Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 9: The first relic


When Zhou Ning's two families had eaten and drunk their fill and were about to finish tidying up, Pang Jian also walked out from the pile of stones at the right time.

"Pang Jian, you should be the one to ride this horse."

Seeing him appear, Zhou Qingchen, who had changed to He Ziren's dark horse, smiled and waved from afar.

Beside him was the chestnut warhorse that originally belonged to Liu Qi but was usurped by Pang Jian.

"The dragon-patterned spear on the horse is for you to use."

Zhou Qingchen pointed at a spear hanging on the waist of a warhorse and said with a bright smile: "From now on, we will be partners fighting side by side. The long sword you are used to using is not a weapon that we cultivators should use. I heard from Miss Ning that you have also embarked on the path of cultivation, so I will give you the dragon pattern spear to try first."

"Later, if there is a more suitable object, it won't be too late for you to change it."

The old and young of the Ning family saw that Zhou Qingchen's attitude towards Pang Jian had changed drastically, and they had no idea what he was up to.

First he took the initiative to deliver meat to the stone pile, and then presented him with the dragon-patterned spear of his dead subordinate. All these strange things made the two people from the Ning family suspicious.

The remaining diners of the Zhou family, including Han Duping, were also at a loss as to what to do with Zhou Qingchen's actions.

Pang Jian remained calm. He thanked him softly, then climbed onto his warhorse and tried to lift the dragon-patterned spear.

The shaft of the spear is rough to the touch, with natural wood grain, and if you look closely it really looks like dragon patterns.

The spear head is made of a bright silver metal, shining with an icy luster and looking extremely sharp.

When he pulled hard, Pang Jian discovered that the spear shaft, which was made of some unknown wood, was extremely heavy, several times heavier than the long sword he was used to using!

After swaying for a while and adjusting to the weight, he pointed the spear with both hands into the depths of the mountains and said, "The Cenji Mountains are very large. Do you have a clear direction to go?"

Zhou Qingchen thought for a moment and said, "Go north, to the location closest to the strange fog."

Ning Yao and Ning Yuanshan's faces changed slightly when they heard what he said and they looked at him in surprise.

When they discussed it before, they only talked about searching for the remains of Tian Feng, as well as the fallen artifacts of Blood Moon, Galaxy Alliance, and Yinling Temple.

The people of the Ning family actually did not intend to go deep into the northernmost part and take greater risks to explore the anomaly of the "strange fog".

"It's okay. We are not really going to enter the area covered by strange fog."

As if seeing their concerns, Zhou Qingchen smiled and continued, "I always feel that the remains of Tianfeng and the searchers from the three major forces are in the north near the strange fog."

Ning Yuanshan reluctantly agreed and said reluctantly: "Well... okay."

"The canyon we are in is at the southernmost part of the Cenching Mountains. If you go north, you can just go straight. But there are two roads to choose from. One is a mountain road that requires climbing a high mountain. The other is along the winding river, but it will take a detour and the journey will be slower. Which way do you want to go?"

Pang Jian asked proactively.

"Since you are most familiar with this place, it is up to you to decide." Zhou Qingchen looked indifferent.

"If we're riding horses, let's go along the river," Pang Jian suggested seriously.

"I'll listen to you." Zhou Qingchen said with a cheerful smile.

Ning Yao frowned slightly, feeling secretly dissatisfied. Pang Jian was clearly the guide she hired, but looking at Zhou Qingchen's attitude, how did Pang Jian become his man

Although she was dissatisfied, she did not show it and kept silent.

From then on, the itinerary and direction were decided by Pang Jian, who led everyone along the muddy river.

Whenever everyone was resting or eating, Pang Jian would leave alone, find a secluded place, take out the gray-white rock covered with cracks from the bamboo basket, and practice the "Hutian Yangqi Jue".

As long as he covered the cracks in the rock with his palms, a rich "Xuan Yin Power" would flow out and merge into his Dantian Spirit Sea, helping him cleanse the impurities in it.

The strange rock he obtained by chance made his spiritual practice progress extremely fast, and a lot of the "cotton wool" in his spiritual sea was cleared away.

As the "cotton wool" area continued to decrease, he could clearly feel that his spiritual sea became brighter and more spacious, and the obstacles he encountered during the movement of the power he subsequently guided in were getting fewer and fewer.

He soon became convinced that with the help of the rock, it would not be long before he could clear the filth from the spiritual sea.

"A piece of Phoenix bone!"

That day, Zhou Qingchen was sitting on his warhorse, looking out at the densely wooded area in the distance, and suddenly asked excitedly, "Did you see it?"

Because of his reminder, everyone looked into the distance and suddenly saw a dry bone like a giant pillar stuck in the woods several miles away, shocking them from a distance.


Everyone waved the reins vigorously, driving the horses under them to speed up continuously.

Pang Jian, the guide, looked at the extremely large dry bone and was shocked, and he followed behind the crowd.

Only when he got closer did he realize how huge the remains of Tianfeng were. He couldn't help but wonder how huge the true body of the mysterious Tianfeng must be.

When he noticed that the crowd was gradually disappearing from his sight, he hurriedly spurred his horse to catch up.

After a while, Pang Jian, who was the last one to come, finally arrived at the location of the Heavenly Phoenix remains.

The dead bones, which were over a hundred meters long, pierced the forest like swords, leaving many spider-web-like gullies on the ground.

It was as if the moment it pierced the ground, it created a terrifying energy wave, and the remaining power tore apart the surrounding earth!

Dozens of meters away, there was a vast, ancient, sacred aura coming from the dull dry bone, which made all those who looked up at the dry bone involuntarily want to worship it.

The remains of the Heavenly Phoenix stand on the earth like a mountain, as if they could suppress all the evil demons in the silent mountains.

Pang Jian was shocked and infected.

Just one of the dry bones is over a hundred meters long and as thick as the root of a giant tree. How shocking must Tian Feng's demeanor be when he was alive

Isn't it a mythical existence

No wonder the divine bird hovering over his house was easily assassinated.

"The Blood Moon's Uncertain Ferry!"

When Pang Jian was excited and daydreaming, Ning Yuanshan suddenly called out and pointed behind the dry bones.

Immediately, the huge sailing ship with a black banner and a blood-red crescent moon floating on it that Pang Jian had seen appeared behind the dry bones in his sight.

“Go and take a look!”

Following Ning Yuanshan's shouts, Pang Jian and the others rode their horses around the dry bones and observed them closely.

I saw a sailboat several dozen meters long, which had crushed countless trees and was anchored on a pile of debris and dead branches.

Around the sailboat were bloodstained bones, and some of the clothes still had blood moon patterns on them.

"This is the true Blood Moon practitioner."

Ning Yuanshan took a look and covered his nose, saying, "After they died, they must have been eaten by nearby wild beasts. You see, next to their bodies, there are blood-stained gold and silver objects that were vomited out."

"Were they killed by nearby wild beasts, or by people from the Yinling Temple and the Galaxy Alliance? Or are there other dangers in the Cenji Mountains?" Ning Yao couldn't help but doubt the cause of death of the skeletons.

"The wild beasts in the Cenji Mountains should not have the ability to kill practitioners." Pang Jian said.

Having been in the Cenming Mountains for many years, he knows best what kind of power the wild beasts here possess.

He didn't think that the most ferocious beasts could deal with people like Zhou Qingchen and Ning Yuanshan, so the death of the Blood Moon practitioner should have nothing to do with the wild beasts in the mountains.

"No, you don't understand the power of the strange fog."

Zhou Qingchen's face was gloomy. He shook his head and said solemnly, "I am very sure that the strange fog has penetrated from the boundary wall to the northernmost part of the mountain range. If the beasts that strayed into it can come out alive, they will definitely undergo a mutation and become fierce beasts or spiritual beasts that are many times more powerful than before."

"And beasts like that are no longer the species you were familiar with before, and can no longer be called beasts."

When these words came out, Pang Jian felt awed, knowing that he really didn't know much about the "strange fog".

Although he lived in the Silent Mountains all year round, he had never come into contact with the "strange fog", and he was also restricted by his father and strictly forbidden to go hunting in the far north.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

The wind suddenly blew, and the black flag erected above the Wuding ferry fluttered in the wind.

The huge scarlet crescent moon in the center of the flag released a strange blood-red light as the flag moved, illuminating the surrounding area with a deep red.

Under the deep red blood light, those skeletons without flesh and blood suddenly looked extremely creepy.

"Don't act rashly."

Zhou Qingchen stared at the blood moon in the flag, silently felt it for a while, and then said: "I will go and confirm whether there are any magical relics left by this fallen Phoenix bone. As for you... just wait on the side first, and don't touch the artifacts left by the bones, and don't go to the Wuding Ferry."


Having experienced the tragedy of the rubble, everyone seemed more cautious this time and obeyed the orders.

Zhou Qingchen immediately dismounted, and either avoided the larger cracks or flew over them directly, and soon arrived at the place where the huge dry bones landed.

He stood beside the dry bones with his back to everyone, took out something from his arms and seemed to be examining it carefully.


Zhou Qingchen soon had the answer.

He turned his back to the crowd and took back the things he had taken out before turning around and saying, "It's just an ordinary phoenix bone. There's nothing strange in it. The death of the Blood Moon practitioner has nothing to do with this bone. He must have been killed by something else."

"Okay, now everyone can disperse and check, but still be careful."

In Zhou Qingchen's mind, the remains of the Heavenly Phoenix were the most terrifying thing. Seeing that it was not what he thought, he relaxed a little and signaled everyone to search at will.

But he still warned: "As for... Wuding Ferry, no one should go in. Check the bodies first and see if there is anything strange about the objects they left behind."

Everyone acted quickly.

Pang Jian knew that he was probably not qualified to obtain the relics of those practitioners, so he might as well wait for Zhou Qingchen to give them to him. So he did not follow the crowd to search, but waited quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhou Qingchen suddenly frowned and shouted softly: "Someone is coming."

When the busy people heard this, they stopped immediately and waited in full alert with nervous expressions.

Whether it is Blood Moon or the Yinling Temple, they are all practitioners from the upper realm, and most of them are at a higher level than them.

Those powerful figures have now died in large numbers in the Silence Mountains, let alone them

They had to be extra cautious.

After a while, accompanied by a deliberately low "rustling" sound, a group of people gradually appeared and emerged from the woods behind the Wuding ferry.

Both sides looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"People from the Zhou and Ning families!"

"So he's from the Shangguan family!"

Amidst the relaxed cries, the nine people in the group finally dared to show their heads. They seemed to be more cautious than them just now.

The first person was dressed as a graceful noble lady, wearing a gorgeous bright dress, and exquisite jewelry sparkling on her body.

She has a beautiful face, like a ripe peach, and an extremely seductive figure.

At this moment, she covered her tall, white chest with her hands, and said in a fuss, "I was so scared. I thought we had run into some survivors from the upper realm, and they were going to kill us all."

The beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure came over gracefully and flirted with Zhou Qingchen from afar, "Qingchen, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I feel relieved to see it's you."

Zhou Qingchen smiled casually: "It turns out to be Aunt Qin."

"Sister Qin, I'm also here with your brother Han." The bloated Han Duping squinted his eyes and stared at the whiteness on her chest with lustful eyes. He only looked at her chest and not her face and said, "Others say you are unlucky in marriage, but I'm not afraid. Anyway, two of your husbands have died. Why don't we just make do with each other?"

"As long as you nod, I will immediately part ways with Zhou kid and join your Shangguan family."

Han Duping pounded his chest and made a promise, acting as if he would immediately break up with Zhou Qingchen and become her slave.

Zhou Qingchen knew what kind of person Han Duping was. He looked helpless and said with a smile, "After all, we are friends. If you really want to do this, Old Han, I will not only reluctantly send you off, but also prepare a generous gift."

"Bah! Fat winter melon, stop daydreaming!" Shangguan Qin's beautiful face was covered with disgust and coldness. She sneered without giving any face: "You old toad, you also want to eat swan meat?"

"Ha, you have killed two men. You are not young anymore, so you can't be considered a swan." Han Duping revealed her past with a smile.

Shangguan Qin's breathing became rapid due to anger, which made her chest look even taller and more powerful.


A tall and strong man, wrapped in thick heavy armor, dragged a huge iron cage with one hand and appeared at the end of the Shangguan family.

Pang Jian, who was originally mixed in with the Ning and Zhou family's crowd and paid no attention to this group of people, suddenly looked at a gray ape in an iron cage.

The gray ape had a pair of strange ice-blue eyes that revealed brutality and cruelty. Although he was a prisoner, he still looked murderous.

At the same time Pang Jian saw it, the gray ape covered with scars also looked at Pang Jian.


Ning Yao, who was standing next to Pang Jian, followed the line of sight of the gray ape's ice-blue eyes and looked at Pang Jian beside her, and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)