True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 18


Her mind was always unable to hide from his eyes, and she was stared at tightly. He seemed to have seen through her and was ready to uncover all her secrets.

If he knew that she was a ghost who had traveled to this time and space, it was not Pei Shaoqing at all... Du Miaofu shook violently.

She couldn't imagine her fate, she just felt dangerous! Danger! Danger! Bean, bean, net.

no! She can't stay in this place anymore, otherwise she will be forced to tell everything sooner or later, and she will be on guard every day, making her mental strength gradually exhausted.

If it goes on like this, she will collapse sooner or later... Du Miaofu bit her lip and looked at the sky outside the window. At this time it is night, and Xiangcheng is different from other places. There is a busy market at night, and all kinds of small vendors will come out. Therefore, Xiangcheng at night is very lively.

Qin Yaotang went to socialize with several businessmen who cooperated with him. The place was the famous Huamanlou in Xiangcheng. This kind of fireworks place is not suitable for women. This is what Qin Yaotang said. So she was left behind, and Qin Yaotang went to the appointment alone.

She remembered that when she was dining on the second floor just now, she heard the guests chatting outside the bamboo curtain. They seemed to say that a merchant ship would set sail at night...

Du Miaofu quickly got up and hurriedly packed her things. She didn't have much money on her body. Looking left and right, she put all the valuable things in the room into the bag.

She didn't forget to run to Qin Yaotang's room, even searched his belongings, and made sure that all the valuables were taken away, so she slipped out of the room with the big round baggage, avoiding the second and the shopkeeper, and escaped from the Jade Banquet Building.

Knowing that there are many thieves in Xiangcheng, and she has a lot of luggage, she has to carefully hold the luggage and run towards the port.

No matter where the merchant ship is going, run away from Qin Yaotang first!


The cool autumn wind is blowing, the red curtains are fluttering, the famous flowers in Xiangcheng are scattered with the fragrance of powder, and the melodious silk and bamboo are the temptation of ambiguous.

Qin Yaotang has never been interested in this kind of fireworks place, but men love to come to this kind of place to have fun, and although he doesn't like it, he doesn't reject it.

After all, it is easiest to negotiate a business when the wine is hot.

Looking at the men who were joking and drinking with their arms around the girl, Qin Yaotang's face was cold. These people are all businessmen with whom the Pei family has cooperated for a long time. Most of them are drunk, and some have taken the girl to open a room.

Look at the time, wait another half an hour and you can leave.

I wonder what Pei Shaoqing is doing in the teahouse at the moment? Thinking of that interesting person, the indifferent black eyes suddenly smiled.

The kiss during the day was an accident. He didn't expect to kiss her, but she suddenly raised her head, her eyes widened like a frightened little mouse, and when he realized it, he had already kissed her.

Do you regret it? Not that.

This is not the first time he has kissed a woman, a man. When there is always desire, although his desire is not serious, but when it is time to solve it, he will not wrong himself.

Her lips were softer than the woman he had kissed, and even trembled slightly, and there was still a delicate fragrance of tea in her small mouth. When he intensified the kiss, he heard her gasping for breath, and then his round eyes gradually lost his mind. Forgot to even breathe.

If it wasn't for him to wake her up, she would have suffocated long ago!

He knew she was frightened, the panic and panic in her eyes pleased him, and the blushing little face was so cute that he wanted to laugh.

Yes, cute—I didn't expect that one day he would use this word on Pei Shaoqing, or should I say, Pei Shaoqing would get into his eyes.

He was originally not worth seeing, but now it stirs his mind, and his agile appearance attracts his eyes and makes him want to move.

He has always been a cold-hearted person, and nothing can stop his gaze.

Being good to Pei's family is because Uncle Pei is kind to him, and he will leave after the kindness that should be repaid.

Therefore, he did not allow the existence of people who would endanger the Pei family. The changed Pei Shaoqing caused him doubts. With the same appearance, he knew that this person was definitely not Pei Shaoqing.

There must be something wrong, but he can't find the key point for the time being.

Originally, he thought that when he found out about Pei Shaoqing's secret, if it was harmful, he would get rid of her, but now... he lowered his eyes and drank the liquor.

The slightly spicy Fuliang wine made him bend his lips. Fuliang wine is a specialty wine of Xiangcheng. This wine reminded him of Pei Shaoqing's warm eyebrows but extremely stubborn personality, which made people fall into their minds once they saw it.