Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 43: You look so good when you are shameless


Clean up the battlefield and search for the remaining members of the Ten Thousand Clans Sect.

Soon, everything calmed down, and everyone in the North Team returned with injuries.

In the car.

This time, Su Yu and Captain Liu were in the same car. Captain Liu's left arm was covered in blood, but the iron-blooded man seemed to be unaffected. He even joked with Su Yu in the car, "Your father used to brag that he could kill Wan Shi with a thousand pounds, and the whole Nanyuan almost knew about it. Look at me, I killed a Wan Shi this time, but I'm not as arrogant as your father."

Su Yu was a little sad at first, but he felt like laughing because of the captain.

Captain Liu gave him a very serious feeling before, but now he is completely different.

Su Yu vaguely understood that he was recognized.

In Captain Liu's eyes before, he was just a burden and an encumbrance. At the critical moment, he might even need people from Jifengtang to rescue him, disrupting the deployment.

But today, Su Yu made great achievements in killing Wan Shi.

If Su Yu had not interfered with the other party for a moment, even if Wan Shi still died today, the loss on the Jifeng Hall would have been huge.

Su Yu was reluctant to talk about his father, so he changed the subject and said, "Captain Liu..."

"Just call me uncle!"

Captain Liu was no longer serious at this time. He was quite polite and said with a smile: "We are one family. You are not a member of the Jifengtang. Don't be polite!"

"Uncle Liu." Su Yu said with some doubt, "There were quite a few people from the Ten Thousand Clans Sect this time, and there was also a Wan Shi in charge. If they had gathered together and joined forces to resist in the courtyard, I don't think Jifeng Hall would have been able to defeat them so easily, right?"

Captain Liu nodded and said affirmatively: "Of course! If they hold the courtyard with Wan Shi in charge, as long as the people in front can hold out for a while, Wan Shi will suddenly attack, and our North Squad will probably lose more than half of its members this time."

"That… "

"You want to ask why they were so stupid as to scatter and run away?"

Liu Pingshan showed a sneer, "Because I'm afraid of death! Who in the Ten Thousand Races Sect doesn't fear death? Defend? Defend means that the people in front of me have to fight to the death. Why should I fight to the death? When disaster strikes, everyone flees. I don't defend, I run, so I have a hope of surviving."

"But if I defend, the people who are resisting in front will die!"

Liu Pingshan said disdainfully: "The Ten Thousand Races Church has elite troops, and their strength is quite strong! But they have no will to fight to the death, and no intention to die. Of course, there are a few crazy churches that have such a war department, but they will only be deployed in large-scale wars."

"Don't expect a small team like this to fight hard for anyone. They may be fine when the wind is in their favor, but as long as they feel the possibility of failure or death, these people will collapse instantly!"

Liu Pingshan looked at Su Yu and said seriously: "That's why I said that the Ten Thousand Races Sect is just a minor problem. That's it! No matter how many strong people they have, they will collapse immediately when they encounter setbacks! But a regular human army will never be like this! They can fight in favorable battles and in desperate situations!"

"War, war actually includes momentum!"

Liu Pingshan looked at Su Yu, his face suddenly solemn, "As long as this momentum is there, even if I am not as strong as the other party, there is still hope of a comeback! This momentum will be there when you are in desperate situations and when you win a battle with fewer people! No matter how many people you kill, you can't defeat me!"

"The elite legions of the human race, such as the Dragon Guards of the Great Xia Prefecture, are unlikely to collapse after fighting to the last man! But for some small corps, if the casualties exceed 10%, an army of 100,000 may completely collapse!"

"On the battlefield, only a few people fight to the death!"

Liu Pingshan thought for a moment and added: "If you have the opportunity to go to the battlefield of the heavens in the future, you will find that if two armies of 100,000 people meet, there will be a large number of casualties. The biggest casualties are not caused by the frontal battlefield, but by the enemy's pursuit during the collapse."

"So, when human soldiers enter the battlefield of the heavens, the first thing they are taught is not to collapse! Those who charge at the front line are definitely veterans, veterans with more than ten years of experience, the most elite group, the kind that will not collapse even if more than half of them are dead or wounded!"

"If the new recruits rush to the front line and suffer heavy casualties, the entire legion will be dragged down by them. There will be more than one or two legions blown up by their own people turning around and attacking the army formation!"

Su Yu nodded, and Liu Pingshan explained his doubts.

He had been thinking before whether the Ten Thousand Races Sect was in a panic today, and whether Wan Shi was a little stupid. Why was he hiding? He might as well lead his men to attack. Maybe he really had a chance to escape, or even turn defeat into victory.

Now I understand that the key is... fear of death.

No one is not afraid of death. Aren’t Liu Pingshan and the others afraid

Afraid too!

It all depends on concepts, persistence, belief, and the courage to fight!

"Uncle Liu, is the human army the strongest in the battlefield?"

“Ahem…” Liu Pingshan was a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he said frankly: “I’m afraid of misleading you. If you are not going to the battlefield of the heavens, I can brag, but you may go, so I can’t mislead you.”

"In the battlefield of the universe, the human army is very resilient and powerful, but to say that we are invincible is overestimating us."

"The gods, demons, monsters, and even some small races all have some elite troops!"

"They are also good at fighting!"

Liu Pingshan said in a deep voice: "In the past, I encountered a thousand-man Demon Guard in the battlefield of the heavens. At that time, I served in the Mountain Shaking Army. The Mountain Shaking Army had ten thousand people, and the enemy had only a thousand people. Most of them were extremely powerful. We met in Fenglong Gorge and fought head-on!"

"As a result... the Mountain Shaking Army annihilated the Demonic Sky Guards at the cost of 4,000 casualties!"

Liu Pingshan said with emotion: "The other side is really good at fighting. At the end of the battle, I remember that only one third-level Soaring Warrior was left alive. At that time, there was still hope of escaping, because we also suffered heavy losses. In the end... that guy launched the final charge, and when he died in battle, he was facing us, not with his back to us..."

"In that battle, the Hanshan Army was almost defeated. In the end, the general came and buried them personally in Fenglong Gorge. Except for weapons and other spoils of war, all the bodies were buried there. The bodies were not collected."

Collecting corpses is actually a huge gain.

But in that battle, although the Demonic Sky Guards were enemies, they fought with great style. The Hanshan Army finally gave up on collecting their bodies and buried them instead.

Su Yu exhaled lightly. It turned out that other races also had such fearless legions on the battlefield of the heavens.

In fact, this is certain, but what the Great Xia Prefecture mainly promotes is not these, but the human race's invincibility on the battlefield.

Liu Pingshan added: "Of course, there are very few legions like this, and they are all elites from all races! The human race has legions that can fight, but there are also some weaker legions. It is impossible for every legion to be a strong army. We should not underestimate ourselves, and we should not be overconfident on the battlefield, thinking that all races are just like this..."

"If we really want to think so, then we should attack the lair of all races instead of fighting with them on the battlefield of the heavens."

Su Yu nodded, and the two chatted while the car entered the city.

The city is still peaceful.

The small-scale fighting outside the city did not attract much attention.

But at this moment, there were more vehicles on the street, coming from Daxia Prefecture.

Some people have already arrived from Daxia Prefecture.

The assessment is almost here, so it’s time to come.

Captain Liu also saw it and said, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in the assessment. This time you assisted us in killing a Wanshi warrior, and you also killed a Qianjun Sixth Level warrior. In addition, you have made meritorious contributions several times last time. If you report all of them, it won't be a problem for you to enter the Civilization School or the War School without taking the exam."

If Chen Hao heard this, he would probably go crazy.

No test required!

The kind that is sent as a gift!

If Chen Hao knew about this, he would probably sigh that people with the same destiny have different fates.

Bai Feng originally had such a quota, which he gave to Su Yu and Liu Yue. Then Su Yu himself made great contributions to the point where he was exempted from the test, so all the opportunities were given to him alone!

It is common sense that the strong will always be strong and the icing on the cake will be added.

Su Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Captain Liu, can you only give me the credit for assisting in killing Wan Shi? I'm afraid I'll be retaliated if it gets out. After all, I'm only Kaiyuan, which will attract too much attention."

"If you don't want extra points, then it's not a big problem."

Liu Pingshan smiled and said, "Some organizations can only see the merits, but not the specific sources. The merit system is managed by the military. Other organizations have no right to interfere. This is an organization directly under the jurisdiction of the Palace Lord. Don't say that the Ten Thousand Races Sect has spies. Unless they have really infiltrated the high-level military, no one can find out."

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to gain merit, but he was also worried that he would attract too much attention, which would not be a good thing.

A Kaiyuan assistant killed Wanshi. How did he do it

How much effort did you put in

If the news really gets out, what if Wan Shi from the Ten Thousand Races Sect even flies over to kill him

So it is better to be low-key, but of course, you still have to get the credit.

On the one hand, it improves your own level, and on the other hand, it is for the merit itself, so that you can exchange it for some things you need.

"This time you killed a Qianjun in the middle stage alone, and you got two merit points. You assisted in killing a Wanshi in the early stage of the Wanshi realm, and usually you get 10 merit points. But we killed a higher level, so the merit will be doubled. In addition, we wiped out a stronghold, which also has additional bonus..."

Liu Pingshan didn't want to give Su Yu the impression that he was greedy for merit, so he said seriously: "So this time, the merit reward for killing Wan Shi is about 25-30 points. Of course, if you kill him in mid-air, it will be 10 points. Merit points are not fixed."

"You interfered with the other side in the end, and your contribution was great, but... Xiao Chen and the others... Su Yu, according to the rules, those who died in the battle should get some points, so even if you come down, I think that's all I can give you 5 points of merit."

5 points of merit. Su Yu was slightly stunned. It was not too little, but too much.

He just interfered with the opponent from the periphery, which was equivalent to killing 5 enemies in the early stage of Qianjun.

"Uncle Liu..."

Liu Pingshan interrupted, "Don't complain about it being too little. Your merit reward this time is about 7 points. In addition... you should understand that the spoils of war cannot be distributed to you. Of course, if there are actions in the future and Jifengtang actively invites you to participate, you will be eligible to participate in the distribution of spoils of war."

This is also the rule.

Su Yu came here on his own this time. It was already great that Jifengtang could take him along, but he was not eligible for the distribution of the spoils.

If there were, people from Nanyuan would have swarmed here long ago.

However, if there is a large-scale operation of Jifengtang and there are not enough people, some people will be invited to participate, and then they will be eligible to participate in the distribution of spoils.

Liu Pingshan patted Su Yu's shoulder again and said with a smile: "Next time if there is some work in a small base, I will have someone notify you. It's an invitation. You can participate in the distribution of spoils. Don't compete with other brothers this time."

Actively inviting a Kaiyuan to participate... This has never happened before.

In the past, when we really encountered trouble, we would invite strong people above the Thousand Jun level to participate, but it was almost impossible for those below the Thousand Jun Seventh level to be invited.

Su Yu didn't know what to say. He actually felt that he had already given a lot.

7 points of merit!

In addition to the 3 merit points he had previously obtained from Jifengtang, Jifengtang's pursuit of the Wanzu Sect provided him with a total of 10 merit points.

Learning the language of all races gave him 18 points, and killing the invading Qianjun gave him 3 points. Su Yu actually gained 31 points of merit.

Of course, there are still 10 points left, not counting the 7 points that are about to be obtained.

The accumulated merit is 28 points. Chen Hao's contribution is counted as Chen Hao's accumulated merit, not Su Yu's.

In the Kaiyuan stage, it is extremely difficult to accumulate 28 merit points, unless you have mastered 28 languages of all races, which is possible.

As they were talking, Jifengtang arrived.

Everyone got off the bus.

Zeng Hua, the leader of Jifeng Hall, was waiting outside the door. When he saw Liu Pingshan and his companions get off the car, Zeng Hua nodded slightly, glanced at his arm, and a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

Liu Pingshan's strength is at the ninth level of Qianjun, so he is not considered a weakling in Jifeng Hall.

Now that his right hand is disabled and his strength is greatly reduced, Liu Pingshan may have to retire early.

After the two bodies were brought down, Zeng Hua sighed, bowed, and without saying much, nodded to Su Yu, then motioned for Liu Pingshan to go in and talk.

Su Yu did not stay long and soon left Jifeng Hall.

Nanyuan Academy.

Liu Wenyan also sighed, and soon after that he cursed in a low voice: "Nonsense!"

He sighed because two members of Jifengtang had sacrificed their lives, and scolded Su Yu for his nonsense!

With such weak willpower, he actually dared to interfere with Wan Shi. He is courting death!

If he is not careful, if the opponent has strong willpower and counterattacks directly, Su Yu's willpower will be defeated in an instant and he will become a madman or a fool!

Fortunately, the opponent is a warrior and has little to do with willpower.

But you have to know that many people cannot continue their studies in civilized academies and switch to becoming warriors halfway through. Many students in civilized academies who are in the cultivation stage may switch to this path.

With their willpower, if Su Yu encounters them, he will definitely die!

Liu Wenyan could only be thankful that Su Yu did not meet such a person this time, but if it happened once, would it be like this every time

Kaiyuan encountered Wanshi, and the danger was too great.

"But... it's not bad."

After cursing, Liu Wenyan laughed again.

At least this kid is responsible!

At that moment, he was not scared to the point of peeing his pants, but instead volunteered to help. This is also a kind of responsibility and commitment.

"In the Kaiyuan stage, he assisted in killing a Wanshi. This kid is getting better and better. I am a little reluctant to send him to the Civilized Academy..."

The old man muttered, and then couldn't help cursing: "What qualifications does Bai Feng have to teach him... Let Wan Tiansheng do it!"

Although he cursed, he quickly comforted himself: "That's good, keep a low profile. Bai Feng has great potential. If he really can't do it, let his teacher teach him."

After talking to himself for a while, Liu Wenyan picked up the communicator on the table and hesitated for a while.

A moment later, Liu Wenyan made a phone call.

Soon, the call was connected, but there was no sound.

Liu Wenyan did not say anything. After a few tens of seconds of silence, Liu Wenyan said, "I have a student, Su Yu, who has great potential. When he goes to the Civilization Academy, you... take care of him."

"Liu Wenyan, are you begging me?"

"I didn't ask you to!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "I can't beg you, you have no brains, you are an idiot, I just asked you to take care of one or two, take care of the outstanding students!"

The voice from the other side came again, "If you beg me, I will take care of him, otherwise... I will target him. This is the first time you beg me in these years."

"Please, asshole!"

"Have you learned to curse in these few decades?"

Liu Wenyan was a little embarrassed and annoyed, and said angrily: "Wu Yuehua, you want to quarrel? Do you think I, Liu Wenyan, can't find a few people willing to help me in Daxia Mansion?"

"I can find him, but... are you willing to go find him?" The man on the other end of the phone said calmly, "Besides me, who else can you find? Find your junior brother? Hong recently went to the battlefield of the universe. I don't know if he can come back alive. Are you sure you want to go find him?"

"Hmm? He went to the battlefield of the heavens?"

"Yes, I might go to a newly discovered realm, and I don't know when I can come back."

Liu Wenyan frowned, not wanting to ask more questions, and quickly said, "Stop talking nonsense, that's it! Also, are you stupid? Who the hell asked you to return the merit to me? Tell Wan Tiansheng to spit out what he ate from me!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "50,000 Merits, not counting the ones that have been deducted from me over the years, it's 60,000 to 70,000 in total! You have to give it back to me sooner or later, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Is it yours? Did you pay for the 50,000 merit points?"

"Nonsense, the debt you paid me is not mine, so how could it be yours?"

"… "

The other party was speechless for a long while before saying: "When did you become so shameless..."

"I have always been shameless!"

Liu Wenyan said angrily: "If I had any shame, I should have found a deserted place to live in seclusion for the rest of my life until I died. Why the hell am I still staying in Daxia Mansion! If I had any shame, I wouldn't have called you. I've lost my shame a long time ago!"

"… "

After a moment, the man opposite sighed: "You look shameless... I really want to see, will you come back?"


Liu Wenyan said in a bad tone, "What am I going to do when I go back? Go back and be ridiculed? Wan Tiansheng doesn't want to see me go back either! If I go back, he will target me all day long!"

After that, Liu Wenyan quickly said, "I don't want to talk about these anymore. Just take care of me. I'm just worried about being targeted. Don't worry about the rest. By the way, I'm a little short of money recently... Just send me a few hundred drops of God and Demon Blood for me to use for body casting. I'll pay you back when I have money."

"Liu Wenyan... you look shameless, I really want to see it! Otherwise, I will personally send it to you, I want to see if you dare to say it again in front of me!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Liu Wenyan was furious and said, "Send it to me. If not, forget it! Do you think I need these few drops of God and Demon Blood? I don't need them. I think you don't need to waste them..."

“Beep, beep…”

The communication was disconnected.

Liu Wenyan was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his old face hard, his face turned red, so embarrassing!

I actually said such words. When did I become so shameless

"Hey, it's all because of Lao Wang's influence!"

Liu Wenyan sighed and let the old mayor take the blame. He had been greatly influenced by him over the past few decades.