Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 25: Kaiyuan Fifth Floor


On the way, Su Yu felt a little dizzy.

Watching the text of will, capturing the divine text, observing the original Qianjun realm skills... all consume willpower.

Especially for capturing the divine text, Su Yu actually meditated for a long time, and it was almost dark when he left the academy.

But today’s harvest is really huge!

Bai Feng opened up another world for him, allowing him to see how high the sky was outside Nanyuan, how big the world was, and how wonderful the human world was.

Divine text, willpower, the original skills of all races, cultivating nature, soaring into the sky, mountains and seas...

Too many nouns filled Su Yu's mind.

It turns out that this is what the real world of cultivation is like, and it turns out that this is what a civilized institution of learning is like.

What a weight of thousands of pounds, what a million stones, what seemed unattainable in the past, now it seems just that!

One word, one world; divine texts control the heavens.

A civilized master can also be so powerful that the heavens can tremble.

"It turns out that I am very weak, my willpower is only 10% full."

He always felt that he was talented and was somewhat proud of himself.

Teacher Liu Wenyan always wanted him to apply to Wenming Academy, giving him the illusion that if he didn't go to Wenming Academy, it would be the loss of the Academy.

But looking back on it today, it seems a little ridiculous.

"The genius from the Great Zhou Palace should be the best, so he reached the third level in half a year. Bai Feng probably wanted to shock me, but even so, the Great Xia Palace must have no shortage of students in the cultivation stage."

Cultivate your nature and accumulate to 50%.

Su Yu's full power is only one-fifth of the other party's, which is a huge gap. You have to know that he has been hunted in his dreams all these years. Su Yu actually thought that his willpower was not weak before.

As he walked, he sensed the word "blood" in his mind.

The text now seems a little dim after the previous outburst.

Obviously, the previous outburst consumed a lot of the power of the divine text.

"The divine text requires willpower to nurture..."

Su Yu thought of Bai Feng's reminder, slowly felt it, and slowly tried to nurture this word with his heart.

Back home, it was so quiet.

Su Yu sat there for a while before he felt very hungry. He hadn't eaten at noon. He went to the academy in the morning and meditated for a while until it was afternoon. When he came back, it was dark. He was so hungry that he could hardly bear it anymore.

I didn't feel like cooking, so I just made some noodles and wolfed them down, and that was my dinner.

After finishing his noodles, Su Yu quickly went into his room.

"Kai Yuan Jue, the original Qianjun bone fragment, and Yuan Qi liquid."

This is today’s harvest, and it’s a great harvest.

Su Yu's willpower was greatly consumed today, and he was not prepared to continue practicing. However, the "Kai Yuan Jue" written by Bai Feng and the drop of Yuan Qi liquid could be used for physical practice.

"After reading the Kaiyuan Jue written by Bai Feng, I feel that even without relying on essence and blood to open the atlas, I can quickly cultivate to the fifth level of Kaiyuan!"

After all, the Na Yuan Jue, which is activated by essence and blood, is not very suitable for human practice.

"If I use my blood essence to open the atlas, actively absorb the vital energy, and then use the vital energy liquid, what will be the result?"

Su Yu thought of this, and when he activated the Na Yuan Jue, he could actively absorb Yuan Qi.

Nanyuan’s vitality is actually not that abundant. What if you put yourself in a place with abundant vitality

Is cultivation faster

He still had two drops of the Iron-Winged Bird's blood essence. After practicing yesterday, he felt that he was about to reach the fifth level of Kaiyuan.

"First practice to the fifth level of Kaiyuan, and then I will practice with the Yuanqi liquid!"

Su Yu made up his mind and without any delay, he quickly swallowed a drop of iron-winged bird's blood and activated the Na Yuan Jue.

This time, when he activated the Na Yuan Jue and actively absorbed the Yuan Qi to temper his acupoints, Su Yu had a completely different feeling.

In his mind, the "Kai Yuan Jue" appeared. In the memory, Bai Feng turned into a little man, and every move of practicing "Kai Yuan Jue" was deeply rooted in his memory, which deepened Su Yu's understanding of Kai Yuan Realm.

"Na Yuan Jue is too crude, not as sophisticated as Kai Yuan Jue. Perhaps it's because of the difference in the physical bodies between the demon race and the human race."

Before, Su Yu just let the Na Yuan Jue run on its own, but today, after thinking about it, he took the initiative to draw the Yuan Qi. He didn't dare to do so before, fearing that it would cause physical damage, but now he doesn't have too many concerns.

The vital energy began to focus on the tempering of the right ear acupoint, and Su Yu's right ear began to buzz.


Waves of sounds that only he could hear spread out, the vital energy was vibrating in the acupoints of his right ear, and the fifth acupoint was about to open.

At this time, the word "blood" in his mind also trembled slightly. Su Yu quickly discovered something unusual. The "blood" brother was actually also drawing energy.

"Hmm? The divine text still needs to be tempered with vital energy?"

Su Yu was stunned for a moment. He thought that he only needed to temper his willpower, but he didn't expect that the divine text also needed to temper his vitality.

I didn't care about the word "blood" stealing my vital energy. Anyway, Su Yu's demand for vital energy was not too high at this stage.

About 20 minutes later, Su Yu heard a thunderous ringing sound in his right ear.


A loud noise came from his ears, which outsiders could not hear. Su Yu's body trembled slightly, but he was very happy!

"The fifth acupoint is opened!"

The fifth level of Kaiyuan!

He has reached the fifth level of Kaiyuan!

It has been exactly 10 days since my father went to the battlefield of the heavens.

In 10 days, he went from the third level of Kaiyuan to the fifth level of Kaiyuan, which was too fast.

Su Yu was delighted. The fifth level of Kaiyuan was not worth mentioning to others, but it was considered the top level in Nanyuan Academy. People like Bai Feng were knowledgeable and had seen students from middle-level academies who were at the ninth level of Kaiyuan, but that was Bai Feng.

If the news that Su Yu had reached the fifth level of Kaiyuan was spread, it would at least cause a small sensation at Nanyuan Secondary School.

His hearing was strengthened again, and Su Yu felt completely different.

Before, when his left ear was opened, he felt a little uncomfortable. His hearing was strong on one side and weak on the other. He often felt a sense of error, but now this feeling has disappeared.

"very nice!"

"The fifth level of Kaiyuan!"

Su Yu couldn't help but feel happy, he hadn't used the vitality liquid yet.

Today is April 19th. The examinations for higher education institutions are generally held on June 25th. The results are announced at the end of June, the places are determined in early July, and admission begins in early August.

This is the next process.

There are still more than two months before the assessment. Civilization Academy doesn't care about the level of Kaiyuan, but Su Yu himself does.

Less than a thousand jin, Kaiyuan has almost no combat power.

Su Yu, who had killed members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect, had a very high pursuit of combat power. He did not want to die miserably at the hands of those members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect. More than ten students in the academy had died before, and this was a lesson.

Even if he had the essence and blood to activate martial arts, that was only borrowed power temporarily after all. Su Yu hoped that he could possess such power.

After breaking through to the fifth level of Kaiyuan, Su Yu did not rest.

He started his previous study plan again, practicing, reading, and sleeping.

This time, the book he was reading was no longer an ordinary book, but the "Kai Yuan Jue" given to him by Bai Feng.

As for Qianjun's original bone fragment, Su Yu didn't look at it. It's not that that thing is stronger than "Kaiyuan Jue", but "Kaiyuan Jue" is more suitable for Su Yu's current state.

Read books, familiarize yourself with the entire Kaiyuan Realm, and fight with your will.

Reading at this time is really difficult.

Su Yu understood how Chen Hao and other guys felt when they read books. They wanted to put the book down and go to sleep after reading just one line.

The confrontation of willpower is the same feeling as a poor student reading a bulky document.

Su Yu watched until almost 12 o'clock in the evening. After a simple wash, he began to fall asleep and wait for the dream. He was now somewhat eager for the dream to come, because this was also a confrontation of wills.

"If one day, my willpower is strong enough to kill the monster in my dream, maybe... I will get something different!"

The atlas of all races can be opened only with essence and blood.

Su Yu often wondered, if he hadn't thought about the essence and blood, how could he open the atlas and end the dream


He had some guesses. If he killed the monster in his dream, would there be different results and different gains

This night's dream was somewhat special.

It was so special that Su Yu had never thought of it before!

That night, Su Yu was chased by a monster in his dream. Su Yu was quickly killed, but he found that in his dream, he could actually draw the divine text!

Yes, divine text!

The word "blood" appeared in my dream!

Su Yu outlined the word "blood" and in his dream, an illusory iron-winged bird swooped down to kill him. Su Yu was a little confused as to why it was the iron-winged bird that swooped down to kill him. Of course, it might have something to do with his own subconscious mind.

But no matter what, he actually mastered the use of the divine text in his dream. This was a completely different beginning.

The next day, Su Yu woke up and fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about a question: Was the divine text in the dream real or fictional

Is it the word "blood" in my head that ran into my dream, or is it the word "blood" that comes with the dream

It sounds difficult to understand, but Su Yu still wants to understand it because it is very important.

Because if the word "blood" really did run in, it would mean that his dream was not just a dream, but a special space, perhaps a space that could be used in conjunction with the divine text. This meant that the Atlas of All Races still had deeper functions that he had not discovered.

Sensing the word "blood" in his mind, Su Yu discovered that the dim font yesterday began to emit a faint glow again today.

I don’t know if it’s because I slept well or because I spent the night in a dream.

Su Yu quickly got up and washed up, and didn't study any further.

Today he is going to the academy.

Although Bai Feng said yesterday that he actually had nothing to teach today and that he could not digest too much, Su Yu still planned to go to the academy.

Nanyuan secondary school.

At the entrance of the school.

Su Yu hurried over without waiting for Chen Hao.

There are a few more people at the door today.

It was still early and most of the students had not arrived yet.

Bai Feng was wearing a white robe and had an outstanding demeanor. He stood among the crowd with a smile on his face. He stood out like a crane among chickens and attracted a lot of attention.

Beside him were the old mayor, the captain of the city guard, the head of Jifeng Hall, and Liu Wenyan.

Bai Feng was chatting with a few people. When he saw Su Yu running over, he couldn't help but smile.

"Didn't I say that I wouldn't give you lessons today? Why are you here?"

Su Yu took a breath and greeted several teachers before saying, "I'm here to see Teacher Bai off. Thank you for your guidance yesterday."

Bai Feng was leaving today. Although he didn't say it, Su Yu heard it yesterday.

After finishing the Nanyuan matter, Bai Feng naturally would not stay here for long.

Yesterday, he taught everything he should have taught. Su Yu and the others couldn't learn the rest now, so there was little point for Bai Feng to stay.

Bai Feng laughed and ignored him.

He turned to look at Liu Wenyan and said again: "Uncle Master, your will has been materialized. The door of the Civilized Academy is always open to you! Your physical body has not yet been built. If you don't want to get the blood of the flying tiger yourself, I will bring it to you later."

Liu Wenyan frowned slightly, "No need, I'm old, there's no need to consume precious blood essence, I can just use some ordinary blood essence to temper my body, the blood essence of the flying tiger..."

Liu Wenyan glanced at Su Yu from the corner of his eye, but did not say anything. He said in a low voice, "Leave it to someone who needs it in the future."

Bai Feng smiled, he understood what Liu Wenyan meant.

Since Su Yu was going to enter a civilized academy, although he didn't know how many years it would take for his will to materialize, he would still need a strong body made of blood essence by then.

The blood essence of the flying tiger is very powerful.

The essence and blood of the top fifty powerful clans!

Even if the academy has these powerful essences and blood, how many people are there in the academy

Can everyone get one


Su Yu's family background is average, and his father is a cultivator at the Qianjun realm. Where can he get the powerful blood essence for him

You can only rely on schools and teachers.

Even if Bai Feng accepted him as a student, it didn't mean that Bai Feng would prepare body-building essence and blood for him.

The Flying Tiger's blood essence belongs to Teacher Bai Feng and Junior Brother Liu Wenyan. Now it is to be given to Liu Wenyan. Liu Wenyan doesn't need it, but he can give it to Su Yu. Bai Feng's teacher probably won't refuse it.

Liu Wenyan didn't mention this matter, and Bai Feng knew it in his heart, but he didn't mention it either.

There is no need to rush to cast the body. Some things can be discussed after Su Yu enters the academy.

"Then it's up to you, Master." Bai Feng said, and then he looked at Su Yu again and said calmly, "Su Yu, your destiny and future are all up to you to change!"

“Although Nanyuan is small, it may not be without strong people!”

“Background, family background, talent, these things are just some advantages in the early stage. The road is still long, the mountains are high and the road is long. Who can make it to the end, who can laugh at the world, who can compete with all races, we will have to walk and see!”

"I'll be waiting for you at Civilized Academy. Nanyuan is too small, and the world outside is more exciting!"

“Let’s go!”

Bai Feng laughed heartily, took a step forward, and was already dozens of meters away. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Carefree and unrestrained!

On the side, several Nanyuan strong men looked on with admiration.

Bai Feng, a genius from the Civilization Academy, might soon be able to reach the top. Such a genius is rare even in the Great Xia Prefecture.

Zhang Yun, the captain of the city guards, sighed a few words, turned his head to look at Su Yu, and said with a smile: "Is this Su Long's son?"

The old man smiled and said, "It's him."

"Like father, like son! From what Researcher Bai said before he left, I can tell he has high expectations for you." Zhang Yun looked at Su Yu and said with a smile, "Work hard. Nanyuan may be small, but a small place doesn't mean it can't produce strong people!"

"I know about your father's situation. Don't worry too much. Although we have many enemies on the battlefield, we are still invincible!"

"The soldiers on the Nanyuan side will send news every once in a while. When the news from the battlefield of the universe comes back in a few days, if there is news about your father, I will have someone send you a copy."

After Zhang Yun finished speaking, Su Yu hurriedly thanked him and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

"You're welcome."

Zhang Yun smiled cheerfully, "In the end, we are all family. Your father is an upright man who is unwilling to seek personal gain, so even when he went to the battlefield of the universe, he stayed at the traffic supervision office and refused to leave."

"A few years ago, I invited your father to join the City Guards and serve as a centurion, but he was unwilling. Otherwise, if he had joined the City Guards, he would probably have been able to break through to the Wanshi level. With his bravery, the position of deputy commander of the City Guards would probably have been his."

"Although it's a pity, your father made the right choice. I admire him very much!"

Zhang Yun spoke very directly. He then said seriously, "You have a good teacher. Teacher Liu is the guardian of Nanyuan's civilization! You have a good governor. Governor Wang is not very powerful, but he has worked hard for Nanyuan Academy for the past forty years."

"Nanyuan is small, but Nanyuan is simple and honest! I have seen many geniuses from Nanyuan. They went to Daxia Mansion and even other big mansions, but in the end... they got lost along the way!"

"I hope you can be different, because you are the descendant of a soldier! Your father is not strong, but he is worth learning from. Keep your original intention, don't forget who you are, don't overestimate yourself, but don't belittle yourself, and do your best!"

Zhang Yun laughed and said, "We are from Nanyuan. We are not afraid of being weak, but we are afraid of being cowardly! Don't be cowardly. When you get out, use your strength and bravery to speak for yourself. If you really can't make it anymore and feel that there is no way out, come back. The city guards will keep a place for you!"

Su Yu thanked him again. Liu Wenyan said unhappily, "Stop talking nonsense! If you can't make it out of Nanyuan, come back... You can't afford to lose face! Besides, teaching students is our job. It's your turn to give us chicken soup?"

"… "

Zhang Yun said embarrassedly, then burst into laughter, said no more, and left quickly.

At the side, the leader of Jifeng Hall also laughed, said hello to a few people and left quickly.

Su Yu watched the conversation between the few people and couldn't help but laugh.

Just as Zhang Yun said, although Nanyuan is small, the atmosphere in Nanyuan is very good.

The teachers here are not cold, the generals here are not fierce, and the governor here... is really weak.

The old governor's beard was already sticking up with anger, as Zhang Yun was just looking down on him.