True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 15


Du Miaofu was stunned by his actions, especially when he saw him eating the crumbs from his fingertips, his heart trembled inexplicably.

She hurriedly looked away, but couldn't shake the strangeness in her heart. His intimacy just now flashed in her mind, making it difficult for her to calm down.

Isn't this what lovers do? And where is Qin Yaotang who would do such a gentle manner

However, he did indeed!

She could still feel the heat of his fingers on the corners of her mouth, and the heat spread, making her ears feel faintly hot.

Aware of her panic, Du Miaofu quickly restrained her impetuous mind.

This must be his trick to confuse her, it must be!

Du Miaofu, don't fall for it!

Suppressing her panic, she told herself, don't be easily affected by Qin Yaotang's every move, this person is too dangerous, she must be careful!

Clenching her fist, Du Miaofu warned herself hard, but she didn't know that a pair of black eyes could see all her expressions.

His deep eyes flashed lightly, and the corners of his beautiful lips twitched softly.

Chapter Four

Xiangcheng is a city near the sea. Although it covers an area not as wide as Wangdu, it is close to the sea and has a port. It has a strong commercial atmosphere, and its prosperity is not inferior to that of Wangdu.

In Xiangcheng, you can see all kinds of people, such as the Yi people who sell wine, the Japanese people who are good at iron, and businessmen from other countries.

Xiangcheng can be said to be a city where trade enters and exits. Even the buildings are full of exotic flavors. Foreigners whose hair color and eyeballs are different from those of Shengyuan people buy and sell in Xiangcheng, or barter to find business opportunities.

Also because it is close to the sea, the air in Xiangcheng has the salty taste of the sea, and the food is also famous for seafood. Various ethnic groups have complicated exchanges, and each ethnic group likes different dishes. Therefore, all kinds of exotic food can be enjoyed in Xiangcheng.

When walking in the streets of Xiangcheng, you have to be careful of passers-by, because there are many thieves in Xiangcheng, and the money bags are often taken away if you are not careful. Xiangcheng, where dragons and snakes are mixed, seems to be prosperous and lively, but under the prosperity, there are many dangers lurking.

In addition to the embroidery workshop, the Pei family also has two restaurants in Xiangcheng, namely the Yuyan Building and the Wenxiang Pavilion. The difference between the two is that the decoration of the Jade Banquet Building is gorgeous and luxurious. The simplest fried bean sprouts is worth 10 taels of silver, which is a month’s cost for ordinary people. The people cannot afford it.

The Wenxiang Pavilion is different from the richness of the Jade Banquet Building. The Wenxiang Pavilion, which is located near the east port, is built with blue and white stones. It is not only simple and elegant, but also the east-facing windowsill can enjoy the sunset scenery. The dishes are rich and affordable, and the taste is not inferior to that of the Jade Banquet Building. It is accessible to ordinary civilians, and it is a favorite place for literati and writers to gather.

Whether it is the Jade Banquet Building or the Wenxiang Pavilion, there are an endless stream of guests every day, and the business is very good, making a lot of money for the Pei family.

And the person who proposed the management of two different classes of restaurants was Qin Yaotang. Father Pei greatly praised this proposal, and compared with his own son who had nothing to do, Father Pei couldn't help shaking his head.

Not only Pei's father, but all the stewards of the Pei family were convinced by Qin Yaotang, and believed that Qin Yaotang was the next master of the Pei family, and she, the authentic young master of the Pei family, was completely ignored.

Du Miaofu didn't have any resentful thoughts, but just quietly followed Qin Yaotang, listening to Qin Yaotang and the stewards discussing matters, while she yawned boredly.

"Brother Qing, what do you think?" Qin Yaotang suddenly looked at her, and all the stewards also turned their attention to Du Miaofu, who was covering her mouth and yawning, tears squeezing out of the corners of her eyes.

Du Miaofu froze, not surprised to see that the stewards frowned slightly, and contempt flashed in their eyes.

The surname Qin must have done it on purpose!

Du Miaofu put down her hand without feeling ashamed. She waved her folding fan and smiled elegantly at everyone, but her mind turned quickly, thinking about the content of their conversation just now, she seemed to remember...

"The idea of opening another embroidery workshop in Xiangcheng is a good idea, but good embroiderers are hard to find, and it takes a lot of time to cultivate them. Besides, rare things are expensive. Rather than producing more of the same clothes, it is better to sell them in limited quantities. ”

Du Miaofu paused, seeing the slightly surprised expressions of the stewards, she played with the folding fan and smiled.

"The thing that women fear the most is not only fading away and loving relaxation, but also bumping into people's clothes. Also, what women hate most is not being able to buy beautiful and limited-edition things."