Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 97: Qianjun


Time passed day by day, and no one came to harass Su Yu anymore.

Many people agree that the blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull was destined to be lost, and the one who got it was Lin Yao.

In that case, why bother Su Yu

Even Liu Hong has hardly appeared during this period of time. I don’t know if he went to practice or do something else.

August 28th.

Su Yu has been in the academy for nearly a month.

Wen Tan Research Center.

Filter chamber.

The vitality in Su Yu's body fluctuated violently, and the next moment, an acupoint made a rumbling sound and officially opened!

The 12th acupoint!

The last acupoint of the first level of the advanced version of the God of War Technique is opened!

"It's done!"

Su Yu was overjoyed!

28 days, before coming to the academy, he had only opened 5 acupoints. 28 days later, he opened another 7 acupoints, an average of one acupoint every 4 days.

The rich vital energy and the continuous blood essence of thousands of stones to open the atlas consumed almost all of Su Yu's belongings before he completed all the blood essence to open the first level.

At this moment, Su Yu should be considered to be in the Qianjun realm.

But there is still one last step!

With the 12 acupoints plus the key of Kaiyuan Nine Acupoints, the vital energy can flow through the 21 acupoints. Then he becomes a real master.

“It feels fast, but it’s actually a bit slow…”

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly felt a little unsatisfied. There were 108 acupoints in total in the Thousand-Level Ninth Stage, and he still had 96 of them to open. At the rate of opening one acupoint every four days, it would take him at least a year to enter the Thousand-Level Ninth Stage.

Of course, this speed is already frighteningly fast for others.

But Su Yu knew that in the War Academy, there were also some talented students who could be promoted to Wanshi within a year.

This shows that he has not left those geniuses behind!

"I have the atlas to help me, and those guys also have a lot of vitality liquid. Plus, they are stronger than me, so their advancement to the Wanshi level may not be slower than mine..."

It’s still a bit slow!

Without caring about any more, Su Yu hurried to the first floor lobby and pressed a button.

After a moment, Bai Feng came up.

Bai Feng has become a complete stay-at-home recently. He hasn't shaved his beard and looks a bit sloppy.

Seeing Su Yu, he stared blankly for a while, then his face changed, "Have you completed the enlightenment?"


Su Yu was somewhat delighted, "Teacher, I have opened all 12 acupoints!"


Bai Feng was also somewhat happy. "It seems that my teaching this month was good. You lived up to my teachings and reached the Qianjun level in just one month. It's faster than I expected!"

"… "

Su Yu had a lot to say, but after thinking for a while he didn't say anything. He wanted to greet Bai Feng, what do you mean you taught well

Of course, his ability to advance so quickly has a lot to do with the research center. Never mind, just regard it as Bai Feng’s teaching.

"Don't connect the acupoints yet, and officially advance..."

Bai Feng quickly said, "When you entered school, didn't you have another chance to enter the 'Yuan' realm? Su Yu, are you going to enter when you are in the Thousand-Jun Impact of Ten-Thousand Stones, or when you are in the Cultivating Nature and Entering the Sky?"

Su Yu also learned some things these days. After thinking for a while, he said, "Teacher, we must seize the day!"

Seize the day!

He doesn't want to accumulate slowly, he just wants to be stronger now!

A little stronger, a little more gained.

There is still hope of getting the opportunity to enter the secret realm again in the future.

Bai Feng smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's right! The Secret Realm of Vitality will be of great help to you. Let's go to the Secret Realm of Vitality to formally break through. I'll bring the blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull to help you build your foundation. After you go in, you may have the hope of directly opening the 12 acupoints..."

"Teacher, the blood of the mountain-breaking bull..."

He wanted to say that this was a bet.

If you lose, it will be troublesome if you can't get it out.

"I know!"

Bai Feng said disapprovingly: "If you lose, it's because you are incompetent and useless. Without the blood of the Broken Mountain Bull, you have to find a way to solve it yourself. At worst, you can deny your debt and be embarrassed. It will add more records to the school records. If it's more serious, you will be expelled..."

Su Yu was speechless, you make it sound so easy!

But after thinking about it, Su Yu did not refuse.

Just use it!

I'm really going to lose... I'm still a little worried.

Seeing his worry, Bai Feng smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's no big deal. If it really doesn't work, I'll help you find a way. The blood of the Mountain Breaking Bull is rare, but it doesn't mean it's impossible to get it. If others can't get it, the Mountain and Sea Realm can still get it."

"Those guys you mentioned, they couldn't buy it, that's because their status is not high enough. Look at those monsters, who has ever worried about these things?"

Bai Feng said with a smile: "I don't know about others, but several big families must have stocks! Including some Mountain and Sea Realm masters in the academy, most of them also have stocks. These guys can't get them just because they are not of high status. Although their family background is not bad, it is not to the point where the Mountain and Sea Realm will give them face..."

"Liu Hong was too lazy to fight for his students. Hu Wensheng had already fought for one, and now it's lost. He has to go into seclusion again, so naturally he won't ask his teacher for another one. Do you understand?"

Su Yu understood and nodded, "I see. So, teacher, can you find someone to buy it or borrow it?"

"It's not me..."

He wanted to say, it was Wu Yuehua.

After thinking about it, I decided to stop talking about it.

If you really lose and don't have the blood and energy to pay the bill, go find Wu Yuehua yourself. I, your teacher, won't go because I can't afford to lose face. It shouldn't be a problem for you to go and borrow money.

As the two walked out, Su Yu said, "Teacher, can I enter the secret realm secretly? I'm afraid it will be troublesome if Chen Qi and the others find out."

"Secret entry?"

Bai Feng smiled and said, "You kid still want to hide something? To be honest, the trump card of the blood essence explosion is enough, but since you said so... let's keep it secret!"

After saying that, Bai Feng suddenly turned around and went back.

After a moment, a black robe appeared in his hand and he threw it to Su Yu and said, "Here you go, put it on and cover your face. It's secret enough, isn't it?"

Su Yu was speechless. Are you kidding me

What I'm talking about is whether it is possible to take some special passage or something. Who said that we could enter secretly this way!

What's more, when I walk with you, even a fool can tell that it's me!

"Hahaha, it's okay!"

Bai Feng said disapprovingly: "How can those guys know who has entered the secret realm, unless their teacher tells them that Hu Wensheng is in seclusion and Liu Hong has also entered the secret realm and is preparing to break through, so how can they have time to care about you!"

"Teacher Liu Hong has entered the secret realm?"


Bai Feng gritted his teeth and said: "Otherwise..."

Otherwise, why would I be so poor!

This guy is entering the secret realm now, he must be trying to avoid me. How shameless! We agreed to cheat people together, but you actually ran away!

You said you would suppress my students and give me money, but you disappeared.

If you don't suppress him, he will soon become a man of great character. I have no money, how can I cultivate him!

Yes, Su Yu is also close to cultivating his character.

On the first day he came to the research center, he had already reached 35% of the full capacity. However, due to insufficient time for practice and slower progress in the later stages, he did not achieve a 5% improvement as on the first day.

But after more than 20 days, Su Yu has been making slow progress.

Now, Su Yu's charge level has reached 48%.

Today is a very important day, but I may be able to recover in two days.

Within 10 days at the latest, there is hope that this kid will improve his character.

Bai Feng thought about this, looked at Su Yu and said, "You first, when you reach the stage of cultivating nature, you will have to outline the divine text again. You have been laying the foundation these days. Have you thought about what type of divine text to outline? By the way, are you ready for the text of will?"

"… "

Su Yu was stunned. Teacher, you said you prepared this for me!

Bai Feng felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and he coughed dryly and said, "In the stage of nurturing nature, it is enough to use the Qianjun and Wanshi originals to observe and outline the divine text. I usually don't keep these low-end originals. I left you a few originals for the stage of soaring..."

Do you think I believe it

You are really bankrupt!

Su Yu actually knew that Bai Feng was probably really out of money.

Last time, something happened to his uncle-master whom he had never met before, and Bai Feng went out a few times. Su Yu guessed that he was selling some things.

Now there may be nothing left except a research laboratory.

Su Yu did not say much, and did not put on the robe. He threw it aside and followed Bai Feng out, saying, "Teacher, I still have two copies of the Qianjun Realm's Ten Thousand Clans Original Book, but I don't have any in the Wanshi Realm. After I enter the Yangxing stage, can I read the Qianjun Realm's Original Book?"


Bai Feng smiled and said, "It's when you reach the stage of cultivating your nature. Your willpower is strong, and the number of times you look at the Qianjun Realm original will become less. After a few times, the original may be broken. After looking at it a few times, it is difficult to outline the divine text. So in general, you look at the original of the corresponding realm..."

"You should take a closer look at this place these few days. Don't wait until you enter the stage of nurturing your nature. Otherwise, if you don't get any results after a few times, it will be useless."

"Then can I watch the original version of Tengkong?"

"Haven't you tried it yourself? It's too powerful. You can't see it. It's all white. It feels the same as the Fragmentation Room. What a waste of resources!"


The master and the disciple talked as they quickly left the research base.

The secret area. I went there once last time, but I just looked at the outside and didn’t go in.

More than ten minutes later.

Under the guidance of Bai Feng, Su Yu entered the secret area.

Su Yu looked around curiously. There were few people here, but the environment was nice and there were green trees everywhere.

Besides these trees, there are only some small houses hidden among them.

Small houses are densely distributed throughout the park.

Soon, Bai Feng brought Su Yu to the door of one of the small houses.

After entering the door, the space inside was not big, but there were quite a few people there.

Su Yu sensed it subconsciously, and the next moment, several dazzling spots of light shook his willpower!

So strong!

I feel like I am better than my teacher!


"Bai Feng, how do you teach students? Can willpower sense anyone casually?"

Su Yu was still in shock. In the room, an old man shouted, not at Su Yu, but at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng coughed dryly and said with a wry smile, "I'm young and too curious, please don't mind!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at Su Yu and said, "Don't sense randomly. People above the Soaring Realm have perception. They will be able to find you as soon as you sense them."

"I'm sorry, teachers, I didn't mean to..."

Su Yu quickly apologized. There were two old people, two middle-aged people, and two young people in the room.

6 people!

Of course, Su Yu and the others are not included.

It’s a small room and 8 people are quite crowded.

Bai Feng felt a little uncomfortable and complained, "The academy should expand these secret waiting areas. They are so small, what will happen if there are too many people?"

"You pay?"

The old man who had just scolded him said angrily: "Now the mayor is so stingy that he even paid for the expansion. It's good enough that he didn't let you wait in the open air! Usually not many people come here, but today you all insisted on coming together..."

Obviously, the two old men are the caretakers here.

The others were like Bai Feng and the others, with teachers bringing their students with them.

The old man said, glanced at Su Yu, nodded and said: "Do you want to enter the secret realm to break through Qianjun?"

Su Yu nodded hurriedly.

"Wait a moment, there are still people in the Qianjun Realm area. Wait until they come out before you go in."

Bai Feng hurriedly said, "Let's go in together. The secret realm is so big, so it doesn't matter if there are more people."

Of course they could enter the secret realm together, otherwise Chen Qi would not have found someone to plot against Su Yu that day.

The old man said calmly: "It's different, just wait!"

"… "

While they were talking, Su Yu looked around the small house, feeling a little confused. Where was the secret realm

Where is the secret place you promised me

Why didn’t I see it

This is a simple little house, a bit like the convenience store that can be seen everywhere on the street. The two old people are sitting inside, separated by a counter in the middle. Bai Feng and the others are outside.

There seems to be a door behind the two old men. Could the secret realm be inside

The old man ignored Su Yu and looked at the two middle-aged men again and said, "You too, are all here to break through. The three of you will go in together later. After you go in, each of you will find a place to break through. Don't disturb others!"

"Also, after the breakthrough, if you feel resistance, get out immediately, otherwise you will be killed by the impact of the vitality. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Don't be too greedy, otherwise... you will kill yourself!"

After that, the old man remembered something and asked, "Bai Feng, what is the name of your student?"

"Su Yu!"

"Let me check..."

The old man slid a few times on a machine in front of him, looked at Su Yu, and said, "Are you sure you want to use it now? This is your admission reward. You can use it with a thousand pounds, ten thousand stones, or even cultivate your nature to the point of flying. The price you pay is different in different areas!"

“Don’t waste it!”

The old man reminded: "Keep this opportunity and come back when you are at the peak of your cultivation. It will be much more cost-effective than now!"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Teacher, I haven't cultivated my character yet. It's still early. I will try to come in later!"

“I have ambition!”

The old man smiled, and the two young men in the room couldn't help but look at Su Yu.

Su Yu

Su Yu from the Divine Literature Academy

Su Yu saw the two people looking at him, and nodded at them with a smile. He didn't know them. There were too many people in the academy, and he couldn't possibly know them all, but it didn't seem like they had any hostility.

There didn't seem to be any conflicts between Bai Feng and their teacher, so there was no need to offend anyone.

Seeing several young people looking at each other, a middle-aged man with slightly longer hair smiled and said, "Bai Feng, I heard that your student was provoked by Liu Hong's students. They are preparing to compete after the monthly exam. Do you think you can win?"

Bai Feng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether he wins or not. If he wins, it's the best. If he loses... I will go find trouble with Liu Hong! His students have eaten so much of my food, they should spit it out. If he has the guts, Liu Hong will hide for the rest of his life!"

"… "

Several people couldn't help but laugh!

Inside, the two old men also laughed. The man who had just reminded Su Yu said again: "Bai Feng, don't be too arrogant! Liu Hong entered the No. 3 secret realm a few days ago. After he came out, he might have reached the eighth or even ninth level..."

"What about Jiuchong?"

Bai Feng said proudly: "Hu Wensheng is also in the ninth level!"

The few of them were speechless, and the middle-aged man who had spoken earlier couldn't help but laugh and said, "Then we'll wait and see you teach Liu Hong a lesson."

"Do you still need me to take action?"

Bai Feng said with a smile: "Su Yu can just deal with his students. If he wins, why should I interfere? Isn't it the purpose of coming to Breakthrough Qianjun today to deal with that guy?"

After that, he looked at the old man and asked, "Has that useless student Liu Hong been here?"

The old man smiled and said, "I won't tell you. If you want to check, spend your merit points to check it yourself!"

Bai Feng curled his lips and said, I won’t do that!

Who cares if he comes or not!

Without further communication with the others, Bai Feng looked at Su Yu and said, "When you go in later, don't run around. There are signs inside. The Qianjun area is a small area, and outside is the Wanshi or even Tengkong area. You can't go there. If you go there, you will be squeezed and exploded."

"After entering, absorb the vital energy and start practicing. Connect the acupoints and directly enter the Qianjun realm. Then continue to practice according to the second level of "War God Art". The vital energy is extremely rich, and your speed of opening will be extremely fast..."

Bai Feng still fulfilled his teacher's responsibility at this time, and reminded: "When you feel that you have reached the peak of enlightenment, there is no way to open up any more. You should start to mold your body with essence and blood, drop by drop, and swallow it raw. Don't worry about anything else!"

"When every drop of blood and essence is used up, you consume it again. As you consume it, your orifices will open up, and the blood and essence will automatically strengthen your body..."

"Normally, you don't need a hundred drops. A hundred drops is for the ninth level of Qianjun. In fact, when you just enter Qianjun, 50 drops are enough. Of course, a genius may use more. You are of course a genius, so bring all the blood and essence with you later!"

"… "

Beside them, two young men looked at Su Yu with some envy.

Even they knew about the hundred drops of blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull.

The middle-aged man who had been talking to Bai Feng before couldn't help but say, "Bai Feng, if you give your blood essence to him now, then..."

He wanted to say, what if your apprentice loses

Bai Feng interrupted directly: "I can't lose. It's not like I don't have anything. The blood of the Mountain-Breaking Bull is nothing. Our family is big and powerful. Do we need this?"

"… "

Blow you!

A few people laughed secretly. Everyone knows that you are so poor that you have to pawn your pants!

As for where Su Yu and Bai Feng got this thing after using it, they didn't bother to care.

In a school, some rules still need to be followed.

If you promised to give it, you have to give it. If you don’t give it... you might pay a heavy price.

Bai Feng ignored them and continued to instruct Su Yu, "Hold on a little longer and absorb more vital energy. The vital energy here is the purest kind, much purer than the vital energy in our filter room. It's worthwhile to absorb more!"

"Back then, I came here when I broke through the Qianjun barrier and persisted for 3 hours..."


Inside, the two old men coughed at the same time!

By the way, we have been here for decades. When you came in, we were also on duty here!

You have some idea in your mind. You can brag at home. But it’s inappropriate for you to brag in front of us, right

Bai Feng ignored this and continued, "That time, when I came here, I opened 12 more acupoints. I instantly reached the second level of Qianjun and began to move towards the third level. You should open more acupoints this time. I don't expect you to open 12 more, but seven or eight will be fine to save some time. Otherwise, with your efficiency, even if we don't lack Yuanqi Liquid, it will take you more than a month to open seven or eight acupoints, which will waste time..."

Tired of heart!

The two old people are tired, and the two middle-aged people are also tired.

Bai Feng, can you please stop bragging in front of students

When did you become 12th

When did you last 3 hours

Seeing their students looking at him, the young man with long hair coughed, knowing what the students meant, and smiled, "3 hours is considered a demon level, very impressive. I was a little worse than him at the beginning, and I only lasted two and a half hours. You try to last for one hour this time. If you can't do it, don't be stubborn and quit. After all, I was one of the few top students in that class..."

Seeing this, another middle-aged man also laughed and said, "So, I am a little worse than all of you? I lasted 145 minutes, so it seems that I am the worst?"

"… "

The three of them looked at each other, and everything was said without words!

Now that the boast has been made, it’s hard to expose it, so let’s all make ourselves stronger!

Motivate the students!

Inside, the two old men were speechless!

That’s enough, you guys. Bai Feng has just finished bragging and you start to brag. Do you really think we won’t expose you

Believe it or not, we will expose you now and make you all embarrassed!

Three hours, two hours... Bai Feng thought it was long at first, and he did last an hour and a half, but he insisted on doubling it. I don't know what he was thinking!

Just as they were thinking about it, there was a knock on the door behind them.

The old man waved his hand and the door opened.

The next moment, a figure walked out.

Su Yu and the others looked over there, and then their expressions changed one by one!

"Fox tribe?"

Su Yu frowned!

The two young men also had angry expressions on their faces, while Bai Feng and the others had faces that kept changing!

No wonder you weren’t allowed in before!

It turns out that the creatures inside are not humans, but monsters from all races!

The person who came out had a long tail and a somewhat human face, but it also had some signs of a demon, his ears were fox ears, and there was still some hair on his cheeks that had not faded.

It should be a demon from the fox clan!

The two old men saw that Bai Feng and the others looked unhappy, and they coughed lightly. One of them stood up and said, "I'll send it away. Old Huang, you take charge of the affairs here!"


The old man didn't waste any time and directly grabbed the silent fox. His figure flashed and disappeared in the room.

Seeing that Bai Feng and the others were still silent, the old man called Lao Huang said in a low voice: "Don't think about it. The Myriad Races Academy has opened. The Yuanqi Secret Realm is not an extremely important secret realm. They paid a price, and the academy agreed to let them enter the secret realm..."

Bai Feng snorted, too lazy to say anything.

The long-haired middle-aged man said dissatisfiedly: "What is opened now is the basic secret realm. After some time, maybe even the advanced secret realm will be opened!"

Old Huang said calmly: "It's no use telling me, go and talk to the mayor! Whether you want to go in or not, you can go in now. If you don't want to go in, go back!"

"… "

A few people sighed and said no more.

Bai Feng threw a bottle to Su Yu, didn't want to say anything, waved his hand, and looked a little bored.

They were not too happy when they saw the demon race in the secret realm of the academy.

Su Yu and his companions did not say anything, and walked towards the still open door. At this moment, Su Yu was still thinking about what had just happened.

Demon clan!

It was the first time he had truly seen it!

"The fox tribe... As expected, all the miscellaneous books are lies. Who said the fox tribe is beautiful? They are so ugly!"

Su Yu complained in his heart, how ugly!

There is hair on the face!

Although he only saw it for a while, Su Yu still took note of it. He would no longer believe what was said in those miscellaneous books. All races were ugly. Where did the beauty come from? They were all hairy. Whoever wanted to appreciate it could appreciate it. Anyway, he couldn't appreciate it. She was not as pretty as Wu Lan!