Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 80: The cost of impulse


Pang Jian could see that Luo Hongyan had been bewitched by the rare treasure in the pool, so he stopped wasting words.

"Pang Jian, hurry up!"

With a loud shout, Zhou Qingchen activated the power of the heart-protecting mirror and threw a deep red mountain condensed with spiritual power onto Pang Jian's head.

Towering mountains hang in the sky, with deep red rays of light blooming, forming a thick defensive spiritual shield.

Wherever Pang Jian goes, the mountains refined by spiritual power will follow and protect him.

Zhou Qingchen, holding a long cold iron sword, followed behind Pang Jian and kept turning his head to look behind him.

He saw Lin Beiye, who came out of the Black Valley, standing on the high platform next to him, facing the rock storm with his dark palm.

A thick, dark beam of light, mixed with many mysterious symbols, shot into the rock storm.

All the rocks were crushed in an instant, and strange talismans surrounded Qi Qingsong one by one, keeping him safe and sound.

Zhou Qingchen, who was afraid that Lin Beiye would block and interfere with his and Pang Jian's escape, immediately realized that in Lin Beiye's eyes, he and Pang Jian were not worth mentioning at all.

Heigu Lin Beiye didn't waste any energy on the two of them, and didn't even... look at them.


A dazzling black-gold blade light suddenly chopped down above the crimson mountain, with red and golden light splashing everywhere.

"Dong Tianze!"

Zhou Qingchen's face changed.

"What? You didn't just remember that I was here now, did you?"

Dong Tianze stood up from the high platform, holding the black gold dagger named Ghost Chant, and grinned at Zhou Qingchen.

Immediately, he waved the Ghost Chant, creating a sea of black gold swords that covered Pang Jian's head.

"Crack! Crack!"

The red mountain refined with spiritual power was like a real mountain, being cut into pieces by the black gold sword light in a criss-cross pattern.

The tiny fragments of sword light and red light splashed in all directions like a rainstorm, leaving Pang Jian below covered in wounds.

Pang Jian groaned, looked at the mirror tunnel that was getting closer and closer, gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward.

"You can't get away."

Dong Tianze shook his head and waved his hands cruelly, creating more black gold sword lights.

Pang Jian, who was charging towards the mirror tunnel, saw a sea of black gold swords suddenly appear in front of him. He had no choice but to merge with the dragon-patterned spear and turned into a flaming meteor to pierce into it.

In the sea of light, there was a sudden and ear-piercing sound of metal clashing and the crisp sound of spear shafts breaking.

The dragon-patterned spear is now scrapped!

The hand of Pang Jian that was holding the spear was also penetrated by the fragmented knife light, and the skin and flesh were torn into long and bloody wounds.

He threw away the spear shaft, rolled on the ground like Han Duping, and rushed towards the mirror tunnel.

Above his head was a sea of black gold swords drawn by Dong Tianze's ghost chant.

The sea of light condensed from spiritual energy covered his head, like a sky cage that frightened all living beings and made him dare not soar into the sky.

This sea of knife light is on the only way Pang Jian must take to get to the mirror tunnel. As long as he wants to enter the mirror tunnel, he cannot avoid this deadly sea of light.

"At Wulan Lake, you first stole my black turtle blood essence, and then set an ambush at the bottom of the pit, leaving several bloody holes on my body."

Seeing him rolling on the ground with difficulty, Dong Tianze sneered harshly, finally venting some of the resentment that had been accumulating for many days.

"I have been searching for you for many days in this bloody city, but I never saw you. Hey, hard work pays off. I didn't expect to see you in the city lord's mansion."

Pang Jian, who was standing under the sea of black gold swords, seemed unable to hear his sneer and continued to move forward with difficulty.


Leng Yuan, who was standing behind Dong Tianze, suddenly floated down from the high platform, easily crossed the sea of black gold light created by Dong Tianze, and flew straight towards Zhou Qingchen.

After confirming that Pang Jian was the person Dong Tianze was determined to get, Leng Yuan took the initiative to share the pressure with him so that he could concentrate on killing Pang Jian.


Bright ribbons suddenly flew out from Leng Yuan's slender waist and surrounded Zhou Qingchen like a gorgeous rainbow.

"My junior fellow apprentice will take good care of your little brother. I just need to keep an eye on you."

Leng Yuan chuckled.

"Shh! Shhh!"

In the sea of light condensed from the sword light, there were beams of sharp sword light stabbing downwards.

As Guanghai continued to press down, Pang Jian had no choice but to crawl on the ground. Facing the stabbing of the new sword light, several bloody holes soon appeared on his body.

"I'm going to make your body full of bloody holes!"

Dong Tianze sneered with satisfaction.

"Pang Jian, I'm sorry!"

Looking at his miserable state, Zhou Qingchen roared in grief and anger from afar, feeling endless regret.

He finally regretted it. He regretted listening to the white-clothed girl's suggestion and not leaving with Han Duping and the others.

He could die here because he did it for Jiang Li.

But Zhou Qingchen felt extremely guilty that Pang Jian had fallen into such a miserable situation because of him.

"I'm sorry! It's me, Zhou Qingchen, who is sorry for you..."

Looking at Pang Jian, who was having difficulty crawling under the sea of black gold swords, with so much blood on his body, Zhou Qingchen's eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

He repeated his apologies over and over again, struggling hard with the ribbons that were demanding his life, and soon his body was covered with scars.

He is only a few years older than Pang Jian.

Seeing his beloved one’s arm cut off in half, the young man’s blood was ignited, and he naturally wanted to do something for his beloved.

As soon as he came in, he dared to impulsively call out who Qi Qingsong was, because he was in the marrow cleansing realm and he also possessed many spiritual weapons.

He had always had confidence in himself, and knowing that Pang Jian had extraordinary abilities, he felt that the two of them had a chance of killing Qi Qingsong if they worked together.

As a result, Qi Qingsong easily resolved their first wave of attacks.

The passion and impulse in his heart were mostly extinguished by the cruelty of reality, and he came to his senses at that moment.

If it weren't for the instigation of the girl in white, if it weren't for the girl in white saying that her fighting ability was equal to Qi Qingsong's, Zhou Qingchen would never have dragged Pang Jian into another fight.

The girl in white eventually proved that she did possess such power.

But who could have thought that Lin Beiye and Qi Qingsong, who seemed to have nothing to do with each other, actually had a tacit understanding

"Pang Jian!"

Zhou Qingchen, feeling extremely guilty, ignored the whipping of the rainbow ribbons, tore off the heart guard from his chest, and threw it far away towards the sea of swords.

"Promise me you'll leave alive!"

Zhou Qingchen roared.

The heart-protecting mirror that he regarded as a treasure suddenly showed countless tiny cracks on its surface, and a power that had been sealed for many years was completely stimulated.


The mirror suddenly exploded, and bright crystals fell into the sea of black gold swords that obscured the sky above Pang Jian's head.

Pang Jian, who was walking with difficulty, looked up and saw many tiny crystals falling from the sky like diamonds and stars.

Each crystal shone with a blinding light, filled with the strange power of shattered space, shattering the sea of black gold swords that had been covering his head!


Zhou Qingchen shouted again.

He slashed at the void with his cold iron sword, and one after another, blurry mountains made of heavy spiritual power emerged in a continuous undulating manner.

The blurred mountains did not try to untie the colorful ribbons, but rushed straight towards Leng Yuan.

Zhou Qingchen's ferocious expression made Leng Yuan hesitate for a moment, and he did not choose to use all his strength to fight him to the death.

Zhou Qingchen just wanted to leave with Pang Jian, not to kill her or Dong Tianze. Leng Yuan didn't want to risk her life for Dong Tianze.

Thinking that the Demon Sect's Lan Xi had not moved, and that Lin Beiye and Qi Qingsong were still in the courtyard, Leng Yuan became more and more unwilling to fight.

Therefore, the hidden power within the many ribbons never really erupted.

Zhou Qingchen successfully broke free from her entanglement and turned the blurry mountains around and pushed them towards Dong Tianze.

He suddenly appeared in the shattered sea of light, grabbed Pang Jian, and shouted, "Let's go!"


Dong Tianze, whose sea of black gold sword was shattered, swung his sword to chop down the mountains that were coming towards him. His cold and fierce eyes swept over Leng Yuan.

Leng Yuan felt a chill in his heart and quickly gathered his strength to continue chasing Zhou Qingchen.

Pang Jian and Zhou Qingchen were covered in blood, and they struggled forward towards the mirror tunnel on the ground covered with crystal fragments.

Dong Tianze dealt with the mountain that hit him, and holding the short knife called Ghost Chant, he flew down from the high platform towards the two of them.

"Pang Jian, you go first! I'll stop him!"

Zhou Qingchen stopped with a roar. He looked up at Dong Tianze, but found that Dong Tianze's attention was all on Pang Jian.

The two men who arrived at the mirror tunnel were now exhausted and had no chance of winning against the powerful Dong Tianze.

"Remember to avenge me!"

Zhou Qingchen smiled miserably.

He squandered his remaining spiritual power, holding the cold iron sword and was about to fly up into the sky to stop Dong Tianze in mid-air.

"Brother Zhou, live well."

It was also at this time that Zhou Qingchen heard Pang Jian and for the first time no longer addressed him as Young Master Zhou.

—Instead, he used Brother Zhou.

Zhou Qingchen, with tears on his face, was shocked and grinned, "I can't live anymore, as long as you can live!"

His heart was filled with emotion, and he knew that Pang Jian was expressing his true feelings, so he called him "Brother Zhou".

Before he died, he felt that he had no regrets in dying when he heard the voice of "Brother Zhou" from Pang Jian.

But in the next moment, he was pushed into the mirror tunnel by Pang Jian with great force.

This unreasonable and brutal force seemed to be the power that Pang Jian had desperately accumulated, and it was more fierce and powerful than he had imagined.

He suddenly flew into the air, and flew out of control towards the mirror tunnel. He was still in the air and had no time to react.

He stared at Pang Jian blankly.

At this time, Dong Tianze was flying down above Pang Jian's head, and the black gold short blade stabbed straight at Pang Jian's crown.

Pang Jian looked towards him, moved his lips and said "goodbye", then rolled backwards to avoid him.

Pang Jian was getting further and further away from the mirror tunnel, and his hope of escape was completely cut off.

"Pang Jian!"

Zhou Qingchen, whose heart was bleeding, only had time to let out a beast-like roar before falling into the mirror tunnel.

He just disappeared.


At the place where Pang Jian originally lived, the hard white jade slab was cut into a deep and narrow crack.

Dong Tianze floated down, glanced at Pang Jian who was retreating continuously, sneered, and waved the Ghost Chant again.

“Wow! Wow!”

A new sea of black gold swords appeared above the mirror tunnel.

"Whether Zhou Qingchen hides in the Zhou family in the lower world or goes to Hongshan in the upper world, I have a way to find him and kill him."

Dong Tianze didn't care about Zhou Qingchen's escape. After making sure there were no mistakes, he looked at Pang Jian again.

"You are the one who hurt me the most at Wulan Lake! My intuition tells me that you are a greater threat to me than Zhou Qingchen, so you are my must-kill target!"

(End of this chapter)