Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 44: You look so shameless


Clean the battlefield and search for the remaining members of the Ten Thousand Tribes Religion.

Soon, everything calmed down, and everyone in the North team returned with injuries.

in the car.

This time, Su Yu and Captain Liu were in a car. Captain Liu's left arm was stained with blood. The iron-blooded man seemed not to feel anything. He even joked with Su Yu in the car: "Your father used to brag that he could kill thousands of stones with a thousand darts, and the entire South Yuan Du is about to find out, look at me, after killing a Wanshi this time, I am not as crazy as you."

Su Yu was originally a little sad, but this captain made him want to laugh.

Captain Liu gave him a very serious feeling before, but now it was completely different.

Su Yu vaguely understood that he was recognized.

In the eyes of Captain Liu before, he was just a burden and a drag. At critical moments, people from Jifengtang might be needed to rescue him, disrupting the plan.

But today, Su Yu made great achievements in killing Wanshi.

If Su Yu hadn't interfered with the other party's moment, even if Wan Shi was still dead today, Ji Feng Hall would have suffered great losses.

Su Yu didn't feel comfortable talking about his father, so he changed the subject and said, "Captain Liu..."

"Just call me uncle!"

Captain Liu was no longer serious at this time and was quite polite. He smiled and said: "My dear, you are not a member of Jifengtang, so you are welcome!"

"Uncle Liu." Su Yu was not pretentious and said with some doubts: "There are not many people from Wanzu Sect this time, and there is also Wanshi who is in charge. If we gathered together at that time and joined forces to resist in the small courtyard, I Do you think Jifengtang won’t win the opponent so easily?”

Captain Liu nodded and affirmed: "Of course! If they guard the small courtyard and Wan Shi is in charge, as long as the people in front hold on for a while and Wan Shi attacks, our North Team will probably lose more than half this time."

"That… "

"You want to ask why they were so stupid and scattered and ran away?"

Liu Pingshan showed a scornful smile, "Because he is afraid of death! Who among all races is not afraid of death? Hold on? Holding on means that the people in front have to fight for their lives. Why should I fight for my life? When disaster strikes, we all fly. If I don't defend, I will run. , then I have hope of surviving.”

"But if I defend, then those who resist in front will die!"

Liu Pingshan said disdainfully: "The Ten Thousand Races Sect has elites and is quite powerful! But they don't have the heart to fight to the death, and they don't have the intention to die. Of course, there are a few lunatic churches who have this kind of war department, but they only invest in large-scale wars. .”

"For such a small team, don't expect them to fight tooth and nail for anyone. It's okay to fight with the wind, but as long as they feel there is a possibility of failure or death, these people will collapse in an instant!"

Liu Pingshan looked at Su Yu and said seriously: "So I said that the Ten Thousand Races Sect is just a scabies disease, that's it! No matter how strong they are, they will collapse as soon as they encounter setbacks! And the regular human army, This will never be the case! We can fight in smooth battles, and we can also fight in desperate situations!"

"War, fighting actually involves a situation!"

Liu Pingshan looked at Su Yu, and suddenly his face became solemn, "As long as this trend exists, even if the strength is not as good as the opponent's, there is still hope for a comeback! Surviving a desperate situation, fighting with less to win more, there will be this trend! You No matter how many people kill me, you can't defeat me!"

"The elite human legions, such as the Daxia Palace Longwuwei, will hardly collapse even if they fight to the last man! But some miscellaneous fish regiments have suffered losses of more than 10%, and an army of 100,000 may completely collapse!"

"On the battlefield, there are only a few who fight to the death!"

Liu Pingshan thought for a while and added: "If you have the opportunity to go to the battlefield of the heavens in the future, you will find that if two 100,000-person legions meet, a large number of casualties will occur. The biggest casualties are not the frontal battlefield, but the collapse. It was caused by the enemy's continuous pursuit."

"So, when human soldiers enter the battlefield of the heavens, the first thing they teach is not to collapse! Those on the front line are definitely veterans. Veterans of more than ten years, the most elite group, will not collapse even if more than half of them are killed or injured. That kind!"

"If the new recruits rush to the front line and suffer heavy casualties, the entire legion will be dragged down by them. Not just one or two of them will be turned around and attack the army, blowing up the legion!"

Su Yu nodded, and Liu Pingshan cleared his doubts.

He had been thinking before that the Wanzu Sect was panicking today, and that Wanshi was a bit stupid. Why did he hide and just lead his men to fight out? Maybe he really had hope of running away or even turning defeat into victory.

Now I understand, the key lies in... fear of death.

No one is not afraid of death, aren't Liu Pingshan and the others afraid

Also afraid!

The main thing is concept, persistence, belief, and the courage to fight!

"Uncle Liu, is that human legion the strongest on all battlefields?"

"Ahem..." Liu Pingshan was a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said bluntly: "I'm afraid of misleading you. If you don't go to the battlefield of the heavens, I can brag. But if you might go, I can't mislead you. .”

"On the battlefields of the heavens, the human legions are very resilient and powerful. But to say they are invincible would be to overestimate us."

"The Gods, Demons, Monsters, and even some minor races all have some elite corps!"

"They are also very good at fighting!"

Liu Pingshan said solemnly: "In the past, I encountered a thousand-man Demon Heavenly Guard on the battlefield of the heavens. At that time, I served in the Shanshan Army. The Shanshan Army had ten thousand people, and the opponent had thousands of people. Most of them were powerful. Thousands of precious stones were encountered in Fenglong Gorge, and the two sides fought head-on!"

"As a result... the Shanshan Army completely annihilated the Demonic Guards at the cost of four thousand casualties!"

Liu Pingshan said with emotion: "The opponent is really capable of fighting. At the end of the battle, I remember that only one strong man who was able to fly to the third level was still alive. At that time, there was still hope of running away, because our side also suffered heavy losses. As a result... Then The guy launched the final charge. When he died, he was facing us, not his back... "

"In that battle, the Shanshan Army was almost defeated. Finally, the general came and buried them in Fenglong Gorge himself. Except for weapons and other trophies, all the corpses were buried there without collecting them. .”

Collecting corpses is actually a huge gain.

But in that battle, although the Demonic Guards were enemies, they fought with style. The Shanshan Army finally gave up collecting the corpses and buried them instead.

Su Yu exhaled softly. It turned out that on the battlefields of the heavens, other races also had such fierce and fearless legions.

In fact, this is for sure, but the main propaganda here in Daxia Mansion is not these, but the invincibility of the human race on the battlefield.

Liu Pingshan added: "Of course, there are very few such legions. They are all elites of all races! The human race has legions that can fight, but there are also some weaker legions. It is impossible for every legion to be a strong army. We do not underestimate ourselves. Don't be overconfident on the battlefield, thinking that all races are just like this..."

"If you really think about it this way, it means that we have entered the nest of all races instead of entangled with each other on the battlefield of the heavens."

Su Yu nodded, and the two chatted while the car entered the city.

In the city, it was still calm.

Small-scale battles outside the city did not attract much attention.

But at this moment, there are some more vehicles on the street, coming from Daxia Mansion.

Someone has already arrived from Daxia Mansion.

It's not long before the assessment time, so it's time to come.

Captain Liu also saw it and said: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in the assessment. You assisted us in killing a Wanshi this time, and you also killed a Qianjun Sixth Level. In addition, a few times last time If you make a meritorious service and report them all, it won't be a big problem for you to enter the Civilization School or the War School without taking the exam."

Chen Hao would probably go crazy if he heard these words.

No need to test!

The guaranteed kind!

If Chen Hao knew about it, he would probably lament that he was the same person but had different fates.

Bai Feng originally had such a quota and gave it to Su Yu and Liu Yue. Then Su Yu himself made meritorious service to the point of being exempted from the examination. All opportunities were given to him alone!

It is common sense that the strong will always be strong and the icing on the cake will be better.

Su Yu pondered for a moment and then said: "For assisting in killing Wan Shi, can Captain Liu just give me the credit? I'm afraid I will be retaliated if word gets out. I am only Kaiyuan after all, so I am too eye-catching."

"If you don't want extra points, that's not a big problem."

Liu Pingshan smiled and said: "Some organizations can only see meritorious deeds, but the specific sources cannot be seen. The merit system is managed by the military. Except for the military, other agencies have no right to intervene. This is an agency directly under the jurisdiction of the palace master. Others It is said that there are spies in the Ten Thousand Races Sect, but unless they really infiltrate the high-level military officials, no one will be able to find out."

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to achieve merit, but he was worried that it would be too eye-catching, which was not a good thing.

A Kaiyuan assist killed Wan Shi. How did he assist

How much effort was used

If word really spreads, what will happen if Wanshi from the Wanzu sect even flies into the air to kill him

So it’s better to keep a low profile. Of course, you still have to get the merit.

On the one hand, you can upgrade your level, and on the other hand, you can exchange for some things you need for the sake of merit itself.

"This time you kill alone in the middle stage of Qianjun. You have two merit points and assist in killing Wanshi. In the early stage of Ten Thousand Stones, you usually start with 10 merit points. However, we are a leapfrog kill, so the merit points will be doubled. In addition, we destroyed a stronghold. , which also has extras… ”

Liu Pingshan didn't want to give Su Yu the impression that he was greedy for merit, so he said seriously: "So the merit reward for killing Wan Shi this time is about 25-30 points. Of course, if he takes the shot in the air, it will really be 10 points. Merit points are not fixed either.”

"You interfered with the opponent in the end and contributed a lot, but... Xiao Chen and the others... Su Yu, according to the rules, some of the dead in battle should be divided, so even if they are down, I should be able to share 5 points of merit from you."

Su Yu was slightly startled at 5 points of merit. It was not too little, but too much.

He just interfered with the opponent on the periphery, which was equivalent to killing 5 enemies in the early stage of Junjun.

"Uncle Liu..."

Liu Pingshan interrupted: "Don't be too little. Your merit reward this time is about 7 points. In addition... you understand that the spoils cannot be distributed to you. Of course, if there is any action in the future, Jifengtang will take the initiative to invite you." If you participate, you will be eligible to participate in the distribution of the spoils.”

This is also the rule.

Su Yu came here on his own this time. It was good that Jifengtang could take him with him, but he was not qualified to distribute the spoils.

If there had been, the people from Nan Yuan would have come in droves.

However, if there is a big operation in Jifengtang and there are not enough manpower, some people will be invited to participate, and then they will be eligible to participate in the distribution of spoils.

Liu Pingshan patted Su Yu's shoulder again and said with a smile: "Next time if there is some work in a small stronghold, I will let someone notify you. It is an invitation. You can participate in the distribution of the spoils. Don't compete with other brothers this time. .”

Taking the initiative to invite a Kaiyuan to participate... This is unprecedented.

In the past, we really ran into trouble. We had invited strong men above the Qianjun level to participate, but it was almost impossible to invite those below the seventh level of the Qianjun.

Su Yu couldn't say anything else. He actually felt that he had already given a lot.

7 points of merit!

In addition, he had received 3 merit points from Jifeng Hall before, and Jifeng Hall's pursuit of the Wanzu Cult provided him with 10 merit points.

Learning the Wanzu language gave him 18 points, and killing the invading Qianjun gave him 3 points. Su Yu actually gained 31 merit points.

Of course, there are still 10 points left, not counting the 7 points that are about to be obtained.

The accumulated merit is 28 points. Chen Hao's merit is considered Chen Hao's accumulated merit, not Su Yu's.

In the Kaiyuan stage, it is extremely difficult to accumulate 28 points of merit, unless one masters 28 languages of all races, which is possible.

While talking, Jifengtang arrived.

Everyone got out of the car.

Zeng Hua, the leader of Jifeng Hall, was waiting outside the door. When he saw Liu Pingshan and others getting out of the car, Zeng Hua nodded slightly and glanced at his arm, with a look of regret in his eyes.

Liu Pingshan's Qianjun Ninth Level strength is not considered weak in Ji Feng Hall.

Now that his right hand is disabled and his strength is greatly reduced, Liu Pingshan may have to retire early.

After the two bodies were transported, Zeng Hua sighed, bowed, and without saying anything else, nodded to Su Yu and motioned for Liu Pingshan to go in and talk.

And Su Yu didn't stay long and quickly left Jifeng Hall.

Nanyuan Academy.

Liu Wenyan also sighed, and soon after sighing, he cursed in a low voice: "What nonsense!"

What he sighed was that Jifengtang sacrificed two team members, and what he scolded was Su Yu's nonsense!

With such weak willpower, he dared to interfere with Wan Shi. He was seeking death!

If you are not careful, if the opponent's willpower is not weak and he directly counterattacks, Su Yu's willpower will be defeated in an instant and he will become a madman and a fool!

Fortunately, the opponent is a warrior, so willpower is not involved.

But you have to know that many people can't continue studying in civilized schools and switch to the warrior class halfway through. Many civilized school students who are in the cultivation stage may switch to another class.

With their willpower, Su Yu will definitely die if he encounters him!

Liu Wenyan could only be glad that Su Yu didn't meet such a person this time. But if it was like this once, could it be like this every time

Kaiyuan encountered thousands of stones, and the danger was still too great.

"But... it's not bad."

After he finished cursing, Liu Wenyan laughed again.

At least this guy is responsible!

At that moment, he was not so scared that he peed his pants, and even took the initiative to ask for help. This is also a kind of responsibility and responsibility.

"In the Kaiyuan stage, I assisted in killing Wan Shi. This guy is getting better and better. I'm a little reluctant to send him to a civilized school..."

The old man muttered, and then couldn't help but cursed: "What qualifications does this boy Bai Feng have to teach him... It's almost as if Wan Tian Sheng came here!"

After scolding him, he quickly comforted himself: "Okay, keep a low profile. Bai Feng has good potential. If it doesn't work, let his teacher teach him."

After muttering to himself for a while, Liu Wenyan picked up the communicator next to the table and hesitated for a while.

After a while, Liu Wenyan made a call.

Soon, the other party connected, but there was no sound.

Liu Wenyan didn't say anything. He was silent for probably tens of seconds. Liu Wenyan said, "I have a student, Su Yu, who has great potential. When I go to Wenming University, you... take care of me."

"Liu Wenyan, are you begging me?"

"I didn't ask you!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "I can't possibly beg you. You have no brains and are an idiot. I just want you to take care of one or two, and take care of outstanding students!"

The voice from the other side came again, "Please beg me and I will take care of him, otherwise... I will target him. This is the first time you have begged me in these years."

"Please fuck me!"

"In the past few decades, have you learned to curse people?"

Liu Wenyan was a little embarrassed and said angrily: "Wu Yuehua, do you want to quarrel? Do you think I, Liu Wenyan, can't find a few people in Daxia Mansion who are willing to help me?"

"I can find it, but... are you willing to look for it?" On the other side of the phone, the man said calmly: "Who else can you look for besides me? Look for your junior brother? The man named Hong recently went to the battlefield of the heavens. I don't know where else. Are you sure you want to find him if you can come back alive?"

"Huh? He went to the battlefield of the heavens?"

"Yes, I may go to a newly discovered realm. I don't know when I will be able to come back."

Liu Wenyan frowned and didn't bother to ask any more questions. He quickly said: "Stop talking nonsense, that's it! Besides, are you stupid? Who asked you to pay back my merits to me? Tell Wan Tiansheng that you ate my food." I spit it back!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "50,000 meritorious deeds, not counting the ones that have been deducted from me over the years, the total is sixty or seventy thousand! Sooner or later you will spit it back to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Is it yours? Did you pay for the 50,000 meritorious service?"

"Nonsense, pay me the debt. If it's not mine, does it belong to you?"


The other person was speechless, and after a while he said: "When did you become so shameless..."

"I've always been shameless!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "If I wanted face, I should have found a deserted place and lived in seclusion for the rest of my life. Why should I stay in Daxia Mansion when I die? If I wanted face, I wouldn't have sent you this message. , I’ve long been shameless!”


After a while, the man opposite sighed: "You are so shameless... I really want to see it, will you come back?"

"not going back!"

Liu Wenyan said in a bad tone, "What are you going to do when you go back? To be ridiculed by others? Even Wan Tiansheng doesn't want to see me go back! If I go back, he won't be able to target me all day long!"

After that, Liu Wenyan quickly said: "I'm too lazy to talk about these anymore. Just take care of it. I'm worried about being targeted. Don't worry about the rest. By the way, I'm short of money recently... Feel free to send me a few hundred drops." Give me the blood of gods and demons to use in your body, and I will pay you back when you have the money."

"Liu Wenyan... I really want to see how shameless you are! Otherwise, I will send it to you personally. I want to see if you dare to say it again in front of me!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Liu Wenyan became angry and said: "Ask someone to bring it to you. If you don't, you will be defeated! Do you think I am short of these drops of divine and demonic blood? I am not short. I don't think you need to waste it..."


Communication was hung up.

Liu Wenyan was stunned for a moment, and then he rubbed his old face vigorously. His old face turned red, how embarrassing!

I actually said such a thing, when did I become so shameless

"Hey, they were all influenced by Lao Wang!"

Liu Wenyan sighed, the old man should take the blame, he has been too influenced by him in the past few decades.