Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 57: Kind people are the cutest


Outside the examination room, order began to be restored.

But at this time, there were many more people from the City Guards taking control, and the people from the Longwu Guards also started to keep an eye on it not far away.

Zhou Tianqi and others did not have the right to be stripped of the assessment, and they did not leave at this moment, but their faces were a little ugly. They ignored Su Yu and walked aside to start communicating with others.

They are all secondary school students who have not yet graduated. Now they are in trouble and they have to find their parents to solve the problem.

Su Yu stopped talking or paying attention to others, and found a corner to stay by himself.

He was still heartbroken over the loss of 20 merit points.

For these 20 points of merit this morning, he broke through the ninth level on the spot and spent an extra drop of vitality liquid.

It was gone all of a sudden, how could he not be heartbroken

Not far away, a smile seemed to appear on Wu Lan's calm face, which quickly disappeared. Wu Lan, who had lost 10 million, seemed to be in a good mood at this time.

Su Yu's expression was too heavy!

So heavy... Zhou Tianqi looked over accidentally, his heart skipped a beat, and he even wondered if the punishment just now was reversed.

Su Yu was the guy who was fined tens of millions and the assessment ratio was three to one.

This guy's expression was too heavy. He glanced at it, and Su Yu also looked at him. His eyes... were full of anger and annoyance.

It seems to be saying, we are not done yet!

Thinking of what Su Yu said before, that straightforward threat...

Zhou Tianqi wasn't afraid of him at first, he was just a nobody from Nan Yuan.

But at this time, I don't know why I feel a little chilled. I feel that it is much more dangerous than Wu Lan's threat.

That woman Wu Lan just talked about it and might have forgotten about it when she turned around, but this guy Su Yu, even if Zhou Tianqi didn't know him well, at this moment he felt that this guy really held a grudge.

Of course he wouldn't care if ordinary students in Nanyuan held grudges.

But a student who has been accepted by the researcher in advance, a student who is considered a genius in Warrior Road, holds a grudge and enters Daxia Civilization Academy, which may really bring him a lot of trouble.

Zhou Tianqi put down the communicator and didn't look at Su Yu anymore, but he was in a state of confusion.

Today, they were tricked by Su Yu. It was just a small fight before, but now they are really enemies. I don't know if the trouble will be big in the future.

It's not just Su Yu... There are 8 people traveling with him. Apart from himself, the other 7 people are somewhat dissatisfied with him.

Although everyone agreed before teasing Su Yu, he was the leader. Now if something happens, these people are likely to pay a huge price. When they blame Su Yu, they will also blame themselves.

Zhou Tianqi has a headache!

The 8 people stopped talking and no one communicated.

Until the assessment was about to begin, someone said in a low voice: "My dad is looking for someone to help him with the relationship. My dad suggested that those who have reserved places for the re-examination can give up the opportunity this time, and other companies will pay a certain price. Next, go Daxia Mansion will conduct a re-examination, or... take part in next year's assessment."

The re-examination quota is for outstanding students who, like Su Yu, have been registered in various universities and can take the exam again.

Daxia Mansion has higher requirements for its students. Although the eight of them are good, it does not mean that everyone has such an opportunity.

The student who spoke quickly said: "My dad is contacting your family. This time it is not just one of us, but all of us. It is best for everyone to work together and get in. Director Sun currently only represents Nanyuan, not Daxia." Mansion, so we still have a chance to retake the exam in Daxia Mansion..."

Opportunity to retake the exam!

The expressions on the faces of several students were changing. Will they definitely pass the exam again

If I go to Daxia Mansion to retake the exam, will I be able to pass it reliably

Now give up the opportunity and let others pass the exam. What if they fail

Zhou Tianqi looked a little unhappy when he saw someone looking at him. Obviously, everyone's intention was very clear. Zhou Tianqi should give up the opportunity to others and go back to take the re-examination in Daxia Mansion.

Only two out of 8 students can pass, and 6 people cannot pass.

But there may not be 6 people present who have the opportunity to retake the exam.

This means that there must be people who will not be able to pass the exam this year and will take the exam next year, or... take the exam of another school and no longer go to a civilized school.

Zhou Tianqi and others remained silent, waiting for their parents to make a decision. At this moment, there was no room for them to make a decision.

When it comes to places like the Education and Strengthening Administration, it can only be solved by parents.

After a while, an examiner came out and shouted: "Candidates enter!"

It’s time for the assessment!

Everyone walked towards the examination room one after another. When Su Yu walked over, the students around him took the initiative to make way for him.

What a great guy!

The master of the ninth level of Kaiyuan, the number one in the Zhanzhu Academy, the ruthless man who almost killed nine geniuses with one blow, it's better for everyone to stay away from him.

Su Yu felt relaxed and ignored it.

People like Wu Lan were treated the same as him. Others also avoided them, but their eyes were full of sympathy. It was so miserable, and they were suddenly deceived.

Just like in the morning, there are still five examination rooms.

However, there are not many people to refer to. There are only about 200 people in the No. 3 examination room where Su Yu is at this moment.

And many acquaintances are among them, including Liu Yue, Wu Lan, and Zhou Tianqi.

Su Yu scanned around and made a rough judgment. The allocation of examination rooms is not necessarily random.

Almost all of Nan Yuan's students who are hopeful of passing the exam are here.

Most of them are outsiders, and they should be the ones with good grades.

Zhou Tianqi and his group were almost all in this examination room.

There are still five examiners, Director Sun, Researcher Huang from Daxia Civilization Academy, an elderly researcher from Jiutian Civilization Academy, Wu Wenhai, and the Thousand Commander of the Demon Suppressing Army.

The same configuration as in the morning, two of them are from civilized universities.

This also represents the ranking of Daxia Mansion’s civilized schools.

The Great Xia Civilization School is first, the Jiutian Civilization School is second, and there is another well-known Wenwen Civilization School in third place.

Director Sun had regained his composure at this moment, looked at the students below, and said: "The assessment at the Civilization Academy is different from the War Academy! There is no time limit for the assessment. If you are willing, you can take the exam for as many days as you like!"

“The first is the cultural class assessment!”

"The biggest difference from the War Academy is... no restrictions!"

"There are a total of 120 Wanzu languages taught in major secondary schools. The assessment papers are a collection of 120 Wanzu language test papers. Students can fill in the answers by themselves. 10 questions answered correctly and 8 questions will be considered as passing. If you pass one subject, you will get 10 points. If someone masters 120 subjects In Wanzu languages, if all answers are correct, the total score will be 1,200 points!"

Director Sun said loudly: "If someone can get 1,200 points, he will be admitted to a top-level school, specially recruited by the school, and will be well paid. He will be admitted to the school, and will be taught by the lowest senior researcher. He will be rewarded with ten articles of will, countless essences and blood of various types, and he will be in the air. Casting Award: Essence and Blood of Gods and Demons…”

A series of rewards came out of his mouth, and Su Yu wanted to drool.

It's a pity... It has nothing to do with me.

Don’t be ridiculous, 120 courses!

Even if you are a genius, even if you start learning at the age of 6 and master 10 languages of all ethnic groups in one year in 12 years, are you sure you will not go crazy

There are so many languages spoken by different races, and your willpower is not strong enough to even take flight. Are you sure you can bear it

So this thing... is bluffing!


Director Sun said as thick papers were handed out by the city guards.

Director Sun smiled and said: "Everyone writes as much as possible. There is no time limit. You can write as much as you can. The students in this examination room have mastered more than 6 languages. This year's candidates in Nanyuan, you are the best group. I hope There are some surprises to be seen.”

Su Yu took a deep breath, it really depends on the strength.

The more you master, the more you can take the test. The more you master, the more you can take the test. If you don’t master much, you can only be in a daze when you get the paper.

Not far away, Wu Lan looked arrogant and turned to look at Su Yu.

"Door 33!"

A low voice came from Wu Lan. Su Yu didn't bother to pay attention. 33 languages of all ethnic groups were nothing special.

I have also mastered 20 subjects, although I am a little is only 130 points, who is afraid!

But I have to say that this woman is still somewhat capable.

To be honest, learning Wanzu’s language does not only depend on talent, but also on patience and perseverance. This is not something that can be mastered at a glance. It has to be learned and consolidated over many years.

With the sound of "the assessment begins", everyone began to write.

It is much quieter than in the morning. There is no sound of turning papers. Everyone is writing seriously. They have mastered at least 6 languages. There are no scumbag students here.

Examiner's area.

Watching the student writing below, Researcher Huang scanned the circle and said: "On this level, Wu Lan surpassed Su Yu by at least 100 points. Although Zhou Tianqi and others have just been in trouble, when it comes to mastering the languages of all ethnic groups... They are all above 15 subjects, probably not lower than what Su Yu passed."

Director Sun nodded, but did not deny it. Instead, he talked about something else: "Over at Daxia Mansion, what do you think the highest score can be this year?"

"Total score?"


"More than 1,000 points!"

Researcher Huang said directly: "This year, there are several monster-level students participating in the assessment. Their willpower has reached the level of cultivation, their divine writings are completely outlined, and they have mastered many languages of all races. With bonus points for meritorious deeds, they will definitely get more than 1,000 points!"

At this time, even Director Sun sighed with emotion: "Monster! When I entered school, my total score was 420, which was pretty good among the students of that class. The gap is too big."

Researcher Huang smiled and did not answer.

He wanted to say that I got 500 points in the exam that year, but... forget it, he was afraid that this senior brother would continue to cause trouble for him later.

Although they were not in the upper class, both of them were top-notch among the middle class students.

After all, there are only a few upper-class students. If not for this, the two of them would not have such achievements now. They both entered Soaring during this period, and they were not newcomers. This represents strength and potential.

On the side, the old man from Jiutian Academy said slowly at this moment: "There are still some juniors from Wanzu who will go to your place this year... Are there any assessments?"

Researcher Huang said in a low voice: "Of course! Not everyone can enter Daxia Civilization Academy! The governor personally took people to the battlefield of the heavens to pick up those guys and conduct assessments on the spot. However, since it cost so much to send them, I'm afraid not Mediocrity!"

Spending such a huge price to send people and idiots is a waste and death.

No matter how stupid Wanzu is, they will never do this.

If they dare to send it, it means that they are all excellent people. Even if they are not the most talented group, they are still the top people of all races.

The old man sighed softly: "What Chief Wan Mansion did... It's hard to say. This year, there are evil students in Daxia Mansion, and it's probably related to them. Those little guys were studying at their own homes before. In fact, they can come to participate in the previous two years. Examination passed.”

Researcher Huang nodded, "It is indeed related to this matter. There are juniors from the Xia family, the Hu family, and the Wan family."

Xia family, Xia Longwu's Xia.

Ten thousand families, ten thousand heavenly saints!

The Hu family... the true leader of Daxia Mansion, the old Hu who was like a grandson in front of Lord Xiahou. Xia Longwu had been in charge of wars in these years. This man was in charge of people's livelihood, economy, and government affairs.

The second most important person in Daxia Mansion, besides the master of the manor, is this old Hu.

After saying that, Researcher Huang laughed in a low voice: "Not only that, but also the juniors of the Zheng family."


The old man was stunned for a moment, "You mean... Governor Zheng..."


Researcher Huang said with a smile: "I also heard, I don't know if it's true or not, that the junior in the family came to Wenming University... I don't know what he was thinking, I'm worried... there will be a big fist, and he will start a fight in the school if he disagrees. That’s when we’ll get into trouble.”

The expressions of several people were very different. The descendant of the boss of the War School came to the Civilization School. These two families were enemies.

Wan Tiansheng really dares to accept anyone!

One dares to receive, the other dares to send.

Lao Zheng was so courageous that he was not afraid of his descendants being beaten to death.

The War Institute comes to challenge the Civilization Institute every year. This is a game that has been played for hundreds of years. Every year, the Zhan Institute becomes addicted and fights many civilized divisions.

Now that his juniors are here, aren't you afraid of beating up those old guys if they have nothing to do

There are tens of thousands of people in the school!

Can you find the one who wasn't beaten

Now that the descendant of the person in charge has arrived, even Wu Wenhai on the side couldn't help but answer: "That person from the Zheng family... is... not his biological child?"


Several people looked at him strangely, Wu Wenhai, you think the same as we think, but when you say it, are you really not afraid of death

In fact, several people also have such bad thoughts. Otherwise, it is unscientific, and Lao Zheng will send people to civilized schools. It is terrible!

A few people chatted about gossip, but they were all in the Sky Realm, and the students below could not escape their eyes during the assessment.

The next moment, the commander of the demon-suppressing army jumped up and appeared in front of a student. He picked him up and threw him out.

"If you cheat, throw it out and record it. You will not be admitted to any major university for life!"

The captain's tone was cold, these people must exist every year.

He's so stupid, he's even stupider than some of the guys in the Demon Suppressing Army... Ahem!

Cheating under the noses of several Tengkong, do these guys know how strong Tengkong is, especially the civilized masters? Under the willpower, what can escape their sensing

None of the examiners took it seriously, and the student who was thrown out cried and begged for mercy, but no one paid attention.

If you dare to cheat, you will have to pay the price.

Universities, especially the military, look down upon such people the most.

Not only are major universities not accepting students, but it is also difficult to enter the military. It is documented that the military will not accept students anymore. From now on, just find a job as an ordinary person and live your life.

In the examination room, people like Su Yu were a little moved. These were not the fake students in the morning. They were really caught cheating.

An hour passed.

An hour and a half passed...

Just when the atmosphere in the examination room was tense, Wu Lan suddenly raised his hand. When the examiner signaled, Wu Lan said: "Teacher, I have finished the exam. All 33 papers have been written!"


Below, some students’ expressions changed, Gate 33!

Some people have taken seven or eight exams, but they still dare not turn in the papers and are still being checked. This woman has taken 33 exams without any exams. How confident must she be

In less than two hours, Wu Lan wrote nearly 20 test papers in one hour. This was terrifying. It showed that some of the questions in the papers did not require her to think or understand at all.

At this time, even Su Yu was a little surprised. He had just finished 18 of the 20 courses and had two more to finish.

Above, Researcher Huang said: "After you finish writing, you can take part in the next assessment. Do you want to go now?"

"No, I'll wait for them!"

Wu Lan stood up and handed in the paper, then turned to look at Su Yu, with a look of pride on his face!

I'm waiting for you!

Submitting the paper in advance is a sign of confidence. Waiting for you to take the assessment together will also let you see what a true genius is!

Below, Su Yu's mind fluctuated for a moment, then he stopped paying attention and continued to answer the question.

The students are also beginning to hand in their papers at this moment.

Some people know few languages and have finished writing a long time ago. They have been checking it before, and now they can’t wait.

After more than ten minutes, Su Yu finished writing.

He started checking the test papers!

Above, Wu Lan stood in the examiner's area, frowning slightly as Su Yu was still checking.

Director Sun and others were naturally paying attention to Su Yu. Seeing him meticulously and slowly inspecting things from beginning to end, they smiled and felt that this boy could keep his composure.

When he was young and energetic, Wu Lan handed in the paper earlier than him. He should be very anxious. Now he still has the mind to examine it slowly, so he can hold his temper.

Even people like Zhou Tianqi were greatly affected. They all finished writing and handing in their papers quickly. Su Yu felt more like he couldn't write and was still stalling for time.

At this time, Director Sun smiled and said: "Since there is still time, let's mark the papers together."

Two researchers from Daxia Civilization Academy and Jiutian Academy also had no objections. Tengkong marked the papers very quickly, and it was not difficult to finish a test paper in one minute.

Only the three of them were grading the papers. The Demon Suppressing Army Commander and Wu Wenhai did not participate. The three of them simply passed by and cross-graded the papers.

Soon, Wu Lan's paper was reviewed.

"330 questions, 328 correct answers!"

Director Sun nodded slightly and smiled. Very good, 330 points. This little girl from the Wu family is indeed quite capable.

The next moment, Director Sun turned over another paper, reviewed it, and smiled again: "Not bad, Liu Yue, Nan Yuan, answered 235 of 240 questions correctly, all passed, 240 points!"

Over there, Liu Yue showed joy on her face.

When Wu Lan came, she, the genius of Nan Yuan, was completely ignored. Now, although she is not as good as Wu Lan, she still has a score of 240. In the whole Nan Yuan, there is probably no one who can score higher than her.

"Zhou Tianqi... 200 questions, 192 correct answers, including three wrong answers... "

Director Sun turned to look at Zhou Tianqi and saw that he avoided his gaze and frowned slightly, "Not bad, but you actually lost 10 points. This is a mistake that you should not make. You will be punished for a mere trivial matter." Having such a big influence... my character is not good!"

Zhou Tianqi was wronged, but he didn't dare to say it.

Is that a small thing

It's a big deal!

He was able to persevere and pass the exam, and his error rate was not high, so he was calm enough.

"Kong Sheng, 170 questions, 148 correct answers, more than 3 wrong questions in two copies, scored 150 points..."

This is another one of the 8 who scored 150 points.

Director Sun didn't say anything else. They didn't get the full marks they deserved. That was their own responsibility. He didn't bother to say anything more.

150 points is definitely not a small amount. Soon, the papers of other candidates were read.

100 points, 90 points... or even less.

There are students who have mastered 6 courses and got 40 points in the exam. This is also true. I haven’t seen lower scores. In other examination rooms, there may be 20 or 30 points.

On Nanyuan's side, there are probably less than 50 people in this examination room.

I'm afraid there are only a few people who can actually score above 100 points.

It wasn't until several examiners reviewed more than 50 test papers that Su Yu came to the stage to hand in the papers.

Director Sun took it and scanned it, looked at Su Yu again, and then said: "200 questions, all correct, 200 points! But... what did you write at the end?"

Su Yu didn't take it seriously and said softly: "I haven't learned anything from the back. Let's try filling it up. Maybe we can score."


Several examiners were speechless!

Su Yu also filled out a lot of the later papers, but... the donkey's head is wrong and the horse's mouth is wrong!

All wrong!

This isn't a multiple-choice question. It's not that easy for this guy to get it right. Even if he gets one or two questions right by luck, he won't be able to score.

Over there, Wu Lan smiled with disdain on his face.

You idiot, you still want to be right, what are you thinking!

Su Yu turned to look at her and said softly: "My answer rate is 100% correct."


Wu Lan didn't want to pay attention to him. What's so great about it? I wrote very quickly and got all the points, which is 130 points higher than you!

On the side, Liu Yue whispered congratulations.

Both of them scored more than 200 points, and only three of them scored more than 200 points in the game.

Even if they don't take other assessments, they are guaranteed to go to a civilized school.

Several examiners looked at each other. There were still people in the field who had not completed the assessment. Director Sun said: "Then we will take them to take the next assessment, and I will leave it to you."

They are all looking at the commander of the demon-suppressing army. Anyway, you are a big boss. You may not be able to understand the next assessment, so they won't take you to play.

The captain's face turned dark and he continued to sit upright without saying a word, obviously knowing that these people were not going to play with him anymore.

Researcher Huang from the Daxia Civilization Institute moved his lips slightly when he passed by Su Yu, "If you get first place, I will reward you with the 20 points of meritorious service before. Not to mention that I didn't give you a chance, but... it seems that I can only give you Wu Lan is here!"


Su Yu's face moved slightly, is there such a good thing

So, we have to win this first place!

Otherwise, the merits I have lost in the past will be lost!

"First... 130 points away..."

Su Yu's face changed a little, and the gap was quite big. He didn't know whether he could surpass Wu Lan in the subsequent assessment, but it felt very difficult.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Su Yu's mind.

For example... If Wu Lan is stimulated with a few sentences, that fool might give up on the assessment.

"Forget it, I won't bully fools."

Su Yu gave up the idea, otherwise according to his judgment of Wu Lan, he would go up and prod her a few words now, for example... Those who come to Nanyuan to take the assessment are all rubbish. Even if they are admitted to the upper class, those geniuses in Daxia Mansion are I look down on you and think you cheated in Nanyuan...

If you keep saying this, Wu Lan might explode or run away.

"I'm still too kind."

Su Yu whispered to himself, kind people always suffer some losses, it doesn't matter, I have strength, even if I use my strength to crush you, it will be the same!

I don’t believe it, you Wu Lan also mastered two divine inscriptions, complete divine inscriptions!