Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 41: Mr. Xiahou's pot


June 10th.

Early in the morning, Chen Hao hurried over. As soon as Su Yu opened the door, he hurriedly said: "Ayu, something happened!"

"Speak slowly."

Su Yu was calm and calm, the sky would not fall down.

What big thing can this guy Chen Hao do

In the past two days, he had gotten started with the Lei Yuan Dao. Su Yu was busy mastering the Lei Yuan Dao and speeding up the reunification of vitality. He had no intention of paying attention to Chen Hao's big news.

Opening the door and letting Chen Hao in, Su Yu turned around and went to eat the noodles he had just cooked in the morning.

Dad is not at home. He has been living in extreme poverty recently.

And he doesn't have much money on hand, 30,000 yuan, he still has to save it to attend a civilized school.

Going to school is not free.

Although the registration fee for Wenmin University is not expensive, you have to pay tens of thousands at one time. In addition, you have to eat when you arrive at the school.

Chen Hao swallowed when he saw him eating noodles. He had eaten a little bit in the morning and was hungry after running for a while.

Su Yu just pretended not to see it. He only had a bowl of noodles, but you didn't get any.


Chen Hao sat down opposite him and said hurriedly, without looking at the noodles, "My dad said that there are some changes in Daxia Mansion this year, and the number of students enrolled in various universities may decrease."


"Reduce enrollment!"

Chen Hao said it emphatically.

Su Yu looked up helplessly, "Does it have anything to do with me? As for you, although you are still at the fourth level of Kaiyuan now, you are already at the fifth level. With an additional 30 points, even if the number of people is reduced, it doesn't have much to do with you, right?"

Su Yu really didn't care much and said a little speechlessly: "Is it possible that Nan Yuan doesn't want to recruit anyone? Daxia Mansion dares to do this, so Nan Yuan dares to break away from Daxia Mansion and defect to Daming Mansion directly!"

Nanyuan is not far from Daming Mansion. Less than three hundred miles to the north is the area under the jurisdiction of Daming Mansion. It is one of the cities closest to Daming Mansion.

Although the place is small, Nanyuan also has a population of one million.

There are over 10,000 soldiers to fight!

Together with the veterans, Nan Yuan can recruit tens of thousands of soldiers who dare to fight at any time. No matter how the Daxia Mansion reduces the number of soldiers, Nan Yuan will not be able to reduce the number.

There were not many students enrolled, so Su Yu really didn't care too much and said feebly: "Whether this news is true or false, the one who should cry is the Daxia Mansion, which has the largest number of students. If they reduce the number of people, they will also reduce them."

Su Yu looked indifferent, and Chen Hao said with a sad face: "I know, my dad said so too, but he said... If you do this, some students in Daxia Mansion who could have passed the exam will not be able to pass the exam this year. There is a little trouble at home. Those with backgrounds may have to run to the small town!"


As soon as these words came out, Su Yu was slightly startled. He found that he still thought less, not as much as Chen Hao and his father thought.


Reducing the number of people will definitely mainly reduce the number of people in Daxia Mansion, but what should those in Daxia Mansion do now if they feel they cannot pass the exam

Come to the small town!

Nanyuan is also one of the 28 cities. Although the number of students enrolled is not large, there are some quotas.

They may not be the best in Daxia Mansion, but when they come to Nanyuan, Daxia Mansion does not have high requirements for Nan Yuan.

For example, Nan Yuan can enroll more than ten people in the Daxia Civilization Institute every year. No matter how the number is reduced this year, the number of places will not be much worse, because... there is no way to reduce the number.

Any further reduction will cause public outrage.

Nanyuan students are weak, not because they are really bad, but because the environment is different. This damn place lacks vitality, cultivation is not as fast as that of Daxia Mansion, and there are fewer resources. You cannot expect the people of Nanyuan to be on the same level as the people of Daxia Mansion.

Therefore, Nanyuan’s quota is almost fixed and cannot be increased, nor can it be reduced.

Su Yu frowned slightly and looked at Chen Hao, "Both the War School and the Civilization School will be reduced?"


Chen Hao said distressedly: "It's not the good thing that the Marquis did! The master of the palace has gone into seclusion. If he hadn't gone into seclusion, he would definitely not have done this! This Marquis of Birds only knows how to make money if he doesn't do anything serious all day long!"

Chen Hao looked depressed. He felt that he was in danger.

Su Yu laughed, he knew who the Marquis he was talking about was.

Xiahouye, Xia Longwu's uncle, and the son of the King of Daxia.

He is a well-known figure in Nanyuan, Daxia Mansion, and even in the human race.

Xia's Trading Company was opened by him!

No one knows whether Xiahouye's real name is this. Anyway, now he is called Xiahouye. This is his own request. His father is the king of Daxia, so he can be regarded as a prince no matter what.

So a long time ago, that person was called Mr. Xiahou.

"How does this matter have anything to do with Mr. Xiahou?"

"Don't you know? It's his order!" Chen Hao said depressedly: "I heard that Xia Houye despised the universities for spending too much, so this year the funding for the Daxia government will be reduced by 30%."

"That's not all..." Chen Hao said with a bitter face: "I heard, no, it was my dad who heard that Mr. Xiahou was actually selling his quota!"

Chen Hao said with a broken face: "That person actually sells places, not places in schools, but places in 28 cities for household registration! If you take the exam in other cities, you will get a local household registration, so those who want to take the exam have to spend money to buy a household registration!"

"Buying a household registration is not enough, you have to buy a house! So in total, a house and household registration cost at least one million yuan!"

"You haven't seen that many people are selling their houses these days, and house prices have gone up like crazy. For you, now it's ten thousand to one!"


Su Yu was stunned for a moment. Is there another move

So his house can now be sold for a million

He was planning to sell it for 500,000 before!

"You said he was immoral or not, and now the whole Daxia Mansion is scolding him!"

Chen Hao was still complaining, but Su Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Master Xiahou is so interesting. Originally, everyone was running to Daxia Mansion, but he did this and drove people to the small town!"

"What's interesting? Doesn't this increase our competition?"

Chen Hao said dissatisfied: "You can settle down with one or two million. There are so many rich people in Daxia Mansion, why don't they rush here in droves!"

Su Yu smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated. Those who are truly rich and powerful have children who are not short of money or vitality liquid. They are competitive even in Daxia Mansion. Those who run to small towns are all middle-class people with one or two hundred Do you think anyone can take it out?"

"In the end, even if there are a few more people, it won't be too much."

Su Yu understood clearly, but what Chen Hao said was right. It did increase the difficulty of the assessment for Nanyuan students.

The average students in Daxia Mansion may be in the fifth or sixth level of Kaiyuan, but in Nanyuan, they are top students.

If the family really has the conditions, nine times out of ten he will come.

As a result, the assessment becomes much more difficult.

Of course, Nan Yuan will definitely make money this time. For example, those who sell houses can easily earn hundreds of thousands by selling houses now.

Su Yu could only say that Mr. Xiahou's operation... was unparalleled!

“If I were Mr. 100 million will be available soon."

Su Yu sighed, and said with some emotion: "One city is like this, 28 cities can earn hundreds of billions immediately, this happens every year, and those who bought this year are not allowed to transfer it within ten years... Then next year we can continue to harvest a wave of profits." .”

Chen Hao was dumbfounded, and after a while he said with a grimace: "Ayu, I'm here to talk to you, not to ask how you make money! What are you thinking!"

Su Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, don't worry too much. It won't be that simple. I really want to take up all Nan Yuan's places. Do you think Nan Yuan can agree? No surprise, there must be more Other policies will make up for it.”


Chen Hao still believed in Su Yu, but he was still unsure: "Will that affect me?"

"probably not."

Su Yu was not sure, but just guessed: "If I were Lord Xia, I might have some other policies, for example... Nanyuan will recruit a total of 20 people, then Nanyuan will have 15 locals and 5 outsiders. In this way , money has been made, outsiders have had opportunities, and Nanyuan people have not lost anything.”

"And these people could have passed the exam in Daxia Mansion. After coming and going, the number of people in the school may not change in the end, but they will earn tens of billions more. As for this money, it is what those parents are willing to spend. If you are capable, you can take the test yourself in Daxia Mansion, so you won’t be complained about."

Su Yu said with a smile: "In general, it is to force a group of middle-class families who did not need to spend money to spend money to solve the problem. They spent tens of billions, and Mr. Xiahou got it and spent it again. If so, that would be hundreds of billions."

Chen Hao didn't understand. Isn't it tens of billions

How did it become hundreds of billions

Su Yu did not explain to him, but comforted him: "Don't worry, the people above are not stupid, and they can really complain? The palace master is just retreating, nothing else. Aren't you afraid that the palace master will go out and cause trouble for them?"

He was sure that Lord Xiahou would not really cause big trouble in Daxia Mansion. If Lord Xiahou were really that stupid, could Xia's Trading Company monopolize the cultivation resources of the entire Daxia Mansion

Of course, those related to the Xia family are not capable at all, and other big families will not agree.

"Ayu, tell me, why did Mr. Xiahou earn so much money by doing this? Many people in Daxia Mansion now want to beat him to death!"

"His Xia's Trading Company makes a lot of money. Just buying something can cost tens of thousands."

Su Yu shook his head slightly, "No one dislikes having too much money. Maybe Mr. Xiahou likes to count money, so there's nothing you can do about it."

At this moment, no one knows that the treasury of Daxia Mansion will be empty.

Even if Wan Tian Sheng said this at the meeting, everyone thought it was false and meant to scare people.

What a joke!

Daxia Mansion is one of the most powerful mansions in the human race. It has many powerful people, a developed economy, people live and work in peace and contentment, and the frontline war is invincible. How can it run out of money

Without money, how could Xia Longwu spend so much money

Now, even if Xia Longwu himself stands up and says that Daxia Mansion has no money, I am afraid many people will laugh and say, "The Mansion Master is joking."

How is this possible!

Su Yu didn't expect it, and Chen Hao even less expected it. After being comforted by Su Yu, he felt a lot more at ease, and exhaled: "That's good, as long as it doesn't affect us. My dad also said, let's see if we should take care of the previous ones this time." The old house was sold..."

Su Yu cursed secretly, Big dog!

This guy used to have a suite in Su Yu's community, but he never sold it. If he did sell it this time, he would make a million dollars.

Su Yu touched his chin and repeated his old words: "Haozi, tell me... is it really a good deal to sell a house now?"


When Su Long bought his house, because he was a soldier, the price was very cheap, only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Now that the restricted transaction period has long passed, the price in Nanyuan was not bad before, but the value was only about 500,000.

In the blink of an doubled!

So scary!

As soon as the news came, Su Yu wanted to sell the house now and make a lot of money!

Chen Hao looked at him suspiciously and whispered: "Ayu, do you still think about this? Uncle Su will really beat you to death when he comes back. If you don't have money, ask my dad to lend you some."

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Yu said with a smile: "You can say whatever you want, if you can't sell it, even if you sell it, you have to get my dad's consent. It's a pity, this opportunity is really rare!"

Chen Hao didn't think it was a big deal. He didn't know how expensive firewood and rice were, so he didn't have much idea and he wasn't short of money.

Continuing the topic just now, Chen Hao was still a little nervous and said: "Even if it has no impact on us, on the day of the assessment, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people from Daxia Mansion. I heard that there are many geniuses in Daxia Mansion, Kaiyuan There are a lot of people at the fifth or sixth level, and there are also those at the seventh or eighth level, Ayu... Do you think they will laugh at us when the time comes?"

Su Yu didn't take it seriously, "What's the joke? If you throw them away to Nan Yuan, they may not be as good as you! We started poorly, but by the time we get to Daxia Mansion, everyone will be the same. By then, they will definitely not progress as fast as us."

He does not look down upon the people of Daxia Mansion, nor does he look down upon the people of Nanyuan City.

It's a little more difficult for people in small places to get started, but in Daxia Mansion, everyone is treated equally. As long as they are calm and willing to work hard, there are many people who can get ahead.

"Oh well!"

Chen Hao stopped talking about it and quickly asked curiously: "Ayu, what are you going to do these days? The school will be on vacation in a few days. How about we go out and play together?"

"Not interested in."

Su Yu has been busy with a lot of things these days. He is repairing the "Thunder" brother, practicing the Lei Yuan Dao, preparing to kill a critical mid-termer, reading books, and increasing his willpower. There are so many things to do, how can he have time to play? .

"You practice well and don't go anywhere! I'm just speculating. It doesn't mean that Nan Yuan will still have the same number of people as before. It's better for you to open the fifth level of Kaiyuan. This way, you can be more sure. Otherwise, it's normal for some poor students to be eliminated. minus one or two If there is a quota, you might be the one!”

Su Yu didn't use any of the 3 drops of vitality liquid given by Chen Hao's father.

However, in the past few days, he had been practicing the Lei Yuan Sword. He had consumed too much and could not recover. He also did not open the Baihui point and was unable to actively absorb vitality. This also caused Su Yu's severe deficit.

In the next two days, he planned to swallow a drop of vitality liquid to replenish himself. Chen Hao would be better off practicing here.

"Oh well."

Chen Hao looked sad and had to read a book again. He had known that he would not come to Ayu's place.

at the same time.

The main palace of Nanyuan City.

City Lord Wu Wenhai, Longwu Guard Chief Xia Bing, Liu Wenyan, Laofu Chief, Jifeng Hall Master... many high-level officials gathered here.

Wu Wenhai waited for everyone to sit down and went straight to the topic: "Everyone knows the matter. Daxia Mansion means one person per household. In other words, if a family with two children wants to take the assessment, then they have to buy two houses. The ones above 100 square meters, the ones below 100 square meters are not counted!”

The old man tugged on his beard and gasped, "Master Hou, this heart... is too dark!"

Wu Wenhai pretended not to hear anything and continued: "Also, the assessment time is very tight, so a special channel will be opened to handle it, and an additional tax of 10% will be levied!"


Now Liu Wenyan couldn't help but complain, "Is this money from Nan Yuan or Daxia Mansion?"

"Daxia Mansion and Nan Yuan are evenly divided!"

Wu Wenhai smiled and said: "It's a good thing. Anyway, Mr. Xiahou is in front. We just collect the money. It has nothing to do with us. The people in Daxia Mansion are complaining. If you are capable, don't come. It will only be good for Nan Yuan." harm."

The old governor said with a frown on his face: "I'm afraid that our quota will be usurped in the end."

"No, what the above means is that the number of people originally recruited will be roughly the same this time. The gap between the upper and lower levels will not be huge. It is possible for two people to be recruited. It will not reduce too much at once."

Wu Wenhai gave him reassurance and said: "This is actually beneficial to us. Originally, the Daxia Mansion had to make comprehensive cuts, and evenly shared it with us, there would be a quarter less quota. Now not only is there no less, but we can also If you want to make a fortune, Nanyuan is not rich, so I will take this opportunity to make some, so that I can allocate more in the future."

Everyone nodded, and Wu Wenhai saw this and said: "This matter has been settled, and it is useless for us to object. I called everyone here this time mainly to ask everyone to go back and tell the students not to be stressed or chaotic. The higher-ups consider things and won’t act haphazardly regardless of our ideas.”

"Also, Daxia Mansion will definitely be a bit chaotic recently, with people in disarray. Jifengtang and the City Guards must prepare for security and defense to prevent people from the Wanzu Sect from fishing in troubled waters. We must also be wary of them fanning the flames and guiding public opinion!"

Wu Wenhai said seriously: "Some people don't understand and spread news randomly. Once the people in Nanyuan feel that outsiders have usurped their quota and interests, it will definitely lead to some troubles. They should be vigilant about this!"

Everyone hurriedly responded. Wu Wenhai breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Also, the above meaning is to keep these guys in Nanyuan as much as possible. They are all wealthy owners. Nanyuan is not developing fast, has limited resources, and the economy is It’s not developed either, but this time it’s delivered to your door for free… No, it’s delivered to your door for a small fee!”

"If you stay, Nanyuan will be able to develop better in the future. Also, the school... there are additional ways to make money."


Wu Wenhai smiled and said: "The Marquis said that all examiners must be affiliated with a school! In other words, when those people come to Nanyuan, they must enter a secondary school. On the list of schools affiliated with, how much does a place cost... You guys Decide for yourself, don’t be too outrageous!”

Liu Wenyan took a breath, "This fat man... Ahem, Mr. Xia Hou is plucking his feathers! If he raises taxes, affiliates himself with a school, buys a house and settles in, if this family doesn't spend millions, he won't Stop it!"

Wu Wenhai also smiled bitterly and said: "That's what Mr. Xiahou has. He also said that you don't want to spend money if you like it. He doesn't force others to spend money. If you have the ability, you can pass the exam in Daxia Mansion. He doesn't wear small shoes for others. You said... who can do anything to him?"

"The Marquis's method of amassing money..." The old man tsked his tongue, and then said after a while: "I don't know if I know, the King of Daxia. If I know... I still can't beat him to death!"

"Then it's none of our business."

Wu Wenhai said without sincerity: "As long as Mr. Hou can hold on, of course, he is used to it. Just scold him. It's not the first time anyway. In the past few years, Mr. Hou secretly opened a black market and traded a large number of merit points. We hacked the wealthy households of Daxia Mansion for tens of billions, but in the end we just let it go."

As soon as these words came out, everyone had different expressions.

There is a hierarchy of merit points, and some people may not be able to buy something even if they have money.

As a result, a few years ago, a black market opened in Daxia Mansion. As long as you have money, you can buy whatever you want!

Of course, the price is ridiculously expensive.

Moreover, by trading with merit points, the original black market price for a single merit point was sold to more than 100,000 yuan. Not only that, the price of the purchased items was also twice as expensive!

Repeatedly, that is a price difference of more than ten times.

Just like this, there are still many rich people flocking to it, but in the end they are cheated. It is a good thing that Mr. Xiahou has done!

The merit points bought by wealthy households were all wasted in the end!

Xia Longwu served it personally!

Merit points are not confiscated, but they can only be traded according to normal merit points. You can't buy what you should not be able to buy. Merit points are placed on the books. Some people bought hundreds of thousands of points, and their merit levels can only be purchased. You can't spend hundreds of points of that kind of supplies even if you have money!

You can't trade with others secretly, because these people are all on Xia Longwu's list. Who dares to trade secretly... Are you not afraid that the guy who trades is taught by Wanzu

After this incident, Mr. Xiahou kept a low profile for a few years, but now he has come out to make money again!

I heard that tens of billions or even more were made that time. As for where the money went, no one knew, and no one dared to ask. Anyway, the money did not belong to anyone else. It was all spent voluntarily by some big dogs. bought.

When Wu Wenhai talked about this, Liu Wenyan and everyone fell silent. If Xia Longwu hadn't been extremely serious and iron-blooded, they would have doubted whether he was fishing to enforce the law.

Anyway, it was the big players who lost in the end, and the impact on others was limited, so not many people discussed this matter.

However, during that time, Xia Houye was scolded badly among the big households, and it was also at that time that Xia Zhutou's reputation spread.

When Xia Houye was mentioned, everyone burst into joy.

Liu Wenyan was also smiling, smiling, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I don’t know how many scapegoats this Fatty Xia has taken. I’m afraid not many people today remember the handsome young Marquis of the Xia family fifty years ago.

Half of the sky in Daxia Mansion is held up by the guy called Pig Head.

It's a pity that everyone is ignorant and follows what others say. How many people know this.

With a pig-like face and a bright heart, this is the notorious Xiahou Ye.