Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 102: Monthly exam, cultivate character


Theological College.

Intermediate class.

Su Yu was late. This was the first time he was late since he became the class monitor.

Today is the monthly exam!

On such an important day, Su Yu was late.

The moment Su Yu was seen, the huge classroom fell silent!

"Squad leader...what's wrong with you?"

When they saw Su Yu's pale face, lifeless eyes, and an expression of being possessed... some students seemed to have thought of something!

The next moment, someone shouted angrily: "It's still Lin Yao!"

"This is too much!"

"The monitor must have overtrained in order not to bring shame to the intermediate class, and damaged his sea of will!"

"Damn Lin Yao!"

"Captain, are you okay?"

"… "

Many people got down from their seats and walked towards Su Yu. Some were angry, while others felt sorry for Su Yu.

Why bother working so hard

Liu Yue also came forward, feeling somewhat helpless and distressed, and said, "Su Yu, even if you lose, it's nothing. You'll have another chance in the future after losing the blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull. Why torture yourself like this!"


Liu Wu, who had a good relationship with Su Yu, was also a little annoyed and said, "Squad leader, if you do this, something bad will happen!"

Su Yu's mind was still a little confused, but at this moment, he gradually came to his senses and felt a little amused.

Who said I tortured myself for Lin Yao

I am crazy!

I didn't take Lin Yao seriously at all. It was just that my willpower was over-consumed in capturing the divine text.

The divine word "kill" is really too powerful!

It was much more powerful than his previous two divine symbols. He fought all night until dawn. If it weren't for his strong willpower, he probably wouldn't have been able to subdue the "Kill" divine symbol last night and wouldn't have been able to hold on until morning.

"It's fine… "

Su Yu forced a smile and said, "It's really nothing, it's just that my willpower has been depleted a bit, it will be fine soon, it has nothing to do with Lin Yao!"

Su Yu raised his voice a little, and said, "Everyone, please stop talking about Lin Yao. Lin Yao... is, after all,... ahem... my student. Please don't make him unhappy because of me."

"… "

Everyone reacted in their hearts!

Yes, Lin Yao is Liu Hong’s student!

Genius teaching assistant!

Would I offend Liu Hong if I kept scolding Lin Yao

Originally, Liu Hong left a good impression on them, but they only saw him once a month. After not seeing Liu Hong for some time, everyone almost forgot about him.

Only now did I remember that Liu Hong was their chief instructor!

Even though Su Yu said this, some people still cursed, "What are you afraid of! He's disgusting anyway, so if I offend him, I'm offended. What's there to be afraid of?"

"That's right, class monitor. Your teacher is also a genius teaching assistant, and his ranking is higher than his... Isn't that bullying? We all know that the single-god literature department in the university has always bullied the multi-god literature department..."

Most of the students in the intermediate class have not found a master.

At this moment, they do not have too many traces of factions.

At least there is no one to take the initiative to guide them or influence them.

Unlike the advanced classes, most of them have teachers, and the teachers may be from the same department as Shenwen. As a result, in the intermediate classes, the traces of factions are very faint, but they are much heavier in the advanced classes.

Everyone was talking at once, and the next moment, a light cough was heard outside the door!

Wang Ming!

Head teacher of the intermediate class at Shenwen College.

There was a person standing next to Wang Ming at this moment, and that was Liu Hong that everyone had just talked about.

Liu Hong glanced at Su Yu, slightly surprised.

This kid, even if he had read the Text of Will last night, he shouldn't have looked like this. Could it be that the Text of Will of the Mountain and Sea Realm put too much pressure on him

This kid was looking too deeply, so he didn't notice

He looked like he was overexerted, and if you didn't know him you would wonder what he did last night.

As soon as they arrived, the class fell silent.

Su Yu also returned to his seat.

There are nearly 600 students in the class, and every student must take the monthly exam.

Wang Ming walked to the front desk and said, "Today's monthly exam is conducted by me and Assistant Teacher Liu Hong. This is also the first monthly exam for freshmen. I hope everyone can perform to their best!"

"Everyone knows the rules that should be explained!"

"The top ten in the monthly exam will receive rewards, and the bottom ten will receive punishment..."

"The exam is divided into three parts: cultural subjects, willpower, and divine writings."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he looked at Liu Hong and said, "Assistant Liu, do you want to say a few words?"

Liu Hong smiled, looked at everyone, and said slowly: "Everyone just needs to perform normally. The first test won't be too difficult, so don't be nervous. I would also like to add that the top three in the monthly test are eligible to challenge the advanced class students. If you win, you can enter the advanced class to study, regardless of whether you have achieved character cultivation."

"You can challenge or give up! You can challenge anyone from the top ten in the senior class monthly exam. You are not allowed to refuse. Others... have the right to refuse!"

After these words came out, many people looked at Su Yu.

Suddenly someone asked, "So if you can't get into the top ten, you can't challenge?"


Liu Hong smiled and said, "This is also the school's way of protecting weaker students and giving them better opportunities and space for growth..."

Everyone looked at Su Yu again!

Someone said directly: "Class monitor, you are not in good condition today. I am afraid you will not be able to get into the top three. Then we... will not be polite!"

These people saw that Su Yu was not in good condition, might even be injured, and there was something wrong with his willpower.

At this moment, everyone suddenly wanted to exclude Su Yu from the top three!

That way, the squad leader wouldn't have to challenge that guy.

Su Yu felt helpless. Are you being kind, or are you trying to trick me

The first 10 points of merit!

Besides, if I don’t make it into the top three, I’m doomed. Those two have a full 1,300 merit points waiting for me.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Everyone, just do your best. Don't let me make you think too much. Just take as many points as you can. In the academy, the test results will be recorded. I know that some classmates said that I can be in the top three without taking the test..."

Su Yu said sternly: "Don't do this! Don't let me ruin your future! Just do what you have to do, otherwise... I really don't have the face to stay in the intermediate class anymore!"

"If I can't get into the top three, that's my own problem. If I do, that's the best. If I don't... I'll just continue next month!"

Su Yu smiled and said, "So you guys must not let me off. Really, letting me off is the biggest disrespect to me! I am a genius after all, right? I am the only top-notch one in our class. If I can't get into the top three, I still have to rely on everyone to let me... I might as well just drop out of school. It's too embarrassing. I have to save my face too!"

Su Yu said this jokingly. When everyone heard it, some students who were originally ready to give up the exam couldn't help but become serious.

Yes, doing well in the exam is the greatest respect for the class monitor!

Su Yu added: "And everyone must do well in the exam. I am the class monitor. If the students in my class do not do well in the exam... then I will not fulfill my duties as the class monitor, and I will deduct merit points..."

Su Yu said with a smile: "Assistant Liu is right here. If his merits are deducted, you will have to compensate me!"

"Who says the monitor doesn't do his job?"

Liu Wu said loudly: "The monitor is the first one to arrive in the classroom and the last one to leave every day. If anyone wants to deduct the monitor's merits, ask our class of more than 600 people whether they agree to it!"

"that is!"

"… "

On the stage, Liu Hong still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't hear anything.

Little guy, you are trying to do the same to me.

A bit too tender!

When they had almost finished talking, Liu Hong coughed lightly to interrupt them and said with a smile: "We have said everything that needs to be said, and we will take the test! The morning exams are for cultural subjects, and the monthly exams are for the degree of progress, so... those languages that were mastered in the past and were tested in the advanced exams will not be tested, it's meaningless!"

"It's mainly to test your progress this month, so the cultural course assessment will test the corresponding language courses you signed up for, the basic divine language courses..."

"The rules are similar to the advanced assessment. Each course is worth 10 points. The full score is not decided by me, but by you! The courses you have signed up for this month and the number of courses you have signed up for will determine the full score!"

Liu Hong smiled calmly and said, "This is an academy. We teach students in accordance with their aptitude. You will get the points that match your ability. No one will stop you from signing up for a course. For the exam, your full score is 10. You can't blame anyone if you do poorly on the exam!"

Then he looked at Su Yu and said, "Student Su Yu, you have signed up for 15 courses this month. Be careful about the selection and the test time. Don't score a full 150 points and only get 20 or 30 points. That would be embarrassing!"

He added: "I see that you are not in good condition. If you don't want to take the exam, you can give up!"

Su Yu raised his head, his face pale, but he still smiled and said, "Teacher, I will do my best!"

When Liu Hong saw him smiling... he paused for a moment.

Little bastard!

What to learn from me!

You talked to me with a smile, and I felt a little awkward.

"That's good. Take the exam well and don't cheat. If you think you can cheat under my nose... you can try!"

The test papers were distributed quickly.

Different test papers will be issued according to the courses the students have registered for.

In civilized institutions, there are no unified examination papers.

How many points you can get depends entirely on yourself.

There is a lower limit, but no upper limit, because this is an unfair era and the gap between geniuses and mediocrity is huge.

Some people in the class sign up for fewer courses, maybe only two or three.

Some people signed up for many courses, like Su Yu. He had no choice but to sign up for so many courses because he had to go to class.

Su Yu felt a little dizzy when he got the test paper.

I really consumed too much last night!

Plus, I didn’t have time to recover, and I still have a splitting headache.

But... it's okay, I'm somewhat used to it.

Whenever he had a nightmare, it would often happen again the next day. He would still go to school to attend classes. In fact, he had gotten used to it.

It's just that Su Yu felt a little uncomfortable because he hadn't had such an experience for some time.

There are 15 examination papers, 12 basic language courses and 3 courses related to sacred texts.

Su Yu rubbed his temples while starting to write the test paper.

Liu Hong stared at the podium for a moment, then walked out of the classroom slowly.

In front is the examination room for the advanced class.

I am taking the exam today too!

Liu Hong walked outside the classroom and looked inside through the window. Almost all the geniuses this year were here. The Divine Literature College was the most powerful college in the university, and it was full of geniuses.

Xia Chan, Wu Lan, Zheng Yunhui, Xia Huyou, Lin Yao, Wan Mingze from the Wan family, Zhao Shiqi from the Zhao family, Hu Qiusheng from the Hu family, and Hu Zongqi whom Su Yu met on the way...

A lot of people!

Of course, Liu Hong was not looking at them, but at a few other people.

Strange student!

Several elders who originally had no intention of accepting disciples this year suddenly secretly accepted a few students. When the news came out, it shocked the entire high-level circle!

Those students are all very mysterious.

I heard that they were all talented and secret treasures of each family, who had been hidden in the past. Unexpectedly, because of the establishment of the Ten Thousand Races Academy this year, these people came out.

At this moment, some of the students were sleeping on the table.

Some of them were looking up at the ceiling in a daze!

Is there anyone... eating melon seeds

Liu Hong frowned and muttered in his heart, "The geniuses that each family has kept in their treasury... How come I didn't know about the existence of these people?"

"Could it be that there were geniuses like this in previous years, but they never appeared in Daxia Mansion?"

"These guys...something seems a little off!"


He’s not arrogant, nor overbearing, but he always looks… indifferent to everyone he meets!

Even when he saw Liu Hong, he just nodded politely without any extra movements.

"The situation is so turbulent, all kinds of people are running out!"

Liu Hong stared at those people for a while again, and it seemed that someone felt his gaze. One of the chubby little boys turned his head to look out the window, saw Liu Hong, and grinned!

There were still some bread crumbs hanging on his teeth, as he was just eating.

Liu Hong said nothing and slowly retreated.

As soon as he left, a few cynical guys in the classroom started whispering to each other.

"I quit, I want to leave, but they actually want us to take the monthly exam... We haven't taken an exam in decades, and they actually want us to take an exam!"

"It's just that it's so boring. I want to go back to sleep!"

"Stop it, I still want to go back to do research. Wan Tiansheng said that whoever dares to run away will be in trouble. This bastard..."

Several people were talking to each other, but the teacher invigilating the exam didn't notice anything.

Although I saw a few people not taking the exam seriously, I was too lazy to care. They can take the exam or not!

A few old guys were chatting and commenting, "Look, Xia Chan from the Xia family is pretty good, worthy of being called a demon. But I don't know why she became Zhou Mingren's teacher. Is Fatty Xia having an affair with Zhou Mingren?"

"Who knows? Xia Chan and Fatty Xia don't look alike at all. But Xia Huyou looks a bit like Fatty Xia. I even suspected that Fatty Xia was pretending. Luckily, I just saw Fatty Xia two days ago..."

"Xia Huyou is the mansion master's biological son. Don't make a fuss. It's not a big deal that the nephew looks like Fatty Xia. If you dare to say this in front of the mansion master, be careful that he will chop you to death!"

"Ahem, stop talking nonsense, all of you shut up! Xia Huyou, this kid, has never liked practicing martial arts since he was a kid. He likes to study hard. He has been with Fatty Xia for seven or eight years. It's normal for him to be like this!"

“Not to mention the Xia family, none of them are good. Wan Mingze… doesn’t look like Wan Tiansheng. When Wan Tiansheng was young, he was domineering and unparalleled. Why does this kid feel a little creepy?”

"He is not Wan Tiansheng's biological grandson, but the grandson of Wan Tiansheng's brother. How normal!"

"Yes, the Hu family has an interesting guy named Hu Qiusheng. He is much better than Hu Wensheng..."

Several elderly people commented on it.

Finally, we talked about Wu Lan. As soon as we talked about other things, someone transmitted a message: "This little girl actually has good talent, but she's a little... silly and arrogant! She looks at everyone with her nose squinting. If I wasn't afraid of her aunt, I would have slapped her away long ago. The last time she looked at me, her nose almost went up to the sky!"

"Hehe, you are so old, why are you still arguing with her!" Someone laughed and said, "She looks at everyone like that. She will get better as she experiences more. She is not a bad person, but a little silly."

Several people laughed, but they remained calm on the surface. Those who needed to sleep slept, and those who needed to eat ate.

After chatting for a while, they talked about Su Yu.

"What do you think of Bai Feng's disciple?"

"I haven't seen it, I don't know what it is."

"Challenging Lin Yao, do you think there's a chance?"

"Lin Yao... Lin Yao may not win. Bai Feng is not stupid. He is shrewd and ruthless. If there was really no hope, he would have intervened long ago. He is now ignoring everything. He probably has the confidence to do so."

Then someone else said, "Let's not talk about these students, let's talk about Liu Hong. Not only did this guy suddenly become the freshman instructor, but he also went to a secret realm recently and broke through to the eighth level of the soaring realm. Now he's not in seclusion anymore, but is hanging around the academy all day long. What is this guy trying to do?"

"Who knows, this guy... I can tell at first glance that he's not a good person! He was peeking from behind just now, staring at us. I suspect what he's suspecting. Let me tell you, whoever is discovered by him... Haha, it's you who are embarrassed, not me! Whoever is discovered, when he thinks of the elders pretending to be young, pretending to be grandsons or granddaughters... Haha, you can just go and die!"

"How about we quietly hit him with a club, so that he can be injured and go into seclusion, so that he won't be watching us all day long!"

"Get lost, you go do this kind of thing, I won't do it!"

They were chatting, and soon, someone said with a smile: "Su Yu and Lin Yao's challenge was initiated by the Xia family kid. Fatty Xia is a piece of shit. He's always thinking about deducting our salary. How about... we bet on it?"

"Open? How do you open?"

"If you bet on Su Yu to win, the odds are 1.5 to 1, and if you bet on Lin Yao to win, the odds are 1.1 to 1. The odds are quite high right now. I heard that those who bet on Lin Yao to win have at least a thousand merit points, and that hasn't even started yet."

"so much?"

"We bet on Su Yu? It would be better if we get an upset. Only then can we make some money. The Xia family is rich and can afford the loss!"

Just when several elders were preparing to suppress Su Yu, someone said quietly, "Why suppress Su Yu? We want to take everything! When the plate is big, we will take it all. If it is an illegal transaction, we will sweep it all! Who else can we suppress? Who are we? Elders! Shanhaijing! Still playing the game of choosing one from two with a child? We... take everything!"

"… "

At this moment, several ministers fell silent instantly.

They all looked at the elder who spoke!

You are cruel!

I give in. Everyone was planning to suppress someone for fun, but you just wanted to take him down directly. You are not a human being!

Unexpectedly, this person added: "After that, we will arrest Xia Huyou and fine him, and let the Xia family pay to redeem him. Hehe... It's not enough to take everything, we have to make Fatty Xia bleed more!"

"Will Fatty Xia give it to me?"

"He's stubborn. Will he spend money to redeem the person? I don't think he will care at all!"

"What are you thinking!" The elder who suggested taking all the advice said grimly, "Of course Fatty Xia won't care. He is the son of the mansion owner after all. Who dares to do anything to Xia Huoyou? We can't do anything to him, but... that's something the elder can't do. Who are we? We are students!"

The elder said with a smile: "We are students, and we are all cultivating our character... Don't be afraid, beat Xia Huyou up every other day, and beat Xia Chan up the next day. Fatty Xia doesn't pay, and beat them up every day!"

"… "

Several ministers looked at him with disdain, shameless!

You really think of yourself as a student!

Are you ashamed

But don’t say it, everyone should take revenge when they have a grudge, and complain when they have a grudge!

The descendants of Fatty Xia, the descendants of Old Hu, the descendants of Old Zheng... they can all be beaten!

Of course it is not easy for the elders to take action, but it is no problem for the students.

The elders were planning to do something bad.

Su Yu was taking the test in a daze. Many students had already finished writing, but Su Yu barely finished the test paper until the bell rang.

Liu Hong has returned.

At this moment, a lot of test papers had been reviewed. When Su Yu finished, he reached out and grabbed them in his hand. He glanced at them and said, "120 points, so-so. Some subjects were not done well. They were obviously correct, but they were written wrong!"

Su Yu said nothing. As he wrote, he became a little confused.

"In cultural subjects, you ranked third, and the first place was Wang Yun, with 140 points.

The second place is Qian Hong, with 130 points, and you and Hu Ming are tied for third, with 120 points..."

Liu Hong has a good memory and directly reported the rankings of the students.

Su Yu takes a lot of classes, and some people take quite a lot of classes.

I was also a little stimulated by Su Yu. Su Yu, as the class monitor, taught all the courses, and some students also signed up for as many courses as they could.

Su Yu didn't say anything. With 120 points, he barely maintained his third place.

This isn’t over yet!

"The willpower and divine writing will be tested in the afternoon!"

Liu Hong said calmly: "Just like the advanced assessment, the assessment within the scope of the Civilization Aspirations is very simple. The current score minus the score of the advanced assessment is your monthly score! The academy values your ability to improve, not letting you lie on your merits and wait for death. Some people may even get negative scores!"

Negative points!

It was obviously Su Yu who was talking about!

He scored 270 points in this part of the advanced test and walked 27 meters.

If this time is not as good as before, then he will get negative points!

Civilized schools do this so that students can continue to improve rather than regress.

Su Yu was speechless and too lazy to say anything.

If he goes back and takes a rest at noon, he will recover. He really thought he was useless!

I just won’t let you be proud!

In the afternoon, I must get a high score, which will make you mad!

After the morning assessment, Su Yu was not in good condition. He did not join the other students in making noise and went back to rest early.

After going back to sleep, Su Yu went to the filtration room to practice again after waking up, and suddenly found... something was different!

In the filter chamber.

Su Yu blinked, somewhat unsure and somewhat curious, wondering... had he made a breakthrough

He's really not sure!

Before this, he actually knew that his willpower existed, and he could even feel the existence of the sea of will, but today, he discovered something different.

If he could only sense it before, now... he seemed to be able to see it!

If you have some idealism before cultivating your nature, it all depends on your own fantasy.

Today, he seemed to have truly seen the existence of his own willpower!

Su Yu stared at his clothes, and gradually, some changes appeared in the clothes, as if they were pierced by a needle, no... they were really pierced!

With a "pop", a hole appeared on the clothes!

In Su Yu's eyes, he could see a somewhat transparent needle piercing through his clothes.

Others may not be able to see it, or only after cultivating their nature can they feel it. Su Yu also felt it and discovered it at this moment, because this needle was condensed by his own willpower.

"Really cultivated your character?"

Su Yu had a dazed look on his face. Wasn't it said that there was a small threshold to achieving the state of cultivating one's nature

How come I don’t feel anything

Is this how you cultivate your character

How strange!

After blinking, Su Yu still didn't understand. Could it be that he had consumed too much willpower last night

Now the feedback

After all, reading the text of will written by Shanhaijing is also a confrontation of wills, not to mention that he had been struggling with the divine text for an entire night.

"Cultivate your character..."

Su Yu murmured, and the next moment, he suddenly thought of something!


Then can I use the civilian soldiers

Oh my god!

Then I feel like I will become very powerful!

"Also, after cultivating my character, I think I can officially enter the training course of the Polyshenwen lineage..."

Once he reaches the stage of cultivating his nature, he will have a lot of things to do.

Su Yu felt a little bit of anticipation, but soon, he thought of Lin Yao and Chen Qi... I have cultivated my character, will you two die in a very ugly way

"That's how I cultivate my character..."

While feeling happy, Su Yu also felt a little lost.

Where is the agreed threshold

Where are the bottlenecks we promised you

Why not!

It’s so uncomfortable. There is no threshold, no bottleneck. When I break through, I feel no sense of accomplishment!

Seeing that the time for the test was almost up, he no longer cared about the sadness. He went to the test first, and then came back to tell the teacher that he had made a breakthrough. He still felt a little uncomfortable, as there was no joy of a breakthrough at all. What a shame! He had been looking forward to it for so many days, but it was all in vain!