Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 2: Four university systems


Su Long is gone.

Walk away freely.

Su Yu felt a little empty, as his father left without giving him any time to prepare.

On the one hand, Su Yu was worried about his father's safety, and on the other hand, he was also worried about his future life.

Accustomed to his father's care and his dad's company, he was a little uncomfortable with suddenly living alone.

"Dad... before you left... you didn't wash the dishes!"

Su Yu muttered to himself, trying to make the best of a bad situation and sighed. There were some things he didn't want to think about. He couldn't help getting nervous when he thought about them. The battlefield in the heavens was extremely dangerous. He was worried that if he thought too much, he would chase after his father and drag him back home.

"A civilized institution..."

Su Yu was too lazy to wash the dishes and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Before his father left, he was still nagging him to take the entrance exam to the Civilized Academy. Su Yu had indeed thought of applying to the Civilized Academy before, but now...

"If you don't go to the battlefield of the heavens, I will apply for the civilized school, but you insist on going to the battlefield of the heavens, how can I be at ease!"

"You may not be able to come back for several years, and I have to worry about you every day?"

"How old are you? Don't you have any sense?"

Su Yu rubbed his temples, feeling a headache.

"You forced me to do this. Since you're not at home, I won't take the Civilization Academy entrance exam. I must take the War Academy entrance exam!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth, thinking how great it would be to have a civilized school, where one could decipher the cultures of all races, analyze the skills of all races, and delve into the civilizations of all races.

Any civilization researcher is a treasure who can stay safely in the rear without having to fight on the front lines.

The war academy is prepared for the front line.

Didn’t he work so hard to learn the language of all races just so he could stay safely at the rear and always be with his father

Now, his old father actually ran away on his own and ran to the dangerous battlefield of the heavens.

After being admitted to a civilized university, there is almost no chance of going to the front line.

As for the War Academy, I heard that practical classes often take place on the battlefields of the heavens.

"War Academy... the assessment requires strength!"

Su Yu was still a little worried at the moment. It was not easy to get into the War Academy. Strictly speaking, it was more difficult than the Civilization Academy, at least for him.

Civilization academies do not have high requirements for military prowess, but war academies do have requirements. After all, this is to supply strong people to the front line.

Kaiyuan, Qianjun, Wanshi... This is the cultivation system of the human race.

The human body is not naturally suitable for cultivation. The nine acupoints of Kaiyuan need to be opened in order to penetrate the human body, connect the vital energy, and formally embark on the path of cultivation.

There are nine Kaiyuan orifices, seven of which are mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and the others are Shenque and Baihui, which are the orifices on the top of the head and the navel.

Only by opening the nine orifices can one absorb vital energy, temper the body, strengthen the bones, be reborn, and officially become a warrior with powerful combat capabilities.

"I have just opened the three orifices of my mouth and nose, and the orifices of my ears have not yet moved. It is not that easy to get into the War Academy without the fourth level of Kaiyuan."

Su Yu muttered, the war academy is for training strong people, it costs a huge amount of money, and it will not waste resources on the weak.

If you want to be sure of passing the exam, it is best to open both ear acupoints and reach the fifth level of Kaiyuan to be truly sure of passing.

Of course, if the eye orifice is opened to the sixth or even seventh level, there will be almost no risk.

Anyone who has amazing talent and has opened Shenque and Baihui will be directly recruited by the War Academy.

Those who can open all nine orifices before the age of 20 can go directly to the War Academy at any time, and all universities will directly recruit them.

"I'm only at the third level of Kaiyuan..."

Su Yu sighed. The third level of Kaiyuan was not too bad. Of course, it was definitely not very good.

The Nanyuan Secondary School where he was studying had a total of 9 preparatory classes with 750 students, including hundreds of people at the third level of Kaiyuan and more than a dozen people above the third level of Kaiyuan.

According to the enrollment ratio of major war academies in Nanyuan secondary schools in previous years, it should not exceed 20 people.

In other words, the fourth level has a very high chance of success, while the third level is one in a hundred.

Besides, war academies are also divided into strong and weak ones. If you really choose an academy of the third level of Kaiyuan, its strength is not that good. In this case, it is better to go to a civilized academy.

"There are still more than three months left in the War Academy... We'll see then!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth. Since his father was unreliable, he had to be more reliable.

At such an old age, you insist on running to the battlefield of the heavens!


Late at night, Su Yu woke up again.

Covered in cold sweat.

"It's this damn dream again... Dad..."

Su Yu shouted subconsciously. In the past, when he woke up from a nightmare, his father would rush over quickly. But today, when he shouted, there was no movement outside the room.

Su Yu paused for a moment, then he remembered that his father had left in the afternoon.


Su Yu sighed, turned on the light, and glanced at the communicator. It was just past three in the morning and it was still early for dawn.

"It's been more than ten years, and there has been no peace!"

I have been having this dream for more than ten years. No one can stand it.

It's just a habit. A few years ago, Su Yu almost died of sudden death because he was afraid to fall asleep.

"What is going on?"

Su Yu leaned against the head of the bed, thinking about this question, which he had been thinking about for many years.

I also mentioned this to my father, and he was also very confused. He went to the hospital to see a doctor, who said that he was too frightened and had suffered some psychological trauma.

The key point is that Su Yu doesn't remember being frightened.

"It's always like this. At the end of the dream, I'm being chased by people, monsters, or ghosts..."

Su Yu was distressed. He had the same dream every day. It would not be accurate to say it was the same. To be precise, he was being chased in his dreams every day. However, the people chasing him were different, or some of them were not human at all.

Although the various monsters are imaginary, they are not the same creatures judging from their size.

Who did I offend

Being hunted in dreams for more than ten years is really something that only you can imagine.

At that time, my father speculated that it might be caused by the magic of the Nightmare Clan. However, this is the human realm. If it was really the Nightmare Clan casting a spell, and it lasted for more than ten years, he would have been killed by the strong people in the human realm long ago.

If someone from the Nightmare Clan really breaks into the human realm, it is only to deal with the strong. To waste more than ten years on an ordinary person means that the other party is either an idiot or a super idiot!

"It never ends. It's annoying!"

Su Yu complained that he didn't know when it would end. He was somewhat used to it now. Otherwise, he would not be able to live a stable life.

"Dad said that once you open the Nine Apertures and enter the Thousand-Force Realm, you will be immune to all diseases, invulnerable to evil spirits, and your body will be tempered with vital energy. I guess you will be fine then, right?"

At this moment, Su Yu can only hope that the nightmare will not continue after he enters the Qianjun realm.

Time passed quickly as I was thinking about something. In the blink of an eye, there was light outside the window.

It's dawn!

Su Long left, but life must go on. Today is not a holiday, and I have to go to school later.

After washing up and having some simple food, Su Yu picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the house.


A young man with a flat head had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Su Yu coming downstairs, he hurriedly shouted: "Ayu, my dad said that Uncle Su yesterday..."


Su Yu responded before he could finish.

The flat-headed man was anxious. "Uncle Su, what are you doing? You are already an adult! Going to the battlefield at this time, isn't this asking for..."

Having said this, Pingtou suddenly stopped talking.

He wanted to say that Su Long was seeking death, but he couldn't say that. Although he felt that it was the truth, he couldn't say it in front of Su Yu at this time.

"He wants to go, and I can't stop him."

Su Yu forced a smile and said, "Besides, there are millions of soldiers in the battlefield of the heavens, and there are also many invincible strong men of the human race, so it is not easy for something to go wrong."

"I know, but Uncle Su is only at the Qianjun realm!"

Pingtou was more anxious than Su Yu. "The Qianjun realm is very powerful for us, but it is the weakest in the battlefield of the universe. The soldiers of all races in the battlefield of the universe all start at the Qianjun realm."

"I know."

"Ayu, why aren't you in a hurry at all?"

Pingtou was very worried about Su Yu. If it were him, he would have burst into tears and made a fuss.

"Is it of urgent use?"

Su Yu was helpless. His father had passed away. No matter how anxious he was, it would be of no use.

The most urgent thing is not to be anxious, this guy is still so impatient.

"Go to school first and stop talking nonsense."

"go to school?"

The flat-headed man was surprised: "You still have to go to school..."

Su Yu stared at him, making the flat-headed guy feel a little embarrassed.

"Nonsense, if I don't go to school, am I going to stay at home, wiping tears every day, waiting for bad news from the front line?"

Su Yu rolled his eyes. What the hell was this guy talking about

"Let's go to school! In a few days, the school will recommend the list of candidates for examination to various universities. I will go and sign up first."

"Didn't you sign up?"

Chen Hao asked curiously, "You and I went to register together last week. Did you forget?"

"I know. Last time I applied to the Civilization School, and this time I'm going to apply to the War School."

Chen Hao was stunned. War Academy

"you… "

“Let’s go!”

Su Yu didn't give him the chance to talk nonsense anymore. He had made up his mind yesterday that he would still apply for the War Academy and see whether he could pass it or not.

Nanyuan secondary school.

Application Office.

The teacher in charge of registration checked the information and asked curiously, "Su Yu, didn't you apply for the assessment of the Civilization Academy? You have mastered 18 languages of all races, which is one of the best in Nanyuan. Even the Great Xia Civilization Academy is a sure thing. Why did you apply for the War Academy?"

Generally speaking, students who apply for the two major systems are not sure of being admitted to either of them, so they have to make preparations for both.

Su Yu was smart and willing to work hard. In the past few years, he had mastered 18 languages of all races. Even the most famous school of Daxia civilization in Daxia Prefecture would open its doors to him.

If not for this, Su Long would not have been so sure that his son would pass the exam before leaving, and would not have specially asked Su Yu to send him a letter.

Su Yu didn't explain much, and smiled and said: "Teacher, we should prepare for both situations. Can't everyone apply for the two major systems? It's good to take precautions."

"That's true, but you really don't need it. Just perform well during the assessment."

The registration teacher smiled and said, "The school has already submitted the list of top students like you. Although you still need to take the test, you are actually all on file at the higher education institutions in Daxia Prefecture. Even if you fail the unified test, they may give you a second chance."

After hearing this, Chen Hao on the side was so envious that he couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, am I included?"

The registration teacher glanced at him and said with a smile: "Yes, the Internal Affairs Academy has submitted a record for you."

Chen Hao's face fell.

Internal Affairs Academy!

The four major university systems are War, Civilization, Research, and Internal Affairs.

Housekeeping is about studying various life skills, such as auto repair, cooking, driving, administration, entertainment... etc. are all considered as the housekeeping system.

The War Academy cultivates strong men, the Civilization Academy deciphers the civilization of all races, and the Scientific Research Academy develops weapons and elixirs...

These three systems are all good, except for the Internal Affairs Academy, which these young people will only apply for when they have no choice.

The registration teacher ignored him and helped Su Yu complete the registration. He smiled and said, "You should still focus on the civilization system. It is best to master one or two languages of all races during this period. It will be helpful in the future. As for the path of cultivation, don't worry. It is enough for the civilization school to cultivate to the Qianjun realm in the future. It will be fine as long as you don't get sick."

Civilized schools do not pursue high combat power, and the teacher was also worried that Su Yu had gone astray at this time.

Su Yu smiled and nodded, not refusing. The teacher also had good intentions.

However... I have to pay more attention to my cultivation during this period of time.

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