Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 68: Raid, counterattack


A winding road spreads out across the wilderness.

The convoy moved forward stumblingly.

The roads in Daxia Prefecture are actually well built, but the roads in the wilderness often have problems, with breaks here and cracks there.

Some are man-made, and some are caused by monsters.

In the car, the students were a little tired from the bumpy ride.

Fatigue is not the main issue. The vehicle has been driving for nearly 3 hours and people are in a hurry. Some students can no longer hold back.

In every car, students could be heard shouting "stop".

They need to go to the bathroom.

Behind the convoy.

Xia Bing frowned slightly. Stopping the convoy in the wilderness was actually a very dangerous thing.

The convoy kept moving forward, and even if the enemy had an ambush, the convoy could quickly leave the battlefield. Once it stopped, it would be troublesome if it encountered danger.

However, with hundreds of students, it is impossible to ask all of them to hold their breath for five hours.

"Stop the car and repair it for ten minutes!"

Xia Bing gave the order and rested for a while.

The parking location chosen was a plain area, which could effectively avoid enemy ambushes.

Su Yu also got out of the car.

After staying in the car for several hours, swaying back and forth, he was still okay, but some of the others were vomiting so much that Su Yu also felt like vomiting.

Chen Hao cursed and looked around, and said depressedly: "How can I pee here? There are people everywhere!"

This area is a plain, and the city guards are surrounding it outside and do not allow the students to run around.

Going to the toilet... isn't that convenient.

The boys were better off, but some girls had purple faces. Fortunately, Xia Bing shouted, "Boys stay on the left side of the convoy, girls stay on the right side! Solve the problem by yourselves. If you don't want to solve it, you'll pee in your pants! Leaving the city is a battlefield. If you can't overcome such a small matter, just go home!"

Although some people were still reluctant, there was nothing they could do at this point and they had to disperse on both sides of the convoy and use the trucks for cover.

Su Yu was not in a hurry, and did not follow Chen Hao and the others to defecate.

Looking around, it was very quiet and desolate.

While looking at the environment, Xia Bing walked over and waved at Su Yu.

Su Yu hurried over. As soon as he got there, Xia Bing said, "Don't get on car No. 1 later. Stay in the car behind..."

After that, he whispered, "Get in the car and change into the clothes of the city guards."

Su Yu's eyes flickered and he nodded.

Without saying anything to Chen Hao and the others, Su Yu simply said that he would change cars and went to the city guard truck behind.

After getting on the car, Su Yu changed into a city guard uniform and mixed in with the city guards.

Xia Bing followed and exhaled softly, "This is for your safety and the safety of others. If you stay in car No. 1, your companions will be unsafe."

"I know."

Su Yu nodded, and then whispered: "Master Xia, Tianshui City should be not far ahead. I looked at the map, and there doesn't seem to be a suitable ambush point nearby. Will the Ten Thousand Races Cult show up?"

“It’s hard to say.”

Xia Bing shook his head, and Su Yu continued, "This isn't the first time the convoy has been attacked. It happens almost every year at this time. Can the Great Xia Palace only respond passively?"

Xia Bing smiled, shook his head and said nothing more.

Instead of responding passively, every year the Daxia Prefecture would deliberately set up some targets to lure the Ten Thousand Races Sect to attack.

But this is a secret. Even they themselves don’t know which team is the target and which team is not guarding in secret.

Just as the convoy stopped.

Several thousand meters away from the convoy, a group of people squatted in a pit.

Looking at the stopped convoy in the distance, a middle-aged man asked the old man beside him in a low voice, "Master, Nan Yuan's convoy has stopped. Should we start now?"


The leader of Tianshui Hall rejected his suggestion. This place was too open. The enemy would run away before they could charge over. Even if they didn't run away, they would still suffer heavy losses.

The city guards are equipped with bows and crossbows. At such a long distance, they are sitting ducks.

"Master, there is no chance to attack again..."

The old man said calmly: "Don't do it if you don't have a chance. It's not a good deal. If you have a chance, go up and take a bite. If you don't have a chance, give up!"

"It's hard to explain to Lord Blood Crocodile."

"He is just the head of the hall, and so am I. There is nothing wrong with explaining it. Just cooperate with him. He didn't ask us to die."

The old man disagreed. Blood Crocodile was also a hall master, but his status was higher than his and he was also a strong man in the Lingyun realm, so when the order came this time, he had to obey.

He doesn't get along well with the blood crocodile. Even though he's here, he doesn't want to die foolishly.

After observing for a while, the old man made a judgment on Nan Yuan's strength.

There was indeed only one person in Tengkong, there were a few in the Wanshi realm, and the rest were ordinary city guards in the Qianjun realm.

"Let's go ahead and wait at Yuanshui Village!"

"Yuanshui Village?"

The middle-aged man was a little shocked when he heard this: "Master, that is the territory of Tianshui City, just outside the city, less than 30 miles away from the main city..."

"If you want to take action, you can only do it there!"

The old man said coldly, "It's close to Tianshui City. Nanyuan's convoy will relax their vigilance there. There are many residential areas and houses near the road, which can also conceal our whereabouts. As long as we are fast, we can evacuate quickly before Tianshui City comes to help. It will be much safer than here."

"Stop talking nonsense and go over and make arrangements quickly, or you won't fall behind them!"

After saying this, the old man bent down and retreated. A moment later, a group of people quickly left the pit and took a shortcut to the outskirts of Tianshui.

These people were quite strong and very fast, running bent over in the wilderness.

The moment they evacuated, Xia Bing glanced over there and frowned slightly.

I always felt like there was something staring at me over there.

Are they humans, monsters, or just a few ordinary wild beasts

"Hurry up and get in the car, keep going, in another two hours we will be able to enter Tianshui City!"

Xia Bing gave a light shout, and the convoy, which had been resting for a while, was on the road again.

In the car, Su Yu kept his knife in his hand and remained alert.

As the convoy continued to move forward without any accidents, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had never experienced the dangers of the wild, even Xia Bing was so nervous, so he certainly didn't dare to relax.

More than ten trucks continued to move forward.

Bumpy, shaky, slow.

Next to Su Yu, a city guard sergeant smiled and said, "Don't be too nervous. Being too nervous is not a good thing. Don't worry, classmate Su. As long as we reach Tianshui City, the rest of the journey will be much safer."

Su Yu nodded and said softly, "Brother Ma, do the city guards usually go out of the city to eliminate wild monsters and the Ten Thousand Races Sect?"


Shi Chang laughed and said, "After all, only a few of the guys from the Ten Thousand Races Cult are lurking in the city. Most of them are still outside the city. The wilderness is their base. We will often send some people to explore. Once we find their base, we will immediately wipe them out."

Su Yu understood and said, "Brother Ma, I'm actually very curious. So many people from the Myriad Clans were killed in Daxia Prefecture. Why are there still so many people willing to join the Myriad Clans?"

"There are many reasons." The squad leader, who had also experienced war, sighed, "The Ten Thousand Races Cult has many members. The first type is deserters!"

Su Yu's pupils shrank. He had never considered this.

"On the battlefield of the heavens, there are constant battles and countless casualties. Not everyone is not afraid of death. Some people are scared and become deserters. They are lucky enough to survive the battlefield of the heavens and then escape from the legion. Such people will be beheaded, so they can only join the Ten Thousand Races Sect."

"The second type, the fugitive!"

"Some cultivators kill and rob. Instead of trying to gain merit on the battlefield, they try to kill and rob. If they are caught, they become fugitives. Or some people just want to get something for nothing and only want to make a fortune by killing and robbing. The Ten Thousand Races Sect has no rules, so it is certainly more suitable for them than the major legions in the human realm..."

"The third type is faith. This is actually the most difficult type of followers of all races. They truly believe in those gods and demons and think they are omnipotent and immortal. These people also want to enter the realm of gods and demons one day, so they treat the orders of all races as oracles."

"The fourth type is the liar."

Su Yu was stunned for a moment. Liar

The captain whispered, "They are just scammers. Some of them formed a team and said they believed in a certain race, then deceived that race into investing heavily in them, providing them with resources, skills, and natural treasures."

The headmaster was a little amused and helpless, saying, "They found that it was very easy to defraud some small tribes, so these people also became part of the Ten Thousand Races Sect, and there are quite a few of them. Many small sects were founded by these people. If you can find a connection and join a certain tribe by recruiting a hundred or eighty people, you can defraud a lot of resources, which is much easier than earning them yourself..."

"Among all the races, is there any race that is so stupid?"

Su Yu was a little bit unbelieving, but after thinking about it, it might not be impossible.

The chief laughed softly and said, "The myriad races are not in the human realm, so what do they know? Generally speaking, they think that these people are willing to help them leave their heritage and faith here, and provide some information, which is enough. In fact, some races know, but they also need some basic information."

"Those people may be liars, but they are human after all. They live in the human realm. Sometimes providing some information can also help all races better understand the human race."

As he spoke, Shi sighed, "It may sound like this kind of people are not so hateful, but in fact... they deserve to be killed! Some information that they think is unimportant is sometimes very important to the Ten Thousand Races. For example, a few years ago, a small sect provided a piece of information saying that one of their relatives was on duty in a certain legion and was returning home to visit his family..."

"As a result, that clan discovered based on the data that the legion was in the process of resting and many soldiers were on leave. It was originally a normal rotation, but they found a flaw and raided the legion... The losses were heavy!"

Su Yu also sighed and didn't ask any more questions.

Time passes by little by little.

As they got closer and closer to Tianshui City, the city guards became nervous. They were all veterans and understood that accidents often occurred at times like this.

Ahead, Xia Bing had already taken off to explore several times.

Someone nearby reported the news, "We are just a few dozen miles away and will soon enter the territory of Tianshui City. Yuanshui Village is ahead. After passing Yuanshui Village, we will reach Tianshui City in half an hour!"

This place is already considered the territory of Tianshui City.

Tianshui City is much stronger than Nanyuan. There are more than 5,000 city guards, many powerful warriors, and even Lingyun. When they arrived in Tianshui, the Ten Thousand Races Sect did not dare to come and die.

At this moment, there are some houses scattered on both sides of the road.

Some residents from the suburbs even stood at the intersection to watch the convoy.

There were also children running on both sides of the road.

The convoy slowed down. This place is inhabited and there are people coming and going. If they drive too fast, it will easily cause a car accident.

Many city guards also felt relieved at this moment.

Once you reach a densely populated area, it generally means you are truly safe.

The journey was relatively smooth and we did not encounter any attacks from monsters or beasts.

Scattered houses are scattered on both sides of the road.

In front of Su Yu and the others, in a small courtyard on the roadside, the head of Tianshui Hall took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "With Tengkong here, I will immediately contain the other party. Remember, your target is not the city guards, but the students!"

"Don't kill them all, kill some and keep some to hold back the city guards!"

"Injure some seriously, injure some lightly, and then evacuate. Let the city guards and the Dragon Guards have no intention of chasing us. Evacuate quickly!"

The old man gave the order to kill them all, and that meant fighting to the death.

But if we don't kill them all and leave some wounded, the City Guards and Dragon Guards will be tied down instead.

The city guards had to take care of the wounded and stay behind to protect them. Even the few people in the Dragon Warrior Guards didn't dare to chase them down rashly. It wasn't the first time the old man had done such a thing and he had a lot of experience.

Some were brainless and just went up to kill. As a result, all the students were killed. The City Guards and Dragon Guards were no longer restrained and instead became more murderous. They chased them all the way to the end and fought to the death, which often resulted in losses on both sides.

"It's enough to kill some of them. It's not dangerous and will contribute a lot. Then quickly leave Tianshui. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, sir!"

Several leaders in the room responded quickly.

The head of Tianshui Hall took a deep breath and released his willpower, covering the courtyard to prevent Tengkong from sensing it.

Although a warrior does not cultivate willpower, his willpower will naturally increase when he reaches the air. It may not be as good as that of a civilized master, but it is enough to conceal his whereabouts.

"Blood Crocodile..."

The old man murmured in his heart, this guy didn't get along with him, and asked him to take action against Nan Yuan, but he didn't come over.

"You want me to be bait?"

The old man felt a little uneasy, but the Blood Crocodile was Ling Yun, so he had to obey his orders.

However, he observed for a long time and did not see any signs of ambush near Nanyuan.

"Hit and go!"

The old man had made a decision. He had to obey the Blood Crocodile's orders. However, as long as he took action, he would complete the mission and then evacuate quickly. He would soar to the sixth level. As long as he did not intend to kill the Dragon Warrior in the air, it would be very easy to evacuate.

"Blood Crocodile, do you want me to draw the firepower so that you can profit from it?"

The old man guessed the Blood Crocodile's next plan, and soon, without giving it any more thought, Nan Yuan's convoy was about to arrive.

"We're almost at Tianshui."

Yuanshui Village passed by slowly. Next to Su Yu, Marsh breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In another half an hour, we will reach Tianshui City. This trip is going smoothly..."

There are only a few houses ahead.

Further away, one can even vaguely see the existence of a big city. Of course, it is very blurry. It is about 30 miles away from here. Everyone can only sense it in their minds. In fact, the city cannot be seen here at all.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion from the truck in front.

The next moment, someone shouted, "The tire is flat!"

Everyone was nervous at first, but then they all breathed a sigh of relief. Su Yu heard someone in the city guards shout, "Can you still keep going? We can make some repairs when we get to Tianshui City!"

The convoy gradually stopped.

The car in front had a flat tire and the car behind couldn't leave.

"I can't drive anymore. I need to change the tires. It'll be quick..."

In front, Xia Bing looked around, and beside him, a Dragon Warrior was also looking around. There were some residential areas here, and the sound of the tire burst seemed to have attracted some people's attention. Some residents walked out of the house or looked over here.

"Sir..." The Dragon Guard looked at it for a while and suddenly said, "Something is wrong."


Xia Bing instantly became alert, "What's wrong?"

He hadn't noticed anything unusual, and they were almost there. Although he was still alert at the moment, he was actually a lot more relaxed.

"Too many men, no... children!"

The expression of Long Wuwei beside him changed slightly. There were men and women in this place, all wearing ordinary clothes. But this place was a little different from the previous one. There were about ten households nearby, but no child's voice was heard!

On the road ahead, there were still children running on the road, but this place was extremely quiet. Apart from the residents... it seemed that there were not even any livestock.

The Ten Thousand Races Sect has both male and female members, but there is absolutely no possibility of children being present during operations.

The next moment, Xia Bing suddenly realized it. He was a little annoyed that he had never thought of this.

There was no time to regret, Xia Bing shouted: "Enemy attack, form a formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people who were just watching suddenly exploded!

With a loud bang!

A truck close to the road was directly cracked by a knife, and a scream was heard!

Xia Bing was just about to go for reinforcement, when the next moment, a shadow appeared beside him and attacked him!

With a bang, the long knife and the iron sword collided, and the truck where Xia Bing was located collapsed directly.

The other Dragon Warriors were soon entangled by the leader who suddenly rushed out from the side. Xia Bing retreated repeatedly, roared, and rushed towards the figure in the air again.

Under attack!

It was not until this time that everyone came to their senses. They were all a little bit unbelievable that the other party dared to attack them at this distance.

At the moment when Xia Bing and his men were attacked, Su Yu's car was also attacked.

A Wanshi and several Qianjun rushed out instantly. The sergeant of the city guards roared, and quickly jumped off the car with the others. The two sides started fighting head-on.

"Protect the vehicle!"

"Students, don't run around. Go get some people to protect car number 3!"

"Team Seven, protect car number 7!"

The centurion of the city guard roared. There were not many people on the other side. The key point was that after the students were attacked, some of them ran around. Once they ran out of the protection circle, these Kaiyuan realm students would almost certainly be killed with one sword.

Su Yu did not join the battle. Seeing that this side could still resist, he jumped out of the car without saying a word and ran towards car No. 1.

That guy Chen Hao is still over there!

He was wearing the uniform of the City Guards and was not the main target of the attack by the Ten Thousand Races Cult. On the way, a Thousand Jun Realm warrior saw Su Yu running towards him and was about to stop him when his eyes suddenly blurred and everything went dark!

This is also the environment that Su Yu has figured out recently. It’s dark!

The opponent's eyes went dark, and before he could react, Su Yu slashed with his knife, and with a "whoosh" sound, the opponent's body was cut off!

Su Yu has swallowed the essence and blood!

At this point, he dared not hide anything.

With the help of the divine text, the explosive power of the seventh level of Qianjun, and the Thunder Yuan Sword being a mysterious-level martial art, it would be too easy to kill these Qianjuns.

After killing a Qianjun with one sword, Su Yu did not linger and quickly ran towards car No. 1.

The convoy vehicles were not far away.

The City Guards and Dragon Guards are resisting powerful enemies. The members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect who came to attack and kill the students are not strong. The Wanshi Realm is almost all dealing with the City Guards and Dragon Guards, and the Qianjun Realm is more than enough to kill the students.

Soon, Su Yu saw car number 1.

At this moment, Chen Hao and his men were also holding weapons. Some were frightened, some were afraid, but there were almost no screams.

They are more or less elite students and are more patient than other students.

On the periphery, the city guards were still resisting and had not fallen into a disadvantage. They were also able to maintain a degree of composure.

Before Su Yu arrived, he heard Chen Hao roaring, "What are you afraid of? If you dare to come, I will kill you! It's not like I haven't killed these beasts from all races before!"

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were still safe, and he did not take off his city guard uniform. It was understandable that the city guards killed a few believers, but if he, a student, killed a few believers at this moment, he would immediately become the target of public criticism.

Even a fool knows that he is a genius student!

Although it was not as useful as a student, Su Yu felt that it was safer to dress up as a city guard at this moment.

Seeing that Chen Hao and the others were fine, Su Yu did not get closer and turned to run towards the battle group fighting outside.

At this moment, the city guards in front of him were fighting with several members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect.

Su Yu remained silent, and the illusion reappeared.

Several members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect who were fighting felt a darkness before their eyes.

While they were fighting, there was a sudden darkness in front of them. These people were instantly panicked. In the panic, several people were killed by the city guards in the blink of an eye.

The remaining few people were at a disadvantage in an instant and were about to be wiped out soon.

Su Yu also had cold sweat on his forehead, and the illusion also consumed his willpower.

At this moment he was near car No. 3. The students in the car kept screaming because someone broke in.

Su Yu took a quick look and saw that there were only two city guards guarding outside the car, but there were five members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect who suddenly broke in.

Su Yu did not waste any time and turned around to kill him. A member of the Ten Thousand Races Sect quickly turned around and attacked him. He had the same experience and his vision went dark. He swung his sword in panic. Su Yu dodged his sword and slashed sideways. With a "puff", he cut off the opponent's head.

"Kill him!"

The other few people were startled, and two more people rushed towards Su Yu.

Su Yu took a deep breath and quickly swallowed another drop of blood essence. The long sword in his hand suddenly flashed with lightning, and the will of the "thunder" divine text was attached!


Su Yu shouted in his heart. This was the first time he truly used the second strike of the Thunder Blade.

The speed of the long sword is extremely fast!

There was a loud bang, followed by a roar of thunder.

The two men also saw darkness in front of their eyes at this moment. They were horrified when they heard the thunder and retreated to both sides.

One person escaped, but the other was cut into two by Su Yu's sword.

Su Yu staggered and almost fell.

While the other person fell to the ground, Su Yu swung his sword and nailed the other person to the ground with a "puff".

In an instant, three members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect died!

All this happened so quickly that the other two city guards roared in anger when they saw their companions fighting so bravely, and the other two were forced to retreat continuously.

The area around the entire convoy turned into a Shura field in the blink of an eye.

In the mid-air battle, Xia Bing was in a miserable state, covered with wounds, and at this moment large drops of blood were falling from the sky.

No one cared about the battle in the air over there. Su Yu recovered a little and continued to perform illusions. This time he did not take action, but hid in the back, constantly interfering with the followers of all races in front.

It feels good to kill people with your own hands, but it consumes too much energy and your body is hollowed out. It is better to be a supporting role and achieve better results.

Originally, the other side had few people, but with Su Yu's interference, more than twenty members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect died in a short while.

In the air, the master of Tianshui Hall felt something was wrong.

The difference is not that big!

How could there suddenly be so many casualties!

The followers of the Ten Thousand Races Sect were only trying to contain the enemy, not fight to the death with them, so how come dozens of them were killed suddenly


When he saw another member of the Ten Thousand Races sect being quickly hacked to death by the city guards, he realized the problem and roared, "Retreat, there are civilized divisions!"

The Civilization Master appeared!

This is the interference of the civilization master's will, or other means, anyway, it is not a normal means. The guy who was hacked to death suddenly showed a panic expression just now. This is not normal!

One more civilization master means one more Tengfei, and even he himself will be in danger!


With a roar, all the followers of the Ten Thousand Races evacuated.

At this moment, a ray of golden light shot out from a distance, and with a "puff", the head of the Tianshui Hall Master who was in the air was directly pierced through!

The next moment, rays of golden light shot out!

On the ground, dozens of followers of the Ten Thousand Races Sect were killed in the blink of an eye.

In a split second, an old man landed on the ground, looked around, and frowned slightly, "Sorry, I was exploring the way ahead just now, and I thought they would fight in the wild. I made a mistake this time."

The old man spoke, and it was obvious that he was the strong man who was secretly protecting the Nanyuan convoy.

However, the other party was not here just now, but went to explore other places, and subconsciously ignored Yuanshui Village.

In the sky, Xia Bing landed on the ground covered in blood, looked at the old man, and said in a low voice: "Are you alone?"

It would be strange if he could defend it with just one person!

The old man nodded. "It's just me. There were originally two of us. The other one heard that there seemed to be some movement in Tianshui, so he went to Tianshui City to wait for us..."

"Missed the opportunity!"

Xia Bing said this in a muffled voice and ignored the old man. Even if the old man killed the sixth level of Tengqi instantly, he didn't care.

I looked around, took a look, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the loss was not great.

Seven or eight people died. A few students were killed because they were unlucky enough to run around. The others were only slightly injured. Several city guards were killed.

Xia Bing didn't feel any pain at all when the person running around was killed.

I told you not to run around, but you insisted on running. The city guards outside were guarding with their lives. Not only did these guys run around, they also disrupted the formation of the city guards. They would die if they died.

The next moment, Xia Bing glanced at Su Yu with a strange look in his eyes.

He naturally knew that someone didn't recognize Su Yu.

The guy who just shouted for the Civilization Master to appear was not referring to the old man, but Su Yu!

This guy... has such a weak willpower, yet he can actually play such a big role!

How did he do it

He did know that last time Su Yu assisted Jifengtang in killing a Wan Shi, but there were some differences between that time and this time. That time the opponent was surrounded, but this time they were not.

Not only did he look at Su Yu, the old man also turned his head to look at Su Yu.

He didn't see what happened before, but he could still see that Su Yu looked like he had run out of willpower, and even sensed some of the charm of the divine text.

"City Guards?"

The old man showed a puzzled look. Is there anyone in the city guards who can condense the divine text

No, he quickly recognized the other person again, Su Yu!

This time Nan Yuan’s top-notch talent!

"I can actually use the divine text, and..."

The old man looked at the killed members of the Ten Thousand Races Sect again, and looked at Su Yu with strange eyes. This kid had used the divine text at least seven or eight times. This was impossible!