Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 4: Kaiyuan acceleration method


Su Yu quickly opened the book "Kaiyuan Realm Acceleration Method", but the title page left people speechless. There was a line of blood-red characters written on it - the so-called acceleration method can indeed accelerate regardless of life or death. Most of the people who tried it died. On the way to try it!

Su Yu smiled bitterly, and felt that this was unreliable. No wonder the teachers said that in the Kaiyuan realm, don't be impatient and don't go astray.

"Acceleration method one: bathe in the blood of powerful gods and demons, the nine natural orifices of the gods and demons are opened, the vitality is sufficient, and the blood contains a large amount of Tianyuan Qi..."

"Consequences: body explosion!"

"Case: In the ninth year of Anping, the son of the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, Mu Mu, had the blood of gods and demons. He wanted to quickly open the nine orifices. On the same day, he opened the nine orifices instantly. On the same day, his body exploded and died. He was nine years old when he died and entered the critical state. !”

Su Yu bared his teeth and even had cases. It seemed that this book was really not full of nonsense.

The son of the palace lord, in the ninth year of Anping, is the legitimate son of the Ming Dynasty king who opened the Ming Dynasty. It is too dangerous to die!

Besides, the blood of gods and demons is not so easy to obtain.

Among the battlefields of the heavens, the gods and demons are one of the most powerful races. I heard that the weakest of the gods and demons on the battlefield are those in the Ten Thousand Stones realm.

If the son of King Ming could get this thing, it must have been left behind by King Ming after he killed the gods and demons.

Not to mention that this method doesn't work, whether it works or not has nothing to do with Su Yu.

"My father is not the Ming Dynasty King..."

Su Yu secretly muttered, if my father were the Ming Dynasty King, I would not practice anymore. Who is the Ming Dynasty King? Yu doesn't have to think about it.

Abandoning plan one, Su Yu continued to read, frowning more and more as he read.

"Option 2: Eat demon meat. Part of the demon flesh will help open the acupoints."

"Consequences: body explosion!"

"Case: In the early years of Anping, the human race declined. Strong men killed the demon race and returned with their corpses. A large number of humans ate the demon race's flesh and blood, some of them exploded and died, and a small number of them quickly opened their nine orifices."

"Note: Very few people open acupoints. According to statistics, the demon clan's flesh and blood that are beneficial to opening acupoints include: Jinpeng clan, Manniu clan, Tianhu clan..."

give up!

Su Yu quickly gave up, don't be ridiculous, the demon clans listed here are all one of the extremely powerful clans. Although they are not as good as the gods and demons, they are not something he can come into contact with.

"Plan 3: Tianyuan Fruit, a type of heavenly material and earthly treasure."

"The Tianyuan Fruit gathers Tianyuan Qi, the initial Qi of all worlds, and is of great benefit to opening the nine orifices."

"Location: The major powerful realms of God, Demon, and Demon Realm all have their own products, but the output is very small."

"Case: In the 25th year of Anping, the son of the King of Zhou Dynasty took Tianyuan Fruit and opened the nine orifices in three days. There are no future problems."

Su Yu bared his teeth again, "The son of King Da Zhou... King Da Zhou seems to have only one son. Isn't he talking about the current Lord of Da Zhou Palace, Zhou Potian?"

Gotta give up.

I have never heard of this thing before. It is obviously a supreme treasure. Zhou Potian is still alive and has become the Lord of the Great Zhou Palace. It is obviously extremely powerful.

Even if the human race has the Tian Yuan Fruit today, it won't be Su Yu's turn. This may be a top strategic resource.

"Option 4..."

Su Yu continued to read, and the more he read, the more chilled he became.

Sure enough, there is nothing unorthodox about Kaiyuan Realm cultivation. No wonder the teachers never mention it.

These acceleration plans either require the use of powerful blood of gods and demons, or require top-notch natural materials and earthly treasures, and they all have more or less consequences.

"Plan 9: A place with abundant vitality. The vitality of all realms is unevenly distributed. There are barren places and there are abundant places. The Kaiyuan Realm passively tempers the nine orifices, and the speed is related to the amount of vitality..."


The holy land of vitality: the battlefield of the heavens, the secret realm of the academy, the holy land of the human realm..."

Seeing this plan, Su Yu was slightly startled.

A place full of vitality!

In fact, the Kaiyuan Realm cannot feel the existence of vitality, but he also knows that Nanyuan City is not a place full of vitality.

"I've heard this before. The bigger the city and the more sacred the place, the faster you can practice. This should be related to the amount of vitality."

The teachers at Nan Yuan won’t mention these things, because it would be useless if they did.

It’s not that easy to move these days.

"So, if you can go to a big city or some secret holy land, you can speed up safely, but the speed of acceleration is not too fast, and it is not as efficient as the previous ones."

Energetic energy just makes the speed faster, rather than the same as the previous ones, which can be achieved overnight.

Despite this, Su Yu was also a little eager.

It's a pity that he can't go to any of the holy places of vitality listed above.

Needless to say, there are battlefields in the heavens, and I heard that there are secret realms in higher education institutions, but he doesn’t know the details, let alone the holy land in the human realm.

"Plan 10: Vitality Liquid."

"Vital energy liquids are divided into natural births and artificial creations. Some vitality liquids may be born in places with abundant vitality in all the worlds. It is extremely rare that the vitality is concentrated and concentrated."

"Man-made, it is made from the condensed liquid gathered by strong men in the Soaring Realm."

"The effect is equivalent to that of a place full of vitality."


Don't think about it being natural, man-made... Soaring Realm!

Su Yu smiled bitterly again, what is the soaring realm

Thousands of Stones is still a mere enhancement of the physical body. He doesn't know much about the Sky Realm, but he knows that it is a realm above the Ten Thousand Stones Realm. At that time, humans can fly in the air and conquer the sky.

The Soaring Realm is a major transformation. Has anyone in the huge Nanyuan City reached the Soaring Realm

There may be, such as the Lord of Nanyuan City.

But is this a level that Su Yu can reach

At Nanyuan Middle School, the strongest person is the director, who has just entered the Ten Thousand Stones Realm.

If the Ten Thousand Stones Realm could be condensed, given the character of the governor, Su Yu might still be able to get one or two drops of vitality liquid, but the key point was that the governor couldn't do it.

"No one is reliable!"

Su Yu complained, no wonder these books were thrown in the corner.

For people like Su Yu, the above plan is not feasible.

The easiest thing is probably to go to a place with abundant vitality, or get the vitality liquid, but the worst thing about the vitality liquid is related to the sky realm, which is still far away from Su Yu.

Dad was at the seventh level of Qianjun 18 years ago. In recent years, because Nan Yuan's vitality was not strong enough, dad lost the resources and supplies in the army, so he is only at the ninth level of Qianjun.

Even so, he is still considered a figure in Nanyuan City. Of course, my father has no such concept. Before returning to the team, he had been working as a supervisor at the Traffic Supervision Office and had a lot of leisure.

If it weren't for taking care of Su Yu, with Su Long Qianjun's ninth level, it would be no problem to find a good position in Nanyuan City.

"No chance!"

Su Yu looked through the books again and quickly returned several books to their places.

After thinking about it, Su Yu walked towards Liu Yue, showing a slight apology, "Liu Yue, can you excuse me?"

Liu Yue put down the book in her hand, looked at Su Yu, and chuckled: "You tell me."

"I haven't paid much attention to cultivation matters in recent years. Do you know about Yuanqi Liquid?"

"Do you want to buy vitality liquid?"

Liu Yue immediately understood that the book Su Yu was reading was directed by her, and of course she had read it too.

"Vital Qi Liquid... This is a strategic material, and there is no way to purchase it in Nanyuan City."

"But they are available in Daxia Mansion, and you need to register and purchase them with your real name."

"There are many kinds of vitality liquids, and the vitality liquids condensed by strong men in different realms are different. Of course, for Kaiyuan, those condensed in the Soaring Sky Realm are the most suitable, because they are cheap and the vitality is not condensed enough, but it is beneficial to enlightenment. If it’s too strong, it can easily harm your body.”

"But... the price is not low!"

"Even if a strong person in the Soaring Realm condenses the vitality liquid, it will take three days to condense a drop. But the strong people in the Soaring Realm also need to practice. They also need vitality. Unless they are really short of money, few people will be willing to condense it..."

Liu Yue said and looked at Su Yu, "Su Yu, you really don't need to buy it, it's such a waste! And the vitality liquid only increases the concentration of vitality, it doesn't mean it will definitely make you enlightened."

"I know, thank you. How much does a drop of Soaring Realm vitality liquid cost?"

Of course Su Yu knew it was not cheap, but he still wanted to ask if his father left a lot of money for himself when he left.

In other words, all the family's savings are with Su Yu. After all, it is too dangerous to go to the battlefield of the heavens, and Su Long is worried that he will not be able to come back.

"100,000 Anping coins!"


Su Yu's heart was throbbing, 100,000 per drop!

My father, Qianjun Jiuchong, works in the Traffic Supervision Department, and his monthly salary is 5,000 Anping coins, which is not too low.

Excluding the daily expenses of father and son, as well as the need for dad to purchase some training materials, it would be good to have 20,000 to 30,000 yuan left over a year.

Over the years, Su Long has left a lot of wife money to his son, about 300,000 yuan.

Co-author... The entire family property is only enough to buy 3 drops of vitality liquid

No wonder Liu Yue said it was too wasteful!

This is not a waste, this is a waste of money!

Looking at Su Yu's expression, Liu Yue couldn't help but laugh: "I said it's expensive, it's really a waste! In fact... I have used one drop, which can maintain the concentration of vitality for about three days, and the effect is really average. "

"After I used it once, I never used it again. It was too luxurious."

"If the effect is really strong, there are probably some schools that can spend 100,000 yuan, and they have already used it. But how many people have you seen using this?"

"If you can't wake up in three days, you have to keep buying. Six days is 200,000, nine days is 300,000... no one can bear it."

Su Yu smiled bitterly, "I know, it's indeed too expensive! If it can definitely open the eyes after using iron, that's better. If it can't open the eyes, then it's really useless. No wonder the teachers all say that Kaiyuan has no outsiders."

"That's right." Liu Yue smiled, "You don't need to take the test, so why are you thinking about buying vitality liquid?"

"I applied for the War College to be more prepared."

Su Yu briefly explained, then smiled and left without continuing the conversation.

This is a library, not a place for chatting.

Watching Su Yu leave, Liu Yue raised her eyebrows, a little curious.

Have you applied for the War College

Why did Su Yu successfully apply for the War College

He shook his head slightly and didn't think about it again. It was useless for this guy to apply for the exam. From now on, everyone should be classmates at the Daxia Civilization Institute. I hope this guy won't mess around.