Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 62: Qianjun cultivation method


The examiners from the Education and Development Agency and various universities are very efficient.

Su Yu and Huang Sheng reached an agreement in the morning, and in the afternoon, his harvest was delivered.

The merit points were directly transferred to Su Yu's merit card. This time, Su Yu obtained a lot of merit points. The first place in the assessment received 10 merit points as a reward, and the first place on both sides received 20 points, plus an additional 20 points of subsidy from Huang Sheng.

40 points of merit reward, a copy of the original Qianjun Realm All Races' martial arts method, and 3 drops of vitality liquid were also given.

As for the rewards from the school, they would only be available after Su Yu enrolled.

This is normal, in case Su Yu decides not to study at the Great Xia Civilization Academy halfway through and runs to other academies. The academy is not stupid and will not do such a thing.

Merit points are difficult to calculate with money. The official price is not expensive, but you cannot buy them or trade them. The black market price is high, but it is also easy to get into trouble.

If calculated based on the value of essence and blood, then one point would be around 30,000 yuan. If calculated based on the price of vital energy liquid, then it would be around 20,000 yuan.

In short, Su Yu earned millions by ranking first in this assessment.

This also helped Su Yu, who was almost bankrupt before, to finally solve his urgent problem.

At this moment, Su Yu felt a little more relaxed again.

With the remaining 2 merit points, he had 42 merit points, 3 drops of vitality liquid, two original books of Ten Thousand Races (one given by Chen Hao's father), and two articles of will. In fact, Bai Feng's article was about to be transformed into ordinary text.

After all, it was just Bai Feng's casual writing, not engraved with his essence and blood, so its preservation time would be shorter than that engraved with his essence and blood.

After more than two months, this "Kai Yuan Jue" no longer had the magic it once had. Fortunately, after Su Yu reached the ninth level of Kai Yuan, his demand for it was not too great.

In addition to these, there are also several books on weapons and common skills.

In terms of cash, it is less than 30,000.

All the essence and blood have been used up, including the two drops of essence and blood that were given to the little brother "blood" to absorb, which were also absorbed in the past few days.


Su Yu, who received the reward, still felt a little regretful.

If it weren't for Zhou Tianqi and his gang, he would have 20 more merit points now. And Director Sun and the others refused to compensate the merit points, which made Su Yu feel that he had suffered a heavy loss this time.

Otherwise, this time, his merit points would probably exceed 100 points, breaking the record, comparable to the merit gained by killing a tidal being.

After sighing for a while, Su Yu stopped worrying about it.

On August 1st, new students from all major universities will enroll.

There is still more than a month before school starts, and Su Yu needs to make some plans during this month.

He is now at the ninth level of Kaiyuan, and his willpower is at 20%.

Next, what he had to do was to reach the Qianjun realm as quickly as possible and improve his willpower.

"Qianjun Realm, Kaiyuan Nineth Level To break through Qianjun, what you need to do is to continue to open up your acupoints, open up the acupoints of Qianjun. But before that, you have to choose a Qianjun Realm technique that suits you."

There are many Qianjun realm exercises, and they are all different. Generally speaking, the strength can be judged by the number of acupoints that are opened.

For example, Su Yu has a copy of "Yi Shen Jue·Qianjun Chapter" on hand, which has 72 acupoints opened. These are in addition to the nine acupoints of Kaiyuan, and it is a top-level Xuan-level skill.

In addition, he also knew the "Qianjun Jue" inherited by the military, which opened 36 acupoints and was a top-level yellow-level skill.

The Qianjun skills practiced are different. At the ninth level of Kaiyuan, the acupoints that need to be opened are different, and the levels of advancement are also different.

9 orifices are one level, and 36 orifices are one stage.

Opening 36 acupoints is the top level of the Yellow Grade, opening 72 acupoints is the top level of the Mysterious Grade, and if 108 acupoints can be opened, it is the top level of the Earth Grade.

In other words, for low-level Yellow Rank techniques, one may only need to open 9 acupoints to complete the Qianjun realm. Then in the Kaiyuan realm, one may need to cultivate one more acupoint to enter the Qianjun realm.

But such a Qianjun is too weak.

Generally speaking, unless one is truly unsuitable for cultivation, the human race still mainly focuses on "Qianjun Jue" and opens the 36 acupoints for cultivation.

This also means that at the ninth level of Kaiyuan, one needs to open four acupoints again before one can officially enter the first level of Kaiyuan.

"What technique should I practice?"

At this moment, it is time for Su Yu to make a choice.

He has basically opened all nine orifices, and the next choice will be related to the entire Qianjun stage and even the later stages of cultivation.

"I definitely can't practice the Yi Shen Jue. This thing is taught by the Ten Thousand Races Cult. If I practice it, I might be considered a member of the Ten Thousand Races Cult. So I can only practice the Qian Jun Jue?"

After all, Su Yu was still young and felt somewhat unwilling.

Opening 36 orifices is too few.

That being said, many top-level experts practiced yellow-level or black-level techniques, but the environment did not allow it back then.

At this moment, if the cultivation technique is too weak, then the combat power will be weak.

The military had no choice but to do so. After all, the qualifications of those who joined the army were different, and they might not be able to learn too advanced skills. "Qianjun Jue" is very universal, so naturally they will focus on this.

But if Su Yu also learns "Qianjun Jue", his combat power in the Qianjun stage will be very weak.

Of course, as a candidate for civilization master, Su Yu doesn't need to worry too much. When he reaches the stage of levitation, he will have a chance to forge his body again. If he switches to practicing a powerful technique at that time, that will be fine.

But Su Yu didn't want to fall behind in the Qianjun realm. His willpower was not as good as those monsters. If he was not as good as them in the way of fighting, then he would not be able to compete with them.

"I have to decide on a technique to practice first. At least I have to find a profound technique to practice."

Su Yu had made up his mind. He was not in a hurry to practice at this moment. He had just broken through the Kaiyuan Nine Apertures and needed to consolidate it.

In Nanyuan, the only person who can give Su Yu advice is probably Liu Wenyan.

As for Bai Feng...that cheap teacher, Su Yu didn't even know what was going on with him.

Besides, even if he wanted to contact her, he couldn't, unless he asked Liu Wenyan. Su Yu would not ask, because asking for help would not be a good deal.


Nanyuan Academy.

The two-day assessment has ended and the school is on vacation for a month. It is extremely quiet at the moment.

At the end of June, the weather started to get hotter.

Su Yu was wearing a shirt and walking on the avenue of the university. There was no one around and it was unusually quiet.

All students’ scores will be released on July 1st.

Starting from July 2nd, students will fill in the applications for the colleges they want to apply for, and everything will end on July 5th. All colleges will complete their enrollment plans before the 10th.

Around July 15th, students will be able to get the registration documents, and with them they can register at various universities.

The efficiency of Daxia Prefecture is quite fast. There are quite a lot of students taking the exam from the entire Daxia Prefecture. Unlike the small place of Nanyuan, there are only a few thousand candidates.

Nanyuan is too small. The number of candidates in several big cities next door exceeds 30,000, which is nearly ten times that of Nanyuan.

There are even more in Daxia Prefecture, with more than 100,000 candidates.

In the entire Daxia Prefecture, there are approximately 800,000 candidates.

There are a lot of people, and of course, there are also many institutions of higher learning.

There are not many people in Nanyuan who can be admitted to the War School and the Civilization School, and most of them are ordinary civilization or war schools. There are not many people who can actually be admitted to the two major schools of war and civilization in Daxia.

At this time, the results had not yet been announced and there was no one in the school.

Su Yu didn't care. He had already settled down here and just had to wait to report to the school.

After walking and stopping for a while, they soon arrived at Liu Wenyan's house.

Knock on the door and the door will open.

Liu Wenyan was cooking in the kitchen at the moment. Su Yu hurried in and said, "Teacher, let me help you."

"Are you here for a free meal?"

Without even turning his head, Liu Wenyan laughed, "You came here at lunchtime. You have learned how to speculate."

Su Yu was embarrassed and explained: "No, teacher, I was just worried that you would get up late during your vacation."


Liu Wenyan laughed and scolded, then said, "Help me wash the vegetables. You probably didn't have much to eat during the time your father was away. A single man should learn how to cook, so as not to ruin himself."

Su Yu scratched his head, laughed dryly and didn't respond.

After entering the kitchen, he began to help Liu Wenyan wash and select vegetables. While cooking, Liu Wenyan asked, "Come to me, do you have any questions?"

"No, I just want to pick a Qianjun technique and ask the teacher for some advice."

"Qianjun Kung Fu..."

After saying this, Liu Wenyan paused for a moment, and then said, "If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that you have reached the ninth level of Kaiyuan! It's so fast!"

He was really about to forget.

Su Yu's progress in the way of a warrior was too fast, much faster than his willpower. If it weren't for the existence of the divine text, Su Yu's talent in the way of a civilization master would be far inferior to that of a warrior.

Liu Wenyan sighed, and then said, "I told you not to use blood essence to cultivate, but you didn't listen. Does the 'blood' divine text have other properties that you didn't tell me? For example, if it absorbs blood essence, it can transfer some vitality to you?"

Su Yu looked conflicted and remained silent again.

He exchanged a lot of essence and blood, and Liu Wenyan must know that.

Su Yu had made such rapid progress, and there was a smell of essence and blood on his body. Ordinary people could not sense it, but Liu Wenyan could still feel it.

Obviously, he was also wondering if it was because of the "blood" divine text.

Before outlining the "blood" divine text, Su Yu had also exchanged blood essence, but the amount was very small, and he exchanged it under the guise of research. But later on, he exchanged a lot, and almost all of his merit points were spent on it.

It would be strange if Liu Wenyan didn't know about such a large amount of exchange.

"The divine text does have the ability to assist physical cultivation, and this is not considered unorthodox..."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Liu Wenyan didn't care and said to himself: "But you can't rely too much on the divine text! This is the time for you to understand yourself, but you chose to rely on the divine text in the Kaiyuan stage. Then after you fly into the air, you will be in big trouble. You can't understand your body clearly and you can't control it. It will be a problem for you to cast your body."

Su Yu hurriedly asked: "Teacher, will the divine text help cut off the future?"

"That's not the case." Liu Wenyan sighed, "But you don't know much about your body, and it's not clear enough. After you reach the levitation level, your progress will be very slow because you lack some of the previous insights."

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it had nothing to do with me.

He was not really relying on the divine text, he was just using the characteristics of the atlas to absorb vital energy in advance.

He was confident in his control over his body, otherwise he would not have been able to cultivate the Thunder Yuan Sword before.

Liu Wenyan didn't say anything else. If he were in her shoes and had such a divine text, could he resist the temptation

Absorbing essence and blood, feeding back vital energy, and helping with cultivation, this is probably what many people dream of.

This is especially true for civilized teachers, who already major in willpower and have to supplement their physical bodies, which takes up a lot of time. If the divine texts can assist in their cultivation, many people will choose to do so.

Since Su Yu was mainly pursuing the path of a civilized teacher, Liu Wenyan thought about it and decided that there was no need to worry too much about these things.

Thinking about this, Liu Wenyan returned to the topic and said, "There are many, many Qianjun Realm exercises. If you go to any store that sells exercises, they can recommend hundreds of them to you. However, in terms of popularity, the Qianjun Jue is the most widely circulated. It is moderately difficult to practice and is very suitable for the general public."

"'Qianjun Jue' is a technique that was developed by a group of old guys. The subsequent connections are also very good, such as the 'Wanshi Jue' for the Wanshi Realm and the 'Tengkong Jue' for the Tengkong Realm. The names of the techniques are based on the realms, which shows the benefits of this technique."

Su Yu quickly asked: "Teacher, then I should practice "Qianjun Jue"?"

"What's the hurry?"

While stirring with the shovel, Liu Wenyan said, "I told you, that's for the general public. After all, they don't have strong talents and lack resources. It's good enough for them to advance. Who cares about combat power?"

"Those who practice fast and become levitating in ten or twenty years are better than those geniuses who practice powerful techniques but are still at the level of Qianjun."

No matter how weak one's flying skill is, or how poor the technique one practices is, they are no match for Qianjun.

Whether to pursue rapid advancement or to pursue strength in one's own realm is a question that many people are struggling with.

Liu Wenyan smiled and said, "Whether it is better to advance faster or to be stronger in the current realm depends on the individual! You can't ask an untalented person to practice a powerful technique, or he may stay at the Qianjun level for his entire life."

"But you can't let a genius practice a weak technique. His advancement will be faster, but he will be almost useless. At that time, he can no longer be considered a genius."

"The higher the realm, the greater the gap. If you practice the simple "Qianjun Jue" and reach the Shanhai Realm, you may be killed by Tengkong who practices a powerful technique. Then what is the point of such a Shanhai Realm? The upper limit is too low!"

Liu Wenyan turned his head and glanced at Su Yu, then smiled and said, "Do you want to advance quickly, or do you want to increase your limit and practice a more powerful technique?"

Su Yu did not hesitate at all and said hurriedly: "The upper limit is high!"

He is a genius!

If he practices a weaker technique, he may soon reach the level of flying in the sky or even reaching the mountain and sea level, but what will happen after that

No more!

There is no more!

There will be a limit at that time. He may be glorious in the early stage, but may become a garbage in the later stage. This is not what he pursues.

"Of course, the more powerful a technique is, the better it is. A heaven-level technique is not necessarily more powerful than an earth-level one. The key lies in the subsequent connection. For example, there is a technique called 'Breaking the Sky Technique', which can open up 144 acupoints. It is the top heaven-level technique!"

Liu Wenyan said with emotion: "Qianjun Ninth Level, with 144 orifices opened, the stored vital energy is extremely powerful, and the general Wanshi Ninth Level who practices the Qianjun Jue may not be able to compare with it. It is truly able to kill people across levels! Qianjun kills Wanshi, and what he kills is not just an ordinary Wanshi."

"But that technique has no sequel, and it cannot break the Qianjun barrier. It may stay in the Qianjun realm for the rest of your life. Do you think such a heavenly-level technique is powerful?"

Su Yu shook his head, "If there is no follow-up, then we can only rely on luck and self-invention... If Qianjun Realm can create such a follow-up to the practice, then it will not be Qianjun, but... Didn't the invincible masters continue to create it?"

"Nonsense, they have their own techniques, their own heritage, their own techniques, why do they have to spend so much energy to supplement this aspect? They may not have top-level techniques, but they don't have to practice this technique."

Liu Wenyan smiled and said, "There are many such techniques in the Ten Thousand Worlds. They are amazing in the early stages, but have no vitality in the later stages. You can't keep replenishing them, and you can't replenish them. No one has that kind of energy."

"Let me tell you, there is a strict inheritance of martial arts in Daxia Mansion, and it can even pass on the martial arts that can cultivate to the invincible realm you mentioned."

"The first one is the "Numberless Blades of Creation" practiced by King Da Xia..."

Su Yu was stunned. Teacher, are you serious

"What are you looking at me for?"

Liu Wenyan turned his head and glared at him, "I didn't name it that way, King Daxia made it up on his own! When he was in the Mountain and Sea Realm, he named it "The 20th Blade of Creation". When he broke through to the top level, he changed the name to "The 28th Blade of Creation". After a while, he added a few more blades and continued to change the name!"

Liu Wenyan was also helpless. "Then when he reached the Invincible Realm, the King of Daxia started changing his name again, adding numbers every time. The Civilization Academy officially named it and modified it at first, but later they found that this was not working. He might add a few swords every year, so how could they change it like this... Later they simply called it "The Countless Swords of Creation."

Su Yu was stunned. This is also possible!

"Don't be surprised. This is not something that King Da Xia did alone. It is actually very common."

Liu Wenyan explained: "In the early days of the Anping calendar, the sources of the skills of that group of strong men were very few. Some were captured from the Ten Thousand Races. Later, they kept replenishing them, and the names of their skills kept changing. The Great Xia King was considered a good one, as it was a series of names... Some people simply did not belong to the same series. Today it was called "Dragon Slaying Skills", and tomorrow if they killed a dog, they might change the name to "Dog Killing Skills."

Liu Wenyan said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "If you see some mistakes in some classics, don't think you have read them wrong, they are not mistakes. For example, the "Anping Historical Records" records that the King of Great Zhou once killed a god or demon with the "Black Wind Evil" technique, and I also saw in the "Great Zhou Records" that the King of Great Zhou killed a god or demon with the "Heavenly Return Technique". That is not a mistake in the record..."

Liu Wenyan sighed and said, "That's because they changed their names. They killed two gods and demons, not just one. When you read the book, don't think it's a loophole. The records of these people are very confusing. Sometimes they themselves are confused. Did I change this name back then?"

After hearing these words, Su Yu was stunned.

There is also this saying!

When the King of Zhou saw the records about himself, he thought, "Hey, did I change my name to such an embarrassing one back then?"

Come to think of it... it must be really interesting.

Su Yu wanted to laugh, and Liu Wenyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He continued, "Let's go on. The technique that Daxia Mansion has inherited to the invincible level is "The Countless Blades of Opening the Sky."

"The second is the 'War God Technique' that the War God Temple launched a few years ago. This is also the main training method of the War Academy."

"The third one is the 'Ten Thousand Texts Sutra' that was launched by the Seeking Realm that year. This is the main practice method of the Civilization Academy."

“Of course, saying that you can cultivate to the invincible realm doesn’t mean that you can cultivate to that level. If everyone could do it, the invincible strong would be worthless, and all races would have been wiped out long ago!”

"Practice depends on yourself, your chance, your talent, your persistence, and your effort..."

Liu Wenyan said seriously: "At present, there are only three techniques that can be practiced to the invincible realm. Of course, I am talking about the Great Xia Mansion! In fact, there may be some that are not public, such as private inheritance. Some families have top masters who may have deduced the invincible technique themselves, but they have not yet broken through to that realm. Whether it is possible or not, no one can say for sure."

"Teacher, then should I practice the Ten Thousand Texts Scripture?"

Su Yu asked, and Liu Wenyan shook his head and said, "That can only be practiced in the Tengkong Realm. There is no technique passed down in the Qianjun Wanshi Realm, because the starting point of a civilized master is Tengkong. I suggest you practice the "War God Art" to open 72 acupoints in the Qianjun Realm."

Su Yu felt vaguely disappointed. He actually wanted to practice a more powerful technique, such as a top-level earth-level technique that could open up 108 acupoints.

Of course, since the teacher suggested this, he believed that Liu Wenyan would not harm him.

Just as he was thinking, Liu Wenyan smiled and said, "The Art of War God has two different versions: the regular version and the genius version! The regular version is for ordinary students. Many genius students in the War Academy will choose the other version to open the 108 acupoints. This is not only true for the War Academy, but also for the Civilization Academy."

"Teaching should be tailored to the students' abilities. If everything is standardized, it will be the military, and there is no need to open schools."

Su Yu's eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly: "Teacher, then..."

Liu Wenyan interrupted, "It's a good thing that you have confidence. In fact, you are now at the ninth level of Kaiyuan, and you are making rapid progress. I also think that you should practice a more difficult level. Even with the help of the divine text, you can experience more in this realm. It doesn't matter if you waste a little time."

"But... your teacher doesn't have an advanced version of the technique."

Liu Wenyan almost fried the vegetables to pieces and casually poured the burnt vegetables onto the plate. It was obviously Su Yu's next lunch.

"I can still find a way to get you the normal version, but I don't have the advanced version. You have to spend your merit points to exchange it, and you can only get the normal version. The Will Text version... that will cost a lot."

Su Yu asked quickly: "Where can we change it? Can our school do it?"

"No, it can only be exchanged at a higher education institution. The Civilized School has it, don't worry!" Liu Wenyan said with a smile: "No matter how powerful the War School is, he has to ask the Civilized School to write more versions of the "War God Art" for them, and it has to be a Civilized teacher who has practiced the "War God Art"."

"So in the Civilized Academy, there are also many strong people who know the "War God Art". The Civilized Academy is very inclusive and there are people who practice various kinds of skills. Otherwise, they can't write the corresponding will articles. In order to make money, some civilized teachers write more will articles and practice more than ten kinds of skills..."

"Is this okay?"

Su Yu was surprised and asked, "Won't there be a conflict?"

"Of course there are, but if you choose the right technique, then there won't necessarily be a conflict. Of course, this is something that a civilization teacher with no future does."

Liu Wenyan continued, "There is not much difference between the normal version and the genius version of "War God Art", especially the opening of the 72 acupoints, which are actually the same, but in addition to the 72 acupoints, 36 more acupoints have been added, so you can practice the normal version of "War God Art" first, and then you can exchange for the advanced version when you have the chance."

"If you practice the normal version, you can advance to the Qianjun realm after you open 8 more acupoints in the Kaiyuan realm. To practice the advanced version, you have to open 12 acupoints, so you should first open 8 acupoints in the Kaiyuan realm, and then go to the academy to change to the advanced version, and then practice 4 more acupoints to supplement. Otherwise, you can't change it after you advance to the Qianjun realm..."

Liu Wenyan smiled and said, "This is also the reason why many young people have been stuck at the ninth level of Kaiyuan and are unwilling to break through. You should know that many students at the ninth level of Kaiyuan are waiting to enter school and advance."

Su Yu nodded. He was puzzled before that many students in Daxia Mansion seemed to remain at the ninth level of Kaiyuan without advancing. He thought that they could not break through, but now it seems that they are also waiting.

"Some people have achieved a breakthrough..."

"Either the other party chose the normal version, or someone in the family will..."

Su Yu was surprised and asked, "Is there no limit to the inheritance of this family?"

"Yes, but it can be solved by spending some merit points." Liu Wenyan smiled and said, "Someone in the family has a high enough merit level, so it won't be a problem to pass on some skills to the next generation."

Su Yu understood, "Teacher, is it expensive to change this?"

"Not bad, only 100 points of merit in exchange for a Qianjun realm technique."

Su Yu was stunned. Liu Wenyan said calmly, "Yes, it's the 100 points as a reward. Do you think the academy will really give you a lot of merit points? Once you get in, you will know that what they reward you will be taken away soon. You just need to stay in the academy and earn it slowly!"

"After entering the advanced level, who would want to practice the ordinary version? The advanced version requires merit points to exchange, and I just rewarded you with 100 merit points, which offsets it immediately."

Su Yu was stunned. This institution of higher learning... is so smart!

If Liu Wenyan hadn't said it, he wouldn't have known about this. No wonder they say that in higher education institutions, merit points are simply not enough. It's so deceptive!

"The normal versions are all free. Don't worry, you don't have to change. It's the same if you practice the normal version..."

Liu Wenyan joked: "Why don't you save it and don't change it!"

Su Yu had a sad face. I also want to be a genius and look down on my peers. I have to change. If I don’t, even if I reach the ninth level of Qianjun, I will still be no match for those ninth level geniuses in the War Academy. Isn’t this a loss

"Teacher, if I exchange skills with others privately... wouldn't it be cheaper?"

“It’s against the law!”

Liu Wenyan dispelled his thoughts. "I told you, only those in the family with high meritorious service can inherit the throne. The number of places is limited. Otherwise, it would be illegal if you were caught. Do you think it's so easy to exploit the loophole?"

Su Yu had given up. His heart was dead.

It seemed like he hadn't gotten his 100 merit points yet, but now he found out they were gone!

Liu Wenyan consoled him, "It's okay. Don't you still have dozens of reward points? If you save a little, you can spend them for a long time! I'll ask someone to get you a copy of the regular version of God of War. You can pick it up in a couple of days. Forget about the Will's Text version. I, your teacher, have never practiced God of War, so I can't write this."

Su Yu nodded. He didn't want the Text of Will anymore. Now he knew a little bit that this thing consumed a lot of energy.