Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 58: What you pick up may not necessarily be yours


Inner examination room.

There are not many students coming this time. There are not many people from Nanyuan who have come into contact with the Text of Will and the Text of Divine, and there are not many people from Daxia Prefecture who can come into contact with them at this stage.

Some people may not have had experience with it before, but they didn’t want to give up or wanted to see the fun, so they followed along.

Su Yu glanced over and saw that there were about a hundred students around.

Soon, everyone arrived at the top floor of the examination room.

In front of everyone was a closed classroom, and city guards were guarding the door.

Director Sun looked at the two examiners from civilized institutions. The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Soon, Researcher Huang turned around and looked at everyone, saying seriously: "This level mainly tests comprehensive abilities such as willpower, divine writing, and resilience!"

"I've said it before, students who haven't come into contact with this before must be careful!"

"The divine text is outlined, and it is outlined completely. Everyone's divine text is different. Even if it is the same text, it has different characteristics. Simply examining the divine text cannot reveal some things."

"They are both complete divine texts, how do we distinguish the strong from the weak? And give them different scores?"

"Therefore, at this stage of the assessment of the Civilized Academy, there will be some special identification methods. Those students who have outlined the divine text but not completely can also get certain extra points."

Later, a student who didn't understand couldn't help but say, "Teacher, the divine text has not been completely outlined, so there are no characteristics. And our willpower has not been materialized, so we can't actually show it. Whether we have outlined the divine text depends entirely on us. If we don't say it, no one will know, right?"

In other words, I wanted to deceive you and say that I had outlined it, but in fact it wasn't there, and you couldn't tell, right

Researcher Huang smiled. "If you are thinking of getting lucky and filling in the gaps, then I can only say that you are overthinking. The assessment of the Civilized Academy has lasted for hundreds of years. There may be some loopholes in the early stage, but they have been filled one by one in the later stage."

"The mystery of the Civilization Master is beyond your imagination!"

"In the examination room in front of you, there is a divine text at this moment, which is specially used for examination."

"Everyone will go in later. Those who have read the text of will should know that there will be a certain amount of pressure. The same is true inside. If your willpower and divine text are not up to standard, you will be intimidated very quickly and will not be able to stay here at all."

Researcher Huang explained, "You will understand it later. After you go in, if you can't bear it, come out by yourself. If you can't come out, call the examiner for help. Don't force yourself to hurt your will. You are ignorant and it will be too late to regret it then!"

"I hope that those who want to enter the Civilization Academy are smart people, not idiots! If they don't even have self-awareness, then they are not worthy of becoming a Civilization Master. Therefore, the assessment carries a certain degree of risk, but we still insist on using this method of assessment!"

Researcher Huang said seriously: "We hope that students have courage, persistence, and resilience, but we don't want students to be blindly arrogant and have no clear understanding of themselves. Such students... should not go to the academy to waste resources!"

Su Yu raised his hand, waited for the examiner to signal, and asked hurriedly: "Teacher, how will we grade it?"

"You'll understand once you go in!"

Researcher Huang didn't say much. He looked at the city guards and said, "Let them in!"

Students began to enter one by one, and Su Yu followed them in. It was a large empty room, very simple, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But there is a small platform at the front of the classroom.

There was a thing that looked like a bone book on it. Su Yu thought it might be the original version of the skills of all races.

At this time, several examiners also came in.

Researcher Huang, the old man from Jiutian Academy, Director Sun, and Wu Wenhai did not come.

They walked straight to the stage in front and waited for the students to enter. Researcher Huang said again: "Everyone wait outside the red line. If anyone can't hold on any longer, leave on their own!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yu felt a surge of willpower, as vast as the ocean!

At least that's how he felt!

Researcher Huang seemed to be opening something, perhaps it was the sacred text he mentioned.

The next moment, a golden light rose up.

Su Yu and the others only saw a flash of light in front of them and nothing else.

"Students who want to be tested, move forward! The further you go, the higher your score will be!"

Some hazy sounds came from his ears, and at this moment, Su Yu felt as if he had entered a dream.

The classmates around me disappeared!

Su Yu opened his eyes, and he seemed to have entered a different world.

All around, there was a vast expanse of white.

"This is... made by Shenwen?"

Su Yu was in a daze. Was this a dream or an illusion

His "blood" brother can also create illusions, but Su Yu can distinguish the real from the fake. But now he feels like he is really in a different world, and it feels like a dream.

It was somewhat similar to the feeling he had in his dreams in the past.

"If we keep going forward, we can get high scores?"

At this time, Su Yu was really curious about the world of civilization masters. Liu Wenyan said that each word represented a world. He didn't quite understand it before, but now he seemed to have some feelings about it.

This is just an examination hall in Nanyuan. I believe that even if the divine texts here are powerful, they will not be too strong.

Otherwise, it would not have been brought to Nanyuan.

This sacred text does not seem to belong to the researcher.

"Could it be that it has actually materialized... Impossible?"

Such a thought flashed through Su Yu's mind. It was said that to truly materialize a divine text, one needed to be at a very powerful level. Among several generations of palace heads, it seemed that only one person had left behind a truly materialized divine text.

There were a lot of messy thoughts in his mind, but Su Yu quickly stopped thinking about them and just kept moving forward!

Only if you go far can you get first place and get back the 20 merit points you lost.

Su Yu stepped forward...

With this step, Su Yu felt something different.

So stressful!

There seemed to be a wall of air in front of him, blocking his progress.


Su Yu murmured, and the next moment, the "blood" brother in his mind moved a little, as if he was a little excited, and vibrated in his mind. The invisible air wall in front of Su Yu seemed to disappear.

Su Yu began to walk forward.

He remembered that he was about 50 meters away from the examiners and could walk there quickly.

"I can't see what's ahead. Will I hit the wall?"

Su Yu thought wildly for a while, 50 meters is very short, he could walk there quickly.

Just as Su Yu and the others were trapped in this simple world.

Several examiners stood beside the stage, looking at the students in front of them. At this moment, these students all had their eyes open, with various expressions, walking around randomly in the venue.

Researcher Huang took a glance and waved his hand. Bloody marks shot out one after another. In an instant, dozens of students had a bloody mark on their heads.

"Take these students away!"

Soon, several more examiners came in, entered the circle of students, and took away dozens of students.

It was not until they were brought out of the coverage of the divine text that these people came to their senses with a dazed look on their faces. Looking around, they all looked a little dazed.

Where on earth had they been just now

We are clearly in the same classroom, why does it feel like the world has suddenly changed

"If you don't last one minute, you won't get any extra points, and you can leave now!"

Researcher Huang's voice was heard, and the examiners who entered the room began to expel the students. Someone hurriedly said, "Teacher, the exam is not over yet. We..."

"The assessment is not a show, get out!"

Researcher Huang said in a cold tone, "If you don't go out, your qualification for the assessment will be cancelled and you will not be admitted!"

After these words were spoken, the dozens of students dared not say a word and followed the examiner away.

When they were leaving, they looked at the students who were still there and were extremely envious and jealous. They knew that they were eliminated at this stage and had zero points.

Looking sideways again, Su Yu and the others were actually still spinning in circles.

A few students did move forward a little, but not far.

The most conspicuous person is Wu Lan, who stands out from the crowd. At this moment, she is walking in front of the crowd, at least 10 meters away.

The second one was not Su Yu, but Zhou Tianqi, who had walked about six or seven meters.

Su Yu felt like he had walked a very long way, but in fact, at this time, he had only walked about two or three meters.

After those students left, Researcher Huang was no longer serious. He looked at the students in the classroom and said with a smile: "These little guys probably thought they were lost. They have been gone for such a long time, why haven't they seen us yet..."

Director Sun also laughed and said, "I tried it that year, and I walked 5 meters and got 50 points. I was lucky. At that time, I hadn't drawn the divine text yet."

"It's normal. After all, only a few students can write divine texts. For those who can write divine texts, it's not a big problem to walk about 10 meters."

Researcher Huang said, looking at Su Yu again, "He probably outlined it, and it may still be complete, but his willpower is too weak, and the power of the divine text is too small. If the complete divine text really reaches the stage of cultivating nature, walking 20 meters may not be a problem, but it will be difficult for him."

Director Sun sighed and said, "It is a bit difficult, but he should be only slightly worse than Wu Lan. Zhou Tianqi should not be able to beat him. Zhou Tianqi probably did not completely outline the divine text, but probably laid the foundation."

Even though Zhou Tianqi has walked further than Su Yu now, several people are not optimistic about his future. This guy can't hold on any longer.

Those present who can walk more than 5 meters usually have laid the foundation with divine texts.

They took a quick look and saw that at most 10 people had died.

This means that there were no more than 10 people who laid the foundation for Nanyuan Divine Text this time.

In previous years, this examination room might not have been open. This year, there were many people coming from Daxia Mansion. Otherwise, Su Yu might have been the only one coming to this examination room to take the test. Of course, although Liu Yue did not lay the foundation, she had come into contact with it several times and could walk two or three meters at this moment.

Several civilized teachers were chatting, and the old man from Jiutian Academy turned his head to look at the bone book on the table, which was shining with golden light, and said with some sadness: "What a pity."

After these words were spoken, Director Sun and Researcher Huang's expressions changed.

“What a pity…” Director Sun said in a deep voice: “No matter how pity it is, they are better than us! Although they didn’t realize it, they have been preserved after all. People leave their names behind. Although they have fallen, they still have their own legends left behind!”

Each of the bone books contains a sacred text.

This is the true grave of the Civilization Master, not physically, but in terms of heritage.

Their sacred writings could not be truly materialized and preserved, but could only be preserved in bone books through some means, and the books recorded their entire lives.

Most of these semi-materialized divine texts were left behind by Lingyun and Shanhai Realm.

It is also one of the treasures of civilized institutions!

Of course, without the real embodiment of the divine text, its power has been reduced with the death of its master. It can be used to deal with ordinary heavy stones, but it poses almost no threat to flying, so it is a bit useless.

Despite this, the biggest wish of Director Sun and others is to leave a bone book of their own in the Xiuxin Pavilion of the Civilization Academy after their death. The Civilization Academy calls it - Civilization Chronicle.

While the few people were talking, Researcher Huang continued to mark them. Soon, dozens of students were marked with red marks. These were students who could not bear the pressure and had to be eliminated.

If you persist for one minute, even if you don’t walk one meter, you will get 10 points.

This is also a reward for these people. They can persist without outlining the divine text. This is ability.

There are fewer and fewer people staying.

"Haven't you arrived yet?"

At this moment, Su Yu was also a little confused. Did he enter an illusion

He didn't care whether it was an illusion, hypnosis, or some other method. The key was that he was real, so why was he walking around and not reaching the end

“The world is magnified?”

Su Yu thought about it and suspected that his suspicion might have been exaggerated. The world of divine writing was too mysterious and he didn't understand much about it.

Just as he was about to move forward, Su Yu's eyes changed slightly.

There was originally a vast expanse of white ahead, but now suddenly there appeared a group of monsters.

"What's going on? Why does it feel so similar to my dream..."

"This is fake, definitely fake. We are still in the classroom, there is no way there are monsters."

Just as he was thinking about it, the group of monsters suddenly pounced on him!

At this moment, the divine text of the word "blood" in Su Yu's mind suddenly jumped, and the next moment, a blood-red divine text appeared in front of Su Yu!

"Blood" brother ran out!

He didn't know whether the outside world could see it, but he saw it at this moment, and it felt the same as in the dream.


Su Yu was slightly startled, and the next moment, his eyes lit up. The "blood" brother in front of him suddenly turned into a blood-red long sword. Su Yu held the sword and slashed at the monster that was rushing towards him!


A slight sound was heard, and the next moment, the monster in front was killed by him.

"Too weak..."

Su Yu had a strange look in his eyes. Compared with the ferocious monsters in his dream, these ones in front of him were too fragile!

In the dream, killing the monsters was as easy as killing a chicken, but here, he killed the monsters as easily as killing a chicken, and they were very weak.

Su Yu dared to try because these monsters did not pose any threat to him.

There is absolutely no sense of crisis like in the dream where one might be killed at any time.

The "blood" brother transformed into a long sword and killed the monster, as if he wanted to suck blood, but... there was no blood at all.

However, Su Yu felt that he had absorbed something, but he didn't know what it was.

Just as he killed the monster and his "blood" brother absorbed something, Researcher Huang was slightly shocked. The next moment, he looked at Su Yu and couldn't help laughing: "Interesting, this little guy drew some divine text, I'm afraid it has the ability to absorb things. It just absorbed a little bit of my willpower..."

He opened the bone book with his willpower. Just now, there was a little bit missing, and the source was from Su Yu.

Although it was very little and had almost no effect on him, he still felt it.

I immediately guessed that Su Yu's divine text had a certain absorption property, and his willpower was absorbed by his divine text.

As he was speaking, Researcher Huang saw that Wu Lan seemed a little scared, showing a fearful expression, his eyes moved slightly, and the next moment, he suddenly transmitted a voice: "Fake, Wu Lan, Su Yu is already ahead of you, 30 points more than you, you want to take the second place, is it embarrassing?"

"… "

Director Sun glared at him!

Researcher Huang smiled and said, "It's always good to inspire the students' fighting spirit and add a few more points. This is just an assessment. If they are afraid now, I'm worried that they will be useless in the future."

Director Sun said coldly: "Examiners are not allowed to interfere with the assessment of students. Huang Sheng, I warned you before! The Education and Strengthening Department will recommend that the Civilization Academy fine you for three years. If you dare to do it again, I suggest sending you to the Vanguard Camp of the Demon Suppression Army for three years!"

Researcher Huang's face stiffened for a moment, and he said bitterly, "Director Sun, I... just want to say..."

"If you dare to quibble again, I will report you to the Education and Development Administration and revoke your assistant researcher qualification!"

Huang Sheng didn't dare to say anything more, looking helpless.

Liu Hong, ah Liu Hong, you have to compensate me for my losses this time.

The loss is too great!

In fact, he did not dare to cheat or suppress others, after all, there were more than one examiner. However, he just gave Wu Lan a little reminder just now. This Wu family man who had completely outlined the divine text should not be so fragile.

It's just to inspire the opponent's fighting spirit. Strictly speaking... it's not cheating. How far Wu Lan goes is up to her own ability.

However, in this kind of situation, it is a taboo for an examiner to secretly intervene. If Director Sun had not been involved in person, he would probably have caught him on the spot.

Wu Lan had originally walked about 15 meters, which gave him 150 extra points. Adding that to his previous score, the total was 805 points, which barely reached the top level.

This is also the reason why Wu Lan was in the middle position before and is confident of being in the top position this time.

But with 800 points, I can just barely get in and am not as good as some monsters.

Even so, a top-notch student is the top talent in the school.

At this time, Huang Sheng's words seemed to have worked. Wu Lan became excited when she heard his words. She... was actually going to lose


The next moment, Wu Lan suddenly closed her eyes, danced and gesticulated, and no one knew what had happened to her. She punched the air in front of her, and in the blink of an eye she had walked about two meters further.

Director Sun looked at Huang Sheng again with cold eyes.

He scored 20 more points, otherwise Wu Lan would have collapsed.

Huang Sheng turned his head away from him. Because of one sentence, he had lost three years' salary, and this senior brother still wanted to pick a fight with him... He was bullying!

Next to him, the old man from Jiutian Academy smiled but said nothing.

Wu Lan is not interested and must go to the Daxia Civilization Academy.

But Su Yu... He was a little interested.

At this moment, Su Yu had walked almost 10 meters and surpassed Zhou Tianqi. Zhou Tianqi had also walked about 10 meters and was one step behind Su Yu at this time.

At this moment, the other students could hardly hold on any longer.

One after another, these students were taken out by the examiners.

When Liu Yue was awake, she walked 3 meters. When she saw that only Su Yu and a few others were left in the examination room, Liu Yue sighed in her heart, feeling a little envious and jealous.

Su Yu, she has known him for a long time.

Before this, although Su Yu was also very outstanding, compared to her, among the candidates of Nanyuan Secondary School and Civilized School, she ranked first and Su Yu ranked second.

In this Civilized Academy assessment, she scored 240 points in cultural subjects, 63 points in realm, and 30 points in the final assessment, for a total score of 333 points, which placed her in the middle level, but was still far from Su Yu.

Her merit points were zero. In Nanyuan, she was at the fourth level of Kaiyuan and had no place to earn merit points.

With over 300 points, she was ranked in the middle level. Compared with the Nanyuan candidates in previous years, she was already very good.

In previous years, it took several years for Nanyuan to have one student admitted to the middle school.

But this year, there is one more Su Yu. Not counting this level, he has already entered the upper level, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Liu Yue felt disappointed and left quickly without staying any longer, with some turmoil in her heart.

"What a waste..."

Su Yu cursed. At this time, he was breathing heavily, and the blood knife in his hand turned into the word "blood" again. It seemed that the little brother "blood" was full and tired. At this moment, he seemed to be breathing heavily. It was going to go back to sleep.

I can’t hold on any longer!

Su Yu didn't know how far he had walked, nor could he see the students in front, behind, or around him, but he knew that at this moment he definitely hadn't walked as far as Wu Lan. That idiot might have outlined the complete divine text and reached the stage of cultivating one's nature, so he must have walked faster and farther than him.

"Looks like I have to use my little brother 'Thunder'."

Su Yu looked at the monsters that kept pouring out in front of him, feeling somewhat helpless. These monsters were not dangerous, but they blocked his way and he couldn't get through.

His willpower was also being consumed. If he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

"come out!"

The next moment, a divine character with the word "thunder" appeared.

With a loud bang!

Like a loud thunder, little brother "Thunder" burst out with lightning, bombarding the monster, which was torn into pieces, and the area in front was cleared in an instant.

Su Yu was happy. This thing was more useful than his "blood" brother, except that it consumed his willpower too quickly.

Su Yu felt that his willpower was almost exhausted.

But he can still hold on. These divine texts are nourished in the sea of will, and they usually store willpower. They have a certain power. Su Yu has not used his "Thunder" brother yet.

And at the moment he used the divine word "thunder", several examiners looked at him!

"Move forward 3 meters instantly..."

At this moment, Su Yu had walked about 15 meters, just a little bit behind Wu Lan.

Director Sun's expression changed. "Did you feel it just now? Was it the second characteristic of a divine text, or was it the appearance of a second divine text?"

Su Yu was not qualified to be outside, and everything at the moment was an illusion.

The examiners could not see how many divine texts he used, they could only feel the existence of different characteristics.

Did Su Yu master the second divine text, or was it just that one, but with more than one characteristic

Su Yu, whose willpower was not that strong, should have been lucky to walk about 10 meters. After all, he was not as good as those students who had laid the foundation of divine text in the stage of cultivating nature. But now Su Yu was almost catching up with Wu Lan.

Huang Sheng didn't know either, so he shook his head and couldn't help asking, "How did Bai Feng... get this opportunity?"

Nan Yuan!

He was impressed that he could find a bargain in this damn place. You know, Daxia Prefecture is so big and has such a large population, while Nanyuan is just a small city, very small. How lucky is Bai Feng to be able to find such a talent here!

Director Sun said quietly, "Who said... whoever picks it up owns it!"

"… "

Huang Sheng was slightly stunned when he heard this. The next moment, he couldn't help but look at Director Sun, "Director Sun... are you going to intercept?"

"It's not me. I have many classmates in the academy, and even teachers are in the academy!"

Director Sun said calmly, "Whatever Bai Feng picked up is his? Who stipulated that? Did you carve Bai Feng's name on Su Yu's head?"

Huang Sheng grinned and wanted to laugh, but gave up and stopped.

Anyway, it’s Bai Feng’s business, what does it have to do with me

He also didn't want to accept Su Yu. If he entered the upper-class class, he would have no chance to accept him at all. Bai Feng was qualified, on the one hand, because he was young and a genius in the academy, and on the other hand, because his teacher was powerful.

How can other assistant researchers be qualified to accept top-notch students? The students will not choose them unless their own family members are of similar quality.