Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 76: Be self-reliant


Outside the school gate.

It's Su Yu and the others' turn.

After passing through the gate, Su Yu officially entered the Daxia Civilization Academy.

There are green trees and flowers and plants on the roadside, red and green, making the entire school look like a garden.

You can also see some small animals running on the lawn.

In the distance, you can see lotus flowers blooming in the artificial lake.

“So beautiful!”

Liu Ke exclaimed, and everyone else nodded. The environment of the school's main campus was very beautiful, without any of the previous oppressive feeling.

Zhou Hui had already gotten tired of it and had no expectations.

After the students looked at it for a while, Zhou Hui immediately said, "Let's go to the registration office. You will get tired of seeing these things in the future."

A few minutes later, everyone arrived at the freshman reception hall.

Still have to queue.

However, 10 windows were opened this time, so the speed was not slow.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was Su Yu and his friends' turn.

"Liu Ke... Shangdeng, would you like to stay in Yangxing Garden?"

The person in charge of registration, a coach, not a researcher, looked up at Liu Ke and said, "If you want to stay in Yangxing Garden, you need to pay 50,000 yuan for accommodation, or 1 merit point."


Liu Ke nodded quickly. She had heard from Zhou Hui that a house with eight people in one room would be very crowded!

Then he added: "Pay money, not merit points!"

"Okay, 67,000 in total."

Swipe the card, register, the process is very fast.

In the blink of an eye, 67,000 was gone.

Su Yu felt so distressed watching from behind, he was so greedy for money!

What should I do

The next one was Su Yu. After handing in his registration card, the coach checked his information and looked up at Su Yu in surprise, "Su Yu?"


"So you are Su Yu."

The coach smiled and said, "You are quite famous. Yangxing Garden is also divided into areas, ordinary area and advanced area. Which one do you live in?"

"… "

Su Yu was speechless. Why didn’t you ask me whether I lived in Yangxing Garden

However, Su Yu still became interested and asked, "Teacher, is there any difference?"

"It's simple. The ordinary area is a small apartment. The rooms are not big, one for each person, and there are people upstairs and downstairs. The advanced area is a single-family villa with a good environment and convenient for cultivation."

As he spoke, he smiled and said, "The school also has a special area! It's also a single-family building, but there's an advantage, the vitality is very rich, and it's close to the Secret Realm of Vitality!"

"In the normal zone, you get 1 merit point per year. In the advanced zone, you get 10 merit points per year. The special zone is too expensive. You need 100 merit points per year."

The coach said, "I suggest you go to the advanced area. The special area is too stressful for you. The ordinary area is not that good either. The top-class area will give you 3 merit points per month. 10 merit points per year is not too much."

After that, he added: "Not everyone can go here. You are the top class, so these permissions are opened to you. Those lower-class students can only go to the ordinary area at most even if they have merit points. Unless you have accumulated enough merit points, you are not allowed to go to the advanced and special areas."

Su Yu smiled bitterly, he had no money.

No, no merit points.

All the merit points I had previously used up have been spent, and the later merit points haven’t arrived yet.

"Teacher, I'll live in a normal dormitory."


The coach looked at him in surprise and said seriously: "Young man, don't be reluctant to spend money, otherwise you will regret it!"

Su Yu said helplessly: "I don't have any merit points..."

"It's okay. I checked for you. I just received 42 merit points this morning. Otherwise, I can't recommend you to the special zone!"

"… "

Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So you saw it, right

No wonder the advanced and special areas were recommended to me as soon as I arrived!

It looks like the merit points from the military have been issued, and the efficiency is quite good.

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, finally not so nervous anymore, thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go to the normal area."

He can still afford 1 point of merit.

As for the higher-end ones... forget it, they're too expensive.

Zhou Hui said that eight people should share a room, which dissuaded Su Yu from going to an ordinary dormitory. There were too many people, and he wouldn't be able to practice properly. It would also be easy for others to discover him if he devoured essence and blood to practice.

"I still suggest you go to the advanced area..."

Having said that, the coach still helped him with the formalities and reminded him, "Go pick up your books and clothes in the afternoon. The specific procedures will be arranged by your accommodation."

"Thank you, teacher."

Su Yu thanked him and had an extra key in his hand.

In the hall, Zhou Hui waited for Su Yu to arrive and asked, "Do you live in Yangxing Garden?"


"It just so happens that I'm there too."

Zhou Hui smiled and said, "My mission has been completed. You and Liu Ke can come with me. It's just on the way."

Su Yu was still worried about not being able to find the place, so he heaved a sigh of relief and thanked her, "Thank you for your help, Senior."

"You're welcome!"

Zhou Hui no longer cared about the students who were still queuing. After they had finished registering, they were arranged to live in dormitories. On the way here, Zhou Hui had already told them where the dormitories were, so she didn't need to worry about it.

On the side, Liu Ke also followed, dragging two large boxes.

As he walked, he looked at Su Yu curiously and said, "Student Su Yu, just now...did your family give you merit points?"

She heard that Su Yu received 42 merit points today.

So rich!

Of course, as a top student, she wasn't short of merit points. She was just a little curious. Wasn't Su Yu from Nanyuan

I heard that your family is average, so where did you get so many merit points

Su Yu smiled and said, "Yes, my father gave it to me."

"Uncle is so generous!"

Liu Ke looked envious, "When my dad came, he told me to rely on myself, so he transferred 30 merit points to me."

"… "

Su Yu was speechless. Are all of you guys so rich

It’s easy to get dozens of merit points!

But it is understandable that when children go to school, the school costs a lot, so the family should try their best to support them, right

Take Chen Hao for example. He also secretly told Su Yu that when he came, his father transferred 20 merit points to him.

While chatting, we soon arrived at a garden-style community.

There were guards on duty outside the door. Before entering, I saw tall trees that reached into the sky.

Zhou Hui introduced: "The Yangxing Garden is very large, but now only students under 30 years old are allowed to live here, otherwise there will be no room for everyone. New students can move in, but old students must be in Yangxing. Most of the Yangxing students will live here, and there are nearly 5,000 of them."

"There are a total of 50 ordinary apartment buildings here, all of which are 6-storey buildings with 20 households per floor. If fully occupied, they can accommodate 6,000 people. In addition, there is a high-end area, which is not located with us."

With 50 buildings, it would be considered a very large community no matter where it is located.

Zhou Hui smiled and said, "You should be assigned to Building 3 and Building 4. Freshmen should live there. Some old students over 30 years old moved out, so the school vacated two buildings. They are probably prepared for you."

Su Yu looked at the number on the key and nodded, "Building 3, Room 609."

"Then Liu Ke will be in Building 4. Building 3 is for boys, and Building 4 is where the girls live."

Liu Ke also took a look at the key and said hurriedly: "Well, I live in Building 4, Room 303."

Zhou Hui pointed to a few small buildings in front and said, "It's over there. I live in Building 28. You can come and consult me if you have time. You can ask me if you don't understand anything."

He walked forward with the two of them. Some old students passed by on the road, but they were in a hurry and no one paid any attention to them.

A few minutes later, Su Yu's Building 3 arrived.

It is just an ordinary old building. Yangxing Garden has been established for a long time. Although it is renovated sometimes, it still looks a bit shabby.

"Su Yu, then I won't take you upstairs!"

Zhou Hui said goodbye to Su Yu and said with a smile: "I'll leave you my number. Remember to call me if you have anything."

"Yes, thank you for your help, Senior Sister!"

"You're welcome!"

Zhou Hui smiled brightly, "Think of senior sisters when there is good news. It's not easy for us old students. Even if you geniuses leak some oil these days, it's enough for us to eat."

Su Yu smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

He can hardly protect himself now, so of course he has no ability to promise anything.

Besides, he and Zhou Hui were not very familiar with each other. Of course, if something good really happened, it would be no big deal for him to lend a hand.

"Goodbye, classmate Su Yu!"

Liu Ke also waved at him and hurriedly ran after Zhou Hui, as if he was a little afraid of Su Yu.

Su Yu was helpless. He didn't think he was a bad guy no matter how he looked at him. Why did Liu Ke always look at him as if he was a bad guy

Old building, no elevator.

Because it is for freshmen, there are not many people here at the moment and there is almost no sound in the whole building.

6th Floor, Room 609.

Su Yu opened the door and a musty smell came out.

The old people moved out some time ago, and no one has lived there for a long time, so the smell is so bad.

Before Su Yu had time to enter the door, someone next to him laughed and said, "Classmate, do you need help?"

"… "

Su Yu turned his head and saw a slightly fat boy with a simple and honest face and a funny smile looking at him. Seeing Su Yu looking at him, he smiled and said, "Classmate, you are also a freshman, right? The room is very dirty. I just took a look. Do you need my help to clean it?"

Su Yu glanced at him and asked, "Free?"

"… "

The slightly fat boy laughed dryly, "Well... that's a little more interesting. I have a magic spell that is specifically used for cleaning. It's very convenient and can be done in a short time!"

Su Yu's heart sank.

Divine text!

You can also use the characteristics to outline the complete divine text.

He didn't expect that he would meet a freshman who had outlined a complete divine text as soon as he arrived, and... he actually came to solicit business and clean up!

Su Yu looked into the room at this time. It was not a big place, about 40 square meters.

There is a bathroom and an open kitchen, but no living room, or rather, the living room and bedroom are integrated.

It's not bad, but it's a bit dirty.

"You can buy bedding at the store downstairs. Classmate, I can also buy it for you. Just give me some money for running errands!"

"… "

Su Yu turned his head to look at the slightly fat boy again, opened his mouth, and couldn't help asking: "How much does it cost?"


The slightly fat boy smiled innocently and said, "Cleaning is worth 1 merit point, and shopping on behalf of others does not require merit points. Just give 100 merit points for running errands! After all, cleaning with divine writings also requires willpower."

Su Yu looked at him, smiled, walked in, and slammed the door!

Do you think I'm stupid!

1 point of merit is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

I've only been living in Yangxing Garden for a year and I'm so heartbroken. You still want to charge me. I'd be willing to give it a try even if it's free... You can consider it.

Outside the door, the slightly plump boy looked a little disappointed.

Is 1 point of merit a lot

So stingy!

The next moment, his ears moved and he had a new goal. Soon, he heard a conversation downstairs: "Classmate, do you need help?"

"… "

Apparently, a new student has arrived.

In the room, Su Yu shook his head, smiled and said nothing.

He was sure that this guy would have business.

Almost all the people who live in Yangxing Garden are top talents, and there are many people from big families. This room is dirty, so if you spend 1 merit point to clean it up, these people may not care.

"This is a good business!"

Su Yu sighed, and said with some regret: "I have two divine texts, why don't they have this feature? Otherwise, I would definitely make a fortune today!"

There are more than 100 households in a building. Even if it is not fully occupied, it is fine to have 50 or 60 people living there.

Half of the people are unwilling to clean up after themselves, but that still amounts to 30 merit points income.

This is a big deal!

Moreover, making money is extremely fast, safe and convenient, comparable to killing three strong men in the early stage of Wanshi.

It was a bit regrettable, but unfortunately the divine text was not powerful enough and Su Yu could do nothing about it.

After putting down his luggage, Su Yu took a look at the room. Not only was it dirty, but there were no daily necessities.


It costs money again!

He just didn't live in an ordinary dormitory, and the school charged him 17,000 yuan in tuition. At this time, Su Yu only had about 5,000 yuan in cash and 41 merit points.

"Let's clean it up first!"

Su Yu picked up a piece of torn clothing and started cleaning the room.

Su Yu was cleaning the room, and Building 3 gradually became lively.

New students began to move in one after another.

Not everyone can afford to live in the high-end area. Even if they can, some people are unwilling to live there. It is a waste to spend 10 points of merit just to live better, unless your family is really rich.

Some students actually just want to have some fun.

Although a single-family house is nice, it’s lonely and lacks some liveliness.

There are too many people in one room in an ordinary dormitory, which is not conducive to cultivation.

On the contrary, this kind of apartment-style residence, where each person has one household and everyone lives in the same building, is more suitable.

Building 3 became lively. A slightly plump boy was walking around on each floor, making a lot of money.

While the seniors were still worrying about earning merits, the slightly plump boy simply cleaned the place and quickly earned more than ten merits.

“Making money… isn’t that hard!”

The slightly plump boy sighed and felt that it was very easy.

On the first day of school, I earned more than ten merit points.

And it seems that there will be another wave in the afternoon, so it won’t be difficult to earn 30 points.

At this moment, the fat man was cleaning a room for a student, and the student couldn't help but ask: "Student, what is the divine text you outlined? Is it only for cleaning?"

The fat man smiled innocently and said, "It seems to be the only feature at the moment."

"That's such a waste, what a shame!"

The man sighed for a while, then asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Xia Huyou."


The students who were talking to him were stunned. What kind of name was that

The fat man hurriedly explained: "That's not what I meant. It's Xia, Xia from the Great Xia Mansion, Hu from Tiger, You from You..."


The new student was also stunned, "You are not from the Xia family, are you?"

"I guess so, distant cousin."

Xia Huyou said helplessly: "The Xia family of Daxia Mansion has been passed down for so many years, and there are many people with the surname Xia. Except for the direct lineage of the King of Daxia, the other Xia family members are no different from ordinary families."

The new student nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise it would be too scary for the Xia family to clean up for me! By the way, I heard that someone from Lord Xia's lineage is going to enter the mansion this year. Do you know?"


Xia Huyou curled his lips and said, "A woman, I forgot her name. She's a very arrogant girl, but she doesn't live here, she lives in the special zone. She's really rich, but she's so wasteful that she's willing to give away 100 merit points a year!"

"Lord Xiahou is rich, the richest man in the Great Xia Mansion, why would he care about that little bit of merit?"

The new students also lamented that people are different.

They live in a special zone, with 100 merit points. Even big families can't bear to spend so much money!

Seeing that he was talkative, the new student asked again, "You run around everywhere, are there any powerful people in our building?"

"Several monsters are either living in the special area or the advanced area. The most powerful person in our building... is probably the guy in Room 609, Su Yu, Nanyuan Su Yu, who is on the top assessment."

"Su Yu?" The new student quickly reacted and said, "Is he the guy who got into the top class because his civilization ambition was broken?"

"You all know?"

Xia Huyou was surprised and said, "You don't really think that because of his bad civilization, that guy was able to pass the exam, right?"

"Isn't it?"

This person was also surprised and said, "I heard that this is the case. He has a weak willpower, but he got a very high score in this test. It seems that he has not cultivated his character. If his will to be civilized is not broken, how can he be admitted to the top class?"

Xia Huyou said with a smile: "You can think whatever you want, but... don't mess with that guy. He is at the ninth level of Kaiyuan after all. With our current strength of just entering the cultivation stage, if our divine text is not powerful enough, we can kill him with one slap if we meet him."

"Kaiyuan Nineth Layer..."

The new students nodded. Indeed, their willpower might be stronger than that guy's, but some people were very weak in terms of fighting skills. To provoke Su Yu at this stage was to ask for a beating.

"Those evildoers are not afraid of him. I heard that there are even some in the Qianjun realm."

"That has nothing to do with us!"

Xia Huyou had already finished cleaning the room. As he walked, he said, "If you have any problems in the future, you can call me. I'll print some business cards and give them out. I can help you clean once a week so you don't have to do it yourself."

"Okay, thank you, Xia!"

“You’re welcome!”

Xia Huyou smiled again. Look, making money is so easy!

If you make money from others, they should thank you.

If he were to contract the cleaning of the entire Yangxing Garden, he would make a lot of money.

But I heard that universities also provide this service.

Soon, Xia Huyou arrived at the 6th floor. He also lived on the 6th floor, otherwise he would not have seen Su Yu so soon.

Looking at room 609, the door was closed.

Xia Hu raised his eyebrows. Su Yu, top-notch, a genius from Nanyuan, a student of Liu Wenyan…

Everything is good, except that it’s a bit stingy!

You are reluctant to spend even a little bit of your merit, I wish you would die of exhaustion!

Just as he was thinking, the door opened, and Su Yu saw the slightly plump boy in the corridor, smiled and said: "Classmate, can I ask, are there many places selling bedding downstairs?"

"Not many, just three, and there's only one near us."

"Thank you!"

Su Yu thanked him, closed the door, and walked out.

Xia Huyou asked, "You really don't want me to buy it for you? 100 yuan is very cheap. If you don't have cash, we can pay by credit card on the spot. I have a card service here."

"No, thank you."

Su Yu smiled but cursed in his heart, who makes money for you!

Isn’t 100 yuan a lot of money

It only took me a short walk down the stairs. Do you think I don’t have legs

"By the way, where is the cafeteria?"

"The canteen is a bit far away. There is one in Yangxing Garden, but it's over at Building 15..."

Su Yu nodded and said, "Classmate, you can buy some lunch boxes and send them over. Everyone has just arrived and is so tired that they must be too lazy to run around. It should be no problem for you to deliver the food and get some money."

Xia Huyou sighed, "I want to, but it's not very profitable. The cafeteria is also very demanding. It's too expensive. If we have to pay more, we might as well go out for a big meal."

“Is it expensive?”

“It’s expensive!”

Xia Huyou nodded and gritted his teeth and said, "I have to recharge my merit points. If I spend 10,000 yuan, I'll spend hundreds of yuan on a meal. In a month, I'll use up 1 point of merit points!"

Su Yu was speechless!

Damn, the university must be crazy about money!

"Then if I don't have any merit points, will I starve to death?"

"That's not the case. You can cook for yourself or eat in the orientation area. They accept cash there, so it's not expensive. The cafeteria is expensive!"

"… "

Su Yu smiled bitterly. When he arrived at the academy, he realized that he was really poor and the academy was a rip-off!

Seeing that he was chatting with him, Xia Huyou followed him and said as he walked, "Classmate, you have to learn how to make money on your own in the academy! The academy encourages students to be self-reliant. Otherwise, with so many students in the academy, all of whom are cultivators, the academy can't afford to support them."

Su Yu nodded. That's true.

The university has nearly 100,000 students, which is too many and we really can't afford to support them.

"We are all freshmen. We don't have many ways to make money. We can't get any missions. Don't be fooled by the fact that we are all spending lavishly now. In a few months, freshmen will be no different from beggars."

Xia Huyou sighed: "We need to increase income. It won't work if we rely on our family!"


Su Yu nodded again, and Xia Huyou whispered, "Brother, I have a way to make money, do you want to get involved?"

Su Yu turned his head and looked at him, smiling: "You're still looking for me for a way to make money? We're not familiar with each other, right?"

"It's nothing, it's just the same."

Xia Huyou didn't care and said with a smile: "Your name is Su Yu, I know. You are a top-notch genius, but your family conditions are average, right? Do you want to make money?"

Su Yu looked at him and said nothing.

"It's really simple. I'll help you with publicity, fan the flames, and get people to challenge you. You can get paid whether they win or lose. How about that?"

"… "

Su Yu smiled and said, "How about I help you promote it and find someone to challenge you?"

Xia Huyou said helplessly: "I want to, but I'm not as well-known as you. You, Su Yu, are very well-known. It just so happens that the civilization record was broken during the assessment. Many people think that you don't deserve to be in the upper class. This is an opportunity. Take every penny you can get. When you really show your talent and strength, people will no longer question you, and the opportunity will be gone."

"Forget it, just play by yourself."

Su Yu admitted that he was a little moved just now, but he quickly thought that it would be very troublesome and would attract many enemies, so it was unnecessary.

He still has 41 merit points. He needs to cultivate to the level of Thousand Points as soon as possible. The right way is to cultivate his willpower and character.

After making it into the top 100 list, he can choose to keep a low profile for a while.

Lie dormant for a while!

If you choose to show weakness to others, maybe... you can wait for others to challenge you and earn the challenge ticket fee, which is 10 points of merit each time.

Of course, after so many times, people no longer believe it.

"You can be a goalkeeper for a while..."

Su Yu was thinking in his mind that at this stage, there was no need to show weakness as it would make people think he was useless. As for being on the top 100 list, there was no need to worry.

"Classmate, I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"Xia Huyou, Xia from the Xia family, Hu from the tiger..."

Xia Huyou hurriedly introduced himself. He had gotten used to explaining over the years.

Su Yu laughed. This name... is pretty good!