Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 27: Top academics are working hard



"The fifth level of Kaiyuan?"

Liu Wenyan held the tea cup and looked at Su Yu up and down for a while, feeling a little surprised.

He didn't feel it clearly before, but as his willpower manifested, now when he looked at Su Yu, it was obvious.

Ordinary people cannot see or feel the Nine Apertures of Kaiyuan, but their civilization masters can sense nine clear light points. Su Yu's light points light up five, which is the fifth level of Kaiyuan.


Su Yu nodded, "Yesterday it was still the fourth level, but Teacher Bai wrote the "Kaiyuan Jue" once. After reading it, I felt that I knew the nine orifices of Kaiyuan well, and I directly entered the fifth level of Kaiyuan."

"That's your chance."

Liu Wenyan did not doubt it, and chuckled: "Bai Feng seems to be relaxed, but in fact, with his strength, writing the entire "Kaiyuan Jue" requires a huge amount of willpower. If it weren't for his profound knowledge, he would not be able to soar to the seventh level of the city. It’s hard to finish writing this exercise.”

"In civilized schools, teachers will not write willpower easily, because the willpower consumes too much and it is difficult to recover. They also need to cultivate divine writings. Under normal circumstances, they are not willing to consume a lot of willpower, so their The course is very expensive, and the merit points of the students are compensated to them.”

After Liu Wenyan finished speaking, he smiled and said: "Fifth level of Kaiyuan, it seems that your talent in the way of the physical body is quite good."

"However, the speed of Kaiyuan is actually not that important."

Liu Wenyan really didn't care too much about these, Kaiyuan realm, Kaiyuan genius, so what

Even if you are nine years old, what can you do

The day the civilized teacher's equipment appears, it will take off. This is the huge gap.

"I didn't ask you yesterday, did you kill that guy from the Ten Thousand Races Sect?"


Su Yu did not deny it, but nodded. In front of Liu Wenyan, he was too lazy to deny it.

"Yes, you have to take action when it's time to take action!"

Liu Wenyan chuckled and said, "Swallowing the essence and blood, you exploded with strength and killed the opponent, right?"

"Teacher, can you feel it?"

Su Yu was a little surprised.

"Of course, do you think you can hide it from the civilized master?"

Liu Wenyan laughed, and then said sternly: "Your physical body is too weak. The Kaiyuan realm is not suitable for swallowing essence and blood practice, nor is it suitable for swallowing essence and blood to explode. You are fooling around!"

"Emergency, follow the right. You were in danger at that time because we, the teachers, didn't protect you well. So at that time, you were devouring your essence and blood. I couldn't say anything."

"But now, you are no longer allowed to swallow blood essence and practice!"

Liu Wenyan said seriously: "Don't waste your whole life just to speed up your cultivation for a moment! Essence and blood can strengthen the body and speed up your cultivation, but you haven't completed Kaiyuan yet. At this time, you are blocked and the essence and blood are accumulated in your body. Did you know that it will How much trouble is that?"

"When you arrive at the day of manifestation, there will be too much blood essence and blood from all races accumulated in your body. When the time comes to cast a body, the blood essence and blood will also be resistant and will conflict, which will greatly weaken the strength of your cast body!"

Liu Wenyan's tone was extremely serious, "Remember, you are no longer allowed to swallow blood essence to practice, and don't keep gambling on a chance, not every time you can be safe and sound!"


Su Yu hurriedly responded. He swallowed the essence and blood. In fact, he did not swallow it himself, but was absorbed by the album, leaving only a trace of essence and blood in his body.

Liu Wenyan only sensed this, and it actually had no effect on Su Yu at all.

Of course, there is no need to discuss this matter with Liu Wenyan in detail.

"That's good!"

Liu Wenyan regained his smile, "There are still more than two months to go to the college entrance examination. You have been admitted in advance, but it does not mean that you can waste these two months. Bai Feng said that you were considered a genius in Nanyuan, but you are just a genius in Daxia Mansion. Being mediocre is not a mistake.”

"But... that was before!"

Liu Wenyan smiled and said: "Before, I didn't have the will to manifest, so there were some things I couldn't teach you, and there were some things I couldn't help you with, but it's different now. In the next two months, you will mainly follow me to practice."

Su Yu hesitated to speak, thought for a while and then whispered: "Teacher, am I the only one?"


" dad...isn't he your lost son?"


Liu Wenyan laughed angrily!

"You want to be my grandson? I don't care!"

Liu Wenyan pointed his finger at him, and after a while he laughed and said: "You, don't think too much. As for Nan Yuan, you and Liu Yue are both talented, but Liu Yue has family guidance and help. Provide resources so she’s better than you now.”

"As for you, you have nothing. Your father went to the battlefield of the heavens again. I have watched you grow up during the five years you have been in the secondary school."

"Teachers are not completely fair and selfless. Others in the school... Strictly speaking, the future is limited. You may go further than them, and the human race... needs strong people."

Liu Wenyan said bluntly, "Because I think you may become a strong person in the future, so within the teacher's ability, I am willing to help you more to make your journey smoother. Of course, there is a premise, you deserve my preference." , if you are unruly and self-righteous, the teacher will just watch silently and won't say anything."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Su Yu thanked him sincerely.

During his five years at Nanyuan Middle School, Liu Wenyan helped him a lot. He learned Wanzu languages and mastered eighteen languages, all of which were inseparable from Liu Wenyan's help.

In five years, from an ignorant boy to a civilized school, Liu Wenyan played a very important role in it.

"No need to thank me. When you become really strong one day, remember... Killing more enemies on the battlefield is the best reward for me!"

Liu Wenyan stood up and dropped the topic, "Follow me. I will learn a few more Wanzu languages in the next few days and improve my willpower. You are too weak now."

Su Yu said nothing and silently followed Liu Wenyan outside.

Xia's Trading Company.


Accompanied by the business manager, the two walked into a huge warehouse.

Su Yu was shocked when he saw everything inside.

"Today is the first lesson, corpse identification!"

"This is the general warehouse of Xia's Trading Company in Nanyuan. There are 132 demon corpses in it. Most of them were killed in the battlefields of the heavens and dragged back directly. They have not been processed. Your task today is to stay there for a day and identify them. Corpse!"

Liu Wenyan threw down a booklet and "recorded their data, height, width, weight, number of bones..."

Su Yu looked dull at this moment, feeling vaguely nauseated.

The smell of blood is too strong!

Stay for a day

"Go in, you will be alone in this place today, and of course, don't touch these monster corpses. They are valuable and you cannot afford to pay for them."

Liu Wenyan said, and then added: "I want to see the data you recorded tonight, and for the unknown race, I want to see your own speculations. Even if you make nonsense, you have to write it down for me!"

" I alone?"

Su Yu had a bitter look on his face. If he was afraid, he wouldn't be too afraid.

But in such a big warehouse, with such a strong smell of blood, is it appropriate to leave an eighteen-year-old like me here

"one person!"

Liu Wenyan said lightly: "You can't even bear this? On the battlefield of the heavens, sometimes soldiers need to lie in ambush among the corpses for several days. If you can't bear this, you don't have to go to the battlefield of the heavens, because you If you go there, you will die."

"I see!"

Su Yu stopped saying, just be alone. It was good. There were many monster corpses here, some of which he had never seen before. He didn't know if he could find some of the monsters in his dreams.

"close the door!"

Liu Wenyan exited the warehouse, and the next moment, the people from Xia's Trading Company closed the warehouse door, which was an extremely heavy metal door.

As soon as the door was closed, the steward who had not spoken before said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, is this your first disciple?"


Liu Wenyan didn't say much, and the steward didn't ask too many questions. This was nonsense.

Not being an entry-level disciple, Liu Wenyan would not pay a high price to let Xia's Trading Company open its warehouse and allow a student to enter it.

Not everyone can come to the main warehouse of Xia's Trading Company.

"Mr. Liu, after all, he is a newcomer who has never been to the battlefield. He is too young. At the end of the day, I am afraid that he will have nightmares for several days. Do you want to turn on the light to make him relax?"

The lights were off inside, with only a few dim security lights lighting up the warehouse, making the warehouse even more eerie under such circumstances.

"No, civilization masters often have to deal with corpses. If you can't even pass this level, how will you deal with the future?"

Liu Wenyan said with a smile: "A powerful civilization master goes directly to the battlefields of the heavens to capture gods and demons, and comes back for research. Since he wants to take this path, he must learn to get used to it."

The steward smiled and didn't answer. Civilization division... said this a little too early.

There are too many people who are stuck in the cultivation stage throughout their lives, and not everyone can be called a civilized teacher.

And capturing gods and demons... How many people in Daxia Mansion can do this

Liu Wenyan thought too highly of this student and thought too highly of him.

Of course, it was not easy for him to refute what Lao Liu said. He had demonstrated his willpower and was considered a civilized teacher.

Xia's Trading Company doesn't care about a newly promoted civilization master, but Liu Wenyan has a junior fellow who is a senior researcher at the Daxia Civilization Institute, so it has to pay attention to him. Anyway, he, a person from Nanyuan Trading Company, cannot afford to offend him.

"This is a fire dolphin, 3.1 meters high and 7.2 meters long. It is good at breathing fire and impacting. It is a cannon fodder race in the battlefields of the heavens, mainly in the critical realm..."

Looking at the extremely tall corpse in front of him, Su Yu began to record it.

Liu Wenyan thought he would be scared, nauseous, and frightened. In fact, Su Yu didn't feel that scary, but it was a bit pungent. The smell of blood in the warehouse was too strong, and he couldn't stand it.

"In terms of weight..."

Su Yu calculated the volume, recalled the density of fire dolphin meat, and the proportion of bones, and roughly judged it to be between 20 tons and 25 tons.

That’s 40,000 to 50,000 kilograms!

That's the weight of a fire dolphin!

The size and weight are very terrifying, so even if they are only in the critical realm, a cannon fodder race like the fire dolphin would be terrifying to collide with.

If a team at the critical level is not prepared in advance, it can easily be torn apart by the attack of the fire dolphins.


While he was calculating, Su Yu frowned slightly, and the little brother with the word "blood" in his mind was boiling.

"You want to suck blood?"

Su Yu bared his teeth, "This is not mine. Although the blood essence has been refined, ordinary blood is also valuable. It is not good to steal other people's things. Do you understand?"

In fact, these corpses have very little blood.

The blood essence has been refined, and there is not much ordinary blood left. Most of it has been integrated into the blood essence.

But no matter how little it is, it is not his own. The teacher brought him to gain experience. If he takes something, Liu Wenyan will take the blame. This is not okay.

"You can actually suck blood..." Su Yu muttered.

"Blood" brother seems a little unhappy. It is a sacred text with the word "blood". Isn't it normal to suck blood

"Can blood sucking strengthen you?"

Su Yu is not sure, but the blood here cannot be sucked, otherwise it will be difficult to explain.

"Don't be impatient. When you have money later, I will buy some myself. Ordinary blood is not worth much."

Last time I bought a bottle of iron-winged bird's ordinary blood, which was worth 5,000 yuan. Of course, the quantity was not much.

In fact, if you really want to buy in bulk, they are not expensive and there are great discounts.

The point is, no one is buying regular blood in bulk unless...

Su Yu's eyes moved slightly. Blood essence was actually extracted from ordinary blood. Su Yu couldn't help but muttered: "Brother, can you refine blood essence?"

If possible, this is a way to make a fortune.

Some of the civilized masters can refine blood essence. A drop of it can earn a lot of money.

A drop of essence and blood, from the Qianjun Realm, Xia's Trading Company dares to sell it for 50,000 yuan!

In fact, there is no cost, mainly in storage, transportation, refining, plus personnel costs.

As for the cost itself... Go to the battlefield of the heavens. For 100,000 yuan, you can ask the military to bring back dozens or even hundreds of Qianjun monsters. That thing is garbage in the battlefield of the heavens, and the sergeants will not eat it. , too much to finish.

Most of them are in the later stage. The cost of refining the essence and blood, the cost of transportation, and transporting Qianjun Monster Beast back from the battlefields of the heavens are not cost-effective. Unless it is transported in large quantities, otherwise 50,000 yuan will be lost.

Of course, the military also has civilized masters who refine it directly on the battlefields of the heavens, but the general value of Qianjun Realm is not great, and civilized masters are too lazy to take action.

Su Yu didn't know much about these things before, but now that he knows about the existence of civilized masters, he knows a lot about them after contacting them.

"The blood-lettered sacred text must absorb blood..."

Su Yu sighed. He felt that he was going to go bankrupt next. If blood could contain divine inscriptions, why shouldn't he buy it

Definitely have to buy it!

The cultivation of divine literature is very important.

If you don't have enough willpower, then use other methods to cultivate it. It seems that you will be very short of money in the future.

Su Yu entertained himself alone in the warehouse, checking the corpses, and was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

These corpses were too heavy. He was in the Kaiyuan realm, and sometimes he couldn't even move the corpses, let alone carry them.

Some were piled up together, and he had to move them bit by bit, otherwise he could not see clearly.

After a while, Su Yu was covered in blood and turned into a dirty bloody man.

The divine text with the word "blood" beat even harder, as if it wanted to suck blood. Su Yu suppressed the opponent. This thing wanted to fight again, right

It wasn't until the evening that the warehouse door opened and Su Yu was let out.

Outside the door, Liu Wenyan looked at his dirty look and saw that the booklet was filled with dense words, and he smiled.

very good!

No complaining, no perfunctory, very good.

"We'll stop here today and continue tomorrow. We'll stay here for five days and change places after five days."

After Liu Wenyan finished speaking, he thought for a while and then said: "Bai Feng taught you to try to outline the divine inscriptions before. Of course, you can't do this now, but you can adapt in advance and give it a try."

"Outlining the divine inscriptions consumes a lot of willpower. In fact, there is a shortcut. Use the essence and blood of the demon clan to outline. The essence and blood comes with willpower and vitality. First, outline the divine inscriptions with charm in the outside world, and then outline with will. This is the normal way of cultivation for students in civilized schools.”

"I didn't teach you this before, but I will teach you next. Every five days, you can receive a drop of blood from me that is suitable for outlining divine inscriptions. The premise is that you complete the course well!"

Su Yu was excited at first, and then said awkwardly: "Teacher, forget it, I don't need it."

It is impossible to expect the university to reimburse this blood essence.

Obviously, Liu Wenyan had to pay for it out of his own pocket. Even if he redeemed it at the school, it would still be a point of merit.

"I'm talking about the excellent completion of the course. Do you think I gave it to you for free?"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "Do you think you can complete it easily? Maybe in two months, it will be good if you can get a drop. What does 1 point of merit mean to me?"

Su Yu hesitated. He wanted to say that he had actually completed the outline, but there were people from Xia's Trading Company beside him, so Su Yu couldn't bear to say anything.

Let's see, what's more, the teacher is right, I may not be able to complete the task he assigned.

If he hadn't been used to being killed in dreams today, he might not have been able to bear the smell of so much blood and so many corpses.

"Let's go, go back and have a good rest at night. You have a very heavy task recently, so you can take a break from Kaiyuan's practice."

"Well, I know, don't worry, teacher, it won't be delayed."


The two exchanged a few words, Su Yu went home, and Liu Wenyan returned to school.

Time passed like this day by day.

During the day, Su Yu studied with Liu Wenyan. At night, he also had a heavy task. He practiced Kaiyuan, observed "Kaiyuan Jue", fought in dreams, and had to find time to learn the Wanzu language.

He also began to formally observe and study the original bone fragments of Qianjun Realm. Although he could not see it yet, every confrontation of wills was beneficial to his willpower improvement.

Bai Feng said that he would watch it twice a day at most, but Su Yu... would watch it at least ten times a day.

He didn't think there was anything wrong. Anyway, after reading it every time, his head felt a little swollen and painful, but he recovered quickly and it was harmless.

Su Yu was too busy at the moment to take care of the "blood" boy's desire to absorb blood.

Use your willpower to cultivate it first, and then slowly test it when you have enough time.

In the blink of an eye, it’s January.

The time is mid-May.