Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Chapter 91: First meeting Liu Hong


On August 5th, the school officially opened.

The college and teachers have all been selected.

If there are still students who feel that they have not finished choosing at this moment... I'm sorry, that means no teacher is interested in you, just go and practice on your own!

Last night, the janitor team issued a course schedule to Su Yu.

The first class for freshmen is different from the junior high school and senior high school classes. Su Yu is going to the intermediate class.

Intermediate class at the School of Divinity.

When Su Yu arrived, many people were already in the large classroom.

The School of Divinity is the largest college in the school, with only a lot more people than the School of Will. After all, Divinity is too mysterious, and although it is fast to cultivate willpower, there is no Divination that makes people look forward to it.

There are a total of 2,000 students, and at least 1,000 people came from the School of Theology, including nearly 600 people from the intermediate class.

And these 600 people all took the first class in a large classroom.

The classroom is big and there are many people.

Su Yu was quite low-key and didn't run around when he arrived. He sat down in the corner.

Looking around, Su Yu soon saw an acquaintance, Liu Yue.

Liu Yue is also Nan Yuan's genius, with a willpower of over 20%. It's not surprising that he came to the intermediate class. The other Nan Yuan people didn't see it. They should all be in the junior class. Those people are not as good as Su Yu, and Su Yu is in Bai Feng When I first arrived at Nanyuan, my willpower level had only reached about 10%.

In addition to Liu Yue, Su Yu soon saw another unfamiliar acquaintance.

Kong Sheng!

Su Yu's memory is pretty good. One of the eight young geniuses who went to Nanyuan was from Zhou Tianqi's group.

Including Wu Lan, 3 of the 9 students were admitted.

Wu Lan and Zhou Tianqi will definitely be admitted. As expected, the last person will be Kong Sheng!

Su Yu still remembered that this guy scored 150 points in the cultural class assessment that day.

On Nan Yuan's side, it is considered to be very top-notch.

Su Yu looked at him. At this moment, Kong Sheng was also looking around, and his eyes suddenly met Su Yu's. The next moment, Kong Sheng's expression changed!

Su Yu!

What he was most afraid of was meeting Su Yu in the academy. This guy had said harsh words that day and came to the academy to torture them to death.

That guy Zhou Tianqi was afraid of death, so he ran away and directly applied for Jiutian Academy.

However, he was somewhat reluctant to give up the Daxia Civilization Institute, and finally chose to apply for the Daxia Civilization Institute.

And I chose the School of Theology!

At this moment, when he saw Su Yu, he was a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down. This is a school, why is he afraid of Su Yu!

Su Yu heard that he hired Bai Feng as his teacher, so what

There are so many teaching assistants in the school!

Could it be that Bai Feng would still come to embarrass a student like him

Kong Sheng was a little panicked at first, but now he gradually calmed down. He looked at Su Yu and quickly turned away from him.

Students arrived one after another, and the classroom gradually became excited.

People they knew and people they didn't know started chatting at this moment. Some of the ordinary dormitories were for 8 people in a room. They became more familiar with each other now, but Su Yu seemed a little lonely.

He used to live in a single room, but then he simply ran to the laboratory. Except for two acquaintances, he didn't know anyone in the huge classroom.

Liu Yue was chatting with a girl, so Su Yu naturally wouldn't look for her. Even if Liu Yue came, Su Yu wouldn't talk much, and he wasn't too familiar with her.

When I was alone, there was a slight cough from outside the door.

The students fell silent instantly, and the next moment, a young man walked in.

There was a slight smile on his face and a book in his arm.

Walking to the podium in front, the young man showed a bright smile and said, "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. I am the general director of freshmen in the School of Theology. To put it bluntly, the freshmen of this class, regardless of junior high school or senior class, It’s all under my control!”

"My name is Liu Hong!"


There was some noise in the classroom.

"Assistant Liu Hong? Assistant Liu Hong, who is ranked 14th on the assistant rankings?"

"That's right. He's so young. I didn't expect him to be our chief instructor!"

"I heard that these talented teaching assistants rarely take the place of teaching. The general instructor... used to be usually older junior researchers, right?"


The students of the Theological College are obviously not idle these days.

They knew something about the situation in the school. When they heard Liu Hong's name, most people thought of who he was.

Su Yu's face in the audience changed slightly.

Liu Hong!

He had heard of this name a long time ago, and even Liu Hong's younger brother Liu He had troubled him before. Even though he only said a few words, Su Yu still recorded it in the small ledger.

Now, the real owner is here!

This is Bai Feng's enemy. Obviously, he is also his enemy now. He has become Bai Feng's apprentice.

Liu Hong looked at everyone with a smile and allowed them to discuss. When they had finished talking, he smiled and said: "Everyone, please be quiet for a while after finishing talking!"

The audience fell silent for a moment.

"The chief guidance officer for freshmen actually has nothing to do. His main task is to be responsible for some organizational work such as daily assessments, monthly examinations, and quarterly examinations."

Liu Hong smiled and said: "Of course, there are also some miscellaneous little things, such as student promotions and so on."

"You are students in the intermediate class. If you want to enter the advanced class, you have to come to me for an assessment."

After that, Liu Hong continued: "Today is the first class of school, so it is a large class class. It mainly explains some of your next tasks and things you need to do, so that you will not be overwhelmed."

"Of course, it's also to get to know the situation of this year's students!"

Liu Hong always had a smile on his face and looked very sunny.

This is different from what Su Yu imagined!

The Liu Hong he imagined had a gloomy face, and everyone in the world owed him something, dark, deep, and sinister...

But at this moment, Liu Hong broke his fantasy.

He looks very sunny and handsome. Even some girls in the class are a little obsessed with him. He is handsome, strong and young. Girls are prone to become obsessed with such a man. If they catch Liu Hong, they don't have to work hard. .

Liu Hong didn't care about those looks. He opened the booklet in his hand and said with a smile: "Interesting, this year's intermediate class is a little different from previous years. There is actually a student with a superior rating in our class. This was not the case in previous years." , just three years ago, a student with upper and lower grades entered the intermediate class."

"Is classmate Su Yu here?"

Liu Hong looked down, and there were low discussions in the class.

Su Yu's expression changed, he stood up and said, "Teacher, I am Su Yu."

"not bad, very good!"

Liu Hong smiled broadly and nodded: "I hope you can enter the advanced class as soon as possible. The intermediate class is not suitable for you. After all, it is for upper-class evaluation... Of course, I don't mean to look down on other students in the class. I am worried that everyone will be with me." Studying together with your superiors will bring some pressure to yourself."

After saying that, Liu Hong pressed his hands and said with a smile: "Sit down, don't be nervous."

When Su Yu sat down, Liu Hong said again: "Student Su Yu, since you are in this class, you will be the monitor of the intermediate class this term! You must take on this responsibility and lead everyone to work hard together!"

Su Yu frowned slightly, raised his hand, stood up and said: "Teacher, I am not suitable. I don't know much about the school. Otherwise, let others..."

"No, it's you!"

Liu Hong said with a smile: "Student Su Yu, don't shirk your responsibilities! The greater your ability, the greater your responsibility! Being a squad leader has its benefits. You will be rewarded with 3 merit points a month. Many people want this job, but who As long as you are the best, you are the one, and you don’t have to compete with others!"

At this moment, the expressions of many people in the class changed for a while.

Some students who knew the situation and were originally preparing to compete for squad leader were a little disappointed at this moment. Some even couldn't help but said: "Teacher, don't you want to run?"

Liu Hong said with a smile: "In previous years, we definitely had to run for election, but this year we don't need to. We are in the upper class. To be honest, we are competitive even in the advanced class. To put it more ugly, this is a school, and the strong are respected. He If you are not the squad leader, it will be difficult for any of you to be the squad leader and you will not be able to convince the public."

"So be it!"

Liu Hong looked at Su Yu and said with a smile: "Student Su Yu, you must take responsibility! If you don't do well, then I will make a mistake."

There was a little more uneasiness in Su Yu's eyes. What does it mean

Are you giving me benefits

Three merit points a month would be fine if another teacher asked him to be the monitor, but when Liu Hong asked him to be the monitor, he was really uneasy.

3 points of merit is a lot!

Although Su Yu spends money lavishly now, for other students, they have to kill a Qianjun seventh level or above to get 3 points of merit!

Also available every month!

Who wouldn't want such a good thing

"Are you trying to attract hatred for me?"

Su Yu secretly speculated, but felt that it was unnecessary. Is it necessary to attract hatred for himself

To put it bluntly, what impact can the students in the intermediate class have on Su Yu

Liu Hong's smile became brighter and he continued: "That's it for the squad leader. It's very simple this time and saves everyone a lot of time! As for the specific responsibilities of the squad leader, Mr. Su can go to the School of Theology to teach after class is over. Please ask the head teacher of the intermediate class for advice."

"Next, I'll talk about everyone's course schedule, as well as some of the school's codes and rules..."


Liu Hong ignored Su Yu and introduced the situation to the students seriously.

Everyone thinks that Teacher Liu Hong is very kind, loves to laugh, and talks well!

Only Su Yu has always been a little uneasy.

The chief instructor made himself the class monitor as soon as he arrived. Didn't he know that he was apprenticed to Bai Feng

No way

The two-hour class ended quickly.

Some students were reluctant to leave and seemed to want Liu Hong to speak more.

There were several more students beside Su Yu at this moment. One of the students laughed and said, "Monitor, please take care of me more in the future. Congratulations, monitor!"

"Superior, amazing!"

"Squad leader, let me meet you. My name is Liu Wu. Please give me your advice in the future!"


Some students came up to build a relationship. They were high-ranking, very powerful ones, and they were also monitors, so condoms were almost nothing.

Su Yu managed to cope with it for a while, but was still a little uneasy.

After leaving the classroom, Su Yu walked to the teaching office. He was confused now and had no idea what he, the monitor, needed to do.

Behind him, someone suddenly whispered: "Su Yu, congratulations!"

Su Yu turned around and saw Liu Yue. He nodded slightly and smiled reluctantly: "There is nothing to congratulate. I will go to the coaching office first and chat later."

"Okay, go and do your work!"

Liu Yue smiled, turned and left without saying anything else.

Su Yu took a deep breath and walked towards the coaching office.

Intermediate class head coach's office.

This is when Su Yu was in the intermediate class and was mainly responsible for their coaching.

He is not a researcher, but a veteran student at the peak of his cultivation.

The old man is quite old, probably no younger than Liu Wenyan. There is a nameplate of the old man on the table - Wang Ming.

When Su Yu knocked on the door and entered, he explained the situation.

Wang Ming looked through Su Yu's student information, looked up at Su Yu, and said softly: "Students of Assistant Bai Feng?"


"Assistant Liu Hong asked you to be the monitor?"


"Excellent, I haven't entered into cultivating my nature yet..."


Su Yu answered one by one, and the old man frowned slightly, and after a while, he said: "Intermediate class monitor, you will be rewarded with 3 merit points a month, do you know?"

"Teacher Liu said it."

"You get what you pay for, the rules of the school!"

The old man said vaguely: "There is no free lunch in the world. You have to pay for whatever you get. If you don't pay... how can I give you merit points for nothing!"

Su Yu was shocked.

"Teacher... what are the responsibilities of a monitor?"

"not much… "

The old man looked at Su Yu and said softly: "First, come to the teaching area early every day and be responsible for counting the number of students. Those who did not come or asked for leave need to report to me!"

"Second, go back to the dormitory late every day and arrange for students to clean up. You can only leave after cleaning."

"Third, some usual course arrangements and coaching communication require you to communicate with the students and act as a bridge. For example, if a coach asks for leave today, you need to inform the students and communicate with other coaches to arrange to make up for this class. !”

"Fourth, you are responsible for resolving some disputes between students. Sometimes students are young and energetic and prone to disputes. As the monitor, you need to resolve these minor troubles so that teaching can continue normally."


Strictly speaking, as a squad leader, you don't have many tasks and little responsibility.

Very trivial!

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly understood!

He knew why Liu Hong made him the squad leader.

Su Yu's face turned pale and he whispered: "Teacher, so you mean, I need to come to every class?"


Seeing that he had understood, the old man said softly: "As the squad leader, you need to attend all the courses in the intermediate class! Arrive early and leave late. Of course, for many people, this is an opportunity. It is not so easy to get 3 points of merit, but still So safe, so convenient… ”

Su Yu's face turned paler and paler!

He has to go to the research institute, and he has to minor in the weaponry department. It is impossible for him to have so much time to attend every class!

Students can take elective courses, but they are not required to attend every class.

But as the squad leader, he has to be there all the time!

This would greatly delay his cultivation.

He has no time to go to the graduate school or take minor courses anymore. He can only find time to go at night, but at night... Doesn't Bai Feng not rest at night

Does Zhao Li not rest at night

Just to teach one of his students, they waited for Su Yu till night

Su Yu hurriedly said: "Teacher, if I don't come..."

"Merit points deducted!"

The old man still whispered softly, "In addition, you have not fulfilled your responsibilities. There will be some comments left, such as difficulty in shouldering heavy responsibilities, no discipline, no rules... These will also be assessed by the school! It will even affect your graduation. Some institutions will not recruit such irresponsible people, even if they are very strong!"

"Teacher..." Su Yu said hurriedly: "Then can I not be the monitor?"

The old man looked at him deeply and said softly: "In the first class, I called you to be the monitor. You didn't refuse in class..."

"I refused!"

Su Yu was a little unwilling and refused, but Liu Hong ignored him!

"It's too late to say this now."

The old man sighed softly: "This is actually a good thing and an opportunity. For many people, such an opportunity is rare! You know 3 points of merit. For a top-notch genius, a monthly subsidy is only 3 points of merit, up or down." Wait, there will only be 1 subsidy!"

"Ordinary students don't have their own professional teachers. They actually have a lot of free time every day. They are not busy at all. They wish they could be more busy and have more good relationships with some coaches, maybe they can get some benefits."

"So you should know that many people in the class are eager to get this opportunity. Now Assistant Professor Liu has given the opportunity to you... you... at least on the surface, you should thank him!"

The old man didn't speak too thoroughly, but his tone was extremely meaningful.

This is a good thing. You didn't refuse it at the time, and if you regret it now, you are not appreciating it!

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see the meaning.

But... who will say anything more

Even Bai Feng, he had nothing to say. Letting your student be the monitor does not cost his life. No one else would even think of it. Are you qualified to cause trouble

Su Yu gritted his teeth!

He was fooled!

Got cheated!

Sure enough, none of these people were easy to mess with. Liu Hong easily put a yoke on him. He didn't understand at all before, so he was fooled.

If you leave such a comment on the file, you will be overwhelmed and irresponsible...

Such comments will affect him for the rest of his life.

For example, if you enter the military, after seeing such comments, the military will not give him a heavy responsibility even if they keep him.

With a few simple words, Su Yu might have to pay ten times or a hundred times the price to settle all this.

"Liu Hong!"

Su Yu secretly hated it!

Liu Hong!

Much more difficult to deal with than his younger brother Liu He!

I remember!

You soared to the seventh level and actually set a trap for one of my new students. Are you still a human being

What a beast!

"It's okay, calm down! I won't stay in the intermediate class for too long. I will go to the advanced class soon. Since the deal is done, I will endure it!"

"I will leave the intermediate class in three months at most!"

"Getting angry now and looking for Liu Hong will not help. It will only make him proud and satisfied. You bastard, I will remember you!"

Su Yu cursed over and over again in his heart!

What a beast!

You are soaring to the seventh level and you are actually making things difficult for me, a small person. Are you still a human being

But this is a dumb loss. If you eat it, you will eat it in vain. You can't tell the pain.

Do I want to tell others that I am very busy and have no time to be the squad leader, and I don’t care about those three points of merit...

Although it is true, if you say this, it will only attract a lot of scolding!

Su Yu suppressed the anger in his heart and forced a smile. This coach Wang Ming should not be in the same group as Liu Hong. Of course, he was definitely not from the polytheistic literature department.

"Teacher, please ask, does Assistant Professor Liu Hong have any students?"

Wang Ming looked at him meaningfully, smiled and said: "Yes, not only yes, there are two more! One is an old student and the other is a new student. They are both in the advanced class, and the old student among them was also in the advanced class before. I challenged the top 100 students, and of course I failed, but I feel like I’m getting faster.”

"And the new student is also an upper-class student. I heard that he is about to break through the critical level. He is also an almost monster-level student. He is very powerful!"

Su Yu took a breath and asked again: "Teacher, what are they called?"

"The old student's name is Yang Sha, and the new student's name is Lin Yao!"

Su Yu asked again: "Teacher, does the school have anything... that is... that kind of... mechanism where the intermediate class challenges the advanced class students, and there is no responsibility for those who are crippled or killed?"


Wang Ming sat up straight!

Yo ho!

We encountered a lot of trouble!

He sympathized with Su Yu before, but now... he felt that he should change his attitude.

The student who was valued by Bai Feng and accepted in advance was the only high-ranking student in Nanyuan for many years. How could he really be a waste

I heard that he is still a student of Liu Wenyan... Ha, Liu Wenyan!

An old classmate from fifty years ago!

A glorious leader!

Now it seems that I can watch more dramas!

Wang Ming became interested and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, it really does happen! The top three students in the intermediate class in the monthly exam are qualified to challenge the students in the advanced class. If they win, they can enter the advanced class even if they have not developed their character!"

"This is also prepared for some talented students, giving them the opportunity to enter the advanced class in advance!"

"If you win the challenge, you will enter the advanced class. If you lose, you will stay in the intermediate class."

Su Yu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Is it a challenge by force, or is it a competition?"

"You can choose force, you can choose alchemy, talisman making... Of course, this is the School of Theology, and the main competition is force!"

"Teacher, what is Yang Sha's physical state?"

"Yang Sha is at the seventh level of Qianjun, and Lin Yao is at the ninth level of Kaiyuan."

Su Yu understood and asked again: "Then if I challenge Lin Yao, will he agree?"

"This... it depends on the students' voluntariness! They are among the top ten in the monthly exam. If you challenge them, they have no right to refuse! As for the others, they are qualified to refuse. Lin Yao is in the upper class, so there is little hope of being among the bottom in the exam."

Su Yu nodded and said no more.

Don’t accept it…how could you not accept it!

The two families are at odds with each other. As Liu Hong's student, if he doesn't accept it, then he is not a top student!

"Okay, let's see!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth. There are still 25 days left for the monthly exam. On the 1st of next month, I will make Lin Yao walk around without food!

If I don't show off my power, you really think I'm a soft persimmon.

I can't deal with Liu Hong, I can't deal with Liu He, I can't kill Yang Sha, and I still can't defeat you, Lin Yao!

"Xia Huyou said that you should be ruthless when you enter the academy... I didn't pay attention at first, but now it seems that if you are not ruthless, others will think you are a villain. Chen Qi is looking for trouble, Liu Hong is plotting against me, and Liu He is looking for trouble..."

Su Yu took a deep breath, feeling a little angry.

"In that case, don't blame me for fighting back against you!"

In 26 days, if I can’t kill you, Lin Yao, I’m a coward!

Su Yu turned around and left.

Wang Ming watched him leave and smiled, looking forward to it. It was interesting. After the first monthly exam for this new student, he might be in for a good show.

"Su Yu... Lin Yao..."

"Bai Feng...Liu Hong..."

Wang Ming laughed. He had been coaching for too many years and it was too boring. Let’s watch the young people compete.