True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 20



The stared little mouse lost her freedom, and the abominable villain not only sent someone to watch her outside the door, but also…

Du Miaofu bit her lip angrily, she hid under the quilt, she was naked and naked like a newborn baby.

All her clothes were taken by Qin Yaotang. In order to prevent her from escaping Ji, she could not wear clothes during his absence.

This pervert!

Du Miaofu blushed with anger, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't escape naked, so she could only be locked in the room and couldn't move.

But she was unwilling to keep her hands tied like this, although the last time she couldn't sneak away made her feel lingering fears.

Thinking of Qin Yaotang's punishment method, his ears could not help burning.

That pervert!

Thinking of this, Du Miaofu was indescribably annoyed and felt that she was really useless, but she couldn't escape Qin Yaotang's oppression.

It's not that she didn't think about escaping, but she couldn't find a chance, and if Qin Yaotang caught her again... She couldn't help shivering.

His angry appearance was terrifying, if he was caught again, she would surely die miserably!

If you want to escape, you must succeed once!

They have lived in Xiangcheng for three months. Qin Yaotang plans to stay for another month. After finishing the affairs of Xiangcheng, they will leave for the capital. Actually, there are not many things in Xiangcheng, but Qin Yaotang does not plan to return to Pei so soon. Home, really returning to Pei's house will only help Pei Shaoqing hide from him.