Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 65: I am heartbroken


Time passes day by day.

On July 15, Su Yu received a notification letter from the Daxia Civilization Academy.

At home.

Su Yu took a look and couldn't help but curse under his breath, his good mood gone.

"The registration fee is 10,000, accommodation fee is 3,000, student clothing fee is 5,000, and book fee is 2,000, a total of 20,000."

"Student accommodation can be adjusted. Top students can live in Yangxing Park. The annual accommodation fee is 50,000 (or pay merit points)"

The notice stated some precautions, and Su Yu felt depressed when he saw them.

In cash, he now has just over 20,000 yuan.

It costs 20,000 just to register!

Of course, you can live in a health park instead of an ordinary dormitory, but that will cost you 50,000 or merit points.

Once I pay this money, I will starve to death in the school.

"Dad... the money you left behind is really not enough!"

Su Yu sighed. The money his father left behind was too little. If he hadn't been able to earn it himself, he would have starved to death on the streets.

As for the Yangxing Garden, Su Yu would definitely not live there now. He didn't have enough merit points, so why would he live there

"This Daxia Civilization Academy... is full of the stink of money!"

Su Yu cursed softly, charging for everything, why so much money!

It has been almost half a month since the first acupoint of the God of War Technique was opened. The essence and blood that Su Yu exchanged last time have been almost used up, and one drop of vitality liquid has been used up. Now there is only one drop of vitality liquid left.

One drop of vitality liquid, 30 points of merit, and more than 20,000 yuan in cash, this is all the family property.

There is still half a month before school starts, and he still has to continue exchanging his blood essence and even vital energy liquid, which may be used up by the time school starts.

I really went to Daxia Mansion empty-handed!


Sighing is ok, but as a special recruit for geniuses, one still has to pay tuition. The treatment for geniuses has been given, 100 points of merit and two opportunities to enter secret realms, which cannot be bought with money.

If you really want to spend money, hundreds of millions or even tens of millions wouldn't be enough.

Perhaps the Great Xia Civilization Academy did not expect that there would be talented students who would have a headache because of the registration fee.

"I have to go to the academy again today to exchange some blood essence and vital energy liquid."

In the past half month, Su Yu spent money on cultivation regardless of the cost, and now he has opened the third acupoint of the God of War.

In the next half month, he still has to exchange some resources and continue his practice.

Su Yu understood that he had to convert resources into strength so that he would have the capital to make money when he arrived in Daxia Prefecture.

Resources Department.

Su Yu gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Teacher, give me 15 drops of Iron Wing Bird Essence Blood and 3 drops of Vitality Liquid."

"The Iron Wing Bird's blood is fine, but the Vitality Liquid..."

The teacher from the Resource Management Office shook his head and said, "The school didn't have this stuff originally. The last time you exchanged a drop, we had to borrow it from Coach Liu. Su Yu, Coach Liu hasn't sent any vitality liquid recently."

Su Yu frowned slightly. He had forgotten that there was no powerful person in the Void Realm in the academy. No, Liu Wenyan did, but he seemed to be practicing himself recently, and he probably didn't have the energy to provide the academy with vitality liquid.

In the past, Yuanqi Liquid could only be purchased in Daxia Prefecture.

Nanyuan is too small and there are too few powerful people who can fly.

But it is impossible for Su Yu to go to Daxia Mansion to buy it now.

After thinking for a while, Su Yu asked: "Teacher, if I go to Nanyuan City Lord's Mansion now, can I exchange it for Yuanqi Liquid?"

The city lord also flew into the air. The three drops of vitality liquid he had received were provided by the city lord.

"If the merit level is high enough, then it's possible, but they may not have the reserves..."

The resource management teacher thought for a moment and said, "If you really want to change, I suggest you go to Longwuwei to change. The squad leader of Longwuwei is also vacant. They have few people, so he should have some reserves."

"But I don't even know where the Dragon Guards are stationed."

The teacher smiled and said, "This is not difficult. Recently, Nanyuan is going to escort you freshmen to Daxia Mansion for enrollment. The Dragon Guards will also protect you along the way. We should be negotiating with the City Lord's Mansion in the next few days. You can go and have a look. You may be able to find Shizhang Xia."

"Thank you, teacher."

Su Yu thanked him and exchanged it for 15 drops of blood essence. Not only would he need it, but his little brother "Blood" had also recently begun to revive and absorb the blood essence. With 15 drops of blood essence, he started practicing 10 times, and his little brother "Blood" absorbed at least two drops.

Keep the rest as a backup in case of danger.

"Brother Lei is still the best!"

Su Yu sighed. The "Blood" script absorbs blood essence, which costs a lot of money, but the "Thunder" script does not cost money. As for absorbing a little of his willpower, that is free, so Su Yu doesn't care too much.

In fact, if the civilization master knew what he was thinking, he would probably scold him to death.

Absorbing some essence and blood to strengthen myself, what is this

This is the most excellent model divine article!

Divine texts like the "Thunder" character, which absorb willpower, are the ones that give civilization masters a headache. Therefore, when civilization masters cultivate divine texts, their willpower is always consumed in large quantities and is difficult to replenish.

When it came to Su Yu, he even blamed the "blood" divine text, saying that he did not appreciate what he had.

Less than half an hour later, at Nanyuan City Lord's Mansion.

Su Yu waited outside the City Lord's Mansion for a while and finally saw Xia Bing.

"Master Xia..."

Su Yu greeted him in advance, Xia Bing turned to look at him, and asked in surprise: "You're looking for me?"

"Master Xia!" Su Yu said without beating around the bush, "There is no vitality liquid available at the academy. My teacher suggested that I come to Longwuwei to ask if you have any vitality liquid reserves?"

"Energy Liquid..."

Xia Bing glanced at him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, he was a little surprised and said: "Other acupoints have been opened... so quickly?"

No wonder you need vitality liquid!

This kid actually opened other acupoints.

Su Yu said honestly, "Didn't the city lord give me some vital energy liquid as a reward recently? I used it to try to cultivate and open my mind, but it consumed too much energy, and I don't have enough vital energy liquid."


Xia Bing nodded and said, "Nanyuan's vitality is weak, and it is troublesome to practice. Opening the orifices consumes the most vitality. The Dragon Guards do have it, but it is generally not open to the public... I can't open the military exchange system for you."

"How about this, I personally still have some reserves, you can just exchange them with me using normal merit points."

The Dragon Guards are stationed here, and Daxia Prefecture provides them with vitality liquid.

But those are military resources and are not supplied to the outside world.

There is no problem for Xia Bing to exchange it with Su Yu personally, because he is already in the air and can also condense himself.

"Thank you, sir!"

Su Yu hurriedly thanked him. If it weren't for Xia Bing's help, he really wouldn't be able to exchange for the vitality liquid in Nanyuan. The City Lord's Mansion didn't have any either, and he had asked before.

Xia Bing didn't care about this and asked, "Are you practicing the "War God Art"? "


"The God of War Technique has been revealed so quickly, the speed is not slow."

Xia Bing explained: "The Dragon Warriors usually focus on the "War God Technique", while the Demon Suppression Army focuses on the basic combat tactics."

The basic combat tactics are the techniques in the “Qianjun Jue” series.

"You are practicing the God of War Art. If you really want to make faster progress, in addition to the Will Text of your Civilization Academy, you can actually go to the Dragon Guard or the War Academy and ask someone for guidance."

Xia Bing pointed out: "The soldiers on duty at the Dragon Guards will definitely not be able to give you any advice, but those who are not on duty are all veterans who have practiced for many years and can help you avoid taking detours."

"Well, I'll remember that. Thank you for your reminder, sir."

"You're welcome."

Xia Bing said as he walked, "The things are at my place. I haven't brought them out yet. Come with me. In a few days, you will all go to Daxia Mansion together. Along the way, we and the city guards will protect you on the road."

Su Yu couldn't help but ask, "Master Xia, is the road dangerous?"


Xia Bing explained: "You should know that the Ten Thousand Races Sect is now active in Daxia Prefecture. Although we killed many of them last time, there is no guarantee that there are no lurking now. This is one point. The other thing is to be careful of the local demons. These guys are also troublesome."

"The local demon..."

Su Yu had heard of it, but had never seen it. He was a little curious and asked, "I've read in a book that because some places in the human realm have rich vitality, some native beasts in the human realm may also become monsters, but they are generally not strong. Will they attack humans?"

"It depends."

Xia Bing smiled and said, "Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. These monsters do whatever they want. In fact, their intelligence is not yet perfect. Sometimes they will unconsciously attack those who intrude into their territory."

"We clear them out every year, but new monsters are born every year, so we still need protection along the way. After all, you don't have much combat power."

Xia Bing said helplessly: "It is precisely because of this that the travel between cities is a bit troublesome. The caravans have to move on a large scale, and the roads along the way are often destroyed. These things cannot be killed completely, so we can only clear them out frequently. We can't kill all the beasts, right?"

Su Yu nodded. That was true. It was impossible that only humans would remain in the human realm.

Xia Bing added: "It's okay on land, and we often clear them out, but it's troublesome in the sea! Because there are more beasts in the sea, and it's not so easy to clear them out. This also leads to frequent monster outbreaks in several seas. Most of the students trained by the Sea War Academy have joined the Naval War Corps."

Chen Hao had previously thought about applying to the Naval Warfare Academy, which had a lower admission score.

The sea battlefield is not above the battlefield of the heavens, but within the human realm.

The human race does have the power to suppress them, but the key is that these things are impossible to kill completely, which is very troublesome.

Of course, Su Yu actually guessed that they might have some intention of training troops, or use it as a resource supply point. Otherwise, if some invincible strongmen came to this sea area, it should be possible to quickly pacify it.

"Master Xia, that road won't be very dangerous, right?"

"Normally not, unless the Myriad Races Cult launches a massive attack, but that's almost impossible."

Su Yu was terrified and said hurriedly, "Master Xia, please don't say these things."

This is generally not the case and is almost impossible, but it is more likely to happen in the end.

Su Yu, who often reads books, knows this kind of person, a typical jinx.

Xia Bing obviously knew what he meant. He smiled and didn't say much. Soon, they arrived at a small courtyard.

Su Yu was a little surprised. Is this the headquarters of the Dragon Guards

It seems not far from his home.

"It's our base..." Xia Bing knew what he was thinking and said with a smile, "It's okay, we will move to another place soon. There are not many Dragon Guards stationed in Nanyuan, so we usually move to another place every few days to prevent the Myriad Cult from knowing our whereabouts."

"Wait here, I'll go in and get you something."

Su Yu didn't dare to barge in, so he waited outside the door.

After a while, Xia Bing came out and threw a bottle over. Su Yu hurriedly caught it and took out the merit card.

Merit Card, this is not made by a civilized institution, but a scientific research institution.

It is called a card, but it is actually a small machine, similar to a calculator.

Su Yu connected his card with Xia Bing's and entered the password. It showed that there were 15 merit points on the card, which he then transferred to Xia Bing.

Xia Bing took a quick look and couldn't help asking, "Have you used them all?"

Does this kid eat merit

Even he knew that this kid earned 40 merit points in the assessment, and also received 10 merit points for completing the task. He also received a lot of merit points in the previous assessment of the Wanzu Language Academy. Chen Hao's 3 merit points...

All in all, this kid probably has more than 70 merit points.

Is that all

A person at Kaiyuan realm spent so much merit in such a short time, which was much more extravagant than Qianjun.

To get 70 points of merit, how many thousand-juns do you have to kill

We have to kill more than twenty of them who are extremely powerful!

Su Yu said awkwardly: "I have to nourish the divine text recently, and it is consumed quickly."

"Divine text..."

Xia Bing was stunned for a moment, then he understood a little and said with emotion: "That's right, you civilized masters still have to cultivate the divine text! When you go to the academy, it will cost you more. You still have to attend classes and borrow the original copies of those exercises... Your family situation... I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"When you arrive at Daxia Prefecture, the Dragon Guards, the Prefecture Army, and the Jifeng Hall all have an external hall where they post some daily tasks. If you want to earn some merit, you can go and have a look. Of course, your academy itself also has one."

Then Xia Bing said, "Don't accept the mission to the Zhutian battlefield. It's too dangerous. After all, you are just students."

"Got it, thank you for your advice, sir."

Su Yu thanked him again. Xia Bing was very easy to talk to, which was quite different from his previous coldness.

He didn't intend to ask why, thinking it might be because of his good talent.

In the end, he didn't ask, but Xia Bing said, "Your father... Although the battlefield of the universe has been relatively calm recently, small-scale battles have been going on. Your father led his 100-man regiment to carry out a mission and was slightly injured, but it's nothing serious."

"There's news from Daxia Prefecture that the situation of these Nanyuan soldiers will be reported and handled in Nanyuan City. Your father is worried about you and wants to transfer some of his merit points to you through the military system so that you don't have enough after you enter school..."

Su Yu's face changed slightly, and he asked hurriedly: "My dad is injured?"

"Nothing serious, just a minor injury, very common on the battlefield."

Xia Bing explained: "Don't worry. There's no point worrying if there's something wrong. There hasn't been a major war recently. It's just a minor problem. I just came out of the City Lord's Mansion to hand over the military's merit system to your system."

"Your father has recently seized some items, and the merit rewards will be distributed soon. According to his opinion, we will transfer them to you through the merit system..."

Su Yu's face was a little gloomy, "I don't need it! Leave it to my father. He needs it to improve his own strength on the battlefield... By the way, sir, can our merits be transferred to each other?"

"Sure, there are no restrictions for family members."

Xia Bing said, "It is common for some soldiers on the battlefield to transfer their merits to their families. Of course, it does not count as accumulated merits."

"Your father is also worried that you will not have enough achievements after going to school..."

"I don't need it."

Su Yu took a deep breath, "My father may not earn as much as I do, not to mention that what I earn is easy, but he wants to kill people... Lord Xia, can you tell my father that I am living a good life now and I have endless merit points?"

"I will pass this on to you through the Demon Suppression Army, but your father may not be able to receive it. Their station is always changing, so it may take a long time for him to receive it."

Su Yu nodded silently.

Father is injured!

Maybe it's not serious, but he has only been in the battlefield of the heavens for a short time.

Transfer the merit points to yourself... Are you afraid that he won't come back

In the past, Su Long gave all his merit points to his old brothers on the battlefield, but this time he transferred them to himself. Maybe Su Long was really worried that he would not be able to come back, and his son had no income and could not even continue his studies.

No wonder Xia Bing was not so indifferent this time, but rather polite. Perhaps it was not because of his own talent, but because of his father's performance on the battlefield.

"A ten thousand stone, what a mess!"

Su Yu muttered in a low voice, somewhat dissatisfied and a little annoyed.

Xia Bing heard it, moved his lips slightly, but said nothing.

You are not even a genius, but you despise your father.

However, Su Yu's worry is understandable. Xia Bing did not dwell on this and said, "Su Yu, if you are sure you don't need it, then we won't hand over your father's merits. But you are going to the Civilization Academy now... I think it's best for you to accept it."

"How much has my dad accumulated?"

"53 points."

Su Yu frowned, so many!

Yes, a lot. This means that Su Long’s achievement is comparable to killing 5 enemies in the early Wanshi level. Only then could he obtain so many merits. He had only been on the battlefield for a short time.

Of course, as a centurion, there will be some additional rewards for your leadership.

No matter what, the fact that Su Long had accumulated 53 merit points in such a short period of time made Su Yu somewhat worried and uneasy.

Is Dad too fierce

Could it be that he is going to challenge Wan Shi in the middle or late stage on the battlefield

"I don't want it. He can keep it to exchange for things for cultivation. It's only 50 or so. If you can tell my dad... just tell him that I have no shortage of money. I recently sold our house... and plan to go to the Daxia Mansion and find a rich man to marry into my family!"

"… "

Xia Bing looked at him for a long time without saying anything.

Boy, are you worried that your dad won’t die and want to piss him off to death

But he soon understood Su Yu's feelings and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll convey it for you! In addition, I will also convey your first place in the school assessment, so that your father does not have to worry. If you encounter some troubles in Daxia Prefecture, as long as it does not violate the laws and rules, you can seek help from the local military dependents office."

"Yes, I know."

Xia Bing didn't say anything more. He patted his shoulder and said with emotion: "Don't worry, the human race is invincible, and nothing will happen! Your father will also be proud of your achievements. We, the people, have nothing to ask for but the health of our families and the ability to succeed."

He is also middle-aged and has a wife and children at home. He is stationed in Nanyuan, and his wife and children are not here.

Seeing Su Yu, he couldn't help but put himself in the role of his father.

There are many soldiers in Daxia Prefecture. Their fathers are fighting on the battlefield, and they are afraid that their descendants will be left alone in the rear. To be able to have someone as outstanding as Su Yu is probably what all of them want to see.

After talking with Xia Bing, Su Yu felt a little heavy.

Xia Bing is too straightforward!

You shouldn't talk about the hurt directly.

Of course, it's better to say it. Knowing is better than not knowing, but this also makes Su Yu more anxious.

He became more and more eager to become stronger!

As for my father, I don't know when he will join the war. Once the war breaks out, not to mention Wanshi, even Tengkong may not be safe.

"I'm practicing step by step, so my speed won't be slow... But I... maybe I should open the atlas again!"

The training speed of the Thousand-Tier Seven Iron-Winged Bird was now a bit slow for him.

"The strength of the blood essence that is opened for the first time is probably the embodiment of the realm after opening... I can't open a very strong one now, but I can open the Wanshi first level... or Qianjun ninth level atlas, then the cultivation speed will be faster, and I should be able to barely bear it."

Su Yu fell into deep thought. There were so many monsters in his dreams. He had actually found several corresponding ones over the years, but he was not sure.

Even if some of them are confirmed, the corresponding essence and blood cannot be found.

"I can confirm that there are fish and turtles, but Nanyuan doesn't have their blood essence. I may be able to buy some when I get to Daxia Mansion."

Su Yu felt that the page about the Iron-Winged Bird was enough. He should not take risks now, but should be steady. After all, he was making rapid progress.

But Xia Bing's words made Su Yu a little impatient again.

He had to open more powerful monster atlases to speed up his cultivation. The seventh level of Qianjun was not slow, but it still made Su Yu unsatisfied.

"The key is... merit points and money!"

Su Yu was confused. If he opened the monster album of Wanshi Realm, did it mean that he would have to use the blood essence of Wanshi Realm to practice in the future

"The ones in the Wanshi realm are much more expensive than those in the Qianjun realm!"

"Maybe... I should accept the merit points that my father transferred... Since his strength is improving slowly, does that mean he doesn't have to participate in too intense battles?"

Su Yu shook his head. It was just wishful thinking. On the battlefield, those with weak strength might die faster.

Of course, the same goes for being strong, unless you are so strong that you are invincible.

"Dad, you really make me worry..."

Su Yu sighed. He is already an adult, but he still doesn’t give me peace of mind. It’s really a headache.

The battlefield of the heavens.

Somewhere in a military camp.

Su Long said to his subordinates with emotion, "My son is still young. He can't even cook or wash clothes... Oh, I've been so worried about him. I don't know if he's hungry while I've been away for so many days. Now that he's been admitted to the Great Xia Civilization Academy, the expenses are high. I wonder if he can find a daughter-in-law for me from the academy..."

"Centurion, there's no news from your son yet, but you know he can go to the Great Xia Civilization Academy?"

When the leader started to joke, Su Long glared at him and said dissatisfiedly, "Do you even need to ask? If my son can't pass the exam, no one else in Nanyuan can! It's a sure thing! I transferred the merit points from his last meritorious service back. With these merit points, when I go home in a few years, he will be at least 7000 Jin or 800 Jin!"

Someone nearby joked, "A thousand pounds? You might as well just say your son will be in the air in a few years! Isn't graduation from a civilized school the same as being in the air? In a few years, he'll come to our corps and become a civilized master. You'll have to call him master when you see him!"

Su Long's face flushed, and he said indignantly: "What's wrong with Tengkong? Is it impossible? My son is a genius! Maybe it won't work in a few years, or even 10 or 20 years? By then, you will still be in the army, and he will be a civilization division. You will all be his grandsons, and you will have to call him Lord Su when you meet!"

"Hahaha, yes, I'll call you Master Su then. Are you satisfied?"

Su Long glared at the other person, who was also a centurion. This guy was at a higher level than himself and was usually very arrogant.

Su Long gnashed his teeth and said, "Wait! When my son becomes a civilized master, I will slap you in the face one by one! Mr. Liu, don't be so arrogant. My son doesn't even like your daughter. How can a civilized master be afraid of not being able to get married?"

The man next to him snorted, "You old man, you've got your eyes on my daughter the moment you get here. You're trying to get your son a ride in a roundabout way. You're dreaming! My daughter will take part in the advanced examination next year. She's a sure thing to get into the Great Xia War Academy. In a year or two, she'll be a top scorer. Su Long, don't you look in the mirror? How many people can graduate from a civilized academy..."

Su Long was so angry that he wanted to challenge him to a duel!

Can’t I graduate from a civilized institution

Who said that!

But... it seems a bit difficult.

Su Long was a little discouraged, and the next moment he said something that didn't make sense: "Even if she can't graduate, she can still be a teacher in a civilized school. It's safer, and it's better than your daughter fighting like a barbarian!"

"Su Long, you want to fight?"

"Come on, who's afraid of who? You dare to say something bad about my son? I'm going to fight to the death today, you disrespectful guy!"

"… "

The two men started fighting again, and everyone else was watching the joke with glee. It was better to fight. There had been no war recently, so it was nice to just watch the fun.

However, everyone has some impression of Su Yu at this moment.

What a weak scholar!

Poor guy, he's weak and frail, maybe even sickly. Look how anxious Old Su is. As soon as he arrived at the legion, he started asking around to see who has a daughter. Is he worried that his son won't be able to find a wife