Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 85: Everything below the first is trash


After a long while, Bai Feng came down from upstairs.

Calm was restored.

It was as if it wasn't him who was roaring just now.

Glancing at Su Yu, Bai Feng said in a deep voice: "No matter about cultivation, it shall be passed on to others except the teacher! No matter whether it is the divine text or the technique, you don't need to report it to anyone unless you seek advice from someone!"

Su Yu nodded.

Bai Feng warned, "Because this is a civilized school, the teachers know a lot of things. If you are not careful, the secrets will be leaked. If you are targeted, you will die without knowing how you died!"

After saying that, Bai Feng glanced at him and said quickly, "Pack up and follow me!"

Su Yu had nothing to pack, so he picked up his yellow-level sword and followed Bai Feng out of the research institute.

Outside, the sky is clear and the air is fresh.

The weather is very nice today.

Bai Feng walked and said: "You should practice well these few days. If you feel something wrong with your sea of will, stop immediately!"


"When you reach the stage of nourishment, remember to tell me."


Su Yu said nothing more. After walking for a while, he whispered, "Teacher, the advanced version of "War God Art"..."

"Don't worry, if everything goes well, you can get it this afternoon."

As Bai Feng walked, he cursed in his heart, I don’t have it either!

If Hu Wensheng is not arrested, how can Liu Hong, the victim, pay the bill

Once we capture Hu Wensheng, we will have everything we want!

I couldn't help but think of Su Yu. This guy was very fast at writing divine texts, and his willpower was improving very quickly. Now it seemed that he was also gaining enlightenment very quickly...

I mentioned before that I would challenge the top 100 list in a year... Let’s see!

Su Yu followed Bai Feng all the way towards the depths of the academy.

Gradually, there were fewer people around.

In the distance, independent villas appeared.

Su Yu knew where this was. This was the residential area for faculty and staff. In fact, it was not far from Yangxing Garden, but Yangxing Garden was also very large.

Behind the faculty and staff residential area is the residential area for students of all races.

"Going home?"

Su Yu guessed in his heart, Bai Feng wanted to take him back to where he lived

Bai Feng didn't say anything and continued to walk forward. After passing the guard room, Bai Feng said calmly: "We have several rivals in the academy. It's not a life-and-death battle, but... if we can make the other party unlucky, then let him be unlucky! Similarly, the other party will do the same to us!"

"Generally speaking, it's a competition between people at the same level. Whoever suppresses the other may be able to obtain more resources!"

"Resources are limited, not infinite. Sometimes, if I want a drop of god or demon blood, he also wants it. Even if everyone has merit points and the merit level is the same, you may not be able to buy it. It depends on whether you can compete with the other party!"

"Our department is known as the Polytheistic Fusion Department by the outside world. There are not many people in our department, and we are even dying out. But... we are strong enough! We are strong in ourselves!"

"You haven't reached the stage of cultivating your character yet, so if I argue with you about cultivating your character, I will help you solve it!"

"When you reach the stage of cultivating your character, I won't care if people in the stage of cultivating your character argue with you."

Bai Feng said, "That's your business. I won't tell you now, but you will know it later. And I also have a few enemies in this school..."

"Liu Hong?"

Su Yu said softly.

Bai Feng smiled faintly and said, "Liu Hong? Maybe! But Liu Hong ranks below me, and he is weaker than me, so there is no such thing as an opponent. My opponent is not him. Do you know Hu Wensheng?"

“I’ve seen the ranking introduction.”

Su Yu nodded.

"That's him. He's from the ninth level of Tengkong. He's the deputy governor's student. He was in the same class as me. He was ranked second on the top 100 list. That year, the first place was always occupied by Xia Yuwen. I was ranked fourth, and Wu Qi was third."

Bai Feng took a deep breath, "I have been fighting with him for many years, fighting for the opportunity to become an assistant teacher, fighting for the opportunity to be cast in the blood of gods and demons, fighting for the opportunity to become a regular employee, fighting for the opportunity to enter the secret realm, fighting for many years..."

"Originally, I was too lazy to fight him anymore. To be honest, I didn't think highly of him these years. He was just a decent guy and not a monster."

Su Yu was secretly shocked at the arrogant tone.

Others can levitate to the ninth level, but you can only levitate to the seventh level.

During the period of the top 100 list, you were always ranked fourth and they were always ranked second. Did you still look down on them

Bai Feng seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled faintly: "If I'm not first, there's actually no difference between second and fourth. I don't care too much about this. If I were first, it would still be worth a try!"

"I can't beat Xia Yuwen. Actually, I'm too lazy to compete with them. I just occupy a position and give everything I deserve. That's enough."

Su Yu didn't know what he meant and didn't know how to respond.

Bai Feng added: "If I don't accept students this year, I won't bother to pay attention to him. At worst, we can fight again when the next opportunity to become a regular student comes..."

Su Yu couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, what you mean is..."

"Didn't I accept you this year?"

Bai Feng sighed, "I've reached the seventh level of the Soaring Realm, and I don't really care about the things in the academy, but you can't. I have to fight for something for you. Well, I can only try once, fighting seven against nine, to relieve some of your pressure. Even if I lose, it's just a shame, and I'll be seriously injured. I'll have to recuperate for half a year or a year..."

Su Yu was stunned. What does this mean

Bai Feng added: "Don't feel burdened. Although I came forward for you, it doesn't matter. This is what a teacher should do!"

Su Yu wanted to ask a few questions, but didn't know what to say.

Why are you standing up for me

I'm so confused!

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!

Bai Feng sighed again, "If you can fly in the air within a year, then my blood loss this time will not be in vain. Even if I get hurt, it's worth it!"

"… "

What on earth are you talking about!

Su Yu looked confused, mixed with some depression.

It's like... like I'm a burden to you, but I didn't do anything.

I came to the university very low-key.

When Liu He was causing trouble for me, I didn't say anything.

Bai Feng ignored him, with a look of cold wind and heavy rain. His face gradually became serious, and as he walked, an invisible aura rose from his body.

"Su Yu, this time the teacher will fight Hu Wensheng for you. If you win, everything will be fine. If you lose... that doesn't matter either. The teacher overestimated his own abilities and it has nothing to do with you!"

Su Yu was mad. You said that, but you clearly looked like the loss was all about you. What did that mean

"After one year, if you are unable to levitate... It doesn't matter. Teacher will go to the Mountain and Sea Realm to fight and win you a chance to levitate!"

Can you please stop being so sad? It sounds like you are bragging!

Su Yu really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't quite understand what Bai Feng was trying to do.

But it feels like... I feel like I have to put some pressure on myself, some burden, and make myself feel like I owe him a lot, but I really didn't do anything!

Bai Feng didn't care about him.

I’m telling you, just work hard.

I've made it sound so miserable. If you don't work hard, who can you be worthy of

As for vacating the space after a year... well, just saying, I'm not asking you to vacate the space.

But this kid is very talented. Is it any problem for him to get into the top 100 list for me in a year

Bai Feng had no time to pay attention to Su Yu. The next moment, a villa appeared in front of him. Bai Feng shouted with high spirits, "Hu Wensheng, your grandfather Bai is here, get out!"

The thunderous shout echoed in the residential area!

The next moment, a figure emerged.

In the courtyard of the villa, a young man, wearing a green robe, walked out of the villa and looked at Bai Feng at the door.

Frowning slightly, Hu Wensheng said coldly: "Bai Feng, do you want to die?"

At the same time, figures appeared from all directions.

They didn't get close, and the terraces of several villas around became their place of stay.

"What does Bai Feng want to do with Hu Wensheng?"

"Want a one-on-one duel?"

"They have been fighting for many years, but Hu Wensheng has already reached the ninth level of the sky, leaving Bai Feng far behind. Bai Feng won't take the initiative to pick a fight, right?"

"… "

The researchers began to discuss in low voices.

Not surprisingly, these two often fight.

But it was also a bit surprising. Ever since Bai Feng got stuck at the sixth level of Tengkong for the past two years, he hasn't taken the initiative to cause trouble and has been on the passive defense most of the time.

Hu Wensheng was too lazy to pay attention to him and asked Liu Hong to come forward.

Liu Hong is currently the main force against Bai Feng.

Hu Wensheng is now obsessed with Ling Yun. If Bai Feng doesn't look for him, he doesn't bother to care about Bai Feng. What happened today

A villa next to Hu Wensheng.

Wu Qi walked onto the terrace, followed by Lin Qing and Wu Lan.

Seeing the confrontation between the people not far away, Lin Qing whispered: "Teacher, what does Assistant Bai want to do with Assistant Hu?"

Wu Qi didn't respond.

Wu Lan, on the other hand, stared at Su Yu behind Bai Feng, gritting his teeth!

This guy is here!

Farther away, Liu Hong folded his arms, looked over there, a smile on his face.

Behind him, Liu He said impatiently: "Brother, is Bai Feng looking for death?"

Liu Hong glanced at him and said calmly: "Shut up! If he hears me, I'll break your legs. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"


Liu He exhaled, still a little dissatisfied, "Is he here to cause trouble for Assistant Hu? Assistant Hu simply doesn't bother to pay attention to him. Bai Feng overestimates himself. Even if he wants to find trouble, he should come to you, brother..."

Liu Hong cursed in his heart!

If you can't speak, shut up!

What do you mean Bai Feng overestimated himself? He shouldn't have looked for trouble with Hu Wensheng, but should have looked for trouble with himself!

Doesn't this make me seem inferior to others

Am I worse than Hu Wensheng

Why can Bai Feng only come to me to settle the score and not go to Hu Wensheng to settle the score

I was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, but after thinking about it, I still said: "You better be more motivated! Don't think that making it into the top 100 list is amazing, be careful of a disaster!"


Liu He hesitated and said, "Brother, are you talking about... Xia Chan or the other guys?"

"… "

Liu Hong was too lazy to say anything else.

Just pay attention to yourself!

He looked at Su Yu standing behind Bai Feng. Is this the student Bai Feng accepted this year

Su Yu...

Very talented

Observing from a distance, he felt that he had no presence. He did not have the arrogance or flamboyance of those monsters. Next to Bai Feng, he seemed inconspicuous.

More and more people gathered from all directions.

In front of Hu Wensheng’s villa.

Bai Feng snorted coldly, "Hu Wensheng, if you have the guts, come and cause trouble for me yourself. What's the point of letting your lackey Liu Hong come? Do you look down on your Grandpa Bai? Competition is fine, but you actually dared to let your dog bite my students!"

Bai Feng shouted angrily, "How dare you! Su Yu just entered school this year, and he hasn't even cultivated his character yet. How dare you let Liu Hong, that little brother, suppress him! Do you really think I'm a pushover?"

"… "

Hu Wensheng frowned.

He has no idea about this at all!

But there is nothing to refute. Their faction is already at odds with the other side, so suppressing them... isn't that normal

Did Liu He bully Bai Feng’s students

He didn't ask about this. It is most likely true. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not. These people can find fault even when drinking a glass of water and say that you poisoned the water!

Bai Feng came to see him today with great fanfare, and Hu Wensheng knew that there would be no peaceful resolution.

Without further ado, he said directly: "Bai Feng, stop talking nonsense! Tell me directly, what do you want to do today?"


Bai Feng didn't make excuses anymore and said directly: "Open up! Your people bullied my people, you have to pay compensation! Go to the ring, if you win, just pretend I was never here! If I win, just compensate me with a thousand drops of blood essence from the top 100 races!"

Hu Wensheng frowned, looked at Su Yu, and said calmly: "Are you here to fight for his Thousand-pound Body-Forging Blood Essence? That won't take that much, a hundred drops will be enough!"

"What do you care about me? Come or not!"

Hu Wensheng said coldly: "Bai Feng, do you think I'm an idiot? If you lose, nothing will happen, but if I lose, I have to give you something. Are you awake?"

"So what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything!" Hu Wensheng said calmly: "I won, give me a hundred drops of the blood essence from the Xiuxin Pavilion last time!"

Bai Feng's face changed!

He said coldly: "Hu Wensheng, you have such a big appetite!"

"It's not that I have a big appetite, you came to me on your own!" Hu Wensheng said calmly: "Bai Feng, in the past two years, I have been practicing hard, waiting for Lingyun's opportunity. I don't want to fight with you, and you are not my opponent..."

"When the weak provoke the strong, there will be a price to pay!"

Bai Feng smiled, "Not a hundred drops, just one drop! If you win, I'll give you one drop. If you have the ability, go and study it yourself!"


Hu Wensheng became interested instantly!

He actually didn't take Bai Feng, who was at the seventh level of the sky-high realm, seriously. Of course, he did take him seriously at all.

This guy dares to come, he must be more or less confident.

But a drop of blood containing innate skills... He needs this thing!

The value is too high!

"Okay, forget about a thousand drops of blood from the top 100 races. I don't have that much. If I lose, how about a hundred drops of blood from a top 100 mountain-breaking bull?"

"Broken Mountain Bull?"

Bai Feng seemed a little dissatisfied, "You have the nerve to bring out a race that ranks 99th among the top 100 races!"

Hu Wensheng frowned, "This is the best blood essence for bodybuilding. The body of Poshan Beef is strong, and blood essence is the most suitable for strengthening the body. Don't push your luck..."

When Hu Wensheng said this, the expression of a young man in the villa behind changed.

He is Hu Wensheng's student!

These hundred drops of blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull were prepared by Hu Wensheng for him to use in forging his body.

He has already reached the seventh level of Thousand Jun, and there is still hope for him to rebuild his body before reaching the ninth level of Thousand Jun.

Even for Hu Wensheng, it took him a whole year to collect the hundred drops of blood of the Thousand-pound Mountain-Breaking Bull. This thing could not be bought with money in many cases, mainly because there were too few Thousand-pound Bulls among the top 100 races.

Most of those who can appear on the battlefield of the heavens are flying in the air, and a small number are below the air.

100 drops of essence and blood are needed to kill at least ten Thousand-pound Realm Mountain-Breaking Bulls.

It can be encountered by chance but not sought after!

Strictly speaking, it is even rarer than the essence and blood of the Soaring Realm.

He was originally very excited and was waiting for his teacher to break through the barrier and help him rebuild his body.

Who knew that Bai Feng would come to the door!

Soon, the young man breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay. The teacher had reached the ninth level and Bai Feng had only reached the seventh level. There was no need to worry too much.

Bai Feng seemed a little dissatisfied. After thinking for a while, he reluctantly said, "Okay, then I'll give it to you! You bastard, you can't come up with anything good!"

Hu Wensheng was as calm as water, and said calmly: "The strength of the civilized teacher is not just in words."

"Stop talking nonsense, I just don't like you!"

Bai Feng said arrogantly with a sneer, "Don't act like a saint in front of me. My chance to enter the secret realm was taken away by you. If it weren't for that, you wouldn't be the one to be so arrogant to me!"

Hu Wensheng did not defend himself, but smiled faintly and said, "It's up to each of us. You are stupid and lost the opportunity. Can you blame me?"

A few years ago, the two were at the same level.

During a secret realm opportunity, he entered the seventh level, while Bai Feng was stuck at the sixth level.

After that, he went straight to the ninth level. It was not until recently that Bai Feng barely broke through the seventh level barrier. The gap often widened at this moment.

"That's right... Then it's up to each of us!"

Bai Feng chuckled, and the next moment, he soared into the air and shouted, "Come up, we won't go to the ring anymore. Other colleagues, please guard the house, or we'll have to pay for it if it's broken!"

"Hahaha, okay, go ahead and fight, we're watching!"

Soon, someone answered!

The next moment, golden light burst out and villas were protected.

Su Yu even saw Zhao Li. The old man was also enjoying the show at the moment. He was standing in a villa not far away with an expression as if he was watching a big show.

As if sensing Su Yu's gaze, the next moment, Zhao Li's golden sword shot out and directly covered Su Yu. Su Yu didn't even have time to react, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Zhao Li.

Zhao Li said with a smile: "Let's watch the show, watch Bai Feng and Hu Wensheng fight. These two haven't fought for a few years. Let's see what Bai Feng has in store today. Otherwise, how dare he come to challenge Hu Wensheng to a fight?"

Su Yu had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but this was not the right time, so he had to shut up and look up at the sky silently.

Over there, Hu Wensheng had already taken off into the air.

In the air, the two men confronted each other.

Layers of golden light appeared outside Hu Wensheng's body. Although he felt that Bai Feng was not his opponent, the two had fought many times in the past. Although Bai Feng lost more than he won, he was extremely difficult to deal with every time.

Now there is a difference of two realms, but it is not a big realm. Everyone is in the late stage of flying, so he dare not be careless.

Golden light protects the body!

The next moment, a long sword appeared in his hand.

And Bai Feng still didn't make any move.

When he was ready, Bai Feng sneered and said, "You are a frog in the well, a person who only sees the sky from the well! Today I will let you know that the Multi-God Text School is not comparable to you mediocre people!"

As soon as these words were spoken, many people around booed!

Bai Feng is very crazy!

You know, there are only a few people in the Duoshenwen Department, and you, a guy, have scolded the entire school!

"What are you booing for? You are a mediocre person and you can't even tolerate others telling the truth!"

The next moment, he looked at Su Yu and shouted, "Disciple, today I will teach you a lesson. In this universe, a genius is always a genius, and a mediocre person... even if he is called a genius, he is still a mediocre person!"


With a loud shout, the next moment, more than ten golden lights burst out from his body.

In the blink of an eye, golden light gathered!

"Get out of here, trash!"

With a loud bang, a shocking sound was heard.

Hu Wensheng also roared, and his long sword burst out with dazzling light. His momentum was amazing, and the sword broke through the air!

The golden light in front of Bai Feng was extremely powerful. With a loud bang, it directly broke the sword into pieces!


Hu Wensheng charged out with his sword, but the sword broke into pieces at this moment, and he spat out a mouthful of blood in an instant, his face turning pale!

Before he could move, golden light tore through the void!

With a puff, all the golden light outside Hu Wensheng's body shattered!

In the blink of an eye, Hu Wensheng was covered in blood and fell to the ground with a bang!


Dead silence!

In the air, Bai Feng's face turned pale. He sneered and left in a very cool manner. His voice came: "The world of geniuses is not for mediocre people to participate in! Send the things back to me. If I want to kill you, it will only take one move! Trash!"


Hu Wensheng fell to the ground, his face pale and covered in blood. He stared blankly ahead, speechless for a long time.

There was dead silence for a moment in all directions.

The next moment, someone said in a low voice: "The divine texts are fused! The eighteen divine texts are fused! He outlined eighteen divine texts, and they are all fused!"

"My goodness, this guy has not yet reached the seventh level. I thought he had no chance, but no, he is integrating the divine text!"


"Hu Wensheng is no match for him, and Wu Qi can't beat him either. Only Xia Yuwen has a chance of beating him... This guy is really patient!"

"It's not that he can't stand it. He looks down on Hu Wensheng. His only opponent is Xia Yuwen. He feels that he can't beat Xia Yuwen, so he has been too lazy to fight them. Now he is sure!"

"It's going to be a good show!"

"There is something interesting to watch. Xia Yuwen went to the battlefield of the universe to seek a chance to break through Lingyun. If he fails to break through and comes back, he will have to fight Bai Feng once!"

There is constant discussion!

At this moment, Bai Feng's skills shocked everyone!

With one move, Hu Wensheng, who was at the ninth level of the sky, was killed instantly!

Hu Wensheng, who was in the ninth level of the sky, didn’t even have a chance to resist. A mediocre person... a genius

Is Hu Wensheng a mediocre person

Absolutely not!

This only shows that Bai Feng is a monster, a real monster!

The villa where Liu Hong lives.

Liu He was stunned, his mouth opened wide, his face full of shock.

Liu Hong also looked solemn!

"What a Bai Feng... He has been teasing me these past few years!"

Liu Hong cursed inwardly, then couldn't help frowning. He's so strong, how can I fight him

Unless I reach the ninth level of the sky, in everyone's eyes, I am obviously not qualified to fight with you!

"Brother... he... how come he is so strong..."

Liu He still found it hard to believe. How could it be possible that Hu Wensheng was killed in one move

Liu Hong looked solemn and said quickly, "It's okay, it was just a surprise attack. Hu Wensheng was not prepared and was a little careless. After Bai Feng's move, he was also at the end of his strength. Don't think that he left quickly. If he doesn't leave, he will be embarrassed!"

As he spoke, he took a deep breath and said, "When two strong men fight, no matter how many moves they make, a loser is a loser, and a winner is a winner. If Bai Feng fails in one move, he will lose. If Hu Wensheng knew that he could fuse eighteen divine texts, he would be prepared, and the loser would be Bai Feng! So don't think that Bai Feng is really that strong..."

Wu family villa.

Wu Qi's expression remained calm, but Wu Lan and Lin Qing could not remain calm.

Lin Qing said sluggishly: "Master, he... isn't he only at the seventh level of levitation?"

Wu Qi said calmly: "The seventh level of Tengkong is also the late stage of Tengkong, and the gap with the ninth level is not that big! Hu Wensheng... is just a mediocre person! Bai Feng is the seventh level, he really underestimated Bai Feng, ridiculous!"

Wu Lan didn't have so many concerns and asked directly: "Sister, can you beat him?"

Wu Qi glanced at her, with a faint smile on his face, "Bai Feng... dare to come to me?"

"… "

Wu Lan blinked, what does that mean.

"He only bullies Hu Wensheng. If he dares to come to me... I'll go back today and lie down for half a year!"

Although Wu Qi's words were calm, they were frighteningly arrogant.

"Hu Wensheng..." Wu Qi showed a hint of disdain, turned around and left, and said, "Second on the top 100 list? What a joke! Xia Yuwen took first place, and Bai Feng and I don't want to compete for the so-called second place... We wish we couldn't even make it into the top 100!"

After the first, everyone else is trash!

Since I can't win against Xia Yuwen, what else is there to fight for!

Su Yu paid no attention to the voices coming from all directions.

At this moment, he was shocked, stunned, dazed, and couldn't believe it...

Too many emotions filled his mind!

Bai Feng... Genius

No, this is a monster.

Fight across levels and kill with one strike!

The battle between the seventh level and the ninth level took no more than three seconds!

The divine texts merged into one, with eighteen divine texts becoming one. The explosive power was so powerful that it broke all of Hu Wensheng's defenses and attacks with one blow. Is this the multi-divine text fusion system

Really strong!

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly understood what Bai Feng said. Genius... is nothing!

Hu Wensheng was hailed as a genius teaching assistant at the university and ranked second. What was the result

No wonder Bai Feng always said that genius was nothing and he didn’t care at all.

Today's Su Yu understands!

Su Yu took a deep breath and felt a little excited. He had felt that Bai Feng had neglected him before, but now, Su Yu had only one thought: Bai Feng had the right to be arrogant!

Even if I have talent, my strength is too weak. How can I be qualified to be valued by Bai Feng

"I want to become stronger!"

Su Yu took a deep breath again and clenched his fists. I want to become stronger, just like Bai Feng today. I can destroy a genius with one blow. In such a huge institution, including those towering mountains and seas, who dares to say that he, Bai Feng, is not capable

So cool!

So desirable!

But... since you are so strong, what did you mean by the words "the wind is whistling and the water is cold" before

Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

PS: I recommend this book, "My Farm is So Popular", a new book by a big guy, guess which big guy it is. In addition, it will be on the shelves at noon the day after tomorrow, please leave your monthly votes! I will make a new book list first, and I have updated a lot, almost 500,000 words, and it has only been 42 days since the book was published. Eagle is the best, please vote if you agree, and if you disagree (there should be no one who disagrees)!