eyes, he's considered a man."

"Pang Jian, do you have any good plans?" Han Duping suddenly asked.

Pang Jian shook his head.

The terrain was so open and without any cover that it was impossible to plan too much for this kind of battle.

Zhou Qingchen, who had always been upright, rushed towards the other party with great momentum. When he was still several meters away from the man, he stopped and suddenly threw a bag of poison powder into the air.


Above the man's head, a powder mist suddenly spread out, covering his entire body.

"Fuck you!"

The other party quickly closed his eyes and cursed angrily.

Han Duping, who was about to rush forward, was stunned.

Pang Jian was also stunned.

It seems that the monthly votes have doubled. If you still have some, please vote for Lao Ni~~

(End of this chapter)